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Short-term faculty appointments are given on a contract basis to faculty whose teaching or other academic assignments last for a limited period, usually less than one year. Remuneration is provided without regular employee benefits. Such contract appointments specify precisely the tasks and responsibilities to be performed. Contracts are reviewed each term and may be terminated on one month’s paid notice.

Appointments to the non-tenure track may be renewed annually.



Recommendation by President 2:140:1

The appointment of all salaried administrators to the university shall be proposed by the president to the Andrews University Board of Trustees which has the final authority in making appointments of all university personnel. Before the president makes any personnel recommendations to the Andrews University Board of Trustees, he shall have been advised via the Search Committee process (see policy #2:142) or other appropriate processes.

The appointment of university administrators is different to that of faculty members in one respect. Faculty members are recommended by their peers via the search process and are then appointed for a fixed but renewable period. Administrators are identified during the search process and, after appointment by the Andrews University Board of Trustees, they serve at the pleasure of the Board with scheduled periodic reviews for renewal or termination of appointment (see policy #2:140:1 below).

Evaluation and Reappointment of Administrators  2:140:1
Annual Development Plan and Evaluation. 2:140:1:1

Administrators will prepare an Annual Development Plan with specific goals informed by self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and the advice of the administrative supervisor. A job description tailored to the leadership needs of the position is the basis for development of the plan and is filed with the Office of Human Resources. An annual evaluation with regard to achievement of these goals occurs at the Plans Conference at which time a new Annual Plan is prepared.

Five Year Review for Reappointment 2:140:1:2

Officers of the university and officers of the schools are reviewed for reappointment every five years. The evaluation occurs during the year of the university constituency session in the year following the General Conference quinquennial session. The Office of the President shall be responsible for coordinating this periodic evaluation. Evaluation data will be obtained from administrative peers as well as the persons supervised by the administrator. Recommendations for reappointment for another term will be made by the president to the Board of Trustees.

Special Review of Administrator 2:140:1:3

Calls for a special evaluation of a department head or other administrator may occur at any time. Such a special review is called for by the president only when compelling reasons have been submitted to the president by a significant number of the person’s work associates. In such a special review, a committee shall be appointed by the president.

Department Chair 2:140:2

The department chair is a faculty administrator who serves as the official communication channel for all regular business between the faculty of the department and the university’s administration. The chair represents the department in matters that are referred to the dean for decision or approval. The chairs’ responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Ensuring the overall quality of the department’s instructional program and research activities
  • Administration of department resources
  • Ensuring that classes are met and conducted responsibly
  • Ensuring that departmental advising is accurately and effectively performed
  • Playing a key role in the preparation and administration of annual budgets
  • Understanding and implementing – effectively, consistently and equitably – all personnel policies, in association with faculty colleagues
  • Facilitating the ongoing professional development of faculty colleagues
  • Evaluating faculty
  • Facilitating students success
Manner of Appointment 2:140:2:1

Appointment to the chair-ship of a department is made by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the president and after the usual search process (see policy #2:142:6, Item 2). The president obtains advice from the departmental faculty, the dean of the school in question, the dean of the school of graduate studies and research for departments that offer graduate degrees, and the provost. Faculty members re-employed after retirement are not eligible to serve as chairs.

Term of Service and Review  2:140:2:2

The usual expected term of service for a department chair is four years and may be renewed after annual evaluations. A faculty member who accepts appointment as chair of a department is expected to remain with the university for the full term except where special arrangements are made with the Board of Trustees.

Rotating Chair 2:140:2:3

A department may request the school dean and provost to establish a rotating chair on the basis of procedures developed by the department. Nominees are approved by the usual procedure described in 2:140:2:1.

Evaluation and Reappointment of Chair 2:140:2:4
(1) Annual Development Plan and Evaluation 2:140:2:4:1

Chairs will prepare an Annual Development Plan with specific goals informed by self-evaluation, faculty peer evaluation, assessment of learner outcomes (see policy #2:440), and the advice of the dean of the school. A job description tailored to the department’s leadership needs and based on the expectations described in the Chairs’ Manual  is the basis for development of the plan.

An annual evaluation with regard to achievement of these goals occurs annually at the Plans Conference with the dean of the school. At this conference a new Annual Plan is prepared.

(2) Fourth-Year Review 2:140:2:4:2

Department chairs are reviewed by the dean of the school for reappointment early in the fourth year of the term of service. .  Based on the outcome of the evaluation, a chair may be re-appointed for a four-year term. . The office of the provost shall be responsible for coordinating this periodic evaluation. Evaluation data will be obtained from departmental faculty with input from the dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, for departments that offer graduate degrees. Recommendations on reappointments will be made by the dean of the school to the provost who then recommends to the president. Reappointment for another term will be made by the Board of Trustees.

(3) Special Review of Chair 2:140:2:4:3

Calls for a special review of a department chair as provided for in policy #2:140:1:3 may occur at any time. Such a special review is initiated by the provost when a majority of the departmental faculty submits compelling reasons to the provost for such a review.

In such a special evaluation, a special review committee shall be appointed by the provost, who shall also chair the committee. Members of the committee shall include the dean of the relevant school, the dean of the school of graduate studies and research for departments that offer graduate degrees, the faculty members of the department, a full professor from another department in the university and the Director of Human Resources.

Acting Chair 2:140:3

A faculty member may be appointed acting chair of a department by the president upon recommendation of the dean(s) and provost when the incumbent chair is absent from the campus for an extended period such as a sabbatical leave or assignments away from the university. An acting chair may also be appointed on an interim basis during the search process to fill a vacancy in the chair-ship.

Selection of the acting chair will be based on appropriate criteria (see also policy #2:140:2:1 for non- eligibility of retirees). Extra remuneration is granted to the acting chair for the duration of the post if the usual fiscal management responsibilities of the chair are cared for. Such a person’s role will not guarantee consideration for the chair-ship of the department at the time of a future vacancy. If the term of service will be for at least a year, the appointment is made by the Board of Trustees.



Interdisciplinary Program Coordinators 2:141:1

A faculty member may be appointed a coordinator for an interdisciplinary, or inter-school program by the dean(s) of the appropriate school(s) upon the recommendation of the appropriate chair(s) and faculty. Normally the same type of search process used to identify a chair is used to select an interdisciplinary studies coordinator (see policy #2:142:6, item 2). Extra remuneration is granted to such a coordinator if fiscal management responsibilities are held. Evaluation and review processes for interdisciplinary program coordinators are the same as used for chairs (see policy #2:140:2:1).

Area Coordinator 2:141:2

Because of specialization or size, some academic departments may be subdivided into program areas with a coordinator responsible for each area. Program area coordinators are appointed within a department upon the recommendation of the relevant academic dean(s), and department chair(s). Evaluation and promotion review processes for area coordinators are the same as used for faculty (see policies #2:326 and #2:307).



Centrality of Search Committees to Employment Process 2:142:1

Under the supervision of the president, vice presidents and deans, the university maintains a process for the recruitment, selection, and separation of administrators or faculty. The most crucial step in the selection of officers of the university, officers of schools and new faculty members lies in the search process whereby peers express themselves on potential candidates for vacant positions. (See also policies #1:717 and #2:140:2:1).

Administrators and the Andrews University Board of Trustees shall carefully regard the recommendations of search committees.

Timing of Search Committees  2:142:2

The administration will appoint a search committee as soon as a vacancy is expected. Ample time should be allowed for the search process to facilitate advertising of the position and for negotiating transfers from other institutions.

Terms of Reference for Search Committees 2:142:3

Search committees are appointed to:

Obtain a job description and/or position criteria from the relevant department/school or entity.
Determine the procedures and schedule to be followed during the search process including implementing the affirmative action policy of the university (See also Section 1, Appendix 1-I).
Seek qualified potential candidates through wide advertising and enquiry. Official advertisements are processed by Human Resources after approval by the president or the vice president under whom the vacancy has occurred.
Communicate with and evaluate all applicants by a variety of methods including curriculum vitae, determination of immigration status if appropriate, reference checks, scheduled interviews and guest lectures.
Recommend to the president qualified individuals (preferably at least three (3) persons).

Search committees provide formal counsel to the president or the Andrews University Board of Trustees, but they should consult and communicate with the departments, schools or university officers in question as defined in policy #2:142:5 below, until they have rendered their report and the positions in question have been filled.

Appointment of Search Committee Members 2:142:4

Depending on the position to be filled search committee members are nominated by relevant peers or representative university groups and are appointed by the chief officer involved as described in policy #2:142:5 below. The selection of members should take account of the diverse nature of the university community.

Composition of Search Committees 2:142:5

Departments or schools will nominate a representative group as a search committee, including a person outside of the department/school/university. Unless prescribed by policy, search committees elect a chair and secretary at their first organizational meeting.

If a search committee member becomes a candidate for the vacant position, he/she must withdraw from the search committee and may be replaced.

The following are specific prescriptions for the composition of search committees dealing with different types of vacancies.

For Faculty Positions 2:142:5:1

When a faculty vacancy occurs, the dean of the relevant school/Director of the James White Library shall call the department together to choose a search committee. One member of the search committee must be from another school of the university appointed by the dean of the school where the search committee is to function. If the position involves graduate faculty responsibilities, the school’s graduate program director or the graduate dean must be included. Departments should include one (1) student on the search committee. See also policy # 2:225:2 regarding search committee organization for departments which employ faculty of other faiths.

For Department Chair 2:142:5:2

When a department chair vacancy occurs, the dean of the school in question shall call the department together in order to choose a search committee. The search committee membership must include at least one (1) member, appointed by the dean, who is a department chair from another department in the same school. One (1) faculty member from another school shall be appointed by the dean of the school in which the search committee is to function. If the position involves graduate faculty responsibilities, the school’s graduate program director or the graduate dean must be included. Departments should include one (1) student on the search committee.

For Academic Office Directors 2:142:5:3

When a vacancy occurs for a position of Director of an academic office, such as the James White Library, the Records Office, the General Education Office, etc., the provost shall call a meeting of the relevant faculty and users of the services, to form a search committee. The search committee membership must contain two (2) faculty members representing the constituent schools of the university appointed by the provost. The committee should include one (1) student in the membership of the search committee.

For Officers of Schools 2:142:5:4

a. Dean

When a dean’s position becomes vacant, the provost shall convene the faculty of the school in question in order to appoint a search committee.

The search committee shall consist of five (5) to seven (7) individuals including (a) one person from another school of the university and (b) faculty from the school in question including at least one (1) full professor and one (1) department chair. If the school offers graduate degrees, the search committee must include the Graduate Dean. Schools are also encouraged to include one (1) student.

b. Associate and Assistant Dean

When a vacancy for an associate or assistant dean occurs, the dean of the relevant school shall convene the chairs or program coordinators of the school in question in order to appoint a search committee.

The search committee should include representation from the chairs, senior faculty, and at least one academic professional staff member from outside the school as determined by the job description of the position being filled. The dean should chair the committee.

For Officers of the University 2:142:5:5

a. President of the university

When the Office of the President becomes vacant the chair of the Andrews University Board of Trustees shall request the Andrews University Board of Trustees to appoint a search committee. The search committee shall include representation from the board of trustees, faculty, staff, alumni, and students. This committee shall give the vice presidents, deans, and faculty an opportunity to offer counsel before a recommendation is made. It renders its report to the Andrews University Board of Trustees in session.

b. Vice President

When a vacancy occurs for a vice president, the president of the university shall appoint a search committee of persons representing the constituents of the university as follows:

Representative(s) For Provost For other VP’s
vice president nominated in Cabinet: 1 1
deans nominated in Deans’ Council 3 2
faculty of the university, at least two (2) of whom must be full professors nominated in a meeting of the General Faculty 4 3
staff nominated in a staff assembly: 1 3
Board of Trustee member appointed by the chair of the Board of Trustees: 1 1
students, one (1) recommended by the Undergraduate (AUSA) officers and one (1) recommended by the Graduate (AUGSA) Student Association officers: 2 2
members appointed by the president to represent university interests not otherwise adequately represented: 1 3

The president shall also seek advice from the vice presidents and the deans before making recommendations to the Andrews University Board of Trustees.

c.Assistant and Associate Vice President, Treasurer and Controller, Director of Human Resources, and the Chief Inform

When a vacancy occurs for an assistant or associate vice president, a treasurer or controller, the chief information officer, or the director of Human Resources, the president or the vice president under whom the vacancy occurs, shall appoint a search committee of persons representing the peers and constituents of the position, and shall serve as chair.

Strong consideration shall be given to the recommendations of the vice president in whose domain the vacancy has occurred, since an assistant or associate vice president works closely with the vice president.

General Procedures for Use by Search Committees 2:142:6

Orientation to Search Procedures: At the first meeting of the appointed search committee, the Director of Human Resources shall provide an orientation to the policies and procedures relevant to the recruitment and hiring of all university employees. At this meeting, the expected job description and preferred characteristics for the position should be identified.
Protocol: Before a prospective employee from another Adventist educational institution or another division within the university is invited for an interview, courtesy requires that the appropriate administrator be contacted for permission. Normally, invitations for positions to be filled for the succeeding school year are not appropriate after May 1.
On-Campus Interviews: When on-campus interviews are scheduled with the top candidates for a position, the schedule must include the President, the respective Vice-President, the Graduate Dean (if appropriate), the Director (or designee) of Human Resources, and the proposed co-workers. Prospective faculty should be invited to present a guest lecture or seminar for the department.
Other Information: Information on certain matters should be sought in the search interviews: (a) the visa status of the prospective employee; (b) any financial obligations which would be owed to the current employer such as unamortized doctoral support expenses; (c) whether person is vested within the denominational retirement plan.
Consideration for Supervisor Recommendations: Inasmuch as a person who will be an assistant or associate to an officer will work closely with that officer, the officer’s own recommendations should be strongly considered.
Recommendation of Other Colleagues: In selecting an officer of the university, the counsel of other officers (deans, other vice presidents) shall be sought by the vice president under whom the vacancy exists.
Exceptional Case Departments: Searches for vacant faculty positions in exceptional case departments where non-Adventists may be considered include the following requirements: (a) the chair of the search committee must be a Seventh-day Adventist; (b) more than half the members of the search committee must be Seventh- day Adventists; (c) the committee must extensively seek and demonstrate how they have sought qualified Adventist candidates before considering candidates who are not Seventh-day Adventists; and (d) the vote to recommend employment of a non-Seventh-day Adventist must be taken at a meeting attended by all Adventist members of the search committee.
Reports on Search Progress: The search committee shall periodically report on its progress to the appropriate faculty, officers, or other concerned individuals.

Report to the President: When the search committee has identified the preferred candidate(s), the relevant vice president shall convey the search committee’s report to the president, together with the advice of the other officers and his/her own recommendations. The president will authorize Human Resources to issue a letter to the preferred candidate with an offer of employment and to inform the active candidates not chosen that an employment letter has been sent to a candidate other than himself or herself.



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