Mar 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Bulletin 
2022-2023 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

A Faith-Based University

Seventh-day Adventist Faith and Values

Return to: Student Handbook 2022-2023   

Students attending Andrews University soon learn that our Seventh-day Adventist faith and values set us apart. Our distinctive Christian perspective, guided by our understanding of Scripture, informs our faith as well as our practice.

Relationship with God

We understand God is present and desires to have a relationship with His creation. Students are encouraged to grow in their relationship with God by communing with Him in daily prayer, meditating on His word, singing His praises and gathering together for worship.

Salvation through Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of all who place their faith in Him. In His life we are offered a holy example, in His death the forgiveness of sin and in His resurrection the hope of a new beginning. In times of temptation, trial and failure students are directed to the grace of Christ as a source of strength, healing and restoration.

The Sabbath: A Day of Rest and Worship

The Bible describes the seventh day as the one day God set aside for focused fellowship with His people. The seventh-day Sabbath (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) is a special part of the relationship between God and His creation. To foster this focused fellowship with God, non-essential business operations and activities at Andrews are closed. Students are encouraged to welcome and delight in the Sabbath as a day of special rest, worship and communion with God, ministry to others, and celebration of God’s creative and redemptive acts.

Sabbath Observance

As a distinctly Seventh-day Adventist Christian institution, Andrews University promotes the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath, Friday evening at sundown to Saturday evening at sundown. As God rested and made the Sabbath a holy day, the Sabbath is observed as a memorial of creation to the Creator. We withdraw from work and play that can be created during the regular six days of the week. The Sabbath is a time to be in communion with the Creator, away from the activities, music and reading that are not focused on worshiping the Lord. Andrews University requests that all on our campus—faculty, staff, students and visitors—respect the sacred observance of this day. Our community includes diverse perspectives on Sabbath observance. However, no personal or unregistered group activity should detract from the sacred Sabbath observance for others in the community. This means all our communal spaces, including residence hall lounges and other common areas in our facilities, are reserved for the observance of Sabbath, including worship, meditation and God-centered fellowship. Any faculty, staff or student staff member may request that activities that detract from Sabbath observance cease or be modified to accommodate the right for any member of our community to observe Sabbath freely and without malice. One of the “Andrews Advantages” is for students to study and rest in a Sabbath-affirming environment.

Present and Future Hope in Jesus Christ

Seventh-day Adventists look forward to the imminent second coming of Christ. Until then we are God’s stewards, entrusted by Him to use our time, gifts, abilities, resources and opportunities to serve Him and our fellowmen.

Wholesome Lifestyle

Seventh-day Adventists are encouraged to engage in whatever fosters the optimum development of the body, mind and spirit. This includes a healthful diet along with adequate exercise and rest.

Life Purpose

Every human being, created in the image of God, is endowed with a God-given purpose for their life. At the core of an educational journey at Andrews University is our desire to help each student discover their life’s calling.

Concern for Others

As Christians, we are called to follow after Christ. In response to witnessing His grace and mercy in our own lives, we are compelled to likewise give ourselves in loving service, locally and globally.

Learn More

To learn more about the fundamental beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists go to To read official statements issued by the Seventh-day Adventist Church on important contemporary issues go to


Center for Faith Engagement

Return to: Student Handbook 2022-2023  

Located in the Campus Center, the Center for Faith Engagement’s mission is to inspire students to be resilient disciples of God. We accomplish this with faculty, staff and students by developing graduates who are fully devoted to God who see their life’s work as a holy calling with eternal impact. Therefore, we claim every workplace in every nation as our mission field.

We cultivate this missional community through identifying and developing meaningful strategies, relevant practices, and innovative resources for, and with, faculty, staff and students as we integrate faith in every aspect of the university experience.

The essential connection for us is embraced in the transformative verse of Micah 6:8 (MSG):

“But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
 what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
 be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
 take God seriously.”

The Center for Faith Engagement fulfills its mission when students embody the calling found in this passage. We have made it easy for students to connect to the faith experiences and support on campus through the University Faith app that is available for iOS and Android devices. 

Bible Study & Discipleship—Come by CFE and visit with any of the chaplains or student chaplains. We also have trained peer Bible counselors who provide Bible studies.

Change Day—The first-ever Change Day for Andrews University was held on Sept. 14, 2017. Approximately 1,600 students, staff and faculty participated at 63 sites spread around Berrien County. Projects ranged from painting a mural in a school, cleaning beach areas and parks, removing brush and mulching, to offering hundreds of high schoolers information about career choices. The ultimate goal is to build a culture of “Presence, not just residence,” according to Provost Christon Arthur. Those impacted by the efforts of Change Day were overwhelmingly positive and appreciative of the results. This year’s Change Day is scheduled for Sept. 15, 2022.

Chapel— Every Thursday at 11:30 a.m., the campus gathers to explore the values that inform an Adventist education—the harmonious development of body, mind and spirit for service to the world. This year in addition to our large gatherings in PMC or Howard Performing Arts Center, we have Chapel Menu Thursdays that you can pre-register to reserve your spot. You will find the speaker schedule and chapel menu sign-ups in the University Faith app.

Grow Groups—These groups help you make new friends, be involved, and grow deeper in your relationship with God. Covering a wide variety of interests, the groups begin at three times during a year and usually meet for ten weeks. 

Missions—Whether you want to serve for ten days or ten months we have many options for you to consider. Come by the Center for Faith Engagement office and explore your opportunities.

Prayer Warriors—A ministry that focuses on the power of intercessory prayer. This ministry orchestrates prayer groups across campus; seeks God’s protection, direction and revelation prior to all worship services; and organizes prayer initiatives that draw our campus close to God.

Proximity Vespers—Once a week on Friday night we gather as a community to welcome Sabbath and seek to worship God and draw close to Him.

Sabbath School—There are many Sabbath morning options from birth on up. Stop by the PMC office or the Center for Faith Engagement to see when, where and topics.

Sabbath Worship Services—Andrews University collaborates with our campus church, Pioneer Memorial Church led by Pastor Dwight Nelson, and four campus fellowships—New Life, One Place, Living Springs and Genesis—to offer vibrant Sabbath worship services and Sabbath Schools. In the surrounding community, you can connect with several more churches that are also eager to engage your passions and calling to serve in this community

Service Projects—Are you ready to let the love of God flow through you to a world in need? We have identified needs which are waiting for you to reach out and fill them. 

Training and Teaching—We support a holistic approach to following Jesus and periodically offer workshops and retreats throughout the year. Come by the Center for Faith Engagement for more information.

Visitation—You are important. We would be honored to intersect with your life story. So come by or set an appointment time for us to come and visit you. Let’s increase our kindness to each other and walk closer together with the King.

Weeks of Prayer—Weeks of Prayer are the perfect way to start a new semester and actively seek the will of God in our lives. There is an adjustment to the academic schedule so we can meet Monday–Friday at 11:30 a.m. in Pioneer Memorial Church. Fall Week of Prayer is September 12–16, 2022. Spring Week of Prayer is January 23–27, 2023. 

Adjusted Class Schedule for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

7:30 a.m. classes meet from 7:20–8 a.m.
8:30 a.m. classes meet from 8:10–8:50 a.m.
9:30 a.m. classes meet from 9–9:40 a.m.
10:30 a.m. classes meet from 9:50–10:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. classes meet from 10:40–11:20 a.m.

So Much More…

In addition, there are countless departments and clubs on campus that offer multiple worship and training opportunities throughout the year. You will find deans, faculty and staff who are eager to share their own walk with Jesus and are actively engaged in seeking close proximity to God. Stay connected. Let’s walk together in pursuing Him.

Visit for more information.

The Center for Faith Engagement exists to inspire you to be a resilient disciple of God. 

Phone: 269-471-3211