Sep 26, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin 
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Global Studies

  • GBST 101 - Introduction to Global Studies

    Credits: 3
    This course presents essential information on global civilizations and cultures in order to understand and deal with major issues such as equity, peace, genders and interactions among people from different cultural settings. It includes studies of geography, culture, customs, media, families, genders and work habits.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GBST 201 - Cultural Awareness

    Credits: 3
    This course presents major trends and themes in contemporary global affairs such as power, exchange, trafficking, integration, and respect. It includes the study of international topics that affect lives in communities at the individual and collective levels.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 3 lectures
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

Graduate Psychology & Counseling

  • GDPC 115 - Academic Learning Assessment

    Credits: 2
    A guided experience of self-discovery into the learning factors that yield academic success. Comprehensive assessment and application of individual learning characteristics.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 301 - Human Development

    Credits: 3
    An introductory study of the nature, conditions, and outcomes of human learning, with emphasis on the psychological development from birth through old age.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 302 - Educational Psychology

    Credits: 3
    Introductory study of nature, conditions, and outcomes of human learning, with emphasis on the psychological factors.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 430 - Introduction to Residence-hall Administration

    Credits: 2
    Designed to prepare prospective secondary-school residence-hall directors. Emphasis on practical administration techniques, the relationship between adolescent development and educational programming, and the role of the director as an educator.

    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 499 - Independent Study: Topic

    Credits: 1–3
    Grade Mode: Normal w S (A-F,I,S,U,W)
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of curriculum advisor and independent study supervisor required.
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 514 - Psychology of Learning

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general introduction to the learning process utilizing critical analysis that integrates learning theories, motivation, and the following developmental viewpoints: cognitive, language, and personality.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): Introductory course in general or educational/developmental psychology.
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 525 - Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children

    Credits: 3
    A comprehensive survey of the psychological and educational needs of exceptional children. Strategies for incorporating an exceptional student into regular classroom and for supporting the exceptional child in the community. Students are also required to register for GDPC525 PO2 which is the practicum portion of this class and entails 25 hours in a regular or special education classroom

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): A course in human development.
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab, Interactive Online
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 555 - Early Childhood Issues and Assessment

    Credits: 2
    A study of infant and toddler assessment from birth to 5 years in context of federal legislation and best development and educational practices. The student will study individual and screening instruments for this age group, along with a specific focus on family and community involvement in the assessment process. This course also includes a special emphasis on the assessment and instruction of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Students are also required to register for GDPC555 PO5.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 652  or approval by instructor.
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 600 - Family Counseling

    Credits: 2,3
    Theory of family systems and practice of family therapy with emphasis on multicultural and developmental differences, theoretical models, and professional issues.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 650  or equivalent. (Master’s-level)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 604 - Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy

    Credits: 2,3
    Introduction to theory and practice of sex therapy, including information about human sexual function and dysfunction and appropriate intervention methods. The subject of human sexuality is examined from a variety of social, physiological, and cultural viewpoints. Various forms of sexual dysfunction are studied and examined for understanding of both physiological and psychological components and role of each in the dysfunction. Finally, there is in-depth study of current approaches to therapy as well as attention to other issues such as conjoint treatment of couples, resistance, sexual dysfunction in both partners, and sexual dysfunction and its relationship to marital discord.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 606 - Studies in Family Dynamics

    Credits: 2,3
    Family dynamics is the way in which members of a family interact with each other in relation to their individual goals and preferences. Although the family is a unit, people are individuals.  This course is a survey of theory and research on family interaction in well-functioning and dysfunctional families. Students will encounter a micro-analysis of family process in communication, decision making, and problem solving. Theory and research on family coping with normative transitions and non-normative crises across the family life-cycle will be presented.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 607 - Practice Management

    Credits: 2,3
    The course offers an opportunity to obtain the knowledge needed to develop and run a successful private practice. The course will advance students’ knowledge and related skills in formulating an individualized business plan for establishing a clinical practice and thereby preparing them to successfully manage a small business.    

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 608 - Topics in Legal and Ethical Issues in Schools

    Credits: 1–3
    Study tour involving attendance, and possibly presentation, at a psychology conference as proposed by faculty.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Corequisite(s): Students must also be enrolled in   for 2 credits.

    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 609 - Topics in Professional Issues in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    Credits: 1
    Study tour involving attendance, and possibly presentation, at a mental health counseling conference as proposed by faculty. Students must also be enrolled in GDPC 619 for 2 credits

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 610 - Marital Counseling

    Credits: 2,3
    Introduction to marital and couple therapy with emphasis on research, multicultural differences, theoretical models, clinical strategies and techniques, and professional issues.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 650  or equivalent. (Master’s-level)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 614 - Human Development

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general introduction utilizing critical analysis of the biological, cognitive and sociocultural factors influencing human development across the lifespan. The course has three focuses: a critical analysis of contemporary development psychology, the relevance of theory and research findings to educational practice, counseling and family context and the analysis of the interaction of the individual and the environment (culture, family and institutions).

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 616 - Psychology of Religious Experience

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general critical evaluation of psychological factors in the religious experience.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 617 - Seminar in Professional School Psychology: Ethical, Professional, and Legal Issues

    Credits: 3
    An examination of: the history and foundations of school psychology; legal, ethical and professional issues and trends; roles and functions of the special education teams; develop a knowledge of due process requirements, IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and their implications in the delivery of educational services to students with special needs.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab, Lecture/Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 618 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Schools

    Credits: 3
    An examination of: the history and foundations of school psychology and special education; legal, ethical and professional issues and trends; roles and functions of the special education teams; develop a knowledge of due process requirements, IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and their implications in the delivery of educational services to students with special needs.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 619 - Professional Issues in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    Credits: 2,3
    A survey of professional issues in clinical mental health counseling including the professional identity of clinical mental health counselors, the public and private practice of mental health counseling as well as consultation, and crisis intervention. Student must take either 3 credits of GDPC619 or 2 credits of GDPC619 and 1 credit of GDPC 609 (Topics in Clinical Mental Health Counseling) in consultation with advisor. 

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 620 - History and Systems of Psychology

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general examination of the historical and philosophical foundations of contemporary psychology. Both theoretical and applied aspects of the development of psychology as a science and practice are critically examined, including contributions of important theoretical schools and individuals.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 621 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Couple and Family Therapy

    Credits: 2,3
    An introduction to the basic principles of therapy skills applied to a couple and family context with special attention given to the professional ethics of the family practitioner. This course will address therapist’s legal responsibilities and liabilities, certification, and licensure issues.  There will be an analysis of marriage and family issues from a legal perspective. Review of legal decisions affecting families, including procreative rights, marriage, termination of marriage, parental and child rights, adoption, child custody, and child/family medical treatment will be included. Also, the relationship between family law and family policy will be discussed.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 622 - Seminar on Special Topics

    Credits: 1–6
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits with different topics
    Schedule Type: Seminar
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 623 - Development Research and Applied Statistics

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to methodology of conducting responsible social science research as applied to community based problem-solving in the field of international development. Principles of designing, administrating, interpreting, and writing research. Interpretation of scientific reports and professional journals. Applications of statistical data and reasoning including practical utilization of a statistical package.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 624 - Addictions and Addictive Behaviors

    Credits: 3
    Theories and etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors, including strategies for prevention, intervention, and treatment.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 625 - Biopsychology

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general survey of the physiological bases of human behavior, including considerations of sensory phenomena, motor coordination, emotion, and higher-order thought process.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 626 - Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general critical examination of issues and research in cognitive and affective influences on behavior.  This includes perception, attention, categorization, working memory, long-term memory, knowledge, problem solving, reasoning, language, emotion and socio-cultural cognition. Additionally, there will be a focus on how emotion affects cognitive functioning.  A wide variety of theories will be critically reviewed with application of research to practical problems, including assessment. Selected cognitive issues will be discussed from a cognitive science or neuropsychological perspective, and emotion research will also be considered.  

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 514 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 628 - Seminar in the Psychology of Women

    Credits: 3
    The biological, social, intellectual, and emotional development and adjustment of women from conception to senescence.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Seminar
    Year Offering: Alternate years
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 629 - Psychopathology: Classification & Treatment

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general critical examination of basic historical concepts, current paradigms, and assessment of psychopathology based on the American Psychiatric Association (APA) diagnostic classification system and implications for counseling/clinical approaches to treatment.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 630 - Personality Assessment

    Credits: 3
    Training in the administration, interpretation, and application of instruments used in the assessment of personality in adults and children including multicultural perspectives. Methods of assessment will include objective personality instruments.Limited to students enrolled in Counseling Psychology or Clinical Mental Health Counseling, or by permission of instructor. (Master’s level)

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 644  and a course in abnormal psychology.
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 632 - Professional Issues in School Counseling

    Credits: 3
    A survey of professional issues in school counseling including the roles, functions, and identity of school counselors, the theory and process of school counseling and guidance, consultation, and current trends in legal and ethical matters.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 634 - Cognitive and Biological Psychology

    Credits: 3
    A description of the physiological basis of human behavior and aspects of cognitive psychology and their application to professional practice.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 635 - Theories and Techniques of Counseling

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to the theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Attention given to counseling therapy models, the therapeutic relationship, the function and role of counselors/therapists, and the systematic development of counseling skills and intervention strategies.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Special Approval: Student must be admitted into a GPC department program or receive prior instructor permission before registering for this class.

    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 638 - Group Processes

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general critical analysis of theory, research, observation, and personal experience in the behavior of individuals in small face-to-face groups.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 640 - Multicultural Issues for Counselors and Psychologists

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general critical analysis of cultural factors which influence the psychological development of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and the effects of these factors on the psychological and educational practices of counselors and psychologists working in a pluralistic society.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 3 credits
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 642 - Behavioral and Emotional Problems of Children

    Credits: 3
    Identification and remediation of learning, behavioral, emotional, and developmental problems of children in a multicultural context. Classroom behavior management, structuring classroom and home environments for personal development, consulting with parents and school personnel, and developing family and school-based individual intervention plans.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 643 - Career Development

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to career development and career counseling with an emphasis on counseling populations with special needs, career decision making, career adjustment, and changing careers.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 1 lecture
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 644 - Psychological Testing

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general introduction to measurement theory. The selection, administration, and interpretation of standardized tests and non-standardized tools for the purpose of assessment of ability, achievement, aptitude, interest, and personality are critically examined.  Also explored are the social, legal, and ethical implications of testing.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 645 - Professional Ethics for Counselors and Psychologists

    Credits: 3
    Ethical standards of counselors and psychologists, standards for psychological providers, standards for educational and psychological tests, ethical principles in conducting research with human participants.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 647 - Administration of Guidance Services

    Credits: 3
    A study of the organization, administration, and coordination of guidance services in school systems including the development, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive developmental school counseling programs.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Alternate years
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 649 - Crisis Intervention

    Credits: 1
    This course will cover broad areas of crises interventions related to schools. A total of 15 contact hours will be provided.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 650 - Practicum in Counseling

    Credits: 3
    Foundational supervised experience in the counseling process at the master’s level. Students must complete a minimum of 100 clock hours including 40 hours of direct service with clients.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s): CMHC - GDPC 629 , GDPC 635 , GDPC 638 , GDPC 645 ; SC - GDPC 635 , GDPC 638 , GDPC 645 ; 8 weekly personal counseling sessions; and departmental approval.
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 651 - Behavioral and Educational Assessment

    Credits: 3
    The selection, administration, and scoring of standardized and non standardized educational and behavioral measures within a Response to Intervention/problem-solving model, for remediation for diagnostic and placement purposes. Emphasis will be placed on connecting assessment with intervention strategies. Current issues in educational assessment pertaining to the classroom and students with special needs, including those of English language learners, will be addressed. Students are also required to register for GDPC651 P03 which is the 50-hour practicum lab portion of this class. Limited to students enrolled in Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Educational Psychology, School Counseling, or Special Education, or by permission of instructor.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 514  and GDPC 644 , or permission of instructor.
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 652 - Cognitive Assessment Across the Lifespan

    Credits: 3
    The selection, administration, and scoring of standardized individual measures of cognitive abilities for assessment and diagnosis of intellectual ability. Emphasis will be placed on accurate, standardized administration of the most widely used intelligence tests throughout the life span. Current issues in the conceptualization of intelligence and assessment pertaining to students/adults with special needs will be addressed. Students are also required to register for GDPC652 P04. Limited to students enrolled in Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Educational Psychology or School Counseling, or by permission of instructor.  Class size limit: 12.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 644 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 653 - Early Childhood Issues and Assessment

    Credits: 2
    A study of infant and toddler assessment from birth to 5 years in context of federal legislation and best development and educational practices. The student will study individual and screening instruments for this age group, along with a specific focus on family and community involvement in the assessment process. This course also includes a special emphasis on the assessment and instruction of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Students are also required to register for GDPC555 PO5.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 652  or approval by instructor.
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 654 - Practicum in School Psychology

    Credits: 1–6
    Supervised experience in school psychology. 100 hours per credit supervised by a school psychologist in the field and a university professor. Rated as full-time student status. 

    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Normal with DG (A-F,I,W,DG,DN)
    Prerequisite(s): The completion of a prescribed set of 15 credits in school psychology and permission of supervisor one semester in advance of registration.
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 655 - Internship in Counseling

    Credits: 1–6
    Supervised internship experience in community clinical or school setting. Students must register for 3 credits for 2 semesters for a total of 6 credits needed to graduate.  For each credit, students must complete 100 hours of related counseling activities for a total of 600, on-site, supervised hours. 40% of required hours must be obtained in direct service with clients.  An additional 60 hours per credit of complementary academic activities are required to complete the internship experience. School Counseling students must complete at least 300 of the 600 hours within a school setting. Enrollment in this course alone qualifies as full-time status.

    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 650 . Limited to students enrolled in MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling or School Counseling programs.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Lab, Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 657 - Assessment and Treatment in Couples Therapy

    Credits: 2,3
    Application of a systemic perspective to the assessment and treatment of couples who are seeking therapy. Models of couple therapy are examined and applied to problems common to couples. Attention is given to gender, race, culture, and couple forms.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 658 - Assessment and Treatment in Family Therapy

    Credits: 2,3
    Application of a systemic perspective to the assessment and treatment of families who are seeking therapy. Models of family therapy are examined and applied to a variety of families and common problems. Multicultural and gender perspectives on family life are integrated in course content.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 660 - Program Continuation

    Credits: 0
    See section on Continuous Registration-Active Status. This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/o ‘I’ (S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 670 - Advanced Social Psychology

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general critical examination of conceptual and research approaches to social thinking, social influence and social relations. Application of social psychological theories to education, counseling, health and work.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 672 - Psychoeducational Consultation

    Credits: 3
    A study and application of the process of consultation with teachers, families, and other professionals in educational settings. Emphasis will be given to making data-based decisions and applying research-based intervention strategies within the school system.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 651 
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 674 - Couple and Family Therapy Advanced Internship

    Credits: 2
    Supervised internship experience in community setting. Students must complete a minimum of 300 clock hours of direct service with clients, including 150 hours of work with couples or families. LMFT licensure requires an internship of 8 continuous months, and 1 hour of supervision for every 5 hours of direct client contact.  The supervisor may be an LMFT, social worker, professional counselor, or psychologist.         

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 4 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 675 - Advanced Internship in Mental Health Counseling

    Credits: 1–3
    Advanced internship experience in a mental health setting. Students must complete a minimum of 100 clock hours with 40 of those hours direct service for each credit registered for.  Attention is given to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders and the promotion of optimal health. This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 655  and departmental approval. Limited to students enrolled in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling track.
    Repeatable: Repeatable to 3 credits
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 676 - Theories of Personality

    Credits: 3
    A broad and general consideration and critical evaluation of major theories of personality, with emphasis on their implications for counseling and education.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 678 - Study Tour

    Credits: 1–6
    Travel to destinations relevant to individual programs of study. Classes will be selected from departments(s) offerings. Fee may be required.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Blended Learning
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 685 - MA Level Comprehensive Exam Preparation

    Credits: 0
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Noncredit (NC,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 686 - Interventions and Diagnosis with Children and Adolescents

    Credits: 3
    A study of major contemporary, evidence-based interventions for treating psychopathology in children with attention given to multicultural and diagnostic issues.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): a master’s level course in developmental psychology and an introductory course on theories and techniques of counseling. Limited to students enrolled in Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, Clinical Mental Health Counseling or School Counseling programs.
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 687 - Counseling and Therapeutic Interventions for Adults

    Credits: 3
    A study of major contemporary theories and treatment modalities for identifying and treating psychological problems of adults, including multicultural issues.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 635  or equivalent. Limited to students enrolled in Counseling Psychology or Clinical Mental Health Counseling programs.
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 688 - Advanced Group Therapy

    Credits: 3
    Theory and practice of group therapy with emphasis given to the role and functions of the group leader; outcome research, and ethical issues.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 638 , GDPC 650  or equivalent.
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Alternate years
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 689 - Topics in Professional Issues in School Counseling

    Credits: 1
    Study tour involving attendance, and possibly presentation, at a school counseling conference as proposed by faculty. Students must also be enrolled in GDPC530 for 2 credits.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 690 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1–6
    Grade Mode: Normal w S (A-F,I,S,U,W)
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor required.
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 695 - Professional Portfolio

    Credits: 0
    The professional portfolio assesses a student’s growth and development throughout their program. It is a collection of experience-based materials and reflective information. Graduation requirement for Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, and Special Education students. Limited to Master’s-level students only. 

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 699 - Thesis

    Credits: 1–3
    This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 3 credits
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 710 - Family Therapy

    Credits: 3
    Theory of family systems and practice of family therapy with emphasis on multicultural and developmental differences, theoretical models, and professional issues.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 650  or equivalent. (Doctorate-level)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 720 - Marital Therapy

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to marital and couple therapy with emphasis on research, multicultural differences, theoretical models, clinical strategies and techniques, and professional issues.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 650  or equivalent. (Doctorate-level)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 725 - Cross-Cultural Ethics and Research

    Credits: 3
    A theory-driven, applied course for researchers to strengthen awareness, knowledge and skills in various multicultural, cross cultural and diversity competencies necessary to design, develop and implement clinical and educational research in diverse populations. A survey of cross-cultural ethics and implications for research and practice in education and psychology will also be reviewed.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 730 - International Psychology

    Credits: 3
    A survey of theories of international psychology and philosophies of change. Implications for working with culturally diverse populations in education and psychology are emphasized. Examination of mainstream as well as alternative theoretical, methodological and applied approaches that is relevant to the study and practice of international psychology. The topics selected review psychology’s relevance to the understanding and solution of global problems, as well as of how psychology itself is affected by events and cultures around the world.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 735 - Clinician Self-Assessment for the Treatment of Culturally Diverse Populations

    Credits: 3
    Theories, etiology and function of bias in the clinical assessment and treatment of culturally diverse populations. The primary focus of this course will be on clinician self-assessment of bias, personal development and clinical application.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 638 , GDPC 640 , GDPC 650 , GDPC 670  or by permission of instructor.
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 736 - Field Work in Educational and School Psychology

    Credits: 1–6
    Individualized research or teaching experience under the supervision of a qualified professional in the chosen field of educational or school psychology. A minimum of 60 clock hours of experience required for 1 credit. Up to 6 credits available.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s): Open to students in a doctoral program and permission from your advisor and fieldwork supervisor.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 745 - Practicum in Counseling Psychology

    Credits: 1–3
    Supervised experience in counseling psychology. Students enroll for 3 academic credits for their first semester in Practicum. Limited to students enrolled in the Counseling Psychology program.  Clients will be selected that will provide the most experience with the student’s chosen emphasis.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 650  and GDPC 629  or equivalent and approval of the supervisor.
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 746 - Issues in Health Psychology Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Examines current topics, ethical issues, professional practice, and research in health psychology.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Seminar
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 750 - Personality Assessment

    Credits: 3
    Training in the administration, interpretation, and application of instruments used in the assessment of personality in adults and children including multicultural perspectives. Methods of assessment will include objective personality instruments. (Doctorate-level)

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 644  and a course in abnormal psychology.
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 753 - Psychological Decision Making and Interventions

    Credits: 3
    A study of psychological diagnosis using processing instruments and information from various sources. A cross-battery approach to assessment and report writing will also be discussed. A study of appropriate interventions for various diagnoses will be emphasized. Students are also required to register for GDPC753 P07. Limited to students enrolled in Counseling Psychology, School Psychology, Clinical Mental Health Counseling or School Counseling, or by permission of instructor.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 652  GDPC 750  
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 755 - Refugee & Displaced Populations Clinical Interventions

    Credits: 3
    A study of major contemporary theories and treatment modalities of crisis intervention for working with displaced diverse populations. The course provides students with opportunities to learn theory and practical skills in a variety of areas including, crisis intervention, disaster relief training and PTSD.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 765 - Seminar in the Supervision of Counselors and the Practice of Consultation

    Credits: 1
    In this course you will learn the basic models of clinical supervision of counselors, counseling psychologists, and other related mental health professionals. As supervision is a specialized form of consultation, the broader field of psychological consultation will be introduced across a variety of settings including individual consultation, large and small system consultation, and consultation with special populations, clinics, practice management, and crisis consultations. The seminar is divided between two semesters; Fall semester is the didactic section, and Spring semester is the field practicum section. During the field practicum students will be the primary clinical supervisors for master’s counseling students initial clinical experience, and they will be assigned a specific consultation project in which will be documented in a consultation proposal portfolio.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory (S,U,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): GDPC 745  
    Schedule Type: Seminar
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 795 - Professional Portfolio

    Credits: 0
    The professional portfolio assesses a student’s growth and development throughout their program. It is a collection of experience-based materials and reflective information. Graduation requirement for School Psychology students. 

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 810 - Internship in School Psychology

    Credits: 1–6
    Off-campus experiences representative of the role and function of the school psychologist. Total of 1200 hours supervised by a school psychologist. The student must complete a total of 6 credits. Rated as full-time student status. 

    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GDPC 654 . Limited to students in the School Psychology program. A student’s readiness for internship must be approved by Program core faculty before an internship site contract can be signed.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 820 - Internship in Counseling Psychology

    Credits: .5,1
    2000 hours of supervised field work in application of theory to counseling psychology practice with individuals, groups, families, children, or adolescents in an approved agency setting.

    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 3 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 825 - Topics in Counseling Psychology

    Credits: 1–3
    Study tour involving attendance, and possibly presentation, at a psychology conference as proposed by faculty. Students must also be enrolled in GDPC 835 for 2 credits.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 834 - Seminar in Educational/School Psychology

    Credits: 3
    Examines current issues and research in educational, developmental, or school psychology.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): Completion of 16 credits in educational, developmental, or school psychology.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Seminar
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 835 - Seminar in Counseling Psychology

    Credits: 2,3
    Examines professional identity, current ethical issues and research in the theory and practice of counseling psychology. Student must take either 3 credits of GDPC835 or 2 credits of GDPC835 and 1-3 credits of GDPC 825 (Topics in Counseling Psychology) in consultation with advisor.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Seminar
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 846 - Adult Advanced Emphasis Practicum

    Credits: 3
    Supervised counseling psychology practicum experience in chosen emphasis must immediately follow completion of GDPC745.Students enroll for a total of 6 academic credits to be completed in two consecutive semesters.  Clients will be selected that will provide the most experience with the student’s chosen emphasis.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s):   and   or equivalent and approval of the supervisor. Limited to students enrolled in the Counseling Psychology program.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 847 - Child/Family Advanced Emphasis Practicum

    Credits: 1–3
    Supervised counseling psychology practicum experience in chosen emphasis must immediately follow completion of GDPC745. Students enroll for a total of 6 academic credits to be completed in two consecutive semesters. Clients will be selected that will provide the most experience with the student’s chosen emphasis.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s):   and   or equivalent and approval of the supervisor. Limited to students enrolled in the Counseling Psychology program.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 848 - Diversity Advanced Emphasis Practicum

    Credits: 1–3
    Supervised counseling psychology practicum experience in chosen emphasis must immediately follow completion of GDPC745. Students enroll for a total of 6 academic credits to be completed in two consecutive semesters. Clients will be selected that will provide the most experience with the student’s chosen emphasis.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s):   and   or equivalent and approval of the supervisor. Limited to students enrolled in the Counseling Psychology program.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 849 - Health Psychology Advanced Emphasis Practicum

    Credits: 3
    Supervised counseling psychology practicum experience in chosen emphasis must immediately follow completion of GDPC745. Students enroll for a total of 6 academic credits to be completed in two consecutive semesters.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Prerequisite(s):   and   or equivalent and approval of the supervisor. Limited to students enrolled in the Counseling Psychology program.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 850 - Doctoral Field Externship

    Credits: 1–3
    Students desiring additional clinical experience may register for Field Externship to accumulate clinical hours. Each credit allows students to accumulate hours, of which 40% is direct service to clients. These hours must be completed outside of the ACCC.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 870 - Comprehensive Exam Preparation

    Credits: 0
    This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/o ‘I’ (S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 878 - Doctoral Practicum Continuation

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GDPC 899 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credits: 1–16
    A minimum of 14 credits required. Rated as full-time student status.  This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.


  • GEOG 110 - Survey of Geography

    Credits: 3
    A survey of major geographic perspectives: physical, human, and regional. Applies toward General Education social science requirements.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GEOG 240 - Physical Geography

    Credits: 3
    The physical environment in which human societies exist; the earth’s crust, its water systems, land systems, and climatic features.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Even years
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GEOG 260 - Cultural Geography

    Credits: 3
    The geographic viewpoint of the human occupancy of the earth in relation to the environment; including aspects of population, settlement, language, religion, and economy; a generalized survey of major world cultural areas to integrate course elements.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online, Self-Paced
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GEOG 435 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

    Credits: 3
    The study of the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Emphasis on the foundations of these systems, their components and capabilities.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • GEOG 460 - Topics:

    Credits: 2,3
    Study of selected topics in geography. Topic and credit to be announced in advance.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 9 credits with different topics
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.


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