Return to: Student Handbook
As members of the academic community, Andrews University students are granted certain rights within the learning environment and process. These include the right to be informed of the professor’s expectations for learners, the grading procedure and the schedule by which the course will be conducted. Students also have the right to reasonable assistance from the professor or course tutor under specified conditions of availability. Within the limitations of the academic freedom afforded to professors, students should expect that they will not be unreasonably penalized by changes in course expectations or grading policy from the course syllabus.
A student should be evaluated academically on the basis of scholastic performance and other criteria relevant to the course being taught. Bias, or conduct in matters unrelated to the academic standards of the course, must not play a role in a professor’s academic evaluation. Certain programs, of course, do require evaluations of a student’s personality, character and conduct. Unless clearly indicated by a professor, however, these matters should not influence grades in individual courses.
Because professors are responsible for creating an environment in which each student has an opportunity to learn, a professor may suspend— temporarily or long-term—a student who fails to meet reasonable class expectations, disrupts the classroom or otherwise interferes with the educational environment. The professor should report any such class suspension to the relevant department chair, dean, vice president for Campus & Student Life and/or the University Student Intervention Team.