Sep 08, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Bulletin 
2023-2024 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Bruce L. Bauer, DMiss - Professor of World Mission, Emeritus
O. M. “Skip” Bell, DMin - Professor of Leadership, Emeritus
John T. Baldwin, PhD - Professor of Theology, Emeritus
Russell C. Burrill, DMin - Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth, Emeritus
Fernando L. Canale, PhD - Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Emeritus
Gorden R. Doss, DMin, PhD - Professor of World Mission, Emeritus
Walter B.T. Douglas, PhD - Professor of Church History and History of Religion, Emeritus
Roger L. Dudley, EdD - Professor of Church Ministry, Emeritus
Atilio R. Dupertuis, ThD - Professor of Theology, Emeritus
Robert M. Johnston, PhD - Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins, Emeritus
George R. Knight, EdD - Professor of Church History, Emeritus
Lester P. Merklin Jr., DMin/DMiss - Professor of World Mission, Emeritus
Jerry A. Moon, PhD - Professor of Church History, Emeritus
James J. North, Jr., DMin - Professor of Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy, Emeritus
Stanley E. Patterson, PhD - Professor of Leadership, Emeritus
Russell L. Staples, PhD - Professor of World Mission, Emeritus
Kenneth B. Stout, DMin, PhD – Professor of Preaching, Emeritus
H. Peter Swanson, PhD - Professor of Pastoral Care, Emeritus
O. Jane Thayer, PhD - Associate Professor of Religious Education, Emerita
Peter van Bemmelen, ThD - Professor of Theology, Emeritus
Nancy J. Vyhmeister, PhD - Professor of Mission, Emerita
Allan R. Walshe, DMin - Associate Professor of Discipleship, Emeritus

Figures at the right margin indicate beginning date of employment.

Regular Faculty

P. Richard Choi, Professor of New Testament - 1991

BA, Pacific Union College; MDiv, Andrews University;
PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary

Petr Činčala, Associate Professor of World Mission - 2013

BTh (Equiv.), Prague SDA Theological Seminary;
MDiv, MSW, PhD, Andrews University

Alain G. Coralie, Assistant Professor of Leadership - 2023

BA, Université de la Réunion;
MDiv, Andrews University;
MTh, University of Oxford;
PhD, University of Bristol

Felix H. Cortez, Professor of New Testament - 2013

Licenciado en Teología, Universidad de Montemorelos;
Maestría en Letras Modernas, Universidad Iberoamericana;
PhD, Andrews University

Iurii N. Drumi, Associate Professor of World Mission - 2023

BTh, Zaoksky Theological Seminary;
MA, PhD, Andrews University

Denis J.H. Fortin, Professor of Historical Theology - 1994

BA, Canadian University College;
MDiv, Andrews University; PhD, Université Laval

Jasmine J. Fraser, Assistant Professor of Religious Education - 2020

BSc, Northern Caribbean University;
MA, PhD, Andrews University

Anna M. Galeniece, Professor of Chaplaincy - 2019

BA (Equiv.), MAPM, MDiv (Equiv.), DMin, Andrews University

Roy E. Gane, Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages - 1994

BA, BMus, Pacific Union College;
MA, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Roy G. Gatón, Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling - 2019

BA, MDiv, Andrews University;
DMin, Claremont School of Theology

Oliver Glanz, Professor of Old Testament - 2014

BTh, Theologisches Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen;
MTh, MA, PhD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Paul Z. Gregor, Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology - 2007

BA, MA, Newbold College;
PhD, Andrews University

Kenley Hall, Professor of Homiletics and Youth/Young Adult Ministry - 2004

BA, Loma Linda University;
MDiv, DMin, Andrews University

Martin Hanna, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology - 2004

BA, Northern Caribbean University;
MA, PhD, Andrews University

Abner F. Hernández, Assistant Professor of Adventist Studies - 2019

AA, Seminario Adventista de Cuba;
BA, Universidad de Montemorelos;
MAPT, Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary;
PhD, Andrews University

Willie E. Hucks II, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology ahd Homiletics - 2016

BA, Oakwood College;
MDiv, DMin, Andrews University

Ante Jerončić, Professor of Theology and Ethics - 2006

BA, Andrews University
MA, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
PhD, University of Chicago

Ainsworth E. Joseph, Assistant Professor of Discipleship and Family Ministries - 2024

BA, University of Southern Caribbean;
MS, PD, Hofstra University;
DMin, Andrews University;
PhD, Montemorelos University

Denis Kaiser, Associate Professor of Church History - 2017

BTh, Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen;
MA, PhD, Andrews University

S. Joseph Kidder, Professor of Pastoral Theology and Discipleship - 2000

BA, BS, Walla Walla University;
MDiv, DMin, Andrews University

Wagner Kuhn, Professor of World Mission - 2005

BTh, Seminario Adventista Latino-Americano de Teologia;
MA, Andrews University;
PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary

Timothy E. Madding, Assistant Professor of Church Planting and Evangelism - 2021

BA, Weimar College
MDiv, DMin, Andrews University

Errol McLean, Associate Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism - 2010

BA, Northern Caribbean University;
MAPM, DMin, Andrews University

Jiří Moskala, Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology - 1999

BA, MTh, ThD, Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University, Czech Republic;
PhD, Andrews University

Ricardo Norton, Associate Professor of Leadership and Church Growth - 1996

BTh, Universidad de Montemorelos;
MDiv, PhD Andrews University;
DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary

Daniel Olariu, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible and Theology - 2024

BA, Bucharest University;
MA, PhD, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Trevor O’Reggio, Professor of Church History - 2001

BA, Walla Walla University; MDiv, Andrews University;
MA, PhD, University of Chicago;
DMin, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Rogelio Paquini-Ledesma, Assistant Professor of Youth and Young Adult Ministries - 2021

AS, Pasadena City College;
BA, Montemorelos University;
MA, DMin, Andrews University

John Peckham, Research Professor of Theology and Christian Philosophy - 2013

BS, Atlantic Union College;
MDiv, PhD, Andrews University

David Penno, Professor of Leadership - 2014

BA, Southern Missionary College;
MA, Southern Adventist University;
PhD, Andrews University

Paul J. Ray, Jr., Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Archaeology - 2014

BA, University of Illinois;
MA, PhD, Andrews University

John W. Reeve, Associate Professor of Church History - 2004

BA, Pacific Union College;
MA, MDiv, Andrews University;
PhD, University of Notre Dame

Teresa L. Reeve, Associate Professor of New Testament Contexts - 2002

BA, Pacific Union College;
MA, MDiv, Andrews University;
PhD, University of Notre Dame

Boubakar Sanou, Associate Professor of Mission and Intercultural Leadership - 2016

BA, Andrews University;
MA, Newbold;
DMin, PhD, Andrews University

Jerome L. Skinner, Assistant Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology - 2019

AS, Onondaga Community College;
BA, Atlantic Union College;
MDiv, PhD, Andrews Univeristy

Ranko Stefanovic, Professor of New Testament - 1999

BTh, MA, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies;
PhD, Andrews University

Andrew J. Tompkins, Assistant Professor of Mission and Intercultural Theology - 2019

BA, MA, PhD, Andrews University

Cedric Vine, Associate Professor of New Testament - 2016

BSc, Aston University;
Licence in Theology, MA, Newbold College;
PhD, University of Sheffield

Scott R. Ward, Assistant Professor of Discipleship and Religious Education - 2017

BFA, University of Nebraska;
MAYM, Andrews University;
DMin, Andrews University

Ronald H. Whitehead, Assistant Professor of Youth Ministry - 1996

BA, Southern Adventist University;
MA, Andrews University

David A. Williams, Associate Professor of Worship and Sacred Music - 2018

BS, BA, Southern Adventist University;
MSM, University of Notre Dame;
PhD, Andrews University

Hyveth Williams, Professor of Homiletics - 2009

BA, Columbia Union College;
MDiv, Andrews University;
DMin, Boston University School of Theology

Randall W. Younker, Professor of Archaeology and History of Antiquity - 1986

BA, MA, Pacific Union College;
MA, PhD, University of Arizona

Research Faculty

Merlin D. Burt, Research Professor of Church History - 2003

BA, Southwestern Adventist College;
MDiv, PhD, Andrews University

Jo Ann M. Davidson, Senior Research Professor of Systematic Theology – 1992

BA, MA, Andrews University;
PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Richard M. Davidson, Senior Research Professor of Old Testament Interpretation - 1979

BA, Loma Linda University;
MDiv, PhD, Andrews University

Jacques B. Doukhan, Senior Research Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis - 1984

Licence en Théologie, Séminaire Adventiste du Salève;
Licence en Hébreu, Maîtrise en Hébreu,
Dr es Let Hébraïques, Université of Strasbourg;
ThD, Andrews University;
Maîtrise en Égyptologie, Université of Montpellier

Constance E. C. Gane, Associate Research Professor of Biblical Archaeology - 2004

BS, Pacific Union;
MA, PhD, University of California, Berkley

Gerald A. Klingbeil, Research Professor of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies - 2009

BA, Andrews University;
BA, MA, DLitt, University of Stellenbosch

John V.G. Matthews, Senior Research Professor of Educational Foundations and Religious Education - 1999

BA, Washington Adventist University;
MA, PhD, Andrews University

David Sedlacek, Senior Research Professor of Discipleship and Family Life - 2010

BS, Cleveland State University;
MSSA, PhD, Case Western Reserve University

Thomas Shepherd, Senior Research Professor of New Testament - 2008

BA, Pacific Union College;
MPH, DrPH, Loma Linda University;
MA, PhD, Andrews University

Joint Appointments

Terry D. Robertson, Professor of Library Science; Seminary Librarian - 1999

BA, MA, Andrews University;
MLS, Indiana University
(Holds joint appointment in the College of Arts & Sciences)

Adjunct Professors

Roberto Badenas, PhD - New Testament
Enrique Báez Garcia, PhD - Old Testament
Petras Bahadur, DMin - Islamic Studies
Benjamin J. Baker, PhD - Adventist Studies
Robert D. Bates, PhD - Archaeology
Ricardo Bentancur, PhD - Theology and Christian Philosophy
Trisha Broy, PhD - Archaeology
Steve W. Case, PhD - Spirituality, Discipleship, and Intergenerational Ministry
Kenneth R. Chase, PhD - Speech Communication
Christie Chui-Shan Chow, PhD - Church History; Adventist Studies
Claudio Consuegra, DMin - Family Ministry
Daniel Dei, PhD - Ethics
Cheryl D. Doss, PhD - Mission Studies; Religious Education
Arlyn Drew, MD, PhD - Systematic Theology
Efrain Duany Jr., DMin - Family Ministry
Yeury Ferreira, DMin - Preaching
Curtis A. Fox, PhD - Family Ministry; Crisis Intervention
Elvin Gabriel, EdS, EdD - Counseling; Psychology
Eriks Galenieks, PhD - Theology and Christian Philosophy
A. Barry Gane, DMin - Youth Ministry
Carla Gober Park, PhD - Community and Religious Life
John Grys, DMin - Leadership
Abraham Guerrero, PhD - Mission and Church History
Jeffrey P. Hudon, PhD - Archaeology
Victor Jaeger, PhD - Mission Studies; Church Growth
William M. Knott, PhD - Research and Writing
Frederick A. Kosinski, PhD - Counseling; Psychology
Martin Kuhn, PhD - Communiation Processes
Sung Kwon, PhD - Leadership
Angela Li, PhD - Practical Theology
Skip A. MacCarty, DMin - Covenants
Carlos A. Machado, DMin - Discipleship
Rudolph Maier, PhD - World Mission; Research
Haron Matwetwe, PhD - World Mission
Benjamin C. Maxson, DMin - Mentoring for Discipleship
Jorge R. Mayer, DMin - Family
Richard McEdward, DIS - Intercultural Studies; Mission
J. Amanda McGuire-Moushon, PhD - Old Testament
Carlos G. Molina, DMin; PhD - New Testament
Richard A. Moore, MDiv, MBA - Personal and Family Finance
Sergo Namoradze, PhD - Mission Studies; Church Growth
Dwight K. Nelson, DMin - Preaching
Kim Chai Ngo, PhD - Old Testament
Leonardo Nunes, PhD - New Testament
Willie Oliver, PhD - Family Ministry
L. Fernando Ortiz, DMin - Evangelism
Oscar Osindo, PhD - Islamic Studies
Geraldo Oudri, DMin; PhD Candidate - Holistic Small Groups; Systematic Theology
James Park, PhD - World Mission; Church Growth
Ronald R. Pickell, DMin - Campus Ministry
Johnny Ramirez-Johnson, Sr., PhD - Cultural Psychology and Human Development
Katia Reinert, PhD - Family Ministry
Yohalmo Saravia, DMin - Evangelism, Church Growth, and Equipping MembersMoses Taiwo, PhD - Chaplaincy
Moses Taiwo, PhD - Chaplaincy
Calvin J. Thomsen, PhD - Family Ministry; Pastoral Counselling; Church Leadership
Cory Wetterlin, MDiv, PhD - Systematic Theology
Woodrow W. Whidden II, PhD - Historical and Systematic Theology
James R. Wibberding, DMin - Academic Writing, Research, and Pastoral Ministry
Stephen T. Yeagley, DMin - Youth Evangelism
Michael Younker, PhD - Theology

Adjunct Professors at Extension Sites

Hong Kong Adventist University

Daniel Gim Teng Chuah, PhD - Church History
Onn Liang, DMin, PhD - Pastoral Counseling and Practical Ministry

Middle East University

Abner Dizon, DMiss - World Mission; Islamic Studies
Larry Lichtenwalter, PhD - Systematic Theology; Christian Ethics; New Testament

Polish Senior College of Theology & Humanities, Poland

Adam Grześkowiak, PhD - Comparative Studies in Ecumenical Dialog and Education; New Testament; Theology
Tihomir Lazic, PhD - Systematic Theology

Romanian Adventist Theological Institute, Romania

Laszlo Gallusz, PhD - New Testament
Gabriel Golea, PhD - New Testament
Laurentiu G. Ionescu, PhD - Research Methods
Barna Magyarosi, ThD - Old Testament
Laurenţiu F. Moţ, ThD - New Testament
Gudmundur Olafsson, PhD - Old Testament
Kim Papaioannou, PhD - New Testament
Mario N. Phillip, PhD - New Testament
Zoltán Szallós-Farkas, PhD - Theology
Clinton Wahlen, PhD - New Testament

Taiwan Adventist College

Daegeuk Nam, ThD - Biblical Studies
Terry Tsui, DMin - Church Growth

Ukrainian Adventist Center of Higher Education

Alexander Bolotnikov, PhD - Old Testament
Vyacheslav I. Korchuk, DMin - Theology and Christian Philosophy
Feliks Ponyatovskiy, PhD - Old Testament

Zaoksky Adventist Seminary and Institute, Russia

Aleksandr A. Lisichny, DMin - Systematic Theology
Anton Petrishchev, PhD - New Testament
Natalia I. Sheglova, DMin - New Testament
Anatoly Simushov, DMin - New Testament
Eugene V. Zaitsev, MD; PhD - Systematic Theology
Pavel A. Zubkov, PhD - Mission; Applied Theology


Adelina Alexe, MDiv; PhD candidate - Systematic Theology
John T. Boston II, MA; DMiss candidate - Missiological Studies
Kevin Burton, MA; PhD candidate - Church History; Adventist Studies
Anna Yuet Ching Chim-Liu, PhD candidate - Counseling Psychology
Rodrigo Galiza, MDiv; PhD candidate - Church History
Iriann Hausted, MA; PhD candidate - Church History; Theology and Christian Philosophy
Angelika Kaiser, MA; PhD candidate - Church History
Yalyshev Kemil, PhD candidate - Cross-cultural Studies
Evelyn Kissinger, MS; RDN - Health
Xavier Morales, MDiv; PhD candidate - Chaplaincy
Laura K. Morrow, MDiv; PhD candidate - Old Testament
Alexej Muran, MA (Rel); PhD candidate - Old Testament
Lincoln Nogueira, PhD candidate - New Testament
Samuel Pagan, MDiv; PhD candidate - Systematic Theology; Church History; Adventist Studies
Adrian Petre, MA; PhD candidate - Systematic Theology
Gabriela Phillips, MA, DMiss candidate - Islamic Studies
Roger D. Ruiz Araica, PhD candidate - Old Testament
Steven M. Toscano, MAT, MA (Rel), PhD candidate - Adventist Studies
William F. Wells, MDiv, DMiss candidate - General Missiology; Christian Response to Human Needs