Jan 13, 2025  
2021-2022 Academic Bulletin 
2021-2022 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

A Healthy Lifestyle

Core Christian Values 

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

When choosing to attend Andrews University, students agree to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to maintain high standards of conduct. These standards are part of the unique mission and spiritual heritage of Andrews University and reflect core values that are grounded in biblical principles. These values include honesty, modesty, sexual purity, respect for others, and healthful living and safety.

Admission to the University is not a right. It is a privilege that entails acceptance of individual responsibility and exercising self-discipline to uphold our academic standards and community values. The University can ask any student to leave whose conduct is in violation of the mission and function of the institution or who persistently violates the University’s core values and the Code of Student Conduct.

Code of Student Conduct

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

The Code of Student Conduct is detailed in this “Student Handbook” (see Code of Student Conduct). Any expectation adopted and published by the administration in more informal written communication or online requires the same respect and compliance as expectations printed in official publications.

Students may review the “Handbook” for 2021–22 online at andrews.edu/life.

Academic Integrity 

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

Academic Integrity

University learning thrives on the rigor of individual investigation, the authentic exchange of ideas, and a corporate commitment to integrity and mutual respect. It requires all members of the academic community to behave honestly—speaking truthfully to colleagues, co-learners and teachers and completing all homework, tests, papers and projects with integrity. Andrews University anchors its practices in the teachings of the Bible as well as in widely established and honorable academic traditions. Much as the apostle Paul calls us to authenticity in our Christian walk, so the educational institution demands of its participant’s true and accurate self-representation. In Ephesians, Paul invites believers “to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:23–24, NRSV). As scholars and as Christ’s servants, we build His living body through our honesty in all things, both small and great. To that end, Andrews University’s students pledge to learn and grow together, committing to the following standards and affirming honesty as a core component of an Andrews University education.

Integrity Standards

Students promise to:

  1. Present assignments, lab reports and research findings that are not falsified in any way
  2. Respect copyrighted and/or licensed material (whether it be directly quoted or paraphrased) by citing print or electronic sources as appropriate
  3. Follow the source citation guidelines outlined by the course professor
  4. Submit work that is solely created by the person to whom it is assigned
  5. Contribute equitably when participating in group work
  6. Prepare for quizzes and examinations by study and review without stealing, accepting or using unauthorized quizzes or examination materials
  7. Follow the professor’s instructions regarding allowable aids during a quiz or examination
  8. Complete quizzes and tests without seeking answers from or sharing answers with other students or unauthorized sources
  9. Encourage others to high standards of integrity by refusing to assist in acts of academic dishonesty

Integrity Pledge

Because academic honesty is central to who we are and what we do at Andrews University, the following pledge is required of every student scholar that agrees to join this community:

I promise on my honor as a member of the learning community at Andrews University that I will faithfully adhere to these Integrity Standards in the completion of all coursework requirements and scholarly projects.

Academic Integrity Policy

The following is a synopsis of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy for all students. This synopsis is not exhaustive, and students are referred to “Academic Integrity” online at andrews.edu/academics/academic_integrity.html to view the policy in its entirety.

Andrews University has adopted a policy that aims to create an environment in which academic integrity is considered by all members of the community to be the expected norm. Two councils have been established to administer and lead in this area.

Student Academic Integrity Council (SAIC)

This council consists of 11 students chosen from undergraduate and graduate schools in the spring to be representatives for the following year. Students interested in serving on the SAIC should apply to the chairs of their departments by March 15 to be chosen for the following year.

Among the council’s responsibilities are the following:

  1. Educating the Andrews campus regarding the Academic Integrity Policy through activities such as:
    • Educating new students at orientation and new faculty at faculty orientation
    • Working with ITS to provide web-based resources aimed at enriching academic integrity on campus
    • Organizing and initiating a yearly chapel focused on academic integrity
  2. Provide members to serve on Integrity Panels as required
    • The panels consist of three students, two faculty and one non-voting faculty moderator
    • These panels meet to determine whether a student is to be considered responsible for a breach of the Integrity Policy and to determine the appropriate consequence of any breach when:
      • A student accumulates multiple violations
      • A student disputes a charge of having violated the Integrity Policy
  3. Consider requests from students to have records cleared of violations of the Academic Integrity Policy
  4. Give annual reports to the University community on all actions taken by the SAIC that year
  5. Give an annual report to the provost of the University on any recommended changes to the Integrity Policy they feel are needed

Faculty Academic Integrity Council (FAIC)

This council also consists of 11 members chosen from programs across the University.

Among the council’s responsibilities are the following:

  1. Provide two members to act as advisors to the SAIC
  2. Provide members to serve on Integrity Panels as required
    • The panels consist of three students, two faculty and one non-voting faculty moderator

While the intent of the policy is to educate the campus in ways to avoid breaches of integrity and to bring us together in a community of honest academic effort, the consequences of intentionally breaking a pledge to the University community are also spelled out and should be considered carefully.

What happens when a student is accused of violating the Academic Integrity Policy?

  • A faculty member that believes a student is responsible for violating the Academic Integrity Policy will:
    • Discuss the matter with the student, asking for a response
    • Should the faculty member believe there has been a violation, they will determine the level of violation committed and assign a sanction
      • There are five levels of violation described in the Integrity Policy
  • The faculty member will file a report of the violation electronically
    • The student will have the opportunity to respond to this report, either accepting or rejecting the allegation
    • The student has FIVE DAYS to return the completed document
    • If the student does not return the document in the five-day period, it will be assumed that the student has accepted both the charge and the sanction and they will be applied to the student’s record
    • The only persons with access to this electronic record are the student, the student’s advisor and the chair of the student’s department
    • An overall record of all a student’s reported violations across campus is maintained
  • In most situations where the student agrees that they are responsible for the violation and accepts the recommended sanction, no further action is taken
  • In cases where the student denies the charges, disputes the recommended sanction, or where the record alerts the SAIC that multiple violations have occurred, an Integrity Panel is formed
    • The number of violations that will trigger the formation of an Integrity Panel depends on the level of the violations
      • Three level 1 violations (or two level 1 and one level 2)
      • Two level 2 violations
      • A level 3 violation and any violation at any other level
      • One level 4 violation
      • Level 0 violations are considered to be those committed without any intent on the part of the student and are not considered toward the formation of an Integrity Panel
  • Integrity Panels consist of three students, two faculty and one non-voting faculty member acting as a moderator
    • Integrity Panels are responsible for
      • Determining whether a student is responsible for committing a violation
      • And, when responsibility is assigned to the student, determining the appropriate sanction

The “XF” Grade

In cases where an Integrity Panel has determined that a student is responsible for violating the Integrity Policy, they will then determine the sanction to be applied. The Integrity Panel has the authority to apply the sanction recommended by the faculty member or to render a different sanction in cases where the majority feels the original sanction was too harsh or too lenient. Any sanction, from minor ones through expulsion from the University, which is considered appropriate by the Integrity Panel may be applied.

One possible sanction is the application of the “XF” grade to the student’s record for the class in question. The “XF” indicates that the student received an “F” in the class for violation of academic integrity policies and is recorded on the student’s transcript with the notation “failure due to academic dishonesty.”

The following applies to the “XF” grade:

  • It is treated in the same way as an “F” for the purposes of grade point average, course repeatability and determination of academic standing
  • No student with an “XF” notation on his or her transcript shall be permitted to represent the University in any extracurricular activity or to run for or hold office in any student organization that is allowed to use University facilities or receives University funds.

A student may apply to the SAIC to have the “X” portion of the “XF” removed if

  • 12 months have passed since the violation was imposed
  • The student has not been found in violation of any other academic integrity policies in that 12-month period
  • The SAIC makes all decisions regarding removal of the “X.” For breaches of integrity committed with significant planning and intent, the “X” will not typically be removed.

A Last Word on Integrity

The SAIC and the FAIC encourage all students to become acquainted with the University Academic Integrity website when it becomes available. There you will find information on the policy itself, ways to avoid plagiarism, correct methods of utilizing media from outside sources, etc.

Student Leadership 

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

Andrews University values student leaders and is committed to developing the leadership abilities of all students. Holding a formal student leadership position, however, is a responsibility and privilege granted to students who meet minimum qualifications. Formal student leadership positions include officers of the AUGSA, AUSA, presidents of student clubs, and resident advisors.

Candidates for formal student leadership positions must:

  • Have a current semester and cumulative grade point average of at least 2.25 (3.00 for AUSA and AUGSA officers). Students who have been on academic probation in the past or current semester to an election or appointment are not eligible to hold leadership positions.
  • Have a satisfactory citizenship or student conduct record. Serious citizenship concerns, regardless of when or where they occurred, may impact a student’s leadership eligibility. Students who have been suspended and/or are on citizenship probation in the current semester to an election or appointment are not eligible to hold leadership positions. Formal leadership candidates who are part of a current student conduct inquiry may lose their eligibility as well.
  • Have a demonstrated commitment to the values and mission of Andrews University.

A formal student leader who is suspended or placed on citizenship probation, or academic probation, or whose current or cumulative grade point average falls below 2.25 (3.00 for AUSA and AUGSA officers) will be required to resign his/her position.

Student Organizations 

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

The Right to Associate

Students have the right to organize and join registered student organizations to promote their common interests consistent with the values, mission and policies of the University and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The University reserves the right to determine which pursuits are suited to student-led organizations and which may be carried out only within the context of an institutional department or program.

Student organizations should exist:

  • To encourage students to engage in activities which complement classroom instruction
  • To broaden and strengthen students’ abilities and interests
  • To enrich the campus culture and promote an ethic of service
  • To offer students opportunities to develop leadership skills

Recognition of Student Organizations

All student groups must be recognized by the University in order to function on- or off-campus or online. Affiliation with an external organization will not of itself guarantee the recognition of a student organization. Recognition is granted solely by the University. In order to be recognized, student organizations must:

  • Register annually with the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities
  • Be overseen by an approved faculty or staff advisor/sponsor
  • Have a minimum of ten currently enrolled students as members, including three who serve as officers
  • Have a constitution on file in the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities
  • Be open to all Andrews University students
  • Be in conformity with University policies and values
  • Send an advisor/sponsor and at least one officer to a student organization orientation session or its equivalent

The failure of a registered student organization to meet the policies and expectations of the University could result in the revoking of University approval.

Unauthorized Student Organizations

Student groups that do not meet the criteria above are not permitted to function, recruit or otherwise have an influence on the Andrews University campus. Students belonging to organizations that exist without the approval of the University will be found in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and will jeopardize their student status. Unauthorized organizations that have attempted to recruit University students in the past include Raw Dogs, Rubies, Fam One and O.M.E.G.A. Students who are uncertain of an organization’s legitimacy should call the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities for more information.

Protection of Individual Student Rights

The right to associate must be practiced with respect to the individual rights of students who are either a part of the organization or seeking membership within it, as well as those outside of the organization. These rights include, but may not be limited to, the right to learn; the right to be free from discrimination and harassment; the right to discuss, inquire, express and petition; and the right to appeal/grievance. On this basis:

  • Admission to organizations must be open to all students without respect to race, color, sex (except residence hall clubs), national origin, religion, age, disability or any protected characteristic.
  • Organizations may establish membership requirements as long as these are made public and do not (1) discriminate against any protected characteristic, (2) deny a student’s rights as outlined in this “Handbook,” or (3) place an undue hardship on a student’s ability to maintain academic success and progress.
  • Membership is the right of any student who meets an organization’s membership requirements and may not be determined by organizational vote or come solely at the invitation of an organization. Officers, however, may be elected by an organization, as outlined in an organization’s constitution and bylaws.
  • Membership is to be granted only to currently enrolled students. Former students and alumni may maintain a connection to a student organization (as they would to the University) but may not participate as members or hold voting privileges.
  • Students have the right to full disclosure of an organization’s existence, purpose, policies and procedures so as to make an informed choice for or against membership. Likewise, organizations must conduct their business and activities in a transparent fashion, with the full knowledge and participation of their advisor/sponsor.
  • Students seeking to resolve differences within a student organization should do so through the established channels of the organization. However, a student always has the right to seek assistance from University personnel, especially in cases of misconduct, threatening or harassing behavior, etc. (see Right to Appeal/Grievance).
  • Commitment to membership in a student organization is voluntary in nature and may be withdrawn by a student at any time without consequence. Refunds of paid organizational dues, however, are at the discretion of the charging organization.


All student organizations are required to have a University-approved faculty or staff advisor/sponsor. Each organization is free to recruit and present a faculty or staff nominee to the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities for approval. Large organizations or those with multiple functions may be required to select a second advisor/sponsor.

Members of the Andrews faculty and staff perform an important educational role when they accept the responsibility to advise student organizations. They will guide the student officers and units, but they will not arbitrarily seek to control the policies and decisions of the student organizations.

The advisor/sponsor or the vice president for Campus & Student Life may exercise the right to suspend or reverse a decision by the student officers or organization when that decision is found to be contrary to the values or operational processes of the University. An advisor’s/sponsor’s decision to suspend or reverse a decision may be appealed to the associate dean for Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities and eventually to the assistant vice president for Campus & Student Life.

Activity Approval

All student activities must be sponsored by a University department, registered student organization, or student association (AUSA, AUGSA) and be approved by the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities. On rare occasions the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities may deem it necessary to deny activities when the activities are not in harmony with University values and objectives. All activities and trips must be supervised by the presence of a full-time faculty or staff member for the full duration of the activity or trip, or part-time staff/adjunct faculty as approved by Student Life. Activity Approval Forms are available in the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities.

  • On- or Off-Campus Day Activities. Student activities held on- or off-campus without an overnight stay must be approved by the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities at least two weeks prior to the activity.
  • Overnight Off-Campus Trips. Student trips to off-campus locations involving at least one overnight stay must be approved by the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities and require completion of the Tour Application and Risk Management Approval Process.
  • Fund-raising. Individuals may not solicit funds or fund-raise on-campus. Student organizations may engage in certain fund-raising activities with the approval of the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities based on the following stipulations:
    • Fund-raising promotional materials must clearly identify the recipient(s) of the funds and the purpose for which they will be used.
    • All funds must be deposited into the student organization’s account.
    • Funds may be disbursed to non-profit organizations holding 501c3 status and whose mission, values and practices do not conflict with those of the University.
    • Loose cash collections may be taken up on behalf of charities; however, donors wishing to receive a tax deduction must donate directly to the benefiting organization.
    • Donations made to University student organizations will not be tax deductible.
    • Student organizations may disburse cash payments to individuals or families in need but only after a disbursement plan has been approved by the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities.
    • Student organizations are prohibited from soliciting funds from University departments or entities. University departments are also prohibited from using University funds to support student organizations.

Dance and Choreography

Dance has been used throughout time by cultures around the world to celebrate life, foster community, express emotion, enact stories, and pass on traditions. Learning about dance in a global context is part of understanding and appreciating the history and culture of one’s own heritage and that of others.

Dance performances are allowed as part of University-sponsored cultural celebrations. Teaching dance as part of cultural education is also allowed. Using choreographed dance in campus worship is appropriate, as is incorporating dance movements into group exercise routines. University events may include instructor-led group dance (such as folk, line, step or circle dances) as one of multiple program elements.

Social dance events (i.e., events centered around casual, formal or couple dancing) and student-led dance organizations are not allowed.

Student leaders, club sponsors and other members of the Andrews community are expected to exercise discernment when planning or participating in dance. Some dances (such as those incorporating sexually explicit moves) and accompanying music lyrics may not reflect the University’s mission, values or standards. Requests to include dance and choreography are made as part of the University’s event approval process.

Learning about and participating in the dance of another cultural group can be an enjoyable and educational experience. However, cultural appropriation—using cultural stereotypes or mimicking another cultural group—is offensive and has no place at the University.

Financial Accountability

The University requires financial accountability of student organization officers, including statements of an organization’s income, income sources and expenses.

Dues. Each organization is responsible for the collection and management of its own dues. Club dues may be charged to students’ accounts within the first monthly billing cycle of the semester with the submission of the proper charge forms. Yearly dues may not exceed $50.

Deposits. All student organization funds must be deposited with the University cashier into an organizational account to reduce the loss from misappropriation or the lack of proper custodianship when there is an officer turnover.

Use of funds. Dues or funds collected from the membership may not be used by the executive officers for gifts or activities that are restricted to the executive officers or any other select group within the club. The University does not permit clubs to utilize “GoFundMe” accounts.

All club and organization expenditures over $100 must have prior approval of the advisor/sponsor. Expenditures that do not receive authorization may not be reimbursed by the club/organization. In addition, all contracts/agreements with outside vendors shall only be signed (authorized) for the club by the advisor/sponsor.

Accounts. The advisor/sponsor is responsible for the proper auditing of club accounts. Notices will be sent to the advisor/sponsor or associate dean for Student Activities, Leadership & Involvement when an organizational account has reached a minimum balance and is in danger of being overspent. Major charges made to an organization’s account by a University department may require a balance verification before business can be transacted.

Tax status. The University’s tax-exempt status does not extend to student organizations, and therefore purchases made by organizations are not tax-exempt.

Student Associations 

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022   

Andrews University Student Association (AUSA)

The AUSA is the hub of undergraduate campus activity. All undergraduate students taking at least five credits are automatically members of the Andrews University Student Association.

The purposes of the AUSA are to:

  • Serve the University community and contribute to the fuller unfolding of the Adventist program of education
  • Serve as a channel for organizing student activities
  • Provide a vehicle for the expression of student opinion
  • Provide opportunity for leadership experience and the development of skills in organization and administration

The AUSA source of authority is provided through the policies voted by the University and the Board of Trustees as interpreted by the president through the vice president for Campus & Student Life and the AUSA advisors.

The AUSA may vote its own constitution, bylaws and working policies, and elect officers. The constitution, bylaws and working policies shall be consistent with the University policies. The AUSA constitution and bylaws shall provide that all legislation be processed through standing committees, composed of Student Senate members with the right to vote.

AUSA Elections

Candidates for Student Association offices, appointees for offices and editors of the Student Association communications media shall be approved by the vice president for Campus & Student Life. This is done after consultation with the Student Life Council, taking into consideration the standards published in the “Student Handbook” and the qualifications included in the Student Association constitution, bylaws and working policies.

The Student Life Council may elect to advise the vice president by secret ballot. The vice president’s decisions are final and reasons will not be made public. Candidate names will not be announced publicly nor will the candidates campaign until they have been approved by the vice president for Campus & Student Life.

  • Candidates for AUSA elections will be members of the AUSA.
  • Candidates must meet the formal student leadership requirements with the increased expectation that in order to be eligible to run for AUSA office, candidates must have a current semester and cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00. A 3.00 current or cumulative grade point average must be maintained in order for an AUSA officer to continue holding office. Students who have been on academic probation in the 12 months prior to an election or appointment are not eligible to hold leadership positions.
  • Candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to the values and mission of Andrews University and a respect for the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • Candidates must have a satisfactory citizenship record. Serious citizenship concerns, regardless of when or where they occurred, may impact a student’s leadership eligibility. Students who have been suspended and/or are on citizenship probation in the current semester to an election or appointment are not eligible to hold leadership positions. Formal leadership candidates who are part of a current citizenship inquiry may lose their eligibility as well.
  • Those who wish to run for office should submit an application to the Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities.
  • Candidates will have presented a platform to the vice president for Campus & Student Life for approval. Platforms will be in harmony with the standards and objectives of the University.
  • All posters for campaigns will conform to the regular University policy regarding posters. In the Campus Center during elections, exceptions to the policy may be authorized by the vice president for Campus & Student Life.

A student who is suspended or placed on citizenship probation, or academic probation or whose current or cumulative grade point average falls below 3.00 will be required to resign his/her office.

Andrews University Graduate Student Association (AUGSA)

All graduate students registered in regular or provisional status in all the schools and colleges of the Berrien Springs campus of the University shall be voting members of the AUGSA.

The purposes of the AUGSA are:

  • To work together more diligently for the common good within the University’s working policies
  • To maintain and uphold the objectives and purposes of the University and its sponsoring denomination
  • To promote awareness of the skills, capabilities and services available to graduate students in all disciplines
  • To maintain academic integrity, research, responsibility and privileges
  • To promote a clear understanding of the peculiar needs, challenges and responsibilities of graduate students
  • To provide a means of training for leadership and service to God and humanity

The AUGSA source of authority is provided through the policies voted by the University faculty and the Board of Trustees as interpreted by the president through the vice president for Campus & Student Life and the AUGSA advisors.

The AUGSA may vote its own constitution, bylaws and working policies. The constitution, bylaws and working policies shall be consistent with the University policies. The AUGSA constitution and bylaws shall provide that all legislation be processed through standing committees and processes including membership votes.

AUGSA Officer Selection

All AUGSA candidates must maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA to be eligible for and to hold office. Candidates must exemplify good citizenship and receive endorsement from a faculty advisor and the dean of the school they represent.

  • Candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to the values and mission of Andrews University and a respect for the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
  • Candidates must have a satisfactory citizenship record. Serious citizenship concerns, regardless of when or where they occurred, may impact a student’s leadership eligibility. Students who have been on citizenship probation or suspended in the 12 months prior to an election or appointment are not eligible to hold leadership positions. Leadership candidates who are part of a current citizenship inquiry may lose their eligibility as well.
  • Those who wish to nominate themselves as a candidate for office should submit an application to the AUGSA within the time period announced each spring semester.


Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

The Office of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities exists to create and maintain a Christian environment of social and recreational activities that foster healthy and rewarding relationships within a diverse student body.

Student Activities plans and coordinates a variety of events in collaboration with the Andrews University Student Association (AUSA), Andrews University Graduate Student Association (AUGSA) and other clubs and organizations. In addition, Student Activities facilitates the creation and renewal and general oversight of campus clubs and organizations.

Campus Center

The Campus Center is a gathering place where students can both socialize and study. In order to provide a welcoming environment for all students, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Each student is responsible for throwing away his/her trash in the receptacles provided.
  • Furnishings should be left clean and in order. Tables and chairs, if moved, must be returned to their proper place.
  • Use of personal equipment for playing music or for viewing videos, etc., is permitted only with the use of headphones. Material viewed must be in harmony with Christian values.
  • Appropriate decorum is expected and should not include public displays of affection such as kissing, sitting on laps, etc. Please also be aware that stairwells and stairs are unoccupied areas—students found in these areas will be asked to vacate.
  • Groups wishing to rehearse or practice must first reserve space with the Student Life office.
  • Meat and caffeinated beverages may not be served or sold on campus.

Students wishing to set up a booth in the Campus Center hallway should reserve a table with the Student Life office manager. The Student Life & Leadership Lab may be reserved through the Student Life office.

William Mutch Recreation Center

The William Mutch Recreation Center, located on the lower level of the Campus Center, is a meeting place for students to socialize, study and gather. Various games and recreation equipment are available to check out and use. Student workers are on duty to facilitate and help to maintain the facilities. The recreation center is open during evenings and weekends and for special events.


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The Office of Athletics offers a wide variety of intramural sports and open recreation activities. The Office of Athletics also supports the Cardinal athletic program that consists of men’s and women’s soccer teams and men’s and women’s basketball teams. The Cardinal athletic program (soccer and basketball) is a Division II member of the United States Collegiate Athletic Association.

The Gymnics program is also part of the Office of Athletics. The Gymnics, a dynamic acrosport gymnastics team, share positive lifestyle messages as they showcase their skills.

Students participating as active members of intercollegiate teams must meet eligibility expectations for the USCAA. Additionally, to be eligible for participation intercollegiate and gymnastic athletes cannot be on academic probation or citizenship probation.

Dress and Personal Appearance

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

Students’ appearance should meet the professional standards of a faith-based university setting where the focus is on higher learning, personal development and career preparation. Dress should adopt the following principles:

  • Modesty—Appropriately covering the body, avoiding revealing or suggestive styles.
  • Simplicity—Accentuating natural appearance rather than ostentation.
  • Appropriateness—Wearing clean and neat clothing suitable to the occasion, activity and place.

The University respects cultural and religious differences in dress and hairstyles. Mimicking or appropriating the stereotyped appearance of another cultural or religious group is never appropriate.

Everyday Attire—Pants or jeans with shirts, sweaters or jackets are the most suitable attire for men. Dresses, skirts, pants or jeans with blouses, shirts, sweaters or jackets are the most fitting attire for women. Modest shorts are acceptable for all students. Shoes must be worn in campus buildings, except for private residence hall areas.

Specialized Attire—Form-fitting athletic clothing is suitable for the gym but not the classroom. Swimwear should be worn only in swimming areas and sleepwear only in private living quarters.

Inappropriate Attire—This includes 1) clothing with images or language not in harmony with the Code of Student Conduct, 2) clothing that does not fully cover the torso, and 3) dress and grooming that disrupt the teaching and learning environment by bringing undue attention to an individual student.

Accessories—In the spirit of simplicity, we avoid wearing ornamental rings and bracelets, necklaces and chains, earrings, and piercings. However, many do wear symbols of a marital commitment, such as wedding and engagement rings.

Additional Expectations—Some areas of the University may communicate dress expectations that conform to the work or function of that department. These might include swimwear regulations for the pool, professional dress standards for a work setting, or attire required by an academic program for labs, clinicals or field placements.

Students may anticipate receiving counsel and/or directives on matters of dress as part of their education, work or leadership responsibilities, or career preparation. Such interactions are most likely for those employed in University workplaces, enrolled in professional programs, engaged in student leadership, or participating in activities representing the University.

Romantic and Marriage Relationships 

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

As a Christian institution of higher learning, Andrews University believes that healthy romantic, marriage and sexual relationships must be built on biblical principles. Therefore, we expect students to refrain from all premarital and extramarital sexual relationships and inappropriate displays of affection.

While relationships and appropriate demonstrations of intimacy are an important part of college student development, couples should respect the rights and interests of their companions and others by limiting displays of affection in public. In the interest of safety and propriety, couples should avoid lingering in parked vehicles, vacant rooms and secluded campus locations. Likewise, unmarried or unrelated students of the opposite sex or students who are in a romantic relationship may not live or stay overnight in the same shared dwelling.

For a detailed statement on the University’s position, policies and protections regarding differences in sexual orientation, please refer to Appendix 1 (see Appendix 1: A Seventh-day Adventist Framework for Relating to Sexual Orientation Differences on the Campus of Andrews University).

Substance Abuse 

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

Andrews University is committed to providing a drug-free environment for learning and working. Such a commitment led the University to establish a Drug-Free Policy, which clearly outlines the University’s zero-tolerance position and strives to educate the student body on the advantages of a drug-free lifestyle. The University also helps chemically dependent students find resources to aid in their recovery.

Students are expected to remain drug-free. Drug-free means abstaining from the use of alcohol, tobacco and other mind-altering drugs, as well as refraining from the misuse and/or abuse of prescription drugs. A drug-free policy also means avoiding circumstances that may be the source of a positive test, such as being in proximity to substnaces that are being smoked at an event, in a home, or in a vehicle. The University also upholds all laws which prohibit the possession, use, manufacturing or distribution of controlled substances. The possession of drug paraphernalia and use of “look alike” or designer drugs including any or all parts of e-cigarettes, hookahs, vapor and hookah pens, etc., regardless of the substance delivered, are also prohibited and considered an offense of the Drug-Free Policy.

A K-9 handler team is authorized by the University to conduct searches of campus facilities (see Campus Safety Services and Information). Prohibited substances, materials and equipment will be confiscated.


Michigan state law permits the use of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes in certain situations. However, marijuana use, possession and/or cultivation remains prohibited at educational institutions which are recipients of federal funds and must be compliant with federal laws (including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act).

Regardless of how state and federal laws view marijuana, Andrews University considers the use, possession or cultivation of marijuana as inconsistent with its core values. Therefore, the use, possession or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes or for any other purpose is not allowed on the property of Andrews University. As part of the Andrews University Code of Student Conduct, marijuana use or possession is also prohibited off-campus.


When there is reasonable suspicion that a student used alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or illegal substances or was found to be in close proximity to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or illegal substances or drug paraphernalia, students may be required to participate in random, on-demand alcohol, tobacco and drug screenings and must provide a valid sample without tampering or adulteration. When there is credible evidence regarding the use of alcohol a student may still be required to take a breathalyzer test to assess the level of intoxication.

In cases where there is not confirmed usage, costs related to tests required for students will be covered by the University if the results are negative. Costs will be the responsibility of the student if the results are positive.

When a student reports that a positive drug test was the result of secondhand smoke or from being in proximity to another person who smoked, rather than from their own usage, the conduct response will be the same, regardless of how the substance entered the body.

Voluntary Referral

All students can choose to voluntarily seek assistance in remaining drug- and alcohol-free. Faculty members, Counseling or Student Life professionals are available for consultations. No disciplinary action will typically be taken if the student initiates (without the information being already reported to or known by a University or law enforcement official) a voluntary effort to seek assistance. To be considered as a voluntary referral, the student must provide, from the Counseling & Testing Center or a licensed healthcare provider, current documentation of having taken the voluntary initiative as well as evidence of faithfully following the established plan for attendance, treatment, removal of triggers and personal growth.

Substance use/abuse counseling is available from the Counseling & Testing Center. Limited services include the following:

  • Professional substance use assessment
  • Individual counseling
  • Support groups for chemical dependency

Mandatory Referral

If students are found in violation of the policy, the University will activate the following response.

Non-illegal Substance Violations

A first violation for a non-illegal substance use or possession (such as alcohol or marijuana) will result in an in-school suspension along with a conduct intervention plan from the University. To be eligible to regain and/or continue student status, the student must fulfill the following protocol:

  1. Commit to an accountability plan with a Student Life professional and sign a release of information consent form to the Counseling & Testing Center
  2. Serve a two-week in-class suspension (required class attendance) as determined by the Student Life Conduct Council that may include:
    • Remaining in current residence
    • Citizenship Probation (15 weeks)
    • Making an appointment with the Counseling & Testing Center within three days to obtain a Substance Use Assessment (100.00 fee charged to student account)
    • Requesting that the counselor submit verification to referring entity of the completion of the assessment and a summary report with recommendations for ongoing care
    • Completing a six-session psychoeducational course with the Counseling & Testing Center (250.00 course fee changed to student account)
    • Accountability Advisor (minimum of six sessions)
    • Other restorative, educational or voluntary service interventions

Illegal Substances and Other Serious or Repeated Substance-Related Violations

Violations that will result in a more major suspension from the University (at minimum for the current or one full semester) during which time the student will be separated from the campus and all campus activities, include conduct related to:

  • Use of illegal substances
  • Use or ps
  • A second use or possession violation
  • Planning and/or hosting events where alcohol, marijuana and/or illegal substances are served and/or consumed
  • Selling or supplying alcohol, marijuana or illegal substances
  • Attempting to solicit or facilitate the purchase or presence of alcohol, marijuana or illegal substances for use by others
  • Underage use of alcohol, marijuana and/or illegal substances, or providing alcohol, marijuana and/or illegal substances to underage individuals

A report will be made to the appropriate legal authorities if the student has violated state laws regarding illegal drugs and controlled substances.

To be eligible to regain and/or continue student status the student must:

  • Serve an off-campus suspension which will be a minimum of one semester, during which time the student is separated from the campus (under the terms of a campus ban) and all campus activities and services.

Prior to returning to the campus and classes the student must:

  • Sign a release of information consent form and submit documentation from the licensed community counselor of the completion of any mandated assessment and/or treatment, with recommendations for ongoing care
  • Submit documentation of the completion of any drug testing or other restorative and educational requirements

Upon returning and registering for a future semester the student must commit to a re-entry and accountability plan with a Student Life dean that includes the following:

  • Serving a minimum 15-week Citizenship Probation that may include the removal of privileges (see Student Conduct Intervention [Disciplinary] Processes)
  • Participating for a minimum of six (biweekly) sessions with an accountability adviser.
  • Completing a psychoeducational course with the Counseling & Testing Center which includes attendance of six sessions.
  • Participating in random, on-demand drug testing (without tampering or adulteration) and accepting responsibility for related fees regardless of positive or negative results

Health Risks and Resources

There are many health risks associated with the use of alcohol and drugs—many of these risks are noted in the following comprehensive overview. For a comprehensive list of health risks, please see bulletin.andrews.edu.> Student Handbook > Substance Abuse.

Legal Ramifications

Violations of local, state and federal laws related to alcohol abuse or to the illegal use, possession, manufacture or delivery of marijuana or controlled substances may result in misdemeanor or felony convictions accompanied by the legal imposition of sanctions. For details, please see bulletin.andrews.edu.> Student Handbook > Substance Abuse.

Community Resources

For a comprehensive list of community resources, please see bulletin.andrews.edu.> Student Handbook > Substance Abuse.

Health, Wellness and Safety 

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

At Andrews University the health and well-being of students and of our campus community is of primary importance. The University remains committed to assuring that all students have the opportunity to achieve optimal success and receive the best and most appropriate care. The University Student Intervention Team (USIT) has been established to evaluate concerns and to intervene as deemed necessary to help protect the educational environment of each student as well as the health and safety of the campus.

Observations of behaviors and reports of activities or conduct that appear to disrupt, jeopardize or threaten the health or safety of a student, others or the educational environment, should be shared via the online Andrews University CARE Report form. Reports may also be shared with the vice president for Campus & Student Life and/or members of USIT. If there is a direct or imminent threat the observation should be directed immediately to Emergency Services (911) and to the Office of Campus Safety (269-471-3321).

Such observations may include disruptive, erratic or dysfunctional behaviors, a suicidal ideation or gesture, self-injurious actions, aberrant actions, threatening statements or behaviors, or other symptoms or conduct that may compromise the educational environment or the health and safety of the student or others.


USIT Member


Frances Faehner,
vice president for Campus
& Student Life

Jennifer Burrill,,
assistant vice president, Residence
Life & dean for Student Life

Judith Fisher,
assistant vice president, Counseling &
Professional Development Services


Ben Panigot,
director, Campus Safety


Darla Smothers-Morant,
director, Student Success Center



General Processes

The University will facilitate standard due processes, in which the student will have the opportunity to explore with a member of USIT or a Student Life dean the nature of the reported concern, the Health, Wellness and Safety policy, as well as engage in an appeal process. When deemed necessary, the University may take interim measures or initiate a plan to provide protective care for the student and/or take steps to ensure the safety of the campus community until an evaluation can take place. University Medical Specialties and/or the Counseling & Testing Center as well as Campus Safety or the Berrien Springs Police Department may be consulted. (In some cases, students may be transported by ambulance directly to a local emergency facility following a 911 call.)

Evaluation and/or Investigative Processes

To facilitate the success of the student as well as to assess the level of risk or disruption to the campus or educational environment, a comprehensive investigation may be activated.

  • The student may be asked to obtain a comprehensive individualized medical and/or psychological assessment from a licensed physician or psychologist and sign a release of information (ROI) to the vice president for Campus & Student Life and the USIT. Information requested may include a written report of the findings of the assessment and recommended intervention plan.
  • The student may be asked by the licensed physician or psychologist to provide pertinent reports and corroborative information from former educational entities or healthcare professionals.
  • In cases of potential harm to self, residence hall students may not be able to reside in the residence hall during the assessment and stabilization processes due to the potential disruption to other students and the inability of residence hall staff to provide monitored care. Parents or the emergency contact person of the student may be asked to provide a plan of monitored care until the assessment process determines that the student is able to function in an independent living environment.
  • In the case of threats or potential harm to others, an investigation will be conducted that may include a background check and the student may be asked to provide additional information.
  • In the case of serious threats of harm to self or others, parents, legal guardians, spouse or family designee (as reflected in the student’s emergency contact records) generally are notified and encouraged to share relevant information.
  • The student is responsible for all fees related to medical or psychological assessment.
  • The vice president for Campus & Student Life and/or the USIT will review all corroborative information, professional assessments and recommendations to determine the appropriate University response.

Following the evaluation and investigative processes, the USIT or vice president for Campus & Student Life may request the student to engage in an intervention plan that may include a change in residential setting, a voluntary medical leave, or an involuntary leave.

Involuntary Leave Process

In extraordinary circumstances the vice president for Campus & Student Life may require a student to take an involuntary leave from the University for reasons of personal or community safety that include:

  • Medical circumstances: (a) The student may pose a direct threat to the health or safety of the student or others or has seriously disrupted others in the student’s residential community or academic environment; and (b) the student’s behavior or threatening state is determined to be the result of a medical condition, or the student refuses to cooperate with efforts deemed necessary by the University Student Intervention Team to obtain an individualized assessment to evaluate the cause of the student’s behavior or threatening state. In some circumstances, the level of care and accommodation may exceed the resources or appropriate staffing capabilities of a residential campus or may be beyond the standard of care that campus health care and support services can be expected to provide or monitor, in which case continued enrollment may constitute a serious disruption of the residential community or the academic environment, justifying an involuntary leave of absence. Placement on involuntary leave of absence for these situations is not disciplinary, and a student who wishes to take a voluntary leave of absence will ordinarily be allowed to do so within established academic guidelines.
  • Alleged criminal behavior or risk to the community: The student has been arrested on allegations or charged with serious criminal behavior or has allegedly violated the Code of Student Conduct and may pose a significant risk to the safety or educational environment of the community. Incidents such as these that initially give rise to an involuntary leave may subsequently result in a disciplinary action.

Voluntary Leave Policy

In certain life circumstances, it may be necessary or desirable for a student to take a leave of absence. Requests for leave are handled in accordance with the Voluntary Leave Policy. A leave of absence may occur within a semester while remaining enrolled in classes (in-semester leave) or it may entail withdrawing from all classes and leaving for the remainder of the semester or longer (semester leave). Leaves may be granted for family, military, medical or personal reasons, as specified below.

Alternatives to a Leave

Before taking a semester leave, students are advised to consult with their professors, academic advisors and the Student Success office about any accommodations that might be made. In some cases, it may be best for students to remain enrolled under a revised academic plan. Such a plan could include reduced coursework, extended deadlines or incompletes with a plan for completion. A revised academic plan will vary depending upon course load, course requirements and current academic standing within courses.

In-Semester Leaves

An in-semester leave involves a short absence from all classes. The student will remain enrolled and be responsible for working with professors, academic advisors or the Student Success office on a plan to make up missed coursework. While emergencies may take a student away from campus without warning, in all other situations students are required to notify professors and the Student Success or Student Life office before taking an in-semester leave. Such leaves may total no more than two weeks in a given semester, and students who exceed this limit must consult with the Student Success office about taking a semester leave.

Semester Leaves—Benefits

Semester leaves are designed to temporarily withdraw students from enrollment in all classes, without a loss of general admission status, in order to help them meet significant life challenges or important obligations. Related reinstatement processes ensure that students return fully equipped for the rigors of campus and academic life. An approved semester leave, in certain circumstances, may help students:

  • To protect their academic record
  • To maintain their visa status (if applicable)
  • To avoid adverse effects to their student loans, grants and scholarships

Types of Leave

The University offers in-semester and semester leaves for the following reasons:

  • A family semester leave may be granted for cases in which a student or student’s spouse has given birth or adopted a child or in which a student is caring for a spouse, son, daughter or parent who has a serious health condition. A letter of request should be submitted as documentation.
  • A military semester leave will be granted to a student who must interrupt study temporarily to fulfill a compulsory military obligation. The student must provide written documentation from the appropriate military authorities, including dates of the period of obligation.
  • A medical semester leave may be granted for documented physical or psychological health reasons. Documentation must be obtained from a licensed physician or psychologist.
  • A personal semester leave may be granted to a student who must interrupt study temporarily for reasons other than those described above. Reasons may include, but are not limited to, financial status, bereavement or changes in one’s outside employment. A letter of request should be submitted as documentation.

Requesting a Semester Leave

  • To initiate a semester leave, students must submit a Student Exit Procedure Form along with appropriate supporting documentation to the vice president for Campus & Student Life or the Student Success office.
  • Students should expect that the established tuition adjustment schedule will be followed based on the number of calendar days they have been enrolled. Additional considerations may be made based on each student’s request, in consultation with their academic dean and the Student Financial Services office.
  • Before taking a semester leave, students are strongly encouraged to consult with their academic advisor and student financial advisor. International students should seek counsel from the Office of International Student Services & Programs to ensure compliance with visa regulations.

While on a Semester Leave

While on a semester leave of absence, students have limited access to University services:

  • Students on leave may not be allowed to register for main campus or distance degree courses or to participate in academic tours.
  • The ID cards of students on leave will be deactivated and will not function on campus (at the Andrews University Bookstore, Dining Services, James White Library, residence halls, etc.). However, access to a student’s personal Andrews email account will remain.
  • Students on leave who have purchased health insurance coverage through the University’s student insurance provider will remain covered for the remainder of their policy term.
  • Counseling & Testing Center services will not be available while a student is on leave.
  • Residential students who plan to live in the local community during their leave may wish to re-register their vehicles with the Office of Campus Safety (for a minimal fee) in order to receive community parking privileges.
  • Students who work on-campus should not expect to retain their student employment during the period of their leave.
  • Students on a semester/medical leave may not live in the residence halls. Since leases in student housing are contingent upon enrollment, students on leave will not be allowed to remain in University apartments or houses beyond the end of the semester in which they take a leave. However, students with an approved leave may break their lease without penalty.

Duration and Number of Semester Leaves

The duration of a semester leave depends upon the type of leave taken. Military leaves are determined by the length of compulsory service specified by military authorities. Family, personal and medical leaves may be anywhere from the remainder of a semester to no more than one additional semester in length. Students on an approved medical leave may request a second additional semester of leave when appropriate documentation is obtained from a healthcare professional.

Some degree programs have annual academic sequences that may require students to re-enter their program at a particular point in the academic year. In such cases, a longer leave may be necessary and will be considered.

Reinstatement from Leaves

Reinstatement from military, family, medical and personal semester or involuntary leaves requires that students complete one or more of the following:

  • Contact the Student Life office to have the medical leave hold removed
  • Notify their academic and financial advisors before the end of a leave of their intention to return
  • Take the appropriate steps to register academically and financially for the following semester

In addition, reinstatement from a semester medically related leave addresses the University’s need to be confident, in consultation with the student and healthcare providers, that the student can function safely and independently in an unsupervised environment. The vice president for Campus & Student Life and/or the USIT may require current documentation from a licensed physician or psychologist regarding the following:

  • A student’s readiness to return to the rigor inherent in academic and campus life expectations
  • A student’s ability to adequately monitor his or her health
  • Any recommendations for follow-up or aftercare intervention and support

Failure to return in the semester following the end of a leave will result in a student having to re-apply to the University.

Participation in academic tours, ACA or Student Missions immediately following a medical leave must be supported by a statement from a student’s medical or psychological provider that he/she is prepared to participate in the demands of that particular tour and can be in circumstances where there may be limited access to medical services.


Andreasen Center for Wellness

Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022  

The Andreasen Center for Wellness has been intentionally designed to support our students, faculty and staff, as well as our community. This center supports and furthers the University’s initiative to promote holistic well-being to our campus community as well as our local community. Students taking five or more credits (at established tuition rates for in-person classes) will receive a membership as part of their tuition and general fees. Students taking less than five credits qualify for a membership at a reduced cost. Students wishing to use the center will participate in the onboarding process by visiting member services located inside the Andreasen Center for Wellness.

The Center is committed to providing members with a healthy, fun and safe environment in which to live their lives to the fullest. For more information about the Andreasen Center for Wellness, please visit our website at andrews.edu/wellnesscenter.