Feb 12, 2025  

Student Life

A more complete list of University Student Life expectations can be found in the “Student Handbook.”

Student Life  
  Campus Center, Main Floor 269-471-3215
  Johnson Gym 269-471-3965
Campus Ministries  
  Campus Center, Main Floor 269-471-3211
Campus Safety  
  International Court 269-471-3321
Counseling & Testing Center  
  Bell Hall (Education Building) 269-471-3470
  Administration Building, Main Floor 269-471-3570
Graduate Student Association  
  Campus Center, Ground Floor 269-471-6606
  Lamson Hall 269-471-3446
  Meier Hall 269-471-3390
  University Apartments 269-471-6979
  University Towers 269-471-3670
International Student Services  
  Administration Building, Third Floor 269-471-6395
Student Activities & Involvement  
  Campus Center, Main Floor 269-471-3615
Student Health & Counseling  
  University Medical Specialties 269-473-2222
Student Insurance  
  Administration Building, Main Floor 269-471-3097
Student Success Center  
  Nethery Hall, Second Floor 269-471-6096
Undergraduate Leadership  
  Campus Center, Main Floor 269-471-6636
Undergraduate Student Association  
  Campus Center, Ground Floor 269-471-3250
University Health & Wellness  
  Campus Center, Main Floor 269-471-6165

Our Values, Your Choice

Andrews University is a Christian community where Christ is celebrated and reflected in the academic, social, physical and spiritual experiences of its members. As a Seventh-day Adventist institution, we seek to integrate faith, learning and living, while each of us matures in our relationships with God and each other.

By deciding to attend Andrews University, students choose to be part of this uniquely Christian atmosphere. Every enrolled undergraduate student pursuing an on-campus degree signs a “Community Values Agreement” in which they affirm their decision:

  1. To attend a faith-based institution by respecting Andrews University’s Seventh-day Adventist Christian perspective and values. See the section “A Faith-Based University.”
  2. To adopt a wholesome lifestyle guided on- and off-campus by the core values of the Andrews University community. See the section “A Wholesome Lifestyle.”
  3. To live on a residential campus in a University residence hall while an undergraduate student, single and under the age of 22 (unless living with an approved family member or Andrews faculty or staff member) and, while an undergraduate resident, to participate in a meal plan at the University’s vegetarian cafeteria. See the section “A Residential Campus.”  
  4. To be part of a gathered community, while an undergraduate student, by attending required co-curricular programs. See the section “A Gathered and Growing Community.”

Distance degree and PTC (Permission to Take Classes for non-degree purposes) students complete a “Community Values Agreement” in which they note their understanding and respect of the Andrews University commitment to embrace core Seventh-day Adventist Christian values.  Distance degree and PTC students are invited to consider these values as they strive to remain in good standing with their local communities and to optimize the benefits of the University’s whole-person educational philosophy. 

A Faith-Based University

Seventh-day Adventist Faith and Values

Students attending Andrews University soon learn that our Seventh-day Adventist faith and values set us apart. Our distinctive Christian perspective, guided by our understanding of Scripture, informs our faith as well as our practice. This becomes evident as students encounter a seventh-day Sabbath of rest and worship, wholesome recreational and entertainment choices, an emphasis on healthful living, concern for others through local and global service, the care of dedicated staff and professors, and a hopeful view of the present and future as found in Jesus Christ.

Campus Ministries

The Office of Campus Ministries promotes faith development through pastoral care, resources and services to the University campus. The University chaplain and associate chaplains function to enrich the faith and intellectual life of the campus through incarnational ministry and the provision of a variety of opportunities appropriate to a spiritual, cultural and socially diverse student and professional population. The chaplains operate at a level that ignites the passion of those who have been transformed by or are considering a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

The essential question for the existence for AUCM is embraced in the transformative prayer of Jesus in the Gospel of John chapter 17. Here Jesus’ heart for a close and life-changing relationship with man is revealed. Campus Ministries exists to promote close proximity with God. In this PROXIMITY we:

  • Get Clear on who God is: “And this is eternal life that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” John 17:3
  • Get Close to God: “The glory which you gave me I have given them, that they may be one just as we are one….Father I desire that they whom You gave me be with me where I am.” John 17:23-24
  • Get Clean by God: “Sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truth.” John 17:17
    “I give myself as a holy sacrifice for them so they can be made holy by your truth.” John 17:19

A Gathered and Growing Community

As part of earning an Andrews University degree, undergraduate students are expected to engage in out-of-class learning. This complements classroom education and allows students to document valuable experiences that can be shared with graduate schools and prospective employers. 

Co-curricular learning targets individual and campus community outcomes in four areas.

  • A Healthy U focuses on physical fitness, sustainable nutrition and personal wellbeing.
  • A Successful U focuses on academic skills, creative capacities and career readiness.
  • A Committed U focuses on faith development, spiritual support and Christian influence.
  • A Better U focuses on cultural competence, service orientation and leadership development. 

Together with the academic curriculum, these programs deliver the whole-person education at the heart of Andrews University’s mission.

To learn more about the undergraduate co-curricular requirement, including program structure, costs and expectations, please refer to bulletin.andrews.edu > Student Handbook > A Gathered and Growing Community.

A Residential Campus

Residential Living Policy

Andrews University is operated as a residential college on the undergraduate level. This means that the residential environment plays a significant role in the mission of the University and its efforts to foster the holistic development of each student. 

Therefore, all single undergraduate students under 22 years of age who are (1) pursuing an on-campus degree and taking seven or more credits (including distance learning courses) or (2) enrolled in full-time language study must live in one of the University residence halls and participate in a meal plan at the University’s cafeteria. Single undergraduate students must be 22 years of age by the first day of a semester in order to be approved to live in the community for that semester.

*Special consideration may be granted for those who turn 22 by September 30 (for fall) and January 31 (for spring).

*Special consideration may be granted for those who are fifth-year seniors (attended four full years–eight fall/spring semesters–at a college/university and have 120+ earned academic credit hours). Students who have served one or two registered semesters as a student missionary or taskforce worker through Andrews University or another Adventist institution may be granted equivalent academic semesters toward fifth-year senior status (with 15 hours of earned academic credit hours per semester) pending recommendation letters from the site Campus Ministries office as well as the site supervisor.

Costs associated with residence hall living are part of the investment in an Andrews University education, thus the Student Life office does not make exceptions to the Residential Living Policy on the basis of financial need.

The ONLY alternatives to residence hall living are as follows and are at the discretion of the Student Life office:

  1. Students may live full-time within the household of a parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle or sibling age 22+ within a 45-mile radius of the University under the terms of an approved Community Residential Application.
  2. Students may live full-time with a current, full-time Andrews University faculty or staff member within a 45-mile radius of the University under the terms of an approved Community Residential Application.

A Community Residential Application may be obtained online at andrews.edu/sl or in the Student Life office (Campus Center, main floor). The parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, sibling age 22+ or current, full-time faculty/staff member must sign the application in person in the Student Life office and is required to present their current Michigan or Indiana driver’s license to be photocopied as proof of local residency.

*If applying to live with an aunt/uncle, a student must submit written documentation from a parent to verify that the aunt/uncle is the biological sister/brother of the parent.

Returning residential students under age 22 who meet the criteria for community living must submit applications to the Student Life office for approval prior to the semester of their expected move. Submitting an application before the deadline does not mean it is approved. The assistant to the vice president for Student Life will respond to all applications within two weeks of submission or according to the designated timeline (see Student Life, Residential Living Policy for deadlines).

Please note the additional conditions of this policy:

  1. A “parent” is a student’s biological parent or legal step-parent. A “grandparent” is a biological parent of a student’s parent.  An “aunt” or “uncle” is a biological sister or brother of a student’s parent. While the University understands the custom of addressing a close family friend as “aunt,” “uncle,” etc., the University, as it relates to the Residential Living Policy, only honors biological family relationships.
  2. In keeping with the older student community environment, a student under age 22 will not be approved to live with their age 22+ sibling in University Towers.
  3. To be eligible for community housing, students must be in good and regular standing and evidence a willingness to abide by the expectations of Andrews University at the time of application.
  4. Students living in the community are expected to abide by the standards and codes of conduct outlined in the “Student Handbook.”
  5. Under the terms of the Community Residential Application, the parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, sibling age 22+ or faculty/staff member must agree to live on a daily basis in the same household as the student (students must not live in a separate apartment or basement apartment with a different entrance) and to notify Student Life of any changes of address, conduct concerns, irregularities or any concern that impacts the welfare of the student.
  6. A parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, sibling age 22+, or faculty/staff member who owns or rents more than one residence may not divide their time between residences during the school year.
  7. Application for living in the community must be made each academic year.
  8. Students are strongly advised not to make contractual agreements or financial commitments in the community before receiving full approval from Student Life for community living. Student Life is not responsible for these choices or consequences.
  9. Students who make false statements to the University on a Community Residential Application jeopardize their student status and ability to reside in the community–additional consequences and/or fines may apply.
  10. Students who wish to request alternate housing arrangements due to a disability or to a chronic health condition should contact the disability services coordinator, Carletta Witzel, at Student Success (269-471-3227). Andrews University will make every attempt to provide reasonable accommodations within on-campus housing facilities for students with documented disabilities or chronic health conditions.

Residence Halls

The University maintains three residence halls: Lamson Hall (for women), Meier Hall (for men), and University Towers. University Towers is a residence hall designed for single, older students—Damazo is for undergraduate age 22+ and graduate females, while Burman is for undergraduate age 21+ and graduate males. Double-occupancy rooms are standard. Single occupancy is permitted by special request, if space allows, for an additional fee.

Apartments and Houses for Rent

The University owns approximately 300 apartments and 30 houses. The apartments are available to married students, students with children, and single undergraduate age 22+ and graduate students. Accommodations are available only to those who have been officially accepted as University students. Since apartments are limited, applicants are advised to apply six to nine months before their first semester of studies.

Most apartments are furnished. Tenants must supply their own linen and kitchen utensils. Unfurnished apartments have a stove and refrigerator. Pianos may be placed in the apartments only by prior arrangement with the University Apartments director. Pets are not allowed in University apartments or houses. The apartment descriptions, rental rates and application forms are available upon request.

Further information on University housing may be obtained through the “University Apartments Handbook” available from the University Apartments office. Please visit www.andrews.edu/apartments for applications and further information.

If internet access is desired in the apartments, a modem must be obtained from the Office of University Apartments. There is a $100 refundable deposit required for this.

Non-Residence Hall Housing

Students living in non-residence hall housing must abide by the expectations outlined in the “Student Handbook” and the non-residence hall housing policy. All students living off-campus must maintain high moral standards in their choice of guests and entertainment; otherwise, they could be subject to discipline. Unmarried, unrelated students must not live in the same shared dwelling with members of the opposite sex.

A Wholesome Lifestyle

Core Christian Values

Students who choose to attend Andrews University agree to adopt a wholesome lifestyle and to maintain high standards of conduct. These standards are part of the spiritual mission and heritage of the University. They reflect biblically grounded values such as honesty, modesty, sexual purity, respect for others and their safety, and healthful living.

Code of Student Conduct

The Code of Student Conduct is detailed in the “Student Handbook” and provides examples of violations that may result in serious consequences. Students may obtain a copy of the “Handbook” at the Student Life office (or online at www.andrews.edu/sl). Any regulation adopted and published by the administration in more informal written communication or online has the same force as regulations printed in official publications.

Code violations include, but are not limited to, the use or possession of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or dishonestly acquired or misused prescription drugs; dishonesty; sexual immorality; physical abuse or assault as well as domestic/relationship violence; sexual misconduct including but not limited to nonconsensual sexual contact, nonconsensual penetration, sexual exploitation and sexual harassment; theft; vandalism; lingering in proximity to alcohol, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, such as in events or parties where alcohol or illegal drugs, etc., are present and served by another host; hosting/planning events in one’s own residence or elsewhere where alcohol is served or consumed and/or illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia are present; patronizing places of questionable entertainment or activities such as sexually suggestive or explicit dancing; profanity or vulgarity; possessing lewd or obscene materials; on-campus possession of weapons, firearms or look-alike firearms; engaging in improper associations—participating in organizations that have not been registered with and approved by the Student Life office; insubordination of a University official; disrespect or slander; and threatening and harassing behavior.


Admission to the University is not a right. It is a privilege that entails acceptance of individual responsibility for honor, integrity and self-discipline. The University understands that all human beings are flawed and seeks to work with each student in a redemptive manner. However, students should expect to receive consequences up to and including dismissal from the University if they engage in activities or behaviors that violate the University’s core values or if their presence damages the mission and function of the institution. This includes activities and behaviors outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, whether these activities and behaviors take place on-campus, off-campus or in cyber communities.

Community Values Agreement

Undergraduates are required to sign a “Community Values Agreement” as part of their registration each academic year. By signing this document, students agree to support a wholesome lifestyle and to respect the faith-based values of the University. They also agree to abide by the University’s residential policy and to participate in required co-curricular programs.

Student Activities and Organizations

The University encourages students to participate in as many co-curricular activities and organizations as their study-work loads permit. Experience gained in working with others to achieve common goals provides invaluable training. Some of the more prominent campus organizations and activities are described below. A complete list of campus organizations is available from the Office of Student Activities via OrgSync.

Andrews University Student Association (AUSA) and Publications

The Student Association serves all undergraduate students enrolled at Andrews University for 6 or more credits. AUSA sponsors recreational and educational activities for the undergraduate student body. It responds to student needs and serves as a collective voice for student concerns. Additionally, it coordinates activities that include the publishing of the “Cast” (pictorial student directory), the “Cardinal” (University yearbook), and the “Student Movement” (University student paper). The editors and managers of these publications are approved by the Student Association Senate and elected by the members of AUSA. The Senate, composed of about 30 student leaders, exercises legislative and management powers given to it by the constitution of the Association.

Details about AUSA and its sub-organizations appear in the “Andrews University Student Association Constitution and Bylaws.”

Andrews University Graduate Student Association

All graduate students enrolled with regular or provisional status in a degree program in all schools and colleges at the Berrien Springs campus of Andrews University are automatically members of the Andrews University Graduate Student Association (AUGSA). The AUGSA assembly includes all AUGSA members and is governed by representative officers who meet regularly and report to the assembly.

The AUGSA sponsors social, spiritual and scholarly activities during the school year. It may also be involved in University policy development that affects graduate students. Details about AUGSA are found in the Constitution of the Andrews University Graduate Student Association.

Student Clubs and Organizations

Numerous campus organizations serve the social, spiritual, academic and leisure interests of students. Clubs for international and cultural groups, as well as those for commonly held pursuits and causes, provide for the diverse interests of students. Student organizations must be overseen by a full-time staff or faculty sponsor, led by at least three student officers, and guided by an official constitution. Organizations must register in the Andrews OrgSync portal each year with the Office of Student Activities and Involvement in order to function on campus. Students are not allowed to participate in unregistered organizations, and those who do jeopardize their student status. A list of registered organizations can be found on the Andrews OrgSync portal.  

Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), gives students certain rights relating to educational records that are created and maintained by the University. The University is not obligated to maintain educational records and thus some educational records are destroyed. Students may inspect and review their educational records and may, if they believe the records are incorrect, seek to have records corrected through appropriate review procedures. The full policy that governs student records and access to them is available in the “Student Handbook.” Students who wish to review their academic records should make a request through the Office of Academic Records; students who wish to review their Student Life records should make a request through the Student Life office. The student may be asked to care for the reproduction costs of copies of records requested by the student.

Information Released to Third Parties

In accordance with FERPA, Andrews University does not disclose personally identifiable information from educational records without a student’s consent except in limited circumstances. FERPA does permit institutions to define classes of information as “directory information.” FERPA permits the disclosure of directory information without the consent of the student, unless the student has informed the University Registrar, in writing, of her/his refusal to permit the dissemination of directory information. A form for opting out of the disclosure of directory information, which must be filled out and submitted each semester, is available in the Office of Registrar. The University has designated the following information as “directory information”: name, local address, local telephone number, e-mail address, gender, marital status, hometown, date and place of birth, school, academic program (degree, major and minor), enrollment status, class standing/classification (ie., freshman, sophomore, junior, senior or graduate), participation in officially recognized activities, dates of attendance, degree(s) received, honors and awards, and photographs. Even where directory information may be released, Andrews University reserves the right to withhold such information from third parties.

Safety Regulations

Andrews University expects students to develop safe working habits. Students who participate in classes, laboratories or activities involving situations considered hazardous, as specified by the state or national standards, must provide and wear any such required personal safety equipment. If you are unsure of the required safety procedures, please contact Campus Safety at 269-471-3321.

Motor Vehicles

Andrews requires all vehicles on campus to register with the Office of Campus Safety. Drivers must follow posted speed limits and parking designations.

Vehicle Registration

You must show a valid state registration, current proof of insurance and driver’s license. Upon registering you will receive a decal which must be affixed to your vehicle’s window as intended. Failure to register your vehicle may result in a fine.

Auto Licensing

All vehicles on campus must maintain current home state license plates.

Auto Insurance

All vehicles must be covered with liability insurance while driven on campus. Expiration or cancellation of insurance automatically revokes motor-vehicle registration and driving privileges. All vehicles must be maintained in legal operating condition while on property.

AU Alert

To ensure multiple means of emergency communication for our campus, Andrews University uses a third party company, Rave Mobile Safety, to send emergency notification alerts to the campus via AU Alert.

AU Alert sends out text messages, emails, and voice calls to registered recipients. The system will also post alerts to University Facebook accounts or Twitter accounts with the emergency information. AU Alert notices are intended only for situations involving imminent danger to health or human safety. These may include severe weather alerts, winter weather class cancellations, hostile threats, utility failure, major road closings or fire, among others.

To receive emergency alert text messages, emails, or voice calls, please visit www.getrave.com/login/andrews/ and login with your Andrews University username and password. 

Rave Alert does not charge subscribers to send or receive SMS messages. Standard or other messaging charges apply depending upon your wireless carrier plan and subscription details. Once registered, you can opt out of SMS messages at any time by texting STOP to 67283 or 226787.


Dining Services

Dedicated to providing our guests the finest in Vegetarian and Vegan dining options, Bon Appetit at Andrews University Dining Services is committed to creating food that is alive with flavor and nutrition and prepared from scratch using authentic ingredients. We do this in a socially responsible manner for the wellbeing of our guests, communities and the environment. 

Our main office is located on the first floor of the Campus Center with convenient weekday hours to assist students with their residence hall meal plans or Cafe Accounts. Guests with questions or concerns are welcome to stop in anytime during office hours. Guests with special dietary needs are invited to meet with the General Manager and the Executive Chef to discuss how those needs can be met–please contact jonathan.daniels@cafebonappetit.com for more information. For guests choosing to dine with us on Sabbath, please come in during the week to set up a Cafe Account that can be used to purchase your Sabbath meal.

We have several dining options from which to choose–all accept your residence hall meal plan, cafe account, cash and credit/debit cards.

The Terrace Cafe is located on the second floor and features an all-you-care-to-eat format with several dining options from which to choose. Andrews Classics features favorite dishes from around the world and Classics Too offers healthy dining alternatives with a focus on special dietary needs. Our Grill features a variety of Latin foods that are self-serve for your convenience. The Salad Bar and Deli area has a wide variety of fresh ingredients and delicious breads to make your own salad, sandwich or panini. The World Market features scratch-made pizzas and a variety of delicious stir-fry options with scratch-made sauces. Our Breakfast Zone offers waffles, cereal, an assortment of beverages and yogurt. Be sure to visit the Bakery for a delicious selection of sweet treats.

The beautiful Dining Room is equipped with booth seating as well as table seating next to the large stone fireplace. Several smaller conference rooms can accommodate your private group needs. Our Front of House team will be happy to assist you with seasonal and creative fresh food ideas and personal service. Guests wishing to dine in our event rooms utilizing the Terrace Cafe meal option should contact ds@andrews.edu to book that event.

The Gazebo is located downstairs across from the Office of Dining Services. The Gazebo features a large selection of scratch-made smoothies, salads, burrito wraps, sub sandwiches and hot grilled dishes. You can also choose from a wide variety of locally baked pastries, grab-and-go sandwiches, salads and parfait cups. There is a retail area that sells convenience items and snacks.

Vending Services are available in various buildings across campus and provide quick snacks and drinks for our guests.

Catering Services are available for guests wishing to customize a meal and create a special event. Guests wishing to book a catering event should contact catering@andrews.edu for assistance. We offer catering services to any on-campus venue and a variety of off-campus locations.

Additional information and menus are available on the Dining Services website at www.andrews.edu/dining. For daily menu alerts, upcoming special events and more information about Dining Services, be sure to follow us on Facebook at Andrews University Dining Services or on Twitter @AUDiningServices.


Medical Services

Required Medical Records

Michigan State Law requires all first-time students to supply certain medical records to the school of their choice before registration can be completed. The required records are those for (1) Tuberculosis Screening and (2) Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (German Measles) Immunization (MMR). See the admission section of this “Bulletin” for detailed requirements.

Available Medical Care

For health needs, students may contact University Medical Specialties, located next to the Apple Valley Plaza. Phone 269-473-2222 during office hours (8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday–Thursday, and 8 a.m.–12 noon, Friday) to schedule appointments.

Physician appointments and nurse visits, as well as most short-term medications, are available to residence hall students. These services are included in the rent/health plan and are not charged separately to the student. However, charges are made for lab work, X-rays and accident cases involving third-party liability. University Medical Specialties (UMS) charges the insurance company for any coverage applicable to the services provided to residence hall students, thus students should take their insurance information with them when utilizing UMS services. UMS waives any copay or deductible (for the student/family) for the limited health care provided.

Non-residence-hall students living in the apartments or off-campus housing may use University Medical Specialties for a fee.

For emergencies outside of regularly scheduled office hours, students may reach a physician at 269-473-2222.


Health-related Concerns


Every international student in “student status” and every other student with a minimum of part-time enrollment status is required to be covered by an Injury and Sickness insurance plan–please visit our website for exceptions. The student will be able to select coverage by completing the student insurance section in Registration Central. The payment for this coverage is charged to the student’s account the same as tuition and is non-refundable. Students who have proof of alternative insurance that is equal to or exceeds the minimum coverage and provisions offered by the AU plan may waive the University plan by completing a waiver in the student insurance portion of Registration Central and presenting their insurance card to the Student Insurance Office. Please visit our website for more details regarding requirements that must be met in order to waive AU Student Insurance and for additional information. Coverage for a student’s spouse and dependent children is also available for an additional fee. All students from outside of the United States must cover dependents who accompany the student to the States. A brochure describing the insurance coverage is available at the Student Insurance Office in the Administration Building or online at http://www.andrews.edu/services/hr/students/insurance/.

Counseling & Testing Center

The Counseling & Testing Center (CTC) is the primary mental health care facility for the University and serves as a supportive medium aimed at enhancing the positive and learning University environment as it provides timely and comprehensive short-term counseling to University students and their spouses. The Center is staffed by licensed psychologists, counselors, and intern clinicians committed to utilizing all available resources in the delivery of services. These include personal, group, premarital and marital counseling; career development; outreach and consultation; academic and psychological assessments; teaching and research; and training and supervision. Workshops, wellness screenings, and other prevention programming are also coordinated by the CTC throughout the academic year. The CTC also offers self-help educational information through our webpage and virtual pamphlets. The CTC uses a brief model of treatment and offers up to eight (8) counseling sessions per semester at no charge. Additional counseling sessions are considered on an individualized basis. The Center also provides referrals to community psychiatrists and other mental health professionals.

The Counseling & Testing Center endorses a whole-person approach in working with students by facilitating the integration of the emotional, spiritual, physical and social dimensions of the individual. The Center is fully accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS) and serves as a training facility for graduate counseling and social work interns. Psychological testing, career assessment and other testing services are offered for a nominal fee.

National standardized testing–including the ACT, SAT, GRE subject, LSAT, MPRE, MELAB, TOEFL, CLEP and other academic tests needed at both the undergraduate and graduate levels–is offered at the Counseling & Testing Center. To contact the Center call 269-471-3470 or email the staff at ctcenter@andrews.edu. You may also find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AUCTC.


Student Employment

Eligibility Pre-Employment I-9 Form

Before working on campus, all students (both U.S. citizens and others) must personally have a validation interview with an Employment Officer (Administration Building) at which time the officer and the student will make a joint sworn statement on the appropriate I-9 legal declaration form.

Employment Eligibility Certification

The Immigration Reform and Control Act charges all employers to examine and verify certain documents that establish the employment eligibility of all new employees. New and returning students who have not completed an I-9 for Andrews University work in the past and who plan to seek any employment on the Andrews University campus must supply documents of identity and employability. Some documents serve for both purposes (List A), but if not available, two documents may be presented (one each from List B and List C). The acceptable documents are listed below; however, as the list may be subject to change, please refer to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website for the most updated information:

List A

Documents That Establish Both Identity and Employment Eligibility:

  • U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card
  • Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)
  • Foreign passport that contains a temporary I-551 stamp or temporary I-551 printed notation on a machine-readable immigrant visa
  • Employment Authorization Document that contains a photograph (Form I-766)
  • In the case of a nonimmigrant alien authorized to work for a specific employer incident to status, a foreign passport with Form I-94 or Form I94A bearing the same name as the passport and containing an endorsement of the alien’s nonimmigrant status, as long as the period of endorsement has not yet expired and the proposed employment is not in conflict with any restrictions or limitations identified on the form
  • Passport from the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) or the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) with Form I-94 or Form I-94A indicating nonimmigrant admission under the Compact of Free Association Between the United States and the FSM or RMI

List B

Documents That Establish Identity:

  • Driver’s license or ID card issued by a state or outlying possession of the United States if it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color and address
  • ID card issued by federal, state or local government agencies or entities provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color and address
  • School ID card with a photograph
  • Voter’s registration card
  • U.S. Military card or draft record
  • Military dependent’s ID card
  • U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
  • Native American tribal document
  • Driver’s license issued by a Canadian government authority

For persons under age 18 who are unable to present an identity document listed above (for List B):

  • School report or report card
  • Clinic, doctor or hospital record
  • Day-care or nursery school record

List C

Documents That Establish Employment Eligibility:

  • A Social Security Account Number card, unless the card includes one of the following restrictions: (1) NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT, (2) VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH INS AUTHORIZATION, (3) VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION
  • Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State (Form FS-545 or Form DS-1350)
  • Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a state, county, municipal authority or territory of the United States bearing an official seal
  • Native American tribal document
  • Identification Card for Use of Resident Citizen of the United States (Form I-179)
  • Unexpired employment authorization document issued by the Department of Homeland Security

All documents presented must be original.

A parent or legal guardian may sign the I-9 form, attesting that the applicant is under age 18. However, such an applicant must present an employment eligibility item from the above list if a document proving both identity and employment eligibility is not available.

The Office of Employment

The Office of Employment, which is part of Human Resources, assists students in their on-campus employment needs. The Office provides information regarding employment opportunities and assistance with necessary paperwork, administers employment tests and is responsible for updating employment files. The Office is located in the Administration Building, Second Floor.

Office of Employment
Telephone: 269-471-3570
Fax: 269-471-6293
Email: employment@andrews.edu
Website: www.andrews.edu/hr

Students desiring part-time employment must be enrolled full-time (12 undergraduate credits, eight graduate credits or nine Master of Divinity credits) and they must complete the necessary paperwork at the Office of Employment.

The University allows students to work, as work is available, up to 20 hours per week during the academic year. To maximize work opportunities, the student should schedule their classes so that large portions of the mornings or afternoons are free. Professional performance and conduct is expected in all on-campus employment.

Employment (International Students)

An international student on a nonimmigrant F-1 visa is permitted to work on-campus a maximum of 20 hours per week during the school year and full-time during school breaks and vacations. Dependents with F-2 visa status cannot work on- or off-campus under any circumstances.

Exchange Visitor students on a nonimmigrant J-1 visa are allowed to work on-campus a maximum of 20 hours per week during the school year and full-time during school breaks and vacations. Dependents with J-2 visa status are allowed to study full-time and to work after they receive a work permit called the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) from the USCIS. J-1 students are allowed to work off-campus on a severe economic hardship basis.


Other Campus Services

Other campus services include a barber shop, a beauty shop and the University-branch post office.

Immigration Information for International Students

International students on F-1 or J-1 visas (including dependents – F2’s and J2’s) who come to study at Andrews University (AU) should be informed about the immigration laws and regulations in matters related to their visa status. It is the responsibility of the international student to maintain his/her student I-20 (for F1) and DS 2019 (for J1) status at all times. Failure to follow immigration regulations, whether intentional or unintentional, is a violation of the student visa status. Consequently, the status of the international student would be terminated and he/she must apply to the USCIS to be reinstated back into the legal student visa status or be faced with possible deportation.

The personnel at International Student Services (ISS) consists of the director, called the Principle Designated School Official (PDSO), and the Designated School Official (DSO). They are appointed by Andrews University and authorized by United States Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) to issue I-20 and sign legal students’ documents. The Undertreasurer Department of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is certified to issue the document DS2019 which enables the exchange visitor to obtain the J-1 visa to enter the U.S. The certified undertreasurer person is called the Responsible Officer, who presently is assisted by two Alternate Responsible (ARO) Officers. The director of the Office of International Student Services at Andrews University is one of the alternate Responsible Officers. The PDSO, DSO and ARO are also required to advise international students in areas related to student life on campus such as study, work and travel, etc.

The Office of International Student Services communicates information to the international students in matters related to the government laws and immigration by several methods. First, the orientation for new international students is required upon arrival at Andrews University. Failure to attend the orientation program may result in a fine to the student of $75. In addition, they will have to attend a rescheduled orientation program in order to register for the semester. Other means of communication include the “AU Bulletin,” the International Student Services website, the Andrews Agenda and email. All international students are required to immediately update the Office of International Student Services of any changes in their student visa status, address, change of major or change of academic level.

General requirements for maintaining status as international students:

  1. Have a valid passport at all times.
  2. Continue to carry a full course of study.
  3. Leave the United States once the courses for the academic program are completed, unless the student applies for a work permit (for F-1: OPT, for J-1: Academic Training).
  4. Apply through the Office of International Student Services for a new I-20 if it is desired to change programs or to continue for another academic level within the same school.
  5. Keep the I-20 (F-1) or DS2019 (J-1) updated at all times. Most recent signature by PDSO or DSO on one of these documents should be within 12 months from the time of signature. If it has exceeded, you have to obtain another signature prior to traveling outside of the US.
  6. Maintain a legal work permit (on- or off-campus according to USCIS regulations).

Tuberculosis Testing: All international students must submit a negative (clear) TB test prior to admission.

Attendance at Another School

International students that come to study with an Andrews University I-20 or the General Conference DS2019 should always maintain a full course of study at Andrews University. With an Andrews University I-20, international students may take additional classes from other schools if approved by the academic advisor and the Office of International Student Services.

The Department of Homeland Security established a new system to track all international students who are admitted to study in the United States. It is called the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). It is administered by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), a division of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This is a web-based system for maintaining information on international students and exchange visitors in the United States.

Transfer to Another School in the U.S.

J-1 students who want to change schools or their academic program must first check with their sponsoring organizations. If an F-1 student intends to change schools for any reason during the program, or after receiving a degree, he/she must initiate a transfer and obtain a new I-20 from the new school. Also, the Office of International Student Services at Andrews University will require you to submit a letter of admission from the school you will be transfering to. The transfer instructions that need to be followed are normally given by the new school. Once the receiving school is ready to issue the new I-20, the student should inform the ISS office so that the student’s current legal file can be transferred electronically to the new school.

Full Course of Study

USCIS requires every student on an F-1 or DS2019 student visa to enroll full-time every semester at the school they are authorized to attend beginning immediately after the report date on the I-20 or DS2019. Full-time class enrollment is as follows:

Undergraduate 12 credits (minimum)
Graduate 8 credits (minimum)
MDiv 9 credits (minimum)
Center for Intensive English Programs (CIEP) 12 clock hours (minimum)
  Fall Qtr 2.0 units (minimum)
  Winter/Spring Qtr 1.5 units (minimum)
International Students cannot AUDIT courses at anytime or Withdraw (“W”) if it would put student below the minimum credits required  N/A

Summer semester is a vacation semester for those who start a regular school year (fall semester). International students do not have to enroll for a lesser course load during summer except if the initial attendance reporting date on the I-20 or DS2019 is dated for the summer semester. If so, the student must enroll for a full study load during the summer. Additional information is available in the Office of International Student Services.

  1. International students with medical problems must provide a document from a physician recommending an interruption or reduction in study load.
  2. Graduate international students who have completed formal course work and are engaged in comprehensive exam preparation, project, thesis or dissertation are required to register for such. Thereupon they are considered to be pursuing a full course of study provided the “Bulletin” states the course registered for is considered to be full-time.
  3. An international student who registers in his/her last semester for less than the minimum credits required must present a RCL (Reduced course load) from his/her academic advisor verifying that these are the only credits that the student needs to fulfill all course requirements.
  4. An F-1 student engaged in post-completion Optional Practical Training maintains his/her full visa status. A student in F-1 status doing full-time Curricular Practical Training is also considered to be pursuing a full course of study. But if an international student is engaged in part-time Curricular Practical Training or part-time Optional Practical Training, he/she is required to enroll in classes concurrently.

Students On Exchange Visitor Visas and the Two-year Home Country Physical Presence Requirement

The two-year home country physical presence requirement is one of the most important characteristics of the Exchange Visitor J-1 status. If the international student is bound by this regulation, it will be stated on the J-1 visa and on the bottom left corner of the DS2019. Exchange Visitors, including their dependents, can apply for a waiver of the requirement to return home for two years upon completion of their studies. Without the waiver, such students are not eligible to change their status in the U.S. to another category. Neither can such students become eligible for any change of status until they have been physically present in their country of nationality or the country of last legal permanent residence for a minimum of two years following departure from the USA.

Employment For J-1 and F-1 Students

Immigration laws are very strict about employment. International students desiring to work must be sure to comply with these laws. UNAUTHORIZED OFF-CAMPUS EMPLOYMENT CAN LEAD TO TERMINATION OF STUDENT VISA STATUS AND DEPORTATION.

J-1 students may engage in two kinds of employment:

  1. Academic training related to the course of study, or
  2. Work on-campus or off-campus (on severe economic hardship basis) for a maximum of twenty hours per week while school is in session and full-time during vacation.

J-1 students must obtain a letter from the RO or AROs authorizing employment before beginning work.

F-1 students may work on-campus up to 20 hours per week while school is in session and full-time during vacations, breaks and holidays.

F-2 dependents cannot study or work under any circumstances while they are in the country.

Academic Training

Employment which is directly related to the course of study is permitted by the Department of State (DOS) while the J-1 student is enrolled in school or approved for Academic Training no later than 30 days after completion of the program. The General Conference is the organization that authorizes the Academic Training once the student provides the required documents.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Employment authorization for Curricular Practical Training is given to students whose degree programs require off-campus work experience. International students may NOT begin working until the I-20 has been issued for employment authorization by the DSO. CPT is limited to twenty hours per week if the student is required to take classes during the practicum. If the CPT work is full-time, then the I-20 must be issued for full-time. For more information, contact the Office of International Student Services.

Clinicals, Practicums or Internships

International students who are paid for clinicals, practicums or internships as part of a degree program MUST apply for Curricular Practical Training and be issued a new I-20 accordingly. Failure to do so will consider their work illegal.

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Optional Practical Training is an optional work benefit for F-1 students, intended for practical work experience in their major field of study. Upon USCIS approval, a student receives work authorization to do OPT anywhere in the United States for a total of 12 months. International students may apply for the post-completion OPT during a five-month window, three months prior to the completion of the degree or 60 days after the completion of the degree.

Accepting Public Benefits is Illegal

Often hospital or medical clinic personnel encourage international students to accept Medicaid or other government benefits. DO NOT ACCEPT PUBLIC BENEFITS. Doing so is considered by USCIS to be a violation of your nonimmigrant status. Such students will be required to pay back the money received and may risk deportation.

Tracking System

The USCIS created a new system called SEVIS which monitors international students. The government requires all universities and colleges to supply them with information concerning their international students through electronic submission to SEVIS. Information such as the date of commencement of studies, failure to enroll or attend classes, any disciplinary action taken against the student due to criminal conviction, or otherwise failing to maintain student status must be reported to the government through SEVIS.

The $200 SEVIS I-901 Fee

International students are required to pay $200 for the SEVIS I-901 fee. The Office of International Student Services will send along with the I-20 the instructions concerning the different ways of paying this fee. Upon paying the SEVIS fee, the system will automatically generate a receipt which is essential for the students to present at the American Consulate in order for them to obtain the student visa. Canadians must present the SEVIS receipt at the port of entry. For additional and complete information, please visit travel.state.gov/visa/temp/types/types_1267.html.

Additional Information

Should you need additional information, please visit www.andrews.edu/services/iss/, call us at 269-471-6395/269-471-3310, or email us at iss@andrews.edu. We look forward to working with you and serving your needs as an international student here at Andrews University.