Dec 22, 2024  

Code of Student Conduct

Return to: Student Handbook  

The University takes seriously any failure of a student to abide by his/her commitment to the Community Values Agreement and the Code of Student Conduct. The University understands that all human beings are prone to make mistakes and that every situation is unique. Nevertheless, a student should expect to receive consequences (see “Types of Responses,” Student Conduct Intervention (Disciplinary) Processes ), up to and including dismissal from the University, if he/she engages in any activity, behavior or communication described in the following list, whether it takes place on-campus, off-campus or online. The list that follows is not comprehensive but does provide examples of violations of the Code of Student Conduct:

  1. Promotion or instigation of student behaviors not consistent with this Code of Student Conduct
  2. Willful undermining of the religious ideals of the University and the Seventh-day Adventist Church
  3. Profane, obscene or otherwise indecent conduct or expression which violates accepted standards of Christian conduct
  4. Disruptive, disorderly, obstructive or dysfunctional behaviors or other types of conduct that compromise the educational environment, University teaching and administrative processes, or the health, wellbeing and safety of others
  5. Cohabitation of unmarried members of the opposite sex or hosting overnight visitors of the opposite sex (including sharing a hotel or guest room); entering the residence hall room of a member of the opposite sex (with the exception of a formal open house program or permission from a residence hall dean)
  6. Failure to comply with directives of University officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties and/or the failure to identify oneself to one of these officials when requested to do so
  7. All forms or acts of dishonesty including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Larceny (theft)
  • Fraud
  • Cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty
  • Furnishing false information to any University office, official, faculty or staff
  • Forgery, alteration or misuse of any University document, record or instrument of identification
  • A pattern of spreading unsubstantiated rumors
  • Tampering with the election of leaders of any recognized student organization
  1. Harassment based on perceived or actual personal characteristics such as sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, disability and any legally protected characteristic
  2. Hazing, defined as an intentional or reckless act that the person knew or should have known endangers the physical health or safety of an individual and that is done for the purpose of being initiated into or affiliating with an established group or organization
  3. Participation in organizations that have not been registered with the Student Life office or in organizational activities that have not been approved by the organization’s faculty/staff sponsor and the Student Life office
  4. Unauthorized use of Andrews University’s name or facilities for purposes that are not consistent with the Code of Student Conduct and the values of Andrews University
  5. Physical abuse or physical assault
  6. Relationship violence or abuse which includes domestic violence, dating violence and stalking
  7. Sexual misconduct including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, non-consensual sexual contact and non-consensual sexual penetration
  8. Premarital and extramarital sexual activity or sexually related behavior that includes, but is not limited to, inappropriate displays of affection; accessing, possessing or displaying pornographic or other sexually explicit materials; and sexting or other virtual forms of sexual activity
  9. Romantic behaviors between individuals of the same sex, understanding that not all displays of affection are romantic in nature
  10. Verbal, written and other forms of disrespectful, threatening, intimidating, harassing, bullying or stalking behavior which compromises the health, wellbeing or safety of any person; includes, but is not limited to, phone calls, emails, texts and all forms of online or social network communications
  11. On- or off-campus use, possession (in one’s residence, vehicle, belongings or on person), purchase, sale, manufacture, distribution or attempts to solicit or facilitate the purchase or presence of the following:
  • Tobacco in any form
  • Alcoholic beverages in any form
  • Illegal drugs or drug-related paraphernalia
  • Other paraphernalia including e-cigarettes, hookahs, vapor and hookah pens, etc., regardless of the substance delivered
  • Misuse of prescription drugs (for more information, see Substance Abuse )
  1. Proximity to alcohol, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, such as parties where alcohol or illegal drugs, etc., are present and served by another host
  2. Hosting/planning events in one’s own residence or elsewhere where alcohol is served or consumed and/or illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia are present
  3. Engaging in entertainment or activities that do not meet the high standards of Christian conduct such as sexually suggestive or explicit dancing, gambling in any form, etc.
  4. Firearms, explosives, flammable substances and other weapons of any kind are not allowed on University property. This includes, but is not limited to, rifles, shotguns, pistols, paintball guns, BB guns, pellet guns, bows and arrows, stun guns, Tazers, “air-soft” guns, look-alike firearms, knives with blades longer than three inches (excluding culinary knives) and martial arts weapons. Possession of any firearm or other weapon on University property is cause for corrective action up to and including dismissal. For further explanation, please see
  5. Attempted or actual vandalism or damage to individual, institutional or community property. Removal of institutional property from its designated place
  6. Deliberate misuse of a fire alarm system or other emergency equipment (Civil Code may bring up to one year in prison and up to a $500 fine) or other violations of established safety protocols
  7. Unauthorized entry or exit of campus buildings by any means other than the designated entrances, use of an exit for non-emergency purposes during timeframes when usage is established for emergency purposes only, or unauthorized presence (non-criminal trespassing) in University buildings after regular or established operational hours
  8. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of University key(s) or other access devices to any University premise
  9. Violation of Andrews University’s Student Use of Computer and Network Resources Policy (see Student Use of Computer and Network Resources Policy ) and abuse of computer network and time to (but not limited to):
  • Communicate in a disrespectful, slanderous, abusive or obscene manner
  • Falsify the source of a message or email
  • Communicate and display content that violates any part of the Code of Student Conduct
  • Enter into a file, transfer a file or use another’s identification and password without authorization
  • Send excessive messages that lack a clear purpose
  • Misappropriate the Andrews University name, logo or identity
  1. Violation of institutional policy or code published in hard copy or available electronically on the University website
  2. A legal conviction for or confirmation of violations of federal, state or local law which indicate that a student is not in good standing with the community
  3. Conduct which has an adverse effect on the student’s responsibility to model good citizenship in the University community or in any other community

Any additional policies voted by the Student Life Deans Council, Student Life Council, Campus Safety/Risk Management Committee or other appropriate University bodies, current and future, are valid and enforceable.