Dec 30, 2024  

Right to Discuss, Inquire, Express and Petition

Return to: Student Handbook  

Students are free to express their views, individually or collectively, on matters of significance to them within the parameters described in this section. They may exchange views privately with others or publicly in classrooms, discussion groups and meetings. They may also use established campus channels of printed, online or audiovisual communication. Unsolicited broadcasting of email (“spamming”) is not allowed.

In the Classroom
In class as well as online, students’ questions and commentary should be respectful of the professor and fellow students and not detract from the professor’s course objectives or teaching methods. Students are expected to express themselves with civility by refraining from personal attacks or ad hominem argumentation, listening respectfully to others, and taking care not to monopolize discussion. When appropriate, students may ask questions or express views that are at variance with the beliefs and values of the University or other class members. However, dissenting remarks ought to offer an alternative point of view, rather than attack, disparage or demean views held by others or the University. In return, each student has the right to be treated respectfully by the professor and his or her classmates. Students with concerns related to inappropriate communication in the classroom should follow the procedures outlined in the section titled “Right to Appeal/Grievance” (see Right to Appeal/Grievance ).

With University Officers
Students have the right to engage in constructive dialogue about the policies and procedures of the University. Students or student groups who have concerns or points of view they wish to share, or who desire to achieve constructive changes within the University, may present their thoughts directly to University officers. They may also circulate and submit to University officers petitions for action. Furthermore, the undergraduate and graduate student associations (AUSA and AUGSA) are good vehicles for addressing student-related matters with the University administration. Students seeking to resolve personal or group differences with the University are encouraged to make use of the University’s appeal and grievance procedures. Those who turn to public forums (such as social media, media outlets, etc.) to air their concerns rather than working with the University’s established means of resolution will not be acting in good faith with the University and could be subject to disciplinary action.

By Means of Assembly
Students have a constitutional right to assemble and publicly express their views on matters of local, national or global importance. Peaceful, law-abiding demonstrations, such as rallies, marches and vigils, may be organized by students on campus or in the community, provided that these events are in harmony with the values of the University and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As with other events, organizers must submit a request for administrative approval to the Student Life office, allowing up to a week for approval. Event organizers will be guided by established University protocols with the oversight of a faculty or staff sponsor. On-campus events may not impair University functions or deprive other students of their rights and should honor campus policies. Demonstrations held in the community are to comply with local, state and federal laws and be done with the prior knowledge of local law enforcement officials. As the safety of students is of paramount concern to the University, every reasonable precaution must be taken by organizers to ensure the wellbeing and lawful behavior of students. The tenor of all public demonstrations should reflect a spirit of justice, compassion and wisdom. 

Through Student Communication Media
Student communication media such as the “Student Movement,” “Cardinal,” AUTV, etc., are aids in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere of responsible discussion and intellectual exploration on the Andrews campus. They communicate the activities and interests of Andrews’ students, as well as help form student opinion. The vice president for Campus & Student Life and the Student Association general sponsor, through the Student Association, delegate editorial responsibility to the editor under the guidance of the faculty advisor and/or the Student Communications Board. Since the University administration has the ultimate responsibility for the content of student communications issued on the campus, they reserve the right—in rare circumstances—to override editorial decisions.