Sep 26, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin 
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Music Performance

  • MUPF 164 - Applied Music

    Credits: 1,2
    Applied Music Non-Performance Major/Minor The private study of the performance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. Repertoire study includes solo and concerted works. Technical study includes scales and arpeggios, technical exercises appropriate to the performance medium, excerpts (where appropriate) and etudes. Performance-related skills study includes the development of basic-level skills in improvisation and the study of sight-reading. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF489. 

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 165 - Applied Music

    Credits: 1,2
    The private study of the performance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. Repertoire study includes solo and concerted works. Technical study includes scales and arpeggios, technical exercises appropriate to the performance medium, excerpts (where appropriate) and etudes. Performance-related skills study includes the development of basic-level skills in improvisation and the study of sight-reading. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF489.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 264 - Applied Music—Sophomore

    Credits: 1,2
    Applied Music Non-Performance Major/Minor The private study of the performance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. Repertoire study includes solo and concerted works. Technical study includes scales and arpeggios, technical exercises appropriate to the performance medium, excerpts (where appropriate) and etudes. Performance-related skills study includes the development of basic-level skills in improvisation and the study of sight-reading. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF 489. Non-music students may register for music lessons. These courses do not apply toward fulfilling music major degree requirements without specific music faculty action.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 265 - Applied Music—Sophomore

    Credits: 1,2
    The private study of the performance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. Repertoire study includes solo and concerted works. Technical study includes scales and arpeggios, technical exercises appropriate to the performance medium, excerpts (where appropriate) and etudes. Performance-related skills study includes the development of basic-level skills in improvisation and the study of sight-reading. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF 489.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 330 - University Orchestra

    Credits: 1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 334 - Wind Symphony

    Credits: 1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 336 - University Chorale

    Credits: 1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 339 - Chamber Music Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 345 - Sinfonietta

    Credits: 1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 360 - Applied Music Non-Degree

    Credits: 1,2
    Applied Music Non-Degree. The private study of the perfomance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. These courses do not apply toward fulfilling music degree requirements without specific music faculty action.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Special Approval: Instructor permission required.

    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 364 - Applied Music—Junior

    Credits: 1,2
    Applied Music Non-Performance Major/Minor The private study of the performance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. Repertoire study includes solo and concerted works. Technical study includes scales and arpeggios, technical exercises appropriate to the performance medium, excerpts (where appropriate) and etudes. Performance-related skills study includes the development of basic-level skills in improvisation and the study of sight-reading. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF489. Non-music students may register for music lessons. These courses do not apply toward fulfilling music major degree requirements without specific music faculty action.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 365 - Applied Music—Junior

    Credits: 1,2
    The private study of the performance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. Repertoire study includes solo and concerted works. Technical study includes scales and arpeggios, technical exercises appropriate to the performance medium, excerpts (where appropriate) and etudes. Performance-related skills study includes the development of basic-level skills in improvisation and the study of sight-reading. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF 489.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 385 - University Singers

    Credits: 1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 396H - Honors Music Recital (Junior)

    Credits: 1
    A memorized recital under the supervision of a music honors committee. Research document on compositions performed is required. May be taken in lieu of certain required and applied music courses.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 405 - Keyboard Accompaniment

    Credits: 1
    Accompanying of instrumental and vocal soloists. Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 410 - Collaborative Piano

    Credits: 1
    Coaching and instruction in collaborative piano; the study of piano ensemble repertoire, such as piano duos, piano duets, chamber music and other forms featuring the piano as a collaborative instrument. Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 420 - Diction for Singers

    Credits: 3
    The study of the rules for pronunciation and diction of the major languages used by singers. Study of Italian, French, German and Latin with application of International Phonetic Alphabet symbols.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Alternate years
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 464 - Applied Music—Senior

    Credits: 1,2
    Applied Music Non-Performance Major/Minor The private study of the performance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. Repertoire study includes solo and concerted works. Technical study includes scales and arpeggios, technical exercises appropriate to the performance medium, excerpts (where appropriate) and etudes. Performance-related skills study includes the development of basic-level skills in improvisation and the study of sight-reading. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF 489. Non-music students may register for music lessons. These courses do not apply toward fulfilling music major degree requirements without specific music faculty action.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 465 - Applied Music—Senior

    Credits: 1,2
    The private study of the performance repertoire and technique of the given instrument or voice and the study of performance-related skills. Repertoire study includes solo and concerted works. Technical study includes scales and arpeggios, technical exercises appropriate to the performance medium, excerpts (where appropriate) and etudes. Performance-related skills study includes the development of basic-level skills in improvisation and the study of sight-reading. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF 489.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 478 - Study Tour:

    Credits: 0
    Travel to destinations relevant to individual programs of study. Classes will be selected from department(s) offerings. Fee may be required.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Noncredit (NC,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Blended Learning
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 489 - Recital Attendance

    Credits: 0
    Attendance of on- and off-campus live musical events. Required for all music majors each semester in full-time residence and four (4) semesters for music minors. Students are required to attend nine (9) live musical events each semester in order to pass the course, at least seven (7) of which must be sponsored by the Department of Music. Students may count ensemble concerts in which they perform, but note that multiple performances of a given concert may only be counted as one (1) concert. Music majors and minors who do not achieve a “pass” for one (1) semester may risk losing their standing as a music major or minor.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory (S,U,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 496H - Honors Music Recital (Senior)

    Credits: 2
    A memorized recital under the supervision of a music honors committee. A research document on compositions performed is required. May be taken in lieu of certain required and applied music courses.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 497 - Recital—Senior

    Credits: 1,2

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal with DG (A-F,I,W,DG,DN)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 2 credits
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 499 - Senior Project

    Credits: 1,2
    Requires concurrent enrollment in MUHL 490 - Research Pro Seminar.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Corequisite(s): MUHL 490 
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 500 - Applied Music Study in Private Lessons (for music non-performance majors)

    Credits: 1,2
    Style and development of repertoire; preparation for public performance.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Corequisite(s): Requires concurrent enrollment in MUPF 489 .
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 505 - Keyboard Accompaniment

    Credits: 0,1
    Accompanying of instrumental and vocal soloists.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 506 - Advanced Conducting

    Credits: 1,2
    Choral/Instrumental Section 01: Study of the art and techniques of conducting relative to the score and to the chorus as a performance instrument. Section 02: Study of the art and techniques of conducting relative to the score and to the orchestra or band as performance instruments. Major works are studied and conducted. Each of these courses require concurrent enrollment in MUPF 489. MUPF 510 - Collaborative Piano and instruction in collaborative piano; the study of piano ensemble repertoire, such as piano duos, piano duets, chamber music, and other forms featuring the piano as a collaborative instrument.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 510 - Collaborative Piano

    Credits: 0,1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/ humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 515 - Recital Accompanying

    Credits: 0,1
    Preparation and public performance of a pianist/soloist recital in which the piano is the principal medium of accompaniment.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 516 - Piano Proficiency

    Credits: 1,2
    The development of basic keyboard skills required for building musicianship for all music graduate students: scales and chords, sight reading, accompaniment of melodies, and playing simple pieces and hymns.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory (S,U,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 520 - Diction for Singers

    Credits: 2
    The study of the rules for pronunciation and diction of the major languages used by singers. Study of Italian, French, German and Latin with application of International Phonetic Alphabet symbols.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Alternate Years
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 525 - University Orchestra

    Credits: 0,1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/ humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 526 - University Wind Symphony

    Credits: 0,1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/ humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 527 - University Chorale

    Credits: 0,1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/ humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 528 - University Singers

    Credits: 0,1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/ humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 538 - Chamber Music Ensemble

    Credits: 0,1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/ humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 545 - Sinfonietta

    Credits: 0,1
    Department of Music ensembles are open to all students upon permission of the instructor. Ensembles seek to expand the intellectual, psychological and spiritual horizons of the student. Ensemble credit may fulfill part of the General Education arts/ humanities breadth requirement. Permission to add or drop an ensemble must be approved by the respective instructor.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Music Organization
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 550 - Private Instruction in __________

    Credits: 1–4
    Private instruction in composition.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 560 - Applied Music Study in Private Lessons (for performance music majors)

    Credits: 1,2
    Style and development of repertoire; preparation for public performance.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Corequisite(s): Requires concurrent enrollment in MUPF 489 .
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 570 - Applied Music Study in Private Lessons (for non-music majors)

    Credits: 1,2
    Style and development of repertoire; preparation for public performance.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 575 - Recital

    Credits: 1,2
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal with DG (A-F,I,W,DG,DN)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 578 - Study Tour

    Credits: 0
    Travel to destinations relevant to individual programs of study. Classes will be selected from department(s) offerings. Fee may be required.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Blended Learning
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 589 - Recital Attendance

    Credits: 0
    Attendance of on- and off-campus live musical events. Required for all music majors each semester in full-time residence and four (4) semesters for music minors. Students are required to attend nine (9) live musical events each semester in order to pass the course, at least seven (7) of which must be sponsored by the Department of Music. Students may count ensemble concerts in which they perform, but note that multiple performances of a given concert may only be counted as one (1) concert. Music majors and minors who do not achieve a “pass” for one (1) semester may risk losing their standing as a music major or minor.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory (S,U,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MUPF 640 - Recital Continuation

    Credits: 1,2
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

Music - Religious

  • MURE 423 - Christian Worship and Music

    Credits: 3
    The class explores biblical principles of Christian worship and the musical experience as they relate to practices in the church. Emphasis will be placed upon Biblical principles shaping music ministry. The study of psychological and physiological foundations for perceiving music are a basis for examining principles of worship music, followed by discussion of applications to relevant situations.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Alternate years (even)
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MURE 485 - The Church Organ and Service Playing

    Credits: 2
    The development of the organ and organ literature; a practical study of church services, including organ registrations for choral music, vocal solos, and hymn playing; discussion of the organ interlude and improvisation. Concurrent enrollment in applied music—organ is recommended.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MURE 523 - Christian Worship and Music

    Credits: 2
    The class explores biblical principles of Christian worship and the musical experience as they relate to practices in the church. Emphasis will be placed upon biblical principles shaping music ministry. The study of psychological and physiological foundations for perceiving music are a basis for examining principles of worship music, followed by discussion of applications to relevant situations.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Alternate years (even)
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • MURE 590 - Ministry of Music Practicum

    Credits: 1
    A two-semester internship as minister of music or minister of music assistant in a selected church in the local area.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 2 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.


  • NRSG 211 - Nursing Pharmacology I

    Credits: 2
    Beginning nursing knowledge related to pharmacology, medication administration, and related monitoring of therapeutic and non-therapeutic patient response that builds a foundation for safe practice.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Corequisite(s): NRSG 216 
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 212 - Nursing Pharmacology II

    Credits: 3
    A continuation of pharmacology principles that examines major classifications of medications. Focuses on uses, dosages, therapeutic and non-therapeutic effects, interactions, and nursing interventions.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 211  or permission of the Department of Nursing.
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 215 - Introduction to Professional Nursing Concepts

    Credits: 1
    Introduces students to nursing history, mission, standards, language and critical thinking, and applies principles from the Department of Nursing conceptual framework, “Restoration to the Image of God,” along with other key nursing concepts. Must be taken spring semester of freshman year.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 216 - Fundamentals of Nursing Theory and Practice

    Credits: 5
    Integrates the nursing process into basic nursing skills, medication administration, and assessment of the adult client; with special emphasis on older adults. Includes 3 credits theory and 2 credits practicum.  

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221  , BIOL 222  , PSYC 101  , PSYC 301  ,
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab, Practicum
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 240 - Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing

    Credits: 4
    Presents the nurse’s role in facilitation of mental health and prevention, assessment and management of mental illness. Includes 3 credits theory and 1 credit practicum.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 211 , NRSG 216 , PSYC 101  or permission of the Department of Nursing.
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Practicum
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 305 - Health Assessment

    Credits: 3
    Introduces theoretical and practical skills for performing a focused and comprehensive health assessment. Emphasizes data collection for recognition of normal findings and common variations throughout the lifespan, and the use of nursing diagnoses to describe areas needing restoration. Includes 2 credits theory and 1 credit lab.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)

    BIOL 221  ,BIOL 222  , or “per permission of the Department of Nursing”

    NRSG 216  
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 315 - Pathophysiology

    Credits: 3
    Explores physiological adaptations and changes that occur due to chronic and acute illnesses. Provides etiology of disease states to use as a basis for nursing interventions.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 221, BIOL 222
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 320 - Professional Nursing Concepts for the RN

    Credits: 3
    Introduces and applies principles from the Department of Nursing conceptual framework, “Restoration to the Image of God,” along with other key nursing concepts, and bridges educational preparation and role expectation of the associate degree nurse for functioning at the professional level. Must be taken during the first year of schooling by RN to BS students. (Needs to be taken before 418 and 450.)

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 331 - Medical-Surgical I

    Credits: 5
    Integrates and applies the nursing process to prevent disease, manage, promote, restore or maintain health for adult clients with acute and chronic medical-surgical conditions. Includes 3 credits theory and 2 credits practicum. 

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 211  , NRSG 240  , NRSG 215  , NRSG 216  , FDNT 230  , NRSG 305  , NRSG 315  . 
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Practicum
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 332 - Medical-Surgical II

    Credits: 6
    Integrates and applies the nursing process to restore health, manage disease, and/or provide end-of-life care for adult clients and their families with acute medical-surgical conditions, in acute and critical-care settings. Includes 4 credits theory and 2 credits practicum.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 212 , NRSG 331 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Practicum
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 366 - Complementary Wellness and Restoration I

    Credits: 1
    Introduces the use of complementary therapies in disease prevention, and health promotion and maintenance towards restoration of clients, families and communities. Specific attention is given to the eight natural laws of health.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 408 - Families in Stress and Crisis

    Credits: 2
    Utilizes family systems and other theories as a basis for understanding family functioning. Prepares the students to be able to assess and intervene with families experiencing stress and/or crises.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 414 - Critical Care Nursing

    Credits: 3,4
    Focuses on the needs of clients with life-threatening conditions in an acute care setting; which may present in multiple body systems. Special needs of pediatric and elderly clients addressed as well. 

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 332   for Pre-licensure students,NRSG 408  ,NRSG 430  , NRSG 440  . 

    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 416 - Comprehensive Overview

    Credits: 2
    Review of knowledge to serve as preparation of pre-licensure students for the NCLEX.

    Grade Mode: Normal with DG (A-F,I,W,DG,DN)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 430 , NRSG 440 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 418 - Leadership in Nursing

    Credits: 3
    Provides opportunity for the student to gain knowledge in nursing leadership. Promotes the utilization of restorative principles in leadership theory and practice. Prepares students for leadership roles in all areas of nursing, and instills the pursuit of lifelong learning and professional development. 

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 332; NRSG 320 or per permission of the School of Nursing
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 430 - The Childbearing Family

    Credits: 4
    Emphasizes restorative and evidence-based nursing care of the childbearing family throughout preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, and the neonatal period with an added focus on women’s health issues. Includes 3 credits theory and 1 credit practicum.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 332 , PSYC 301 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Practicum
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 433 - Leadership in Nursing Practice

    Credits: 4
    Provides opportunity for the student to gain knowledge in nursing leadership. Promotes the utilization of restorative principles in leadership theory and practice. Emphasizes the role development for the professional nurse by exploring trends in leadership and management of human and financial resources. Prepares students for leadership roles in nursing practice. This course includes 3 credits theory and 1 credit internship with a nurse leader.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Interactive Online, Practicum
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 438 - Intercultural Mission Service in Nursing

    Credits: 2
    * Field service credit requirements are met in this class. Prepares students to apply principles of the Andrews University Department of Nursing conceptual framework, “Restoration to the Image of God,” while providing Christian nursing care and service in a worldwide context. Course includes principles and preparation for intercultural nursing practice.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: NRSG 332  , NRSG 430  , NRSG 440  
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 440 - The Developing Child

    Credits: 4
    Emphasizes an evidence-based nursing practice in both the maintenance and restorative health needs of the growing and developing child, from newborn through adolescence. Includes 3 credits theory and 1 credit practicum.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 332 , PSYC 301 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Practicum
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 443 - Nursing Informatics

    Credits: 3
    Nursing Informatics examines the history of healthcare informatics, current issues, basic informatics concepts and health information management systems. The use of technology to help make decisions and to improve the health status of the individual, family, and community will be explored. Students will learn how to apply informatics concepts to a current clinical practice setting by suggesting methods that use technology to improve patient safety and work effectiveness.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 445 - Nursing Research

    Credits: 3,4
    Provides foundational concepts on the research process and steps for utilizing research with the focus being on evidence-based practice. Introduces nursing perspectives related to critical thinking, scientific methods, ethical concerns, and search techniques necessary to the research process.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 331  or NRSG 320 ; or permission of the Department of Nursing. (BS - Completion students take the class for 4 credits.)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 450 - Community Nursing

    Credits: 4
    * Field service credit requirements are met in this class. Focuses on community as the primary client, in contrast with community as the setting for individual care. Students consider factors affecting the wellbeing, function, and/or existence of the community and its response to those problems. Includes 2 credits theory and 2 credits practicum.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Service course

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 418 , NRSG 430 , NRSG 440 ; for BS -Completion NRSG 320 , andNRSG 418 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Practicum, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 460 - Topics in _________

    Credits: 1–3
    Study of selected topics relevant to professional nursing practice. Subject and credits to be announced in advance.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 466 - Complementary Wellness and Restoration II

    Credits: 2,3
    An in-depth exploration of complementary therapies that can be utilized in conjunction with traditional therapies to assist clients with a chronic illness or high acuity needs towards restoration to the image of God in wellness, health maintenance, and disease management.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 470 - Global Health Nursing

    Credits: 3
    This course introduces students to concepts related global health issues. It explores the link between global health and socio-economic development. It focuses on measurement of risk factors in vulnerable populations, health status and disease burden within the global context

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 478 - Study Tour:

    Credits: 0
    Travel to selected areas combined with lectures, directed readings, projects and assignments. The amount of credit and the geographic area are designated at the time a study tour is announced. Fee may be required.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Noncredit (NC,W)
    Schedule Type: Blended Learning
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 480 - Senior Nursing Internship

    Credits: 3
    A capstone practicum that integrates nursing skills and knowledge with principles of daily practice. Takes place in acute care settings where the student manages groups of clients in conjunction with a preceptor (120 clock hours). Includes 1 credit seminar and 2 credits practicum.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Corequisite(s): NRSG 414 , NRSG 450 .
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 418 , NRSG 430 , NRSG 440 .
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 495 - Independent Study____________

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: Normal w S/DG (A-F,I,S,U,DG,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 515 - Teaching Strategies

    Credits: 3
    Explores the knowledge and competencies needed to develop and apply evidence based innovative teaching strategies in the classroom and clinical settings. Strategies for distance and web-based learning are also included.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 616 - Biostatistics for Clinical Data Management

    Credits: 3
    Introduces statistical concepts and analytical methods as applied to data encountered in biomedical sciences. It emphasizes the basic concepts of experimental design, quantitative analysis of data, and statistical references.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 644 - Research Methods for Evaluation and Outcomes of Advanced Clinical Practice

    Credits: 3
    The focus of this course is to provide the knowledge and skills to generate evidence-based knowledge using scientific inquiry to improve outcomes in patient care.  The components of research and evaluation processes are explored, culminating in the dissemination of research, evaluation and other evidence-based materials to healthcare professionals.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 616  
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 658 - Learning Theory and Health Teaching

    Credits: 2
    Provides advanced practice nurses with evidence based knowledge regarding educational theories and their application in academic and clinical settings for successful instruction and teaching of clients, community, nursing students and other healthcare professionals.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 660 - Curricular Development

    Credits: 2
    Provides students with knowledge related to analysis, development or design, and redesign or improvement, and evaluation of client, student, or professional nursing curricula. Instruction on principles and procedures for curricular development will be addressed.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 665 - Nursing Education Outcomes

    Credits: 3
    Students are provided information on methods for assessing overall educational outcomes, such as the individual patient education, classroom instruction, and in providing continuing education units for professional nurses.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s):  ,  .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 668 - Roles in Nursing Education

    Credits: 2
    Explores the various teaching and faculty roles that impinge upon the nurse educator. An understanding of the requirements of scholarship activities such as clinical currency, academic productivity, and teaching expertise are examined.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s):  , .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 670 - Project Continuation

    Credits: 0
    Students may register for this continuation course while completeing their capstone project, clearing deferred grade (DG) and/or incomplete (I) courses, and not enrolled in other program courses. This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration which includes library privileges and access to an advisor. Requires advisor approval.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/o ‘I’ (S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Special Approval: Program Director Permission Required

    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 675 - Program Continuation

    Credits: 0
    Students may register for this non-credit continuation course to maintain active status and while clearing deferred grade (DG) and/or incomplete (I) course. Registration for this course indicates active status, please see active status for additional information. Registration does not indicate full-time status. Requires program approval.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Noncredit (NC,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Special Approval: Program Director Permission Required

    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 680 - Teaching Practicum

    Credits: 4
    Provides the student with the opportunity to utilize knowledge gained in the nursing-education courses, in a nursing-focused educational experience of their choosing. A total of 300 clock hours are required.

    Grade Mode: Normal with DG (A-F,I,W,DG,DN)
    Prerequisite(s):  ,  ,  ,  ,  .
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    Term Offering: Summer
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 685 - DNP Advanced Practice Role

    Credits: 2
    This course explores the various roles of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Family Nurse Practitioner.  Areas discussed include patient care, health professional education, health policy, research, leadership and more.  Special focus is on Advanced practice.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Summer
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 700 - Theoretical Foundations for Scholarship in Advanced Practice Nursing

    Credits: 2
    Helps students examine theories from the fields of nursing, philosophy, biology, theology, humanities, phsychology, sociology, behavior, and health beliefs, along with the Conceptual Framework of the Department of Nursing to build the underpinnings and foundational basis for their advanced practice.  In addition, conceptualizations of person, environment, and health are explored as theories are examined.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 705 - Christian Ethics and Advanced Practice Nursing

    Credits: 2
    A study and exploration of ethical problems and dilemmas faced by Advanced Practice nurses in diagnosing, treating, billing, and communicating about care to clients, families, healthcare systems, community, and society as a whole.  In addition, it provides strategies for addressing ethical dilemmas based within a Christian context.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 710 - Principles of Epidemiology

    Credits: 3
    Introduces the basic principles and applications of epidemiology. It describes the distribution and determinants of disease in human population; and introduces students to the the theory, methods and body of knowledge of epidemiology.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 715 - Organizational Leadership in Health Care Systems

    Credits: 2
    This course introduces the student to the science of complex organizational structures and designs, with an emphasis on leadership within complex health care systems.  It focuses on health care environments in various venues such as: professional, organizational, political, government and more.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 720 - Information Systems and Patient Care Technology for Health Care

    Credits: 2
    This course focuses on information technology and its application in health care settings.  Content covered includes theoretical models of nursing informatics and database management, in the context of health care systems.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 726 - Interpersonal Dynamics and Cultural Issues in Advanced Practice Nursing

    Credits: 2
    Provides advanced knowledge related to underlying interpersonal concepts, skills, and practical approaches, specifically for relationship bulding across various cultures as an advanced practice nurse.  It is also important for effective communication in regards to all areas of health care cross culturally.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 727 - Clinical Health Promotion and Disease Prevention of Populations

    Credits: 2
    Explores theories of health promotion and disease prevention at the advanced practice level, with emphasis on patient education, epidemiology, health beliefs, and the eight natural laws of health.  The health care provider is provided with tools for directing and managing preventive care of various populations across the lifespan.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 730 - Health Care Policy for Advanced Practice Nursing

    Credits: 2
    This course examines concepts of health care policy and political behavior, and generates strategies for exercising professional leadership in effecting change in health disciplines.  The role of the DNP FNP in health politics for the workplace, organization, government and community will be presented.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 685  
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 741 - Primary Care Management of Infants, Children and Adolescents

    Credits: 2
    This course provides the future DNP with theory in primary health care settings necessary for the management of primary child health care, including wellness promotion, illness prevention. And treatment of common health problems in children, from newborn through young adulthood. Emphasis is on critical thinking and evidence- based practice to promote wellness lifestyles and reduce illness risks for children and families

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Corequisite(s): NRSG 742  
    Prerequisite(s): NRSG 748  , NRSG 760  , NRSG 755  , NRSG 756  
    Schedule Type: Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • NRSG 742 - Primary Care Management of Infants, Children and Adolescents Practicum

    Credits: 2
    This course requires 150 literal hours of practicum. They are to be completed in a primary care pediatric clinic. The focus is for students to integrate assessment data, and apply strategies for diagnosing and managing the well child as well as episodic visits.  Students are expected to apply theoretical knowledge gained from the primary care management of adolescents and children class. Students will be expected to pay attention to role development issues, collaborative and independent practice issues, as well as problem–solving.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.


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