Sep 28, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Bulletin 
2024-2025 Academic Bulletin

Graduate Financial Assistance







Qualifying Criteria

For financial aid eligibility, graduate students must meet the rules in the following two areas:

  • Enrollment Status—Students must be accepted into a curriculum authorized by the faculty of their respective school. Students enrolled on guest student status are not eligible to receive federal or institutional financial aid.
  • Course Load—Students are awarded financial aid based on their percentage of full-time enrollment as defined in Class Loads and Financial Aid.  

Special regulations apply to students who have completed all course work and are preparing theses, projects, or dissertations.

College of Arts & Sciences

Students who have completed all course work in an approved graduate program may not have completed all work needed to complete a degree. A student may be deemed to be enrolled fulltime provided the student meets one of the following criteria:

  1. Is enrolled in one of the following courses:
    COMM 589  (Internship)
  2. Is enrolled in a Project Continuation, Recital Continuation or Thesis Continuation course. Only students who have enrolled for the required number of project, recital or thesis credits but have not completed the work are eligible.

College of Health & Human Services

Students who have completed all course work in an approved graduate program may not have completed all work needed to complete a degree. A student may be deemed to be enrolled fulltime provided the student meets one of the following criteria:

  1. Is enrolled in one of the following courses:
    PTH 885, 886, 887, 780 (Clinical Internship)
    NRSG 680  (Internship)
  2. Is enrolled in a Project Continuation or Thesis Continuation. Only students who have enrolled for the required number of project or thesis credits but have not completed the work are eligible.

Theological Seminary

Doctoral Students. Students who have completed all course work in an approved doctoral program must register for 1-6 credits under GSEM 796 - DMin Professional Dissertation / Dissertation or 1-12 credits under GSEM 995  PhD-ThD Dissertation, or 1-14 credits under PhD Religious Education-Doctoral Dissertation.

If the candidate does not complete the dissertation, he/she must register for GSEM 788 - DMin Professional Dissertation Continuation  or GSEM 888 - PhD-ThD Dissertation Continuation  until the dissertation is completed to qualify for status as a full-time student. Confirmation by the dissertation chair that full-time work is being done must be sent to Student Financial Services.

Master’s Students. To obtain full-time status for the MA degree, the student must register for GSEM 688  Master’s Degree Continuation after he/she has registered for the allowable thesis credits but has not finished the work. Confirmation by the dissertation chair that full-time work is being done must be sent to Student Financial Services.

Washington State Residents Degree Authorization. Andrews University is authorized by the Washington Student Achievement Council and meets the requirements and minimum educational standards established for degree-granting institutions under the Degree-Granting Institutions Act. This authorization is subject to periodic review and authorizes Andrews University to offer specific degree programs. The Council may be contacted for a list of currently authorized programs. Authorization by the Council does not carry with it an endorsement by the Council of the institution or its programs. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA  98504-3430 or by email at

The transferability of credits earned at Andrews University is at the discretion of the receiving college, university, or other educational institution. Students considering transferring to any institution should not assume that credits earned in any program of study at Andrews University will be accepted by the receiving institution. Similarly, the ability of a degree, certificate, diploma, or other academic credential earned at Andrews University to satisfy an admission requirement of another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Accreditation does not guarantee credentials or credits earned at Andrews University will be accepted by or transferred to another institution. To minimize the risk of having to repeat coursework, students should contact the receiving institution in advance for evaluation and determination of transferability of credits and/or acceptability of degrees, diplomas, or certificates earned.

The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student complaints against specific schools. WSAC may not be able to investigate every student complaint. Visit for information regarding the WSAC complaint process.

For Washington State residents seeking information and resources about student loan repayment or seeking to submit a complaint relating to your student loans or student loan servicer, please visit or contact the Student Loan Advocate at

Andrews Graduate Scholarship

The Graduate Scholarship is a tuition reduction percentage, based on the GRE, GMAT scores or admission GPA. 


  1. The Graduate Scholarship is available for students in:
    • All on campus Master programs (except professional master programs [unless otherwise noted] and MSW).
    • Professional Doctoral level programs: EDS, EDD, DPT.
    • Doctoral programs PhD, ThD.
  2. The Graduate Scholarship may overlap with another scholarship from an Andrews University budget. 
  3. The Graduate Scholarship will not be available for programs that already have a discounted tuition below the standard tuition rate.  If the Graduate Scholarship is greater than the discount provided by the specific program, then the difference will be awarded as an additional scholarship.
  4. The Graduate Scholarship does not apply for staff members that are using the free class benefit from Andrews University. If the Graduate Scholarship is greater than the discount for which the staff member is eligible for, the difference will be awarded as an additional scholarship.
  5. The Graduate Scholarship will be assigned by the School of Graduate Studies and Research and applied by the Office of Student Financial Services at the time of a student’s registration.


The scholarship is awarded if the student meets the minimum admission scores for the GRE or the GMAT, achieves the higher scores as listed below and an admission GPA equal or greater than 3.0:

Tuition Reduction

Combined Verbal and Quantitative GRE scores

GMAT Scores

Written GRE Score


Masters: min V+Q 140 each, to total ≥300

Doctoral: min V+Q 142 each, to total ≥300






Masters: min V+Q 140 each, to total ≥310

Doctoral: min V+Q 142 each, to total ≥310



Masters: min V+Q 140 each, to total ≥320

Doctoral: min V+Q 142 each, to total ≥320


See AU Bulletin, School of Graduate Studies: Required Tests: Minimum GRE Scores for more information. _Tests


Scholarship Time Limits
The scholarship is available for the following number of semesters:

Master’s Level programs

4 Semesters
6 Semesters
8 Semesters
9 Semesters


  1. Graduate students who meet the appropriate GRE/GMAT scores and cumulative GPA are eligible for the Graduate Scholarship. Students are required to take the GRE/GMAT and submit official transcripts prior to admission. Students who take the GRE/GMAT and submit official transcripts during their first semester (for example, the test is offered only on Sabbath or once per year in their home country) and are eligible for the scholarship will receive the scholarship during their first semester.
  2. A new graduate student may take the GRE/GMAT test multiple times during their first semester for the purpose of increasing their scholarship for the second and following semesters. In that case, the highest score will count toward the GRE/GMAT scholarship. All three sections of the GRE (Verbal, Quantitative and Written) must be taken together at the same time as the three scores from one test date are considered for the scholarship.  After the first graduate semester, retaking the GRE and earning a higher score will not change the scholarship.
  3. In order to retain the Graduate Scholarship, students are required to maintain the minimum GPA for their program. Students whose GPA falls below the required minimum for their program will permanently forfeit the scholarship.  
  4. Students applying and accepted to a second graduate degree, who already had received the Graduate Scholarship, may be eligible for the scholarship for the new program.
  5. SCSD GPA Scholarship Table - 6 Semesters


% Discount

GPA Score Minimums

10% 3.50 to 3.60
25% 3.61 to 3.79
50% 3.8 to 4.0


  1.  DPT GPA Scholarship Table

       DPT students in phase one scholarship must achieve and maintain a 3.5 DPT GPA in semesters three through five to continue the scholarship award.  DPT students in phase two scholarship must maintain a DPT GPA in the awarded range to continue the scholarship award for semesters seven through nine. 


Phase One Scholarship: DPT semester one through six based on incoming Core GPA

Tuition Reduction %Discount

Core GPA

GPA Score Minimums

10% 3.7 to 3.79
25% 3.8 to 3.89
50% 3.9 to 4.0

Phase Two Scholarship: DPT semester seven through nine based on DPT GPA (semesters 1-6 cumulative)

Tuition Reduction



GPA Score Minimums

10% 3.75 to 3.84
25% 3.85 to 3.94
50% 3.95 to 4.0


Summary Sheet of Graduate discounts




For the MSW program when part of a dual degree with the seminary,  MDIV/MSW additional 10% discount.

For the MSW program when part of the MSCID/MSW dual degree, additional 10%.

For the MSW program when part of the MBA/MSW dual degree, additional 10% discount.

For the MSW program when part of the MPH/MSW dual degree, additional 10% discount.


MA Religious Education (must apply each semester)(Note: teach out)

Based on GPA and other DSLE-MA Bible Teaching (online only) criteria (See program director for details)

From 25% to 38%

MAYYAM - MA Youth and Young Adult Ministry (must apply each semester). Based on GPA and other criteria (See program director for details).

Please visit Academic Program Financial Information  section and the program page for more information.


Federal Aid

Students should read the General Information and Satisfactory Academic Progress sections to determine their eligibility for financial aid.

Federal Direct Loans are available to graduate students. To apply for this aid, refer to General Information.

Grants and Scholarships

Grant, scholarship, and assistantship funds are available through the offices of the various academic deans and department chairs. Grants and scholarships are gift aid; however, if a student is given an assistantship, this is considered to be employment and is processed through the Office of Employment. Application forms, if required, must be requested from and returned to the respective dean’s office. The student does not need to complete any application paperwork for Student Financial Services to apply for and receive institutional aid.  All aid received by the student (except assistantships), is taken into account when determining eligibility for a student loan.

Seminary Emergency Aid Fund. This emergency aid fund is available once every 12 months to seminary students for emergency relief only and is not a form of continuous financial aid. Students may apply for assistance through the seminary dean’s office.

Student Employment Program

Work opportunities for graduate students are available through the university’s Employment Office. Assistantships are available as arranged by the dean or department chairs of the school where the student is enrolled. For information regarding employment contact the Employment Office. The website is

Federal Loans and Scholarships

Information on the following sources of financial aid may be obtained from Student Financial Services. 


  • Federal Direct Loan Program (Unsubsidized)
  • Federal Graduate PLUS Loan

  • For Washington State Residents seeking information and resources about student loan repayment or seeking to submit a complaint relating to your student loans or student loan servicer, please visit or contact the Student Loan Advocate at


  • Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarship

SAP Policy for Graduate Students with Financial Aid


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

According to the United States Department of Education, all schools are required to follow federal, state and institutional SAP policies when awarding financial aid. Students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward the completion of their associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degrees to qualify for financial aid. Second-degree seeking students are evaluated under the same policy. The Office of Student Financial Services will monitor your academic progress at the end of each semester (including summer term) for all enrolled students regardless of whether or not financial aid was received that semester.

It is the student’s responsibility to read, understand, and adhere to the SAP policy in order to remain eligible for financial aid. Failure to comply with this policy can result in the student’s financial aid being terminated at Andrews University.

To maintain eligibility for Federal Title IV and/or institutional financial aid assistance, students must meet the following minimum standards:

Qualitative Measure: Financial Aid Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA)

To make satisfactory academic progress, graduate students must maintain the minimum Andrews University graduate overall GPA required for the degree program in which they are enrolled. The SAP summary below indicates the minimum overall GPA required to meet the university’s SAP policy for each type of degree program.




PhD, EdD



PhD, ThD















Professional Master’s















Transfer credit grades are not counted, a student progress in the qualitative measure is solely Andrews University credit grades.

Repeat credits: students may repeat a course in which they receive an unsatisfactory grade. In the case of graduate students the course may be repeated once. The credits earned in the most recent course will be used to calculate the GPA.

Changes in GPA due to completion of “incomplete” or “deferred” grades or changes made for any other reason are considered when aid eligibility is reviewed at the next regular monitoring time.

Quantitative Measure: (A) Pace of Program and (B) Maximum Time Frame (C) Transfer Maximum Timeframe

A. Students must complete at least two-thirds of the number of credits attempted with a passing grade regardless of their enrollment status (full-time or half-time), and maintain a 66.67% completion ratio. Exception may be made for courses whose requirements have a time-frame by design that extends beyond the limit of the semester in which it is registered. The Office of Student Financial Services confirms that the student has met this requirement prior to the beginning of the student’s new enrollment period.

Credit grades of A, B, C, D and S are considered hours attempted and completed. Withdrawals (W), audit (AU), incomplete (I), failing (F or U) credits are counted as hours attempted only.

Graduate students are allowed to carry deferred grades (DG) for the Dissertation phase of their program.

Transfer credits will not be included in calculating the two-thirds completion rate.

Repeat credits are counted only once as part of the total credits attempted.

Changes due to completion of “incomplete” or “deferred” grades or changes made for any other reason are considered when aid eligibility is reviewed at the next regular monitoring time.

B. Student may not exceed 150% of the required credits to graduate with their declared degree program, over a period defined by their program, regardless of whether or not financial aid was received during previous semesters. Students are advised to work with their academic advisor to “stay on target” to complete educational goals.

C. Academic progress from other institutions will be included in maximum timeframe. All attempted credit hours from Andrews University (AU) and/or any other institution of attendance will count towards attempted credit hours with regard to maximum timeframe. Students who have attempted 150 percent of the allowed number of credit hours for any degree and/or certificate will be ineligible to receive financial aid at AU.

Categories of Continuing Financial Aid Eligibility

At the beginning of each semester, students are placed into one of the following categories on the basis of the previous year’s academic performance:

Satisfactory Progress. Students who meet all regulations outlined in the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and new students beginning their academic work at Andrews University qualify as making SAP.

Financial Aid Warning. Students who fail to meet all regulations outlined in the SAP policy receive a Financial Aid Warning for one semester. During the Financial Aid Warning semester, students are eligible to receive financial aid as awarded. The student is allowed only one Financial Aid Warning semester for each degree program, except under extenuating circumstances. Academic performance during this semester determines whether financial aid is given in the following semesters. If the student again meets the minimum required standards, the student is returned to satisfactory progress status and is eligible to continue receiving aid as awarded. Students who fail to attain SAP after the Financial Aid Warning semester are no longer eligible for Federal financial aid. Students placed on Financial Aid Warning are encouraged to contact their academic department for assistance in planning for academic success.

If students fail to meet the SAP requirements they are welcome to register for classes with the approval of their dean/academic advisor at their own expense until they meet SAP policy standards.

Financial Aid Appeal Procedure. Students who fail to maintain SAP and who lose current semester financial aid due to special or extenuating circumstances may appeal such an action in writing. All appeals must be completed using the SAP Appeal form available at the Office of Student Financial Services website under Forms (, and must be submitted before the first day of class for the next term that you plan to attend. Allow up to ten business days from submission of the form and all documentation to process your appeal. Students should recognize that submission of an appeal does not guarantee reinstatement of financial aid eligibility and approval is not “automatically” granted. Students will be notified regarding either a determination or next steps via their Andrews University email address or another means of communication. Decisions are final.

Financial Aid Probation. When failure is due to extenuating circumstances or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the student, he/she may appeal for a semester of financial aid probation. Proof must support the stated extenuating circumstances in the event of the death of a relative, a medical emergency or illness of the student, legal dependent or spouse, military activation or deployment, employer required changes on work schedule, disaster, or any other special circumstances. Reasons such as being unprepared for college course work, the course was not what was expected, not liking the instructor and other related excuses are NOT qualifying circumstances for an appeal and will result in an appeal being denied. Students are responsible for monitoring their own progress status. Our office makes every attempt to notify students of their status. However, failure to receive notice does not affect the calculated status and is not reason to appeal. Please ensure that home and email addresses are updated with Admissions and Records Department.

The appropriate academic official sends written notifications to the Office of Student Financial Services of regarding the academic evaluation of the appeal.

If an appeal is approved, all master’s-level students will be placed on Financial Aid Probation for one semester. Doctoral-and specialist-level students may be allowed a maximum of a two-semester probation extension. However, the student must make the appeal for the second probation extension in the same manner as for the first appeal. Future financial aid is dependent on meeting SAP standards by the end of the probationary semester(s).

If the appeal is denied, a student is no longer eligible for financial aid. Student is welcome to register for classes with the approval of their dean/academic advisor at their own expense until they meet SAP policy standards.

Break in Enrollment. When a student has a break in enrollment and is readmitted, the SAP status for prior terms will apply. For example, if a student is placed on financial aid suspension at the end of the spring term, does not return in the fall term, and is readmitted the next spring term, the student will continue in a financial aid suspension status for that term.

Please Note: The financial aid SAP standards are not the same as Andrews University’s general academic requirements. Students should contact an academic counselor to determine those separate requirements for maintaining their academic enrollment.

Return of Title IV Funds Policy

Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded.  When a student withdraws from Andrews University for any reason, officially and/or unofficially, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds originally awarded.  (Title IV aid refers to federal aid programs under the Higher Education Act of 1965). The return of funds to the federal government is based on the premise that a student earns financial aid in proportion to the length of time during which they remains enrolled.

Federal Regulations require a recalculation of financial aid eligibility if a student:

  • Completely withdraws
  • Stops attending before the end of the term
  • Fails all classes

Financial aid that is processed for a student who never begins attendance will be canceled and all of the funds will be returned to the Department of Education.

Earned Versus Unearned Financial Aid

If a student withdraws officially, unofficially, or through Administrative withdrawal from Andrews University, federal regulations require us to calculate Federal Title IV aid earned during the term in which the student no longer attends.

Title IV aid disbursed is earned based on a ratio of calendar days attended, to total calendar days in the Semester, less any breaks of 5 or more days.  Once the 60% point in the enrolled Semester is reached, a student is considered to have earned all of the financial aid originally awarded and no return of Title IV aid is required. 

Earned aid based on days attended can remain disbursed.

Student Notification of Repayment

The return regulations require a calculation of amounts a school must return, and/or may return.  Students are ultimately responsible for returning unearned funds, however; Andrews University does return all unearned aid to the Department of Education on the student’s behalf.

As a result, the student may owe a balance to Andrews University after a return of Title IV funds.  It is the student’s responsibility to pay the school for the balance.  A financial hold for the balance will prevent any registration of courses in the future.  A balance on account will also hold a transcript and diploma from being released.

Federal Formula

The amount of Title IV aid earned is determined by multiplying the result of the ratio of days attended to total days in the Semester by the total of the Title IV aid disbursed (plus Title IV aid that could have disbursed in the case of post-withdrawal pending aid). 

Example:  5 days attended / 100 total days = 5% (total Title IV aid disbursed) = earned aid.

The regulated time frame to return funds is no later than 45 days from the determination of a withdrawal.

Determination of Withdrawal Date

Our institution is not required to take attendance.  Therefore, the date we use in the return of funds calculation is the date the student officially and/or unofficially withdraws or stops attending courses.  This would be either date of submission of a student exit form or the official notification date of a student that they wish to withdraw. 

If a student stops attending without notification, the date used will be the verified last date of academic activity collected from instructors for all withdrawn courses in the term. This date coincides with the last date of attendance, the last date of an academic activity such as homework assignment, quiz, exam or graded paper.

Not Started

Andrews University requests that instructors report each Semester whether or not a student begins attendance in a course.  If a student does not begin attendance in a course, that course must be taken out of consideration for Title IV funds. The Title IV funds will be recalculated excluding that course. Depending on the remaining hours of registration, students may have their aid partially reduced or fully reduced. Students may also be subject to Title IV return calculations resulting in a reduction or cancelation of Title IV aid.

Students who do not plan to attend and will not be participating in a course should drop the class prior to the start of the term (or, at the very least, within the 100% refund period) to avoid Title IV aid recalculation.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursement

Students that withdraw completely with pending aid that did not disburse prior to withdrawal may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement.  If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, the student must give permission before the funds can be disbursed. 

Andrews University may use all or a portion of the post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for qualified educational expenses.  Permission is required to use post-withdrawal grant funds for all other school charges.  Students will be notified within 30 days of the determined withdrawal date.

Unearned Non-Passing Grades

Students who receive all non-passing grades (F grades) at the end of the Semester, and whose attendance cannot be verified with instructors in all courses enrolled, will be considered unofficially withdrawn and all aid will be returned.

Federal Title IV Aid Programs Order of Return

After calculating, the federal formula funds are returned in the following order for students who drop all their classes:

  • Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  • PLUS Direct Loan (Graduate)
  • Other Title IV student assistance

Withdrawal and Future Financial Aid Eligibility

Please refer to the Satisfactory Academic Progress section of this Bulletin to determine how financial aid is impacted.

Additional Loan Information to Consider When Withdrawing

Students are entitled to a 6 month grace period prior to repayment of their Federal loan(s).  If a student is less than half-time for 6 months their loans will go into repayment status with their federal loan servicer.  The grace period begins the day a student drops below half time.  A student’s lack of graduation does not equate to in-school deferment.

Students must complete Exit Loan Counseling at and contact their loan servicer to make payment arrangements, or ask any questions pertaining to the grace period or repayment status.