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Departments wishing to invite a visiting professor are to request this through the dean to the provost. In the case of an international visitor, Human Resources should be involved in arrangements at an early stage for visa and work permit considerations. Final arrangements for visiting faculty are approved by the provost. See also policy # 2:782.



Andrews University periodically grants academic honors and awards to qualified persons. The Council on University Honors and Awards, makes appropriate nominations to the president. Its composition, work. and sub-committees are described in policy #1:601:7.

The academic honors and awards that Andrews University grants fall into the following groupings:

  1. Honorary Doctoral Degrees
  2. Medallions and Citations
  3. Faculty Awards (Teaching, Research, and Advising)
  4. The naming of Buildings/Facilities in honor of persons
  5. Staff Awards

The procedural and selection criteria for the respective honors and awards are described below.

Honorary Doctoral Degrees  2:485:1

Honorary doctoral degree candidates are recommended to the president by the General Faculty upon receiving nominations from the Council on University Honors and Awards.

Criteria 2:485:1:1

The Andrews University Honorary Doctoral Degree recognizes merit and excellence, and is bestowed on persons who in the judgment of the faculty deserve their meritorious contributions publicly acknowledged.

Honorary degrees are awarded to individuals who have made a particularly outstanding intellectual contribution (regardless of whether they have earned degrees) internationally, nationally, or denominationally over an extended period of time. Individuals are recognized who endorse and reinforce the mission, aspirations and ideals of Andrews University, in the fields of education, scholarship or in service to church or society, and individuals who in a significant way have supported some worthy cause with their resources, influence, or talents. The university, therefore, uses the following general criteria when selecting candidates for honorary doctoral degrees:

Scholarship contributions; cultural contributions; notable public service; achievements exhibiting large intellectual powers; outstanding expression of the high ideals of Christian character and service; and philanthropy. Finally, the University must be satisfied that the recipient possesses recognized integrity and has contributed signally to the Bonum Commune Communitatis and that the award will bring honor to both the individual and the university.

Range of Honorary Degrees Granted 2:485:1:2

Andrews University shall grant the following Honorary Doctoral Degrees:

  • Doctor of Divinity (D.D.): For distinguished and influential church leadership in administration, writing, or preaching at the national or international level. Denotes excellence in the areas of theology/divinity.
  • Doctor of Fine Arts (D.F.A.): For creative, original contributions receiving wide recognition in the fields of architecture, design, painting, sculpture, and related fields.
  • Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.): For scholarly achievement in writing in the humanities, liberal arts, library science and liberal arts education, and also for unusual service to society in public health, social work, nursing, and international development.
  • Doctor of Laws (L.L.D.): For distinguished leadership in administration and public service in business, education, finance, government, law, public administration, and public life.
  • Doctor of Letters (Litt.D.): For a significant body of creative literature and writing, although not confined to literature in the narrow sense of that word.
  • Doctor of Music (D.Mus.): For composition, theory, or music performance of rare and lasting importance.
  • Doctor of Pedagogy (Ped.D.): For service in education especially as an honored teacher or achievement in professional education.
  • Doctor of Science (D.Sc.): For demonstrated investigative achievement in the natural or physical sciences or major contributions to medical science, engineering, and/or agricultural science.
  • Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.): For notable achievement in business, business administration, economics and accounting.
Number of Honorary Degrees per Year 2:485:1:3

While Andrews University is not obligated to award honorary degrees every year, it normally awards one (1) and sometimes two (2) honorary degrees per commencement service. It observes a limit of annual degrees to be one (1) percent average annual number of earned degrees over the previous five (5) years.

Approval of Candidates and Honorary Degrees 2:485:1:4

Nominations presented to the Council on University Honors and Awards (policy #1:601:7) for review must specify the degree suggested and be supported by a dossier on the nominee. A recommendation to the president requires the majority affirmative vote of a quorum of the Council before the president presents the name to the General Faculty.

Nominations are recommended by the General Faculty as a result of a majority affirmative vote taken by postal or electronic ballot. The president confers the honorary doctoral degree at a regular commencement exercise. Honorary doctoral degrees are not granted in absentia.

Medallions and Citations  2:485:2

Andrews University also recognizes the significant contributions of individuals by awarding the John Nevins Andrews medallion, the alumni medallion, or an official citation. The Council on University Honors and Awards in collaboration with the Alumni Board where appropriate, makes recommendations after appropriate research, with a majority vote on the names of suitable candidates and the specific honor proposed.

The Council may recommend individuals as worthy of the presidential medallion, but the decision is the prerogative of the president.

Recipients of medallions and citations are listed annually in the appropriate commencement bulletin. Appropriate publicity to denominational and local media is provided by the Office of Integrated Marketing and Communication.

John Nevins Andrews Medallion 2:485:2:1

The John Nevins Andrews Medallion recognizes significant achievement in the advancement of knowledge and education by Seventh-day Adventist teachers, scholars, writers, and administrators who exemplify the spirit and service of the pioneer Seventh-day Adventist scholar after whom the medallion is named.

The award is made on the basis of excellence in teaching, significant published research, creative work in fine arts and/or humanities as well as excellence in contributions made to the advancement of knowledge and education through positions held, influence exerted, or support given to the educational enterprise.

The John Nevins Andrews Medallion is generally reserved primarily for faculty members, alumni, or others who may have a special relationship to the university.

The presentation of the medallion and a typed citation shall be made to the candidate by the president of the university, or designee, at an appropriate time.

The University President’s Medallion 2:485:2:2

The President’s Medallion for Andrews University is awarded to any individual who has excelled in any area of service to society, the university, or the church on the national or international level and/or is seen as a successful champion or philanthropic supporter of a cause or causes that the University views as congruent with its own mission.. The following three areas are represented in the design of the President’s Medallion.

A Bridge-building: International Relations; Cross-cultural Endeavors; Diplomacy; Endeavors for Justice, Equity and Pace; Leadership.
B Compassion: Philanthropy; Humanitarianism
C Enablement: Missionary service; Creativity; Promotion of Christian Education; Cultural Enrichment; Student Life

The presentation of the President’s Medallion and citation is made to the candidate by the president of the university, or designee, at an appropriate time.

The Alumni Medallion 2:485:2:3

The Alumni Medallion is given each year to selected alumni on the basis of outstanding service to the University, unusual achievement in a profession or occupation, and contributions to the community or church. The medallion is presented to recipients during Alumni Homecoming weekend by the director or designee of the Alumni Association.

Any member of the Alumni Association may nominate candidates for the award, providing information supporting the nomination.. In most instances, these awards are given to graduates of Andrews University selected from the honored classes each year.

Citations 2:485:2:4

Citations are the university’s enumeration of the contributions of an individual read from a scroll, plaque, or printed page at an appropriate convocation or occasion by the president of the university or designee.

Citations are awarded to persons whose contributions in service and moral leadership to the university or community have been significant.

Faculty Awards 2:485:2:5

Andrews University makes annual awards to recognize the teaching, research, and advising work of faculty. Nominations for such awards are made to the provost by the appropriate committee or office following approved guidelines. Faculty awards include a citation of achievements and may include a cash stipend.

Daniel A. Augsburger Excellence in Teaching Award 2:485:2:5:1

With more than sixty years of faculty service at Andrews University, Daniel A. Augsburger provided an example of excellence in teaching, student advising and development, collegial encouragement and mentoring. These awards are presented to faculty who, in the judgment of their peers in the respective schools, are recognized in those schools for upholding and continuing the Augsburger tradition.

These awards are made at the annual Faculty-Board Banquet and recognition is also given before the undergraduate student body at a spring Awards Assembly.

Research Creativity Award 2:485:2:5:5

Faculty awards for research and creative efforts are presented for outstanding accomplishments in scholarship and creativity. The Scholarly Research Council selects individuals for these awards according to its guidelines. The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship distributes these awards.

Advising Award 2:485:2:5:6

The Office of Student Success uses appropriate input from students and faculty to select candidates to receive the Faculty Advisor of the Year Award. Recognition is made of these faculty before undergraduate students at a spring Awards Assembly,

Naming of Buildings/Facilities in Honor of Persons 2:485:2:7

In the naming of buildings, special rooms and campus areas, Andrews University seeks to recognize persons and organizations who have enhanced the mission and objectives of Andrews University by their philanthropy or professional service and personal contributions to society and the University.

A subcommittee of the Honors and Awards Council, is constituted as the Naming University Facilities Subcommittee to review and make recommendations on nominations for naming of university physical facilities (see policy #1:735). This sub-committee shall make its recommendations to the Council on University Honors and Awards.