Feb 12, 2025  

Undergraduate Financial Assistance

Academic Scholarships Funded by Andrews University

The Andrews Partnership Scholarship reflects the university’s desire to recognize academic achievement as well as assist students in achieving a degree in a Christian environment at Andrews University.

Andrews Partnership Scholarship

The Andrews Partnership Scholarship is available to accepted undergraduates including Canadian and international students. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will determine the scholarship amounts for incoming freshmen and transfer students. To establish the scholarship amount, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will determine a rating based on the following guidelines:

FTIACS (defined below)

  • Confirmed U.S. SAT or ACT scores (Test must be taken by July 15)
  • Confirmed U.S. cumulative GPA (following the conclusion of the sixth semester for academy or high school)

Transfer Students (defined below)

  • Confirmed cumulative college GPA

Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for further details.

FTIAC (First Time In Any College)
Andrews Partnership Scholarships are merit scholarships awarded to students who have taken fewer than 25 college semester credits after graduating from high school. The award amounts are based upon a combination of cumulative high school GPA and ACT or SAT and can be calculated at the website www.andrews.edu/aps. The award levels are as follows:

Scholarship 4-Year Total
$10,000 $40,000
$7,500 $30,000
$5,000 $20,000
$2,500 $10,000

Special Andrews Partnership Scholarship for FTIAC (First Time In Any College) Students
In addition to the Andrews Partnership Scholarship (based upon the combination of high school cumulative GPA and ACT/SAT scores) freshmen are eligible for an additional annual $2,000 special APS for either (only one) of the following categories:

  1. ACT composite of 32 to 36
  2. SAT Critical Reading + Mathematics combination score of 1400 to 1600 (Writing score not included)
  3. National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar

Note: Continuing eligibility and time frames for this scholarship are the same as for the regular APS. Transfer students do not qualify for the additional APS for ACT or SAT scores since their APS is based upon their transfer cumulative college GPA. However, transfer students can qualify for the additional APS if they are a National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar. Students qualifying for the National Merit Finalist Scholarship or the National Achievement Finalist Scholarship are not eligible for this additional APS. All tests must be taken by July 15 to be evaluated to raise their APS.

“Four in Four” Scholarship
Freshmen entering college for the first time full time will be awarded $1,000 on top of their APS amount.  This amount will be credited for the fall term.  This award is renewable for up to three additional years if a student completes successfully 30+ credits (Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Summer 2015 for the first cycle and so on). Credits from remedial courses can be included only for the first renewal.  All credits must be from Andrews University courses to count toward this award.  The renewal $1,000 will be split in two $500 amounts for the subsequent fall and winter terms.  Students already receiving the National Merit Scholarship are not eligible.

“Be the Salt” Scholarship
Students who are elected to the high school leadership positions listed below are eligible for up to 12 “Seize the Summer” credits starting the summer after the completion of their Freshman year at Andrews University and concluding the summer prior to graduating with their undergraduate degree.  Students must finish the courses within the summer term frames.  This program will be in place as long as the “Seize the Summer” program continues.  Fulfillment of the leadership position must be verified by the high school principal or designee.  Students will pay for the registration fee and any other non-tuition fees.

  • President or Vice President of:  Student Association, Senior Class, or Junior Class
  • Editor of School:  Newspaper or Yearbook
  • Senior Class:  Valedictorian or Salutatorian
  • National Merit/Achievement/Hispanic Recognition Scholar:  Finalist or Semi-finalist

Transfer Students (transferring 25 or more semester credits taken after graduating from high school) to Andrews University who are full-time undergraduates and in their first degree program may be eligible for an Andrews Partnership Scholarship. Based on their incoming cumulative college GPA, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will grant an Andrews Partnership Scholarship according to the following:

GPA Scholarship Amount
        3.50 and higher $9,000
  3.00 to 3.49 $6,500
  2.50 to 2.99 $4,000
Below 2.50 $2,000

Named Scholarships
Endowments and other restricted scholarship funds from alumni and friends of the university provide specially named scholarships as part of the Andrews Partnership Scholarship. Selected students are awarded, by their school, a named scholarship based on academic performance, declared major, and career goals. Because of this special recognition a thank-you letter is required to be submitted electronically to the Office of Development through finVue (can be found under the requirements section). Receipt of a named scholarship will not increase the total amount of financial aid awarded if an Andrews Partnership Scholarship was already given.

Student Missionary/Taskforce Volunteer Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student who has served as a Student Missionary or Taskforce Volunteer and enrolls full-time at Andrews University the year following the year of service. The $1,500 scholarship is a one-year award divided over two semesters. It is not transferable to any other school nor any other student. Approval for this scholarship is given by the University Chaplain from the Office of Campus Ministries. This scholarship is not part of the Andrews Partnership Scholarship.

Summer Ministries Scholarship Program
Summer camp scholarship will be based on $175 per week for a maximum of $2,275. Summer camps that pay minimum wage or higher are not eligible for this scholarship. Student Financial Services will determine the amount of the scholarship based on the information received from camp directors in time for financial clearance.

Magabooks and HHES are matched 50% of the net earnings. The entire net earnings must be placed onto the student’s account at Andrews University before the scholarship is given. The scholarship cap is $2,500.

Summer scholarships for Andrews University Field Evangelism and Church/Conference outreach programs are matched 100% based on the information given to Student Financial Services from each organization. The entire scholarship must be placed onto the student’s account at Andrews University. The scholarship cap is $1,500.

All summer scholarships are awarded to full-time graduate and undergraduate students attending the Berrien Springs campus and require full-time service. The scholarship closing date for consideration is October 31 of the current academic year.

If a student attends Adventist Colleges Abroad, Student Missionary or Task Force that fall, their scholarship will be held until the following year and funds disbursed the next fall semester. If they also work in a summer ministries program that year, the scholarship would be given the following fall semester.

Included and Excluded Funds
Funding for Andrews Partnership Scholarships may include Andrews University grants, named scholarships, and departmental scholarships, as well as the value of spouse free tuition. Funds not included in the Andrews Partnership Scholarship are Summer Ministries, Student Missionary/Taskforce, General Conference Missionary Matching, Undergraduate Research grants, the DeHaan Work Excellence Award, employer-provided scholarship or assistance, music performance, and non-Andrews outside resources.

Continuing Eligibility
To retain the Andrews Partnership Scholarship each student must meet all of the following:

  • The university’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy
  • Complete a four-year degree in ten semesters or get permission for an APS extension from the associate vice president for Enrollment Management. Students are allowed terms of prorated APS for less-than-full-time attendance (minimum 6 full-price credits, i.e. half time; handled manually upon written request to Student Financial Services). A prorated term counts as one complete term of the ten Andrews Partnership Scholarship terms allowed. 9–11 credits=75% APS; 6–8 credits=50% APS.
  • Be a full-time (minimum 12 credit hours) undergraduate completing his/her first degree on the Berrien Springs campus
  • Be a full-time (minimum 12 credit hours) student on the Andrews University main campus. Twelve Andrews undergraduate correspondence credits, 12 ELI non-credits, May Express, Sahmyook Top Scholar, and other discounted credits, do not qualify as full-time eligibility for  the Andrews Partnership Scholarship.

Summer Enrollment
An Andrews Partnership Scholarship recipient may request the Andrews Partnership Scholarship during the summer term if all of the requirements are met. The summer term will count as one of the 10 semesters for which the Andrews Partnership Scholarship may be available. Usually the only aid available for summer is a student loan.

National Merit/National Achievement Finalist Scholarship
Andrews University rewards National Merit and National Achievement Finalists a special Andrews Partnership Scholarship that covers 100% tuition for four years for incoming freshmen with a cap of 144 credits and limited to a degree. To confirm receipt of the scholarship, submit appropriate records to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Students already receiving the Four in Four Scholarship are not eligible.  Gift aid is:

  1. All gift aid received by the awardee, including a university scholarship or grant, cannot exceed the cost of full tuition. All gift aid is added in the following order: external scholarships, merit aid, and then need-based aid. Should the external scholarships and merit-aid portions exceed the cost of tuition per semester, then books, general fee, required course fees and the minimum costs of room and board may be included in the calculation. Gift aid, for the purpose of this policy, is defined as
    1. Any Andrews funds such as, but not limited to Andrews Gift, named scholarships, or honors scholarships.
    2. Any external aid received by the student for the purpose of school-related expenses such as, but not limited to, State grants, Federal grants, private scholarship grants, or denominational educational allowance.
  2. No cash amount is paid directly to the student, nor may any funds be transferred to any other student’s account. Tours are not included.
  3. The length of the National Merit and National Achievement Finalist Andrews Partnership Scholarship is nine (9) semesters with a cap of 144 credits and limited to a degree. 
  4. All National Merit and National Achievement Finalist Andrews Partnership Scholarships may be renewed yearly if students maintain a 3.25 Andrews cumulative GPA.
  5. Transfer National Merit and National Achievement Finalists are eligible to receive the scholarship according to the general scholarship rules plus the following additional rules:
    1. The scholar enters the scholarship program at his/her appropriate grade level. In no case is a transfer scholar eligible for a full four-year scholarship.
    2. The student must meet the GPA requirements as outlined in #5 above at his/her appropriate grade level.

Andrews Gift Aid
In addition to the Andrews Partnership Scholarship, Andrews University makes Andrews Gift monies available to help satisfy the student’s need as determined by the financial aid information. To be eligible for Andrews Gift aid, students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), www.fafsa.ed.gov. To complete your financial aid award, you will need to submit the AU Financial Information Sheet and any other documents required for verification by the Student Financial Services Office. If you did not or could not use the IRS data retrieval tool on the FAFSA, we will need an IRS Tax Return Transcript. You can print one at www.irs.gov (select “Tools”).  The priority processing date is March 1. No electronic award letter will be prepared until Student Financial Services receives and processes these forms. Andrews Gift will be recalculated if outside resources are received after initial awarding.

Many of the financial aid programs presented in this bulletin are governed by Federal and State regulations. Every attempt has been made to be accurate in the program description at the time of printing. Changes, however, may be made over which the university has no control.

Defining Financial Need

When figuring eligibility for financial aid, need is determined by the following Financial Aid Formula: Cost of Attendance - Expected Family Contribution = Need

Cost of Attendance refers to the amount it costs to attend Andrews. This cost includes tuition, estimated cost of books, general fee, room and board, personal and travel allowances.

Expected Family Contribution is determined by taking financial information provided by the student on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and calculating a result.

Educational Need is the difference between cost of attendance and expected family contribution.  Need-based aid comes from Federal, State, and/or institutional funds.

General Information

FERPA. Andrews University follows the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act guidelines.

Financial Aid Documents. To find required documents visit www.andrews.edu/sf.

To complete your financial aid award, you will need to submit the Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification. If you did not or could not use the IRS data retrieval tool on the FAFSA, we will need an IRS Return Transcript. You can print one at www.irs.gov (select “Tools”).  No award letter will be prepared until Student Financial Services receives and processes these forms. Priority processing date is March 1.

The United States Department of Education selects some students for whom the school must verify the information submitted on their FAFSAs.

When to do the FAFSA. Students can file the FAFSA online after January 1 and sign electronically with the student’s pin number.  The Federal office will process aid eligibility only after receiving an electronic signature.

School Name and Federal School Code. The FAFSA must include the name(s) of the college(s) to which the student is applying. Andrews University’s Federal School code is 002238.

Federal, State, and Institutional Financial Aid. The information on Federal and State-based aid is in accordance with regulations and funding information available at the time this bulletin goes to press. Actual awards depend on Federal and State regulations and funding at the time aid is disbursed.

Aid money is credited to the student account each semester. Any change required in the student’s verification process (check to be sure what was entered on the FAFSA matches what was entered on the verification forms) can change the financial aid award.

Master Promissory Note (MPN). Andrews University follows Federal guidelines for Master Promissory Notes. Students sign electronically a loan note only once indicating their intent to use loans to pay their tuition expenses and their commitment to repay the loans after graduation. Once electronically signed, the loan note remains active for ten years (unless it is canceled by the student). Andrews University uses an in-house loan-request form for students to indicate which loans and how much loan eligibility they will use each year.

Funding Limitations. Should university aid funds become over-committed, Andrews University reserves the right to reduce all previously granted awards, to discontinue making further awards, and/or to use other appropriate methods to bring aid expenditures into agreement with budgeted aid figures.

Financial Aid Eligibility. To be eligible for financial aid, a student must be:

  • Accepted on regular, provisional, or probationary status (guest student status is not recognized for aid purposes).
  • Enrolled in a program of study leading toward a degree or a certificate.
  • Registered for at least one-half of a full class load each semester.

A full class load is usually required for institutional aid.

Citizenship Requirements for Federal and State Aid.

  1. A U.S. citizen or national.
  2. A U.S. permanent resident.
  3. Citizens of the Freely Associated States: the Federated States of Micronesia and the republics of Palau and the Marshall Islands. Eligible only for Pell Grant.
  4. Other eligible non-citizens.
  5. Only students who meet the Michigan residency requirements and filing dates will be eligible for Michigan aid consideration.

Non-citizen Eligibility. An eligible non-citizen is a student whose status matches one of the following:

  1. A U.S. permanent resident who has a “green card” (I-151, I-551).
  2. A person who has an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) showing one of the following designations: “Refugee,” “Asylee,” “Parole,” “Cuban-Haitian Entrant, Status Pending,” [“Conditional Entrant” (valid only if issued before April 1, 1980)]. They may also have a Refugee Travel Document (Form I-571).
  3. Victims of human trafficking will have a letter from Health and Human Services or a T-visa. Battered immigrants under the Violence Against Women Act will have an I-797 form or a court order from an immigration judge.
  4. Persons with a passport with an Arrival/Departure Record (I-94) stamped with the following endorsement: “Processed for I-551. Temporary Evidence of Lawful Admission for Permanent Residence. Valid until _________, Employment Authorized” with an A-number and valid date. 
  5. Persons with an unexpired foreign passport containing a machine readable immigrant visa (MRIV) in the passport, with a Customs and Border Protection inspector admission stamp and the statement “UPON ENDORSEMENT SERVES AS TEMPORARY I-551 EVIDENCING PERMANENT RESIDENCE FOR 1 YEAR.” The MRIV must be in an unexpired foreign passport, endorsed, and is valid for one year from the date on the endorsement stamp.
  6. Persons with a U.S. Travel Document (I-327) or Refugee Travel Document (I-571) annotated with “Permit to Re-enter Form I-327.”
  7. Persons with at least 50% Native American blood born in Canada.  They may need to provide proof of both qualifications.

Note: This documentation is acceptable as long as the expiration date has not passed.

Students who have only a Notice of Approval to Apply for Permanent Residence (I-171 or I-464A), students who are in the United States on an F1 or F2 student visa only, or students on a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa only cannot receive Federal and State aid. Also, persons with G series visas (pertaining to international organizations) are not eligible for Federal and State aid.

Class Loads and Financial Aid. Aid is awarded for an entire academic year (two semesters) and is based on full-time enrollment. The summer session usually is not part of the regular academic year. Students do not receive aid during non-enrollment periods. Most aid programs require students to be enrolled at least half-time. Students who enroll with a half-time class load may receive a maximum of 50% of the full-time award. Three-fourths time enrollment permits students to receive a maximum of 75% of the full-time award. Students who change their course load during a given semester should read the Financial Aid Refund Policy.

The student’s continued eligibility for financial aid is also based on his/her academic progress as described in the following chart:

Credit Hours for Class Loads
Program/Level Full-load 3/4 Load Half-load
Undergraduate 12+ 9-11 6-8
Physical Therapy 12+ 9-11 6-8
Graduate School and Seminary 8+ 6-7 4-5
MDiv 9+ 6.75-8 4.5-6.74

Cost of Attendance Limitations. The maximum award a student can receive is regulated by Federal and State regulations. The university is required to ensure that the combined financial resources available to students from Federal and non-Federal sources do not exceed documented educational need. These sources include but are not limited to:

  • Federal Perkins Loan Program
  • William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (formerly the Federal Stafford Loan Program—and hereafter referred to as the Federal Direct Loan)
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplementary Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Tuition and fee waivers
  • Andrews Partnership Scholarship
  • Andrews Gift
  • Scholarships or grants from parent’s employer
  • State grant and scholarship
  • Any grant or scholarship from any source
  • Federal work-study earnings

Student Financial Services monitors all aid and is required to adjust awards to conform to Federal, State, and institutional regulations.

Special Circumstances. Under certain situations, the United States Department of Education permits a school’s financial aid office to make adjustments to the parent’s or student’s analysis information (provided on the FAFSA at the time of application). The adjustments permitted take into account changes in the family’s financial situation that occurred since the FAFSA was completed. These special situations include, but are not limited to:

  • Loss of employment
  • Loss of untaxed income
  • Separation or divorce
  • Death of a parent
  • Illness or excessive out-of-pocket medical expenses
  • Tuition paid by parents for student siblings in elementary or secondary school

Students who have completed their financial aid process and later experience one of these special situations should ask their financial advisor to review their aid eligibility. To request this financial aid eligibility review, the independent student or the parent of a dependent student must provide a signed request, with proof of change. Proof may include such documents as a death certificate, employer discharge letter, or last paycheck stub.  When requesting a review, emphasis should be placed on information that was not available originally to the Student Financial Services Office. Anticipated changes are not grounds for a review. After reviewing the information submitted, Student Financial Services may require additional documentation.

Unfortunately, not all circumstances that are considered special by parents and students are permissible by the federal government. Appeals to the initial determination must be received in writing no later than three weeks after receiving the initial determination. Appeals are reviewed by the vice-presidents for Financial Administration and Enrollment Management together with the director of Student Financial Services. All information regarding financial aid in general and special conditions is treated confidentially.

Priority Dates for Financial Aid Applicants. Students desiring financial aid must apply each year and submit the following documents:

  • February 15—The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be filed on-line at www.fafsa.ed.gov indicating Andrews University (school code 002238) as the first college to which the analysis report should be sent.  Students are encouraged to comply with the February 15 priority date to make sure the analysis is received in the Office of Student Financial Services by March 1.
  • March 1—Submit the AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification. If you did not or could not use the IRS data retrieval tool on the FAFSA, we will need an IRS Tax Return Transcript. You can print one at www.irs.gov (select “Tools”).  Priority processing will be given to students with all completed forms turned in by March 1. Students whose forms arrive after March 1 will be processed as their student files are completed. Some funds may be unavailable after March 15.

Financial Aid Refund Policy. This policy covers changes in the amount of financial aid due to the dropping of classes or withdrawal from school.

Students who receive financial aid from state or Federal funds must be aware that any change in the number of credits taken during each semester may affect the amount of financial aid they can receive. A smaller number of credits lessens the amount of aid. The amount of aid hereby forfeited must be returned to the aid fund. Likewise, a complete drop means that aid funds be returned, depending on the date of the complete drop. The rules controlling such refunds to the aid fund(s) are determined by the U.S. Department of Education and are used for all Title IV recipients nationwide.

Federal Title IV Aid Programs. After use of the Federal formula, funds are returned in the following order for students who drop all their classes:

William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan
Federal Perkins
Federal Pell
Federal SEOG
Other Title IV student assistance

State Grants and/or Scholarships. Michigan refunds are calculated using the following two-step formula.

  1. Amount of aid for ÷ Tuition and fees = Percentage enrollment period for same period
  2. Percentage x Tuition and fee = Amount returned adjustment to aid fund

Michigan Residents are defined as dependent students whose parents have resided in Michigan since June of the year before the enrollment year or as independent students who have resided in Michigan since June of the year before the enrollment year.

Pennsylvania, Vermont, Rhode Island, and other States. Determine grant eligibility following each State’s applicable guidelines.

External Grants and/or Scholarships. Aid is returned to donor organizations according to each organization’s own guidelines. Non-Title IV funds include:

State Grant/Scholarship
External Scholarships/Grants
Educational Allowance/Discounts

Adjustments to Andrews University Funds. To figure the amount of adjustment, use the following two-step formula.

  1. Amount of aid for ÷ Tuition and fees = Percentage enrollment period for same period
  2. Percentage x Tuition and fee = Amount returned adjustment to aid fund

Appeal Procedure. Students who think their needs have not been adequately met may follow this appeal procedure:

  1. Students present all relevant facts for another evaluation to the Director of Student Financial Services.
  2. Students wanting further consideration may appeal to the following administrators in order:
    1. The academic dean of the school/college in which the student is enrolled.
    2. The Vice President for Enrollment Management.
    3. The Vice President for Financial Administration.

All appeal decisions, of course, must conform to State and Federal government regulations.

Federal Perkins Loan Program

Students who are no longer enrolled, have not paid on a Federal Perkins Loan obtained at Andrews University and request their academic transcripts must contact the Perkins Loan Collection Office for more information. This office is part of Student Financial Services on campus and can be contacted by calling 269-471-6271.

Work Study Program

Students employed under the Federal Work Study (FWS) program receive their entire paycheck. Earnings are paid both by Andrews University and the Federal government. Students must do everything necessary to reach the work earnings that are estimated in their award. Otherwise they must be prepared to pay the difference from personal or parental resources.

Federal Work Study (FWS). To be eligible for assistance under the Federal Work Study program, students must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum overall GPA of 2.00. This program parallels the student labor program of the university. Eligibility for this program is determined through the standard financial aid application process. Students working under the Federal Work Study Program must be U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward the completion of their associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degrees to qualify for financial aid. All students who receive assistance from a financial aid program that requires Satisfactory Academic Progress must follow the university’s financial aid policy. The financial aid recipients’ past academic work at Andrews University is reviewed regularly and must meet the standards of the Satisfactory Academic Progress policies noted below.

SAP Policy for Undergraduate Students with Financial Aid

The Satisfactory Academic Progress policy requires undergraduate students to maintain the following minimum standards:

  • Full-time students must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours and must complete a minimum of 8
  • Half-time students must register for a minimum of 6 credit hours and complete a minimum of 4

Students must complete at least 66.67% of the number of credits with a passing grade regardless of their enrollment status (full-time or half-time). Student Financial Services confirms that the student has met this requirement at the beginning of the student’s new enrollment period. The student may attempt up to one and a half the number of credits required for their degree, over a six-year time frame. Credit grades include A, B, C, and D. Non-credit grades include withdrawal after drop-add date, audit, incomplete, failing, and non-credit.

Grade-Point Average (GPA) Required. To make satisfactory academic progress, students must maintain an Andrews overall GPA at or above the minimum levels listed below according to the number of semesters completed at Andrews University.

Semesters at AU Minimum AU GPA
1 1.50
2 2.00

Students who do not meet the SAP policy at the beginning of the school year are observed on a semester basis. Changes in GPA due to completion of “incomplete” or “deferred” grades or changes made for any other reason are considered when aid eligibility is reviewed at the next regular monitoring time.

At the beginning of each school year, students are placed into one of the following categories on the basis of the previous year’s academic performance:

Satisfactory Progress. Students who meet all regulations outlined in the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and new students beginning their academic work at Andrews University with the minimum GPA required for regular acceptance qualify as making SAP.

Financial Aid Warning. Students who fail to meet all regulations outlined in the SAP policy receive a Financial Aid Warning for one semester. During the Financial Aid Warning semester, students are eligible to receive financial aid as awarded. Academic Performance during this semester determines whether financial aid is given in future semesters. If students raise their overall GPA to the required minimum (see minimum AU GPA table above) and reach the minimum number of successfully completed credit hours required (two thirds of all hours attempted), they are returned to satisfactory progress status. Students who fail to reach the minimum required standards are no longer eligible for financial aid and their aid is ended. Students placed on Financial Aid Warning are encouraged to contact their academic department for assistance in planning for academic success.

Termination of Aid. Financial aid benefits are ended after the Financial Aid Warning semester if the student fails to reestablish a satisfactory overall GPA and/or reach the minimum credits required to be returned to satisfactory progress status. To receive financial aid again, the student must register for classes (at his/her own expense), successfully complete the required number of credit hours, and reach the minimum GPA required to meet the SAP criteria.

Financial Aid Probation Appeal. Students who fail to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and who lose current semester financial aid may appeal such an action. All appeals must be made in writing.  Students must provide Student Financial Services with a copy of their Academic Plan made with their Academic Department.  If an appeal is approved, a student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation.  Students will be re-evaluated at the end of the probationary semester for continued Financial Aid eligibility.     

Repeat Credits. Repeat credits are counted only once as part of the total credits attempted.

Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA)

Eligibility Criteria. Students planning to attend an institution affiliated with Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) may be eligible to obtain Federal and State financial aid under the following conditions:

  1. The student registers at the Andrews University Berrien Springs campus for at least two semesters before attending Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA).
  2. The student must meet Andrews University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.
  3. Aid-eligible students may receive Federal and/or State financial aid only as long as it takes to complete 25% or less of their total degree program (usually the equivalent of two academic semesters). However, students are not eligible for:
    • Federal campus-based aid (Federal Work Study, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant)
    • Andrews University scholarships and grants while attending an ACA campus.

Application Procedures. Students should follow the procedure outlined below to apply for financial aid for enrollment at an ACA college:

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form online at www.fafsa.ed.gov indicating Andrews University as the first college of choice.
  2. Complete your financial aid award, you will need to submit the AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification. If you did not or could not use the IRS data retrieval tool on the FAFSA, we will need an IRS Tax Return Transcript. You can print one at www.irs.gov (select “Tools”).

All students planning to attend an ACA college must meet the University’s March 1 financial aid priority deadline. Students who miss the deadline may experience difficulty in having aid posted to their account when they need it. Students are advised to complete the entire financial aid process before leaving the U.S.

Application Process—ACA Affiliated Colleges. A student planning to enroll at an ACA college should submit an ACA application form to Andrews University Enrollment Services.

A student is accepted only when all the necessary financial aid documents are received and Student Financial Services can process an aid application. The student is informed if he/she is eligible for aid.

When the verification process is complete, Student Financial Services credits the student’s aid award(s) directly to his/her student account at Andrews University. A student applying for the Federal Direct Loan must sign a master promissory note before leaving for the ACA school. When a loan is approved, funds are credited directly to the student’s account at Andrews University.

Student Missionary and Taskforce Worker Academic Credit/Loan Deferral Program

To enable students to participate in the Student Missionary and Taskforce volunteer service programs, especially students who have borrowed funds under the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan or Federal Perkins Loan, Andrews University has a special academic loan deferral program for U.S.-citizen and permanentresident undergraduate students. This program allows student borrowers to remain in loan-deferment status (student loan repayment is postponed) while keeping student status with either
a non-credit continuation course or independent study courses arranged before leaving Andrews. The following guidelines apply:

While away, students may choose either Continuation or Independent Study.

  1. Continuation Study
    1. All Andrews Student Missionary or Taskforce workers must register (before leaving for service) for IDSC296 or IDSC596 Student Missionary/Taskforce Experience for each semester they plan to be away. Students are charged a semester recording fee of $69. Students that have not completed any Andrews credits must pay the recording fee up front. (AU students are students that have applied, been accepted and have an AU ID number.)
    2. Students receive a non-credit continuation entry on their grade for each semester.
    3. During this time financial aid is not available. 
  2. Independent Study, TESOL Certificate, and Preparation for Mission Courses
    1. Students that have completed one term at Andrews are eligible to register for 6 undergraduate credits each semester (a total of 12 credits) at the reduced tuition rate of $44 per credit. Student missionaries are eligible to register for up to 8 credits of mission preparation courses during the summer prior to departure. These courses include: TESOL Certificate Program ENGL435 Topics in Linguisitics: TESOL Certificate, ENGL460, ENGL465 and RELP325 Preparation for Mission Service. (Effective summer 2012.)
    2. In consultation with the appropriate academic dean, students must develop an individualized list of courses for which they register that will apply toward general education requirements, majors, minors, emphases, or electives as approved by the dean.
    3. For each course in which they are registered, students work with a teacher before leaving to identify the course requirements. They must remain in regular contact with the teacher during the time spent off-campus.
    4. Students will receive a deferred grade (DG) for each course. Upon their return from service, students must contact the course teacher and complete all requirements within one semester after the date of return from service. (A suggested list of alternative courses is available from the dean’s office.)

Both categories of students must complete registration for both semesters before leaving the Andrews University campus for Student Missionary or Taskforce services. Financial Aid is not available for students enrolled in this program. A detailed procedure sheet for these programs may be secured from the Office of Campus Ministries.

  1. Non-Andrews students do not register for any classes and work directly with Campus Ministries when requesting deferred payment on student loans.

Loan Deferment Regulations. According to U.S. Department of Education rules governing the Federal Direct Loan Program, students who no longer are enrolled on at least a half-time basis must make their first student-loan payment six months from the last date of enrollment. The time limit for Federal Perkins Loan holders is nine months.

The Student Missionary/Taskforce Experience course is designed so students who are registered will not lose their grace period and will not have to begin repayment of their student loan.

Students Ineligible for Program Benefits. The following students would not need to enroll for Student Missionary Experience classes because they do not need the credits to ensure that their loans remain in deferment:

  • Students currently choosing to make loan payments
  • Students already in a loan deferment
  • Students who have a Canadian Student Loan

Gift Assistance

Honors Audit Program. Honor students may audit a class each semester if they are enrolled for at least 12 regular credits. Honors audit credits are not taken into account when determining a student’s academic progress. Also, honors audit credits do not count for determination of enrollment status for financial aid purposes. The student must complete an Honors Audit form during regular registration. For more information, consult with the Honors office.

Bureau of Indian Affairs. Grants are offered to students who are enrolled members of a federally recognized American Indian tribe and demonstrate financial need. Visit www.bia.gov and click “How do I….” to select your regional contact office.

Veterans’ Education Benefits & Services. The University is approved for certification of students eligible to receive educational assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). Eligibility for VA educational assistance is determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Our regional office is located in St. Louis, Missouri. University services for students who receive educational assistance through the DVA are located in the Administration Building, first floor, Room 121 in the Office of Student Financial Services. Information concerning VA educational assistance ( may be obtained by phone 269- 471-3286, e-mail veterans@andrews.edu, or a visit to the Office of Veterans Services. VA forms used for making application for educational assistance are available at the GI Bill webpage: www.gibill.va.gov. A printed copy of an application submitted online to the VA will be required by the University’s Office of Veterans Services.

It is the responsibility of the student to complete a Veterans Registration form every term to continue receiving G.I. Bill money. The form is available in the Office of Veterans Services. Each term the required Certification of Enrollment (VA Form 22-1999) will be electronically submitted by the University’s Veterans Certififying Official to the VA Regional Processing Office after the last day to add or drop a course. An earlier date for certification may be requested if the veteran feels certain his schedule will not be changed.

Students receiving benefits are expected to attend all classes and to progress satisfactorily toward their objective. Any change of degree program, change with class registration, or withdrawal from school must be reported immediately to the VCO in the Office of Veterans Services. Failure to comply with VA regulations may result in loss of benefits and/or legal action on the part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. If the student does not make satisfactory academic progress and is academically dismissed from the University, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is notified and all veterans’ benefits are ended by the USDVA. If a veteran is academically dismissed from the University but is later readmitted, the VA benefits cannot be resumed until the veteran has met the University requirements for reinstatement.

Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment. The University is approved for enrollment certification of veterans with service-connected disabilities who are eligible to receive Chapter 31, Title 38, U.S.C.. educational assistance from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. University services for veterans are coordinated through the Veterans Certifying Official in the Office of Veterans Services which is located in the Administration Building, first floor, in the Office of Student Financial Services. Information concerning educational assistance and campus procedures may be obtained by phone 269-471-3286, e-mail veterans@andrews.edu, website www.andrews.edu/sf or by visiting the Office of Veterans Services.

The veteran should make contact with the Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Office (28), Detroit Regional Office at 313-471-3800.  Veterans use VA Form 28-1900 to apply for the Chapter 31 benefit. The form is available online at www.gibill.va.gov. Information and instructions are included on the reverse side of the application form. Following receipt of the application in the regional office, VA will make
a determination of eligibility. If the veteran is eligible, VA will schedule an appointment with a Counseling Psychologist (CP) or Rehabilitation Counselor (RC) for an initial evaluation to establish the veteran’s entitlement to vocational rehabilitation. Contractors may be utilized to assist in working with the veteran to gather information needed for the CP or RC to make an entitlement determination. The VRE case manager will provide VA Form 28-1905 Authorization and Certification of Entrance or Reentrance into Rehabilitation and Certification of Status. This form is required for certification of enrollment which will be submitted to the VRE by the University Veterans Program Administrator in the Office of Veterans Services.

If the veteran requires academic accommodations due to a disability, he/she should contact the Student Success Center in Nethery Hall to coordinate the University’s accommodations with those provided by the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Office. Student Success can be contacted at 100 Nethery Hall, success@andrews.edu or 269-471-6096.

It is the responsibility of the student to visit the University’s Office of Veterans Services at the beginning of each term for which the student desires to receive VRE educational assistance. All required paperwork must be completed before the Certification of Enrollment (VA Form 28-1905) will be submitted to the Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Regional Office. Certification will be submitted after the last day to add or drop a course each term. An earlier date for certification may be requested if the veteran feels certain his schedule will not be changed.

A Purchase Request Form that includes VRE purchasing guidelines is available in the Office of Veterans Services. It is required for all purchases at the campus bookstore or computer store. Written approval must be obtained from the VRE case manager for certain purchases. Veterans should plan to make their purchases within thirty (30) days after the first day of classes each term. An invoice for tuition, academic fees, and books/ supplies will be sent to the VRE after that date. Payment will be made to the University and credited to the veterans’s student statement.

Students receiving benefits are expected to attend all classes and to progress satisfactorily toward their objective. Any change of degree program, change with class registration, or withdrawal from school must be reported immediately to the VCO in the Office of Veterans Services. Failure to comply with VA regulations may result in loss of benefits and/or legal action on the part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Vocational Rehabilitation State/Federal Programs. Students who have permanent disabilities which may limit their employment (after completion of their study program) should contact the Vocational Rehabilitation Regional Office in their state of residence for possible assistance.

If the student requires academic accommodations due to a disability, he/she should contact the Student Success Center in Nethery Hall to coordinate the University’s accommodations with those provided by the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Office. Student Success can be contacted at 100 Nethery Hall, success@andrews.edu or 269-471-6096.

Tuition Discounts

Affiliated Hospital Nurse—33 Percent Tuition Discount. The university offers registered nurses working in hospitals affiliated with the Andrews Department of Nursing a 33% reduction of their tuition for all classes taken toward the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (on-campus program only). The nurse must be accepted as a regular student in the BS degree in nursing and request the tuition reduction each semester. Also, the student must provide the Department of Nursing with proof of continued employment at the affiliated hospital. For a list of affiliated hospitals contact the Department of Nursing. Students eligible for the reduction are not eligible to receive any other Andrews discretionary funds.

Local Business Employee—33 Percent Tuition Discount. Full-time employees of companies located in Berrien County and the South Bend/Mishawaka area may receive a 33% reduction of tuition for undergraduate courses. Application for the tuition reduction can be obtained at the dean’s office and must be completed no later than the first two weeks of each semester. Students eligible for the reduction are not eligible to receive APS or any other Andrews discretionary funds. This discount does not apply to courses taken in the Center for Intensive English.

Prior Baccalaureate Degree—33 Percent Tuition Discount. Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree may receive a 33% tuition reduction for courses taken for a second baccalaureate degree. This discount applies only to courses required to complete the 2nd degree. Courses included in the package tuition, but are not required for the 2nd degree, will be billed at full tuition.

Application forms are available at the offices of the respective deans. The completed forms must be filed with the respective dean no later than two weeks after the beginning of each semester for which the 33% tuition reduction is requested. An official transcript showing all class work and the awarding of a bachelor’s degree must be on file with the Office of Academic Records of the university before the 33% tuition reduction can be applied. Students eligible for the reduction must be enrolled for a second undergraduate degree and are not eligible to receive any other Andrews discretionary funds. Students enrolled in a graduate program but who must complete undergraduate prerequisites are eligible. Note: Forms are to be picked up at the dean’s office of your appropriate school.

Limitations to the Prior Baccalaureate Degree Tuition Discount. The following limitations apply to this plan:

  1. No course taken under this plan may receive graduate credit or apply to a graduate degree.
  2. In the School of Health Professions, this discount does not apply to PTH courses.   the plan only applies to students accepted and enrolled for prerequisite requirements under the preferred acceptance guidelines.
  3. This tuition reduction does not apply towards architecture degree.
  4. In the School of Education, the student must be enrolled in a second baccalaureate degree; however, this plan is not available until one calendar year after graduation and is limited to 16 credits each semester.
  5. In the School of Business Administration, the plan does not apply to independent study/readings/research or internship credits. Also, it does not apply to any course not offered as a regularly scheduled class in a given semester.
  6. The plan applies to tuition only, not for housing, food and similar charges.
  7. The discount does not apply to laboratory fees, surcharges for applicable courses, private music or flight lessons, independent study or reading courses, student teaching, courses in the Center for Intensive English, international languages taught as prerequisites for advanced degrees, courses taken off campus, study tours, May Express classes or private tutoring GNST 091.
  8. This plan is applicable to classes where space is available and where hiring of additional faculty or staff is not required. In the event a class is not available, notification is given as soon as possible after the end of the drop/add period.

Local Area Educators—33 Percent Tuition Discount. Full-time teachers employed in Michigan and Indiana area schools who are not fully credentialed may receive a 33% reduction of tuition for undergraduate, Master of Arts in Teaching, and Master of Arts in Educational Administration courses taken toward the completion of their teacher certification requirements. Application for the tuition reduction can be obtained in the dean’s office and must be completed no later than the first two weeks of each semester. The student must provide proof of area school employment. Students eligible for this reduction are not eligible to receive APS or any other Andrews discounts or any other discretionary funds applied to the program receiving the 33% reduced tuition.

Workers from Overseas Divisions—Tuition Discount. “When any division other than the North American Division sends its workers or their dependent children to attend colleges in the North American Division and makes financial payments from denominational funds on behalf of such students directly to the college concerned, the college will match dollar for dollar with the sending division, up to 25% of undergraduate tuition. If the person also receives a Federal or State scholarship (or grant), the school may reduce this discount in direct proportion to the amount of such scholarship. Such remittance must come through the division and on approval of the division committee” (North American Division Working Policy, F 80 15).

Retiree Tuition Discount. A retired person who has reached age 65 may receive a 50% tuition discount for up to three undergraduate or graduate credits annually.

Former Andrews University employees who have retired may receive a 50% tuition discount. Admission to limited enrollment courses is contingent upon space available in the class, with preference being given to students paying regular tuition rates. Any additional class fees and/or supply fees are the responsibility of the student.

This discount applies to credit, audit, or non-credit classes. This discount does not apply to independent study, directed reading, private music lessons, practicums, clinical experiences, or any instruction outside of the normal classroom setting. Application for this 50% discount should be made to the dean of the school involved. The dean then authorizes the appropriate discount.

Students eligible for this reduction are not eligible to receive APS or any other Andrews discounts or discretionary funds.