Jul 27, 2024  
University Policy Library 
University Policy Library






For Seventh-day Adventists the free exercise of religion as granted by the Federal Constitution includes the individual’s freedom to choose beliefs, creeds, church affiliation and a career. It likewise includes the right of the Church to operate distinctively Adventist educational institutions (see also Section 1, Appendix I). Such institutions must be staffed by those individuals who are in harmony with the beliefs and practices of the church as contained in the statement of Fundamental Beliefs. The employment code of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United States has been filed with the major bureaus of the federal government.

The employment code states that in order for its educational institutions to meet the religious goals for which these schools are established, The faculty must be, with few exceptions (see below), members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in good and regular standing and must be committed to the philosophy and program of the church. Given the importance of role modeling, university employees are expected to actively participate in church life and in the stewardship of God-given resources, including participation in the tithing plan.

Equal employment conditions shall be afforded each Seventh-day Adventist applicant with no discrimination in recruitment or hiring (see also policy #2:110 below). In exercising their constitutional rights to the free choice of a career, any Seventh-day Adventist should experience within a Seventh-day Adventist institution such as Andrews University the full and equal opportunity to apply his/her knowledge and skills in building up the church.

Employment of Persons of Other Faiths 2:101:1

In exceptional cases, namely professional areas for which qualified Seventh-day Adventist personnel are not available, the governing board may enter into employment relationships with persons who are not Seventh-day Adventists, but who are sympathetic to and in harmony with the philosophy and culture of Seventh-day Adventism. In such special circumstances Seventh-day Adventist beliefs do not constitute employment conditions.

Departments found by the Board of Trustees to represent exceptional cases will operate according to guidelines (see #2:225:2) that protect the mission of the university and over time increase the proportion of Seventh-day Adventist faculty.

Faculty of a religious faith other than the Seventh-day Adventist faith, are not eligible for tenure. However, for those whose seniority and performance would otherwise warrant such tenure, compensatory remuneration is provided. If they teach on a full-time basis and carry a complete range of academic responsibilities, such faculty are eligible for appointment and promotion to the various regular academic ranks. (See policy #2:310).



The basic teachings and international nature of the Seventh-day Adventist Church require of its employing entities a commitment in philosophy and practice to the doctrine of equal human rights.

The governing body of Andrews University abides by the following practices and policies in the treatment of hired personnel:

Decisions for the promotion of employees will be based upon the qualifications of the individual as related to the requirements of the position for which the employee is being considered, and shall be done with the input of peers as outlined in Appendix 2-G
Equal employment conditions with no discrimination against any employee because of race, color, creed, ethnic background, country of origin, age, sex, height, weight, physical handicap, marital status, political or gender preference, or past military service, except where a bona fide occupational qualification exists. (See also Section 1, Appendix I)
Compensation and benefits will be administered without discrimination as noted in (2) above.



It is the policy of Andrews University that not more than one member of a family is employed in the same department or in an employment situation where there is not at least one supervisor between relatives. Broadly this means that normally relatives do not work with or for one another or in a relationship where one might have direct authority over the other in matters of remuneration, promotion, etc.

For the purpose of this policy, family includes: spouse, child / (natural, adopted, step), grandchild, parent, an in-law, grandparent, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, or siblings.

For the purpose of this policy, department refers to the divisions of activities within the university which are shown as entities on the organizational structure or chart of the university, the chart of accounts in the university accounting system, or is an activity which is distinguished by the area of responsibility assigned to a recognized department head. A department may be academic, support, or service.

Exceptions to this policy may be considered for good reason if presented in writing and addressed to Human Resources.

Persons who move out of compliance with this policy through a change in family status (marriage) or otherwise, must progress towards compliance with the policy within 30 days, or have filed a request for an exception with Human Resources.




At the time that a faculty member is employed, he/she is assigned primary faculty membership (see policy #2:124:1) and rank within one of the constituent schools of the university.



Faculty membership(s) are assigned by the president at the time of initial employment by the Board of Trustees.



A faculty member is assigned one or more of the following categories of faculty memberships:

Membership within one of the constituent schools/departments of the University. They are faculty of the:

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
Department of Agriculture
Department of Aviation
School of Architecture, Art, & Design (SAAD)
School of Business Administration (SBA)
School of Distance Education
School of Education (SED)
School of Distance Education (SDE)
School of Health Professions (SHP)
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (SEM)

Membership in the Graduate Faculty of the university. The Graduate Faculty is a group of individuals appointed by the Graduate Council in recognition of their qualifications to teach on the graduate level (See also Section 1, Appendix G).
For further information on faculty membership see policy #2:124.



The type of faculty membership assigned at the time of employment (see policy #2:121) in any of the constituent schools of the university (see policy #2:122) may be either regular or adjunct.

A faculty member is assigned either regular or adjunct faculty membership on the basis of the qualifications, rank and extent of his/her involvement in the academic program at the university.

Regular Faculty Membership 2:123:1

Regular faculty membership is assigned to a person who is employed by the university on a half-time (45-50%) to full-time salary basis (90-100%), holds regular rank, including emeritus rank (see also policy #2:306:1), in one of the constituent schools of the university, and who, apart from temporary assignments of a special nature, is engaged in the full range of academic responsibilities expected of a university faculty member. A person with regular faculty membership in a constituent school of the university is entitled to and expected to participate in committees and faculty meetings of the school(s) where they hold rank. Such persons are also entitled and expected to attend General Faculty meetings, convocations, and graduations. See membership to General Faculty in policy #2:126.

Clinical Appointments 2:123:2b

Faculty who are employed more than .5FTE and whose major responsibility is in maintaining high quality education programs in a variety of clinical environments may be hired as clinical faculty (non-tenured position).  Such faculty are a crucial part of the development of students in the clinical area and in assuring compliance with professional accreditation standards.  Clinical track faculty are valued for the knowledge and expertise in clinical areas as applied to the educational experiences of students.  Excellence in teaching and participation in clinical practice, service to the profession, and scholarship are hallmarks of the clinical faculty.  This non-tenure clinical track supports recruitment and retention of well qualified faculty.  It also recognizes the unique external requirements met by clinical faculty to maintain clinical expertise and the contribution of the clinical faculty in the educational processes.  The criteria for both appointment and promotion within the track are consistent with the mission and goals of the University.

Adjunct Faculty Membership 2:123:2

Adjunct faculty membership is assigned to persons who are eminently qualified and maintain a relationship with the University for the purpose of teaching, research, or clinical assistance on the campus of Andrews University or at one of its extension locations. Adjunct faculty members are expected to attend the New Faculty Orientation, the Faculty Institute, and other faculty development activities stipulated by their constituent department or school. They are remunerated for their work by the University, hold faculty membership in a constituent school of the University, and may attend faculty meetings, by invitation, in the school(s) where they hold membership. Normally, they are not assigned to any standing committee, academic advising, or regular assignments as part of the load for which they are remunerated. Additionally, persons holding adjunct faculty membership are not members of the General Faculty (see also policies #2:124:1 and #2:212).

Partner Adjunct Faculty 2:123:3

Partner adjunct faculty membership is assigned to persons who are eminently qualified to perform the duties of teaching or clinical assistance at an Andrews University off-campus (contracted) location. Such adjunct faculty members are approved by the constituent Andrews University schools, but do not hold faculty membership in a constituent school of the University. They are remunerated for their work by the off-campus (contracted) location and not by Andrews University.

Teachers/Supervisors Not of Record 2:123:4

Individuals who have supporting roles in classes such as guest lecturers, supervising an internship on-site, etc., and are not appointed as faculty of record, will not normally carry faculty status.



Faculty membership (regular or adjunct) in any department within any school of the university is assigned by the president upon the advice of the dean(s) of the school(s) in question, a vote of recommendation by the department(s), and the concurrence of the provost. Where appropriate, the concurrence of the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research shall also be required. (See policy #2:210.)

Primary Appointment 2:124:1

The initial assignment of a faculty member (regular and adjunct) to a department within a constituent school of the university is known as primary faculty appointment, indicating thereby that the faculty member holds membership in that school and is responsible to the dean of the school and the department chair of that school. The primary faculty membership in a constituent school is normally assigned only to a person who qualifies for rank in that school on the basis of academic qualifications.

Joint Appointment 2:124:3
Definition 2:124:3:1

When a faculty member (regular or adjunct) who has a primary appointment with membership and rank in a constituent school of the university is assigned by the president to another constituent school of the university (and given full membership and rank in that school), the appointment is known as a joint appointment.

Qualified staff members who hold primary appointment in a non-academic area may also have a joint adjunct faculty appointment in a constituent school.

Purpose 2:124:3:2

The “joint appointment” of a faculty member is normally made for any of the following reasons:

To serve as instructional faculty in a joint degree program offered by two or more schools.
To integrate and supplement a program offered by the school of additional appointment with the expertise of the primary appointment discipline.
To signify a level of equality between the primary and additional appointment(s).
To serve in a high-level advisory capacity in more than one school of the university for curricular/instructional/clinical/research purposes.

Manner of Appointment 2:124:3:3

When the appointment of a faculty or staff member is initially planned to be a joint appointment, the president shall designate the school of primary appointment and require all of the participating schools/departments to participate in negotiations with the candidate and advise the president via the provost on the subsequent appointment.

When a faculty member has a joint appointment he/she shall also be responsible to the dean(s) of the additional school(s) involved and to the decisions of the additional department(s) involved. Such a person holds faculty membership in the additional school(s)/department(s). As such he/she attends department and faculty meetings with full participation and voting rights first in the school of primary appointment and where possible in the school(s) of secondary appointment. The regular faculty member has full participation and voting rights in all schools where he/she holds appointments.

Primary and Joint Appointments: Promotion Procedures 2:124:3:4

The promotion procedures for a faculty member (see policy #2:307) are always initiated by the faculty member’s school of primary appointment. Promotion procedures for a faculty member on joint appointment shall include input from each of the schools in which the faculty member holds a joint appointment.



In addition to assigning primary faculty membership to a faculty member within a given school (see also policy #2:212), the president shall assign Undergraduate and/or Graduate Faculty membership on the basis of the established criteria for each (see policy #2:213 and Appendix 1-G).



Membership 2:126:1

Members of the General Faculty are employees in several different categories: Faculty members with regular academic rank in one or more of the constituent schools or the K-12 system of the university who are employed on at least half-time basis in instruction and/or research, library, or academic assignments of a special nature; general officers of the university; officers of the schools; and emeritus faculty.

General Faculty Terms of Reference 2:126:2

The general faculty meets at least once each term at the call of the chair. It has the following functions:

Approves policies and procedures touching all schools of the university as recommended by the various policy-making committees that report to the general faculty

Recommends to the board of trustees any changes in the Andrews University working policies
Receives and responds to information on the university shared by the president and other officers of the University; such information may include assessment results and other matters pertaining to faculty performance (see policy #2:440)
Appoints committees to study specific academic problems of the university as deemed necessary
Serves as an entity for faculty development
Approves the names of candidates for honorary degrees
Appoints representatives, where appropriate, to serve on search committees to recommend candidates for the position of president or other general officer for the university
Appoints self-study committees for the university as necessary
Appoints representatives to serve on accreditation representatives to serve as delegates to Andrews University constituency meetings



Professional personnel are those salaried employees who provide leadership in the various administrative and support offices of the university. They include Associates and Assistants in Administration.

Professional personnel meet at least annually in joint session with the academic members of the General Faculty at the call of the president, who chairs the meeting. The secretary of such sessions is the Director of Human Resources.