Feb 15, 2025  

Academic Integrity

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Academic Integrity
University learning thrives on the rigor of individual investigation, the authentic exchange of ideas, and a corporate commitment to integrity and mutual respect. It requires all members of the academic community to behave honestly—speaking truthfully to colleagues, co-learners and teachers and completing all homework, tests, papers and projects with integrity. Andrews University anchors its practices in the teachings of the Bible as well as in widely-established and honorable academic traditions. Much as the apostle Paul calls us to authenticity in our Christian walk, so the educational institution demands of its participants true and accurate self-representation. In Ephesians, Paul invites believers “to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:23–24, NRSV). As scholars and as Christ’s servants, we build His living body through our honesty in all things, both small and great. To that end, Andrews University’s students pledge to learn and grow together, committing to the following standards and affirming honesty as a core component of an Andrews University education.

Integrity Standards
Students promise to:

  1. Present assignments, lab reports and research findings that are not falsified in any way
  2. Respect copyrighted and/or licensed material (whether it be directly quoted or paraphrased) by citing print or electronic sources as appropriate
  3. Follow the source citation guidelines outlined by the course professor
  4. Submit work that is solely created by the person to whom it is assigned
  5. Contribute equitably when participating in group work
  6. Prepare for quizzes and examinations by study and review without stealing, accepting or using unauthorized quizzes or examination materials
  7. Follow the professor’s instructions regarding allowable aids during a quiz or examination
  8. Complete quizzes and tests without seeking answers from or sharing answers with other students or unauthorized sources
  9. Encourage others to high standards of integrity by refusing to assist in acts of academic dishonesty

Integrity Pledge
Because academic honesty is central to who we are and what we do at Andrews University, the following pledge is required of every student scholar that agrees to join this community:

I promise on my honor as a member of the learning community at Andrews University that I will faithfully adhere to these Integrity Standards in the completion of all coursework requirements and scholarly projects.

Academic Integrity Policy
The following is a synopsis of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy for all students. This synopsis is not exhaustive, and students are referred to “Academic Integrity” online at andrews.edu/academics/academic_integrity.html to view the policy in its entirety.

Andrews University has adopted a policy that aims to create an environment in which academic integrity is considered by all members of the community to be the expected norm. Two councils have been established to administrate and lead in this area.

Student Academic Integrity Council (SAIC)
This council consists of 11 students chosen from undergraduate and graduate schools in the spring to be representatives for the following year. Students interested in serving on the SAIC should apply to the chairs of their departments by March 15 to be chosen for the following year.

Among the council’s responsibilities are the following:

  1. Educating the Andrews campus regarding the Academic Integrity Policy through activities such as:
    1. Educating new students at orientation and new faculty at faculty orientation
    2. Working with ITS to provide web-based resources aimed at enriching academic integrity on campus
    3. Organizing and initiating a yearly chapel focused on academic integrity
  2. Provide members to serve on Integrity Panels as required
    1. The panels consist of three students, two faculty and one non-voting faculty moderator
    2. These panels meet to determine whether a student is to be considered responsible for a breach of the Integrity Policy and to determine the appropriate consequence of any breach when:
      1. A student accumulates multiple violations
      2. A student disputes a charge of having violated the Integrity Policy
  3. Consider requests from students to have records cleared of violations of the Academic Integrity Policy
  4. Give annual reports to the University community on all actions taken by the SAIC that year
  5. Give an annual report to the provost of the University on any recommended changes to the Integrity Policy they feel are needed

Faculty Academic Integrity Council (FAIC)
This council also consists of 11 members chosen from programs across the University.

Among the council’s responsibilities are the following:

  1. Provide two members to act as advisors to the SAIC
  2. Provide members to serve on Integrity Panels as required
    1. The panels consist of three students, two faculty and one non-voting faculty moderator

While the intent of the policy is to educate the campus in ways to avoid breaches of integrity and to bring us together in a community of honest academic effort, the consequences of intentionally breaking a pledge to the University community are also spelled out and should be considered carefully.

What happens when a student is accused of violating the Academic Integrity Policy?

  • A faculty member who believes a student is responsible for violating the Academic Integrity Policy will:
    • Discuss the matter with the student, asking for a response
    • Should the faculty member believe there has been a violation, they will determine the level of violation committed and assign a sanction
      • There are five levels of violation described in the Integrity Policy
    • The faculty member will file a report of the violation electronically
      • The student will have the opportunity to respond to this report, either accepting or rejecting the allegation
      • The student has FIVE DAYS to return the completed document
        • If the student does not return the document in the five-day period, it will be assumed that the student has accepted both the charge and the sanction and they will be applied to the student’s record
      • The only persons with access to this electronic record are the student, the student’s advisor and the chair of the student’s department
      • An overall record of all a student’s reported violations across campus is maintained
  • In most situations where the student agrees that they are responsible for the violation and accepts the recommended sanction, no further action is taken
  • In cases where the student denies the charges, disputes the recommended sanction, or where the record alerts the SAIC that multiple violations have occurred, an Integrity Panel is formed
    • The number of violations that will trigger the formation of an Integrity Panel depends on the level of the violations
      • Three level 1 violations (or two level 1 and one level 2)
      • Two level 2 violations
      • A level 3 violation and any violation at any other level
      • One level 4 violation
      • Level 0 violations are considered to be those committed without any intent on the part of the student and are not considered toward the formation of an Integrity Panel
  • Integrity Panels consist of three students, two faculty and one non-voting faculty member acting as a moderator
    • Integrity Panels are responsible for
      • Determining whether a student is responsible for committing a violation
      • And, when responsibility is assigned to the student, determining the appropriate sanction

The “XF” Grade
In cases where an Integrity Panel has determined that a student is responsible for violating the Integrity Policy, they will then determine the sanction to be applied. The Integrity Panel has the authority to apply the sanction recommended by the faculty member or to render a different sanction in cases where the majority feels the original sanction was too harsh or too lenient. Any sanction, from minor ones through expulsion from the University, that is considered appropriate by the Integrity Panel may be applied.

One possible sanction is the application of the “XF” grade to the student’s record for the class in question. The “XF” indicates that the student received an “F” in the class for violation of academic integrity policies and is recorded on the student’s transcript with the notation “failure due to academic dishonesty.”

The following applies to the “XF” grade:

  • It is treated in the same way as an “F” for the purposes of grade point average, course repeatability and determination of academic standing
  • No student with an “XF” notation on his or her transcript shall be permitted to represent the University in any extracurricular activity or to run for or hold office in any student organization that is allowed to use University facilities or receives University funds

A student may apply to the SAIC to have the “X” portion of the “XF” removed if

  • 12 months have passed since the violation was imposed
  • The student has not been found in violation of any other academic integrity policies in that 12-month period
  • The SAIC makes all decisions regarding removal of the “X.” For breaches of integrity committed with significant planning and intent, the “X” will not typically be removed.

A Last Word on Integrity
The SAIC and the FAIC encourage all students to become acquainted with the University Academic Integrity website when it becomes available. There you will find information on the policy itself, ways to avoid plagiarism, correct methods of utilizing media from outside sources, etc.