Mar 13, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin 
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Andrews Core Experience Mathematics

The Andrews Core Experience mathematics requirement consists of a skill requirement, which should be met first, and a reasoning requirement, which should be fulfilled no later than the second year of college.

The skill requirement, competence in arithmetic and high school algebra, is met by an official Mathematics Placement Exam (MPE) score of at least P2, which may be obtained through testing or by completing the skills course material in MATH 091  and MATH 092 .

The skill requirement (MPE score) by testing.
The MPE score provides information essential to planning the college career; thus, almost all students (see exceptions below) must obtain an official MPE score during the first semester of residence.  Students with ACT or SAT scores will have an official MPE score assigned, based on their performance on the math portion of the test. All incoming students, new and transfer (see exceptions below), should check their record for an MPE score.  If they do not have a score or believe that the placement is inaccurate, then they can obtain an official MPE score by taking a proctored assessment.  For details go to the department Web site at

The skill requirement (MPE score) by skill course.
The skill course sequence, MATH 091  and MATH 092  Arithmetic and Algebra Review is offered for students with MPE scores of E0, E1, M0, M1, P0, P1. Students with these scores should usually enroll in MATH 091  Arithmetic and Algebra Review during their first semester.  Many students should plan to enroll first in MATH 091  and then MATH 092  (for two successive semesters) to bring their skills up to the required level.  Completion of the MATH 091 /MATH 092  sequence with a passing grade in both courses fulfills the skill requirement and awards a P2 score.  An R grade in MATH 092  indicates that the student is making reasonable progress but needs to re-register for MATH 092  to complete the material. For more information on MATH 091 and 092, go to the Department of Mathematics Web site.

The reasoning requirement.
MATH 145  Mathematics in the (Mis)Information Age is the course which most non-science students will find appropriate for meeting the reasoning requirement. MATH 165 , MATH 166 , MATH 168 , MATH 191 , and MATH 195  also meet the reasoning requirement.

Transfer policy.
Courses transferred to meet the reasoning requirement must be broadly equivalent, both in content and level, to those offered at Andrews to meet the requirement. Andrews students who wish to take a course elsewhere to meet the reasoning requirement must first meet the skill requirement and must have the proposed course accepted by petition before enrolling in it. Courses titled Intermediate Algebra, Elementary Algebra, Basic Algebra, Pre-algebra, College Arithmetic, or Business Mathematics may prepare the student for the MPE but do not normally meet the reasoning or the skill requirement or apply toward graduation.


  1. Students who at admission transfer College Algebra, College Algebra with Trigonometry, Precalculus, Precalculus Algebra, Precalculus Trigonometry, Calculus, a Cambridge “A Level” pass in Mathematics, or AP Calculus fulfill both the mathematics reasoning and skill requirements.
  2. Some courses other than those listed in 1 above may be accepted for the reasoning requirement, provided they are presented at admission and the skill requirement is separately fulfilled. Current criteria will be applied case by case. Students wishing to have a course evaluated should email the Andrews University Department of Mathematics a link to the course description found on the Web site of the institution offering that course.
  3. Students enrolled in the Center for Intensive English Programs are not required to obtain an official MPE score until the first semester of enrollment in regular college-level courses.