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Andrews University is committed to providing a drug-free environment for learning and working. Such a commitment led the University to establish a Drug-Free Policy, which outlines clearly the University’s zero-tolerance position and strives to educate the student body on the advantages of a drug-free lifestyle. The University also helps chemically dependent students find resources to aid in their recovery.
Students are expected to remain drug-free. Drug-free means abstaining from the use of alcohol, tobacco and other mind-altering drugs. It also means refraining from the misuse and/or abuse of prescription drugs. The University also upholds all laws which prohibit the possession, use, manufacturing or distribution of controlled substances.
The possession of drug paraphernalia and use of “look alike” or designer drugs including any or all parts of e-cigarettes, hookahs, vapor and hookah pens, etc., regardless of the substance delivered, are also prohibited and considered an offense of the Drug-Free Policy.
A K-9 handler team is authorized by the University to conduct searches of campus facilities Campus Safety Services and Information ).
Prohibited substances, materials and equipment will be confiscated.
Students who have reportedly used alcohol, tobacco or illegal substances or who were found to be in close proximity to alcohol, tobacco or illegal substances or drug paraphernalia may be required to participate in random, on-demand alcohol, tobacco and drug screenings as well as to engage in an educational course. In cases where there is not confirmed usage, costs related to tests required for students will be covered by the University if the results are negative and will be the responsibility of the student if the results are positive.
Voluntary Referral
All students can choose to voluntarily seek assistance in remaining drug- and alcohol-free. Faculty members, Counseling & Testing or Student Life professionals are available for consultations. No disciplinary action will typically be taken if the student initiates (without the information being already reported to or known by a University or law enforcement official) a voluntary effort to seek assistance. To be considered as a voluntary referral, the student must provide, from the Counseling & Testing Center or a healthcare provider, current documentation of having taken the voluntary initiative as well as evidence of faithfully following the established plan for attendance, treatment, removal of triggers and personal growth.
Substance use/abuse counseling is available from the Counseling & Testing Center. Limited services include the following:
- Professional substance abuse assessment
- Individual counseling
- Support groups for chemical dependency
Mandatory Referral
If students are found in violation of the policy, the University will activate the following response.
Non-illegal Substance Violations
A first violation for a non-illegal substance use or possession will result in a suspension from the University. To be eligible to regain and/or continue student status, the student must fulfill the following protocol:
1. Review and reaffirm commitment to a re-entry contract with a Student Life professional
2. Sign a release of information consent form with a Student Life professional
3. Serve an on-campus suspension, (a) a two-week, in-class (required class attendance) or (b) an out-of-class suspension from classes and work for a minimum of three class days as determined by the Student Life Deans Council that includes:
- Remaining in current residence
- Suspension from all organized campus activities
- Supervised academic success or voluntary service (15 hours)
- Citizenship Probation (15 weeks)
- Mentoring with a Student Life dean for a minimum of six weekly sessions
- Other restorative and educational interventions
- Making an appointment with the Counseling & Testing Center within three days to obtain a Substance Abuse Assessment
- Accept responsibility for a minimum $100 fee
- Requesting that the Counseling & Testing counselor submit to referring entity a verification of compliance with assessment appointments and a summary report of the assessment with recommendations for ongoing care
- A psychoeducational course which includes attendance of six sessions and related assignments and an exit interview as outlined with the course counselor
- Requesting that the Counseling & Testing counselor submit verification to referring entity of the completion of the six psycho-educational sessions
Illegal Substances and Other Serious Substance-Related Violations
Violations that will result in a more major suspension of a minimum of one semester include conduct related to:
Use of illegal substances
- Possession of illegal substances and paraphernalia in campus residence halls
- Planning and/or hosting events where alcohol and/or illegal substances are served and/or consumed
- Selling or suppling alcohol or illegal substances
- Attempting to solicit or facilitate the purchase or presence of alcohol or illegal substances
- Underage use of alcohol or providing alcohol and/or illegal substances to underage individuals
- A report will be made to the appropriate legal authorities if the student has violated laws regarding illegal drugs and controlled substances.
To be eligible to regain and/or continue student status the student must:
- Serve an off-campus suspension which will be a minimum of one semester, during which time the student will be separated from the campus (under the terms of a campus ban) and all campus activities and services.
Prior to returning to classes the student must:
- Obtain an assessment with a licensed community Substance Abuse Counselor
- Sign a release of information consent form with the community Substance Abuse Counselor
- Request that the Substance Abuse Counselor submit a summary report of the assessment, with recommendations for ongoing care, to the vice president for Campus & Student Life
- Submit documentation of the completion of other restorative and educational interventions or voluntary service
Upon returning and registering for a future semester the student must:
- Review and reaffirm commitment to a re-entry contract with a Student Life professional
- Sign a release of information consent form with a Student Life professional
- Complete a psychoeducational course with the Counseling & Testing Center which includes attendance of six sessions, related assignments and an exit interview as outlined with the course counselor
- Participate in random, on-demand drug testing and accept responsibility for related fees (regardless of positive or negative results)
Serve a minimum 15-week Citizenship Probation that includes the removal of privileges (see Student Conduct Intervention (Disciplinary) Processes )
A second substance use or possession offense will result in, at minimum, a suspension from the University for the current semester and the ensuing semester during which time the student will be separated from the campus and all campus activities. A request for reinstatement will first require reapplication to the University.
Health Risks and Resources
There are many health risks associated with the use of alcohol and drugs—many of these risks are noted in the following comprehensive overview. For a comprehensive list of health risks, please see> Student Handbook > Substance Abuse.
Legal Ramifications
Violations of local, state and federal laws related to alcohol abuse or to the illegal use, possession, manufacture or delivery of controlled substances may result in misdemeanor or felony convictions accompanied by the legal imposition of sanctions. For details, please see> Student Handbook > Substance Abuse.
Medical Marijuana
Michigan state law permits the use of medical marijuana, i.e., use by persons possessing lawfully issued medical marijuana cards. However, marijuana use, possession and/or cultivation is prohibited at educational institutions, which are recipients of federal funds and must be compliant with federal laws (including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act). The use, possession or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes is therefore not allowed on the property of Andrews University nor is it allowed at any University-sponsored event or activity off-campus.
Community Resources
For a comprehensive list of community resources, please see> Student Handbook > Substance Abuse.