Criteria for Instructor
General Job Description
For Satisfactory Rating
- Carries a normal teaching load
- Meets teaching appointments/missed classes made up
- Assesses accomplishment of learning objectives annually/ biannually
- Keeps regular office hrs. [4-8/wk.]
- Provides timely feedback to students, generally returning papers/ tests within a week
- Advises/Counsels students
- Integrates the mission statement of AU into teaching practice
- Teaching quality assessed satisfactory based on
- responses to assessment results
- student evaluations & anecdotal evidence (letters, etc.)
- peer evaluation
- self-evaluation using discipline appropriate standards
- Course materials updated regularly
- Where appropriate & doable, variety of teaching methodologies explored & used in classes
- Demonstrates enthusiasm for the discipline
- Available to advisees
Underlining indicates area where appropriate individualization is likely.
- Has BA/BS or preferably an MA/MS in subject/discipline area
Is assessing future academic goals by:
- thinking about future in higher education
- considering further graduate study
- thinking about interests in research & other scholarly activity such as professional presentations
- attending a professional conference
- discussion with mature colleagues in the discipline
To University, Church, Community
- Attends a majority of general department, school & university general faculty meetings.
- Contributes service to the department by serving on 1 or 2 dept. projects/special committees
Contributes service in 1 of the following areas:
- University levels:
- School
- University-wide
- Church levels-
- Local Area/Union
- Division or larger
- Community:
- Serve in some volunteer capacity (e.g. help with blood drive, United Way, Speaker=s Bureau, etc.)
- To University, Church, Community
- Collegiality
- Is faithful in committee attendance and/or other commitments
- Show quality by saving anecdotal or other evidence (e.g. written thank you’ s, etc.)
Criteria for Assistant Professor
General Job Description
For Satisfactory Rating
- Carries a “normal” teaching load
- Meets teaching appointments/missed classes made up
- Assesses accomplishment of learning objectives annually/biannually
- Keeps regular office hrs. [4-8/wk.
- Provides timely feedback to students, generally returning papers/ tests within a week
- Advises/Counsels students
- Integrates the mission statement of AU into teaching practice
- Teaching quality assessed satisfactory based on
- responses to assessment results
- student evaluations & anecdotal evidence (letters, etc.)
- peer evaluation
- self-evaluation using discipline appropriate standards
- Course materials updated regularly
- Where appropriate & doable, variety of teaching methodologies explored & used in classes
- Demonstrates enthusiasm for the discipline
- Available to advisees
- Begins to explore application of scholarly research to improve teaching & instruction
- Begins to explore cross-disciplinary approaches
- Is pursuing & making progress on completion of terminal degree in discipline area (usually doctorate)
- Attends a convention/year in specialty area
- Presents a paper at local or regional level professional conference every 2 or 3 years
- Publishes 1 refereed article while in this rank
- Identifies scholarly activity/research areas to pursue in discipline in relationship to teaching
- Is developing connections within professional community (both inside and outside the denomination)
Service to University, Church, Community
- Attends a majority of general department, school & university general faculty meetings.
- Contributes service to the department by serving on two department projects/special committees
- AND contributes on one other university level
- AND in either church or community
- University levels
- School
- University-wide
- Church levels:
- Local Serve/assist in some capacity (e.g. SS teacher, deaconess )
- Area/Union
- Division or larger
- Community
- Serve in some volunteer capacity (e.g. help with blood drive United Way, Speaker=s Bureau, etc.)
Service to University, Church, Community
- Collegiality
- Is faithful in committee attendance and other commitments
- Show quality by saving anecdotal and /or other evidence
Criteria for Associate Professor
General Job Description
For Satisfactory Rating
- Carries a “normal” teaching load
- Meets teaching appointments/missed classes made up
- Assesses accomplishment of learning objectives annually/biannually
- Keeps regular office hrs. [4-8/wk.]
- Provides timely feedback to students, generally returning papers/ tests within a week
- Advises/Counsels students
- Integrates the mission statement of AU into teaching practice
- Teaching quality assessed satisfactory based on
- responses to assessment results
- student evaluations & anecdotal evidence (letters, etc.)
- peer evaluation
- self-evaluation using discipline appropriate standards
- Course materials updated regularly
- Where appropriate & doable, variety of teaching methodologies explored & used in class
- Demonstrates enthusiasm for the discipline
- Available to advisees
- Applies specific scholarly research to improve teaching & instruction
**Willing to participate in some cross-disciplinary teaching or other activities
***Mentors students in teaching
**For satisfactory rating, cross-disciplinary activity expected in only 1 of: teaching, research.
***For satisfactory rating, mentoring expected in only 1 of: teaching, research, or service.
- Has the terminal degree in discipline (Usually doctorate)
- Attends one or more professional conventions/yr.
- Presents a paper every 1 or 2 years at local, regional or national professional conference
- Publishes a refereed article every 2 or 3 years.
- Pursues specialized research, either related to teaching area(s) or to contribute to the scholarly community/knowledge of discipline
- Nurtures professional and scholarly connections
**Takes part in cross-disciplinary research
***Mentors student research
**For satisfactory rating, cross-disciplinary activity expected in only 1 of: teaching, research.
***For satisfactory rating, mentoring expected in only 1 of: teaching, research, or service.
To University, Church, Community
- Attends a majority of general department, school & university general faculty meetings, unless on special assignment or sabbatical/research semester
- Contributes service to the department by serving on 2-3 department projects/special committees
- AND on 1-2 committees in (an)other university level(s)
AND in either church or community
- University levels:
- School
- University-wide
- Church levels-
- Local: Serve/assist in some capacity (e.g. SS teacher, deacon/ness)
- Area/Union Division or larger
- Community:
- Serve in some volunteer capacity (e.g. help with blood drive, United Way, Speakers= Bureau)
- Collegiality
- One area should be significant
- Is faithful in committee attendance and other commitments
- Show quality by saving anecdotal and or other evidence
***Mentors students in-service activities.
***For satisfactory rating, mentoring expected in only 1 of: teaching, research, or service.
Criteria for Professor
General Job Description
For Satisfactory Rating
- Carries a normal teaching load
- Meets teaching appointments/missed classes made up
- Assesses accomplishment of learning objectives annually/biannually
- Keeps regular office hrs. [4-8/wk.]
- Provides timely feedback to students, generally returning papers/ tests within a week
- Advises/Counsels students
- Integrates the mission statement of AU into teaching practice
- Teaching quality assessed satisfactory based on
- responses to assessment results
- student evaluations & anecdotal evidence (letters, etc.)
- peer evaluation
- self-evaluation using discipline appropriate standards
- Course materials updated regularly
- Where appropriate& doable, variety of teaching methodologies explored & used in class
- Demonstrates enthusiasm for the discipline
- Available to advisees
- Applies specific scholarly research to improve teaching & instruction
**Willing to take part in some cross-disciplinary teaching & activities
***Mentors students & junior faculty in teaching.
**For satisfactory rating, cross-disciplinary activity expected in only 1 of: teaching, research
***For satisfactory rating, mentoring expected in only 1 of: teaching, research, or service.
Underlining indicates area where appropriate individualization is likely.
- Has terminal degree in discipline (Usually Doctorate)
- Attends one or more professional conventions/yr
- Presents a paper every 1 or 2 years at local, regional or national professional conference
- Publishes a refereed article every 2 or 3 years
- Keeps current in area of discipline s/he teaching
- Continues to do specialized research
- Nurtures professional and scholarly connections
**Takes part in cross-disciplinary research
**Mentors students & colleagues in research and scholarly activity
**For satisfactory rating, cross-disciplinary activity expected in only 1 of: teaching, research.
***For satisfactory rating, mentoring expected in only 1 of: teaching, research, or service.
To University, Church, Community
- Attends a majority of general department, school & university general faculty meetings, unless on special assignment, sabbatical or research semester.
- Contribute service to the department by serving on 2-3 department projects/committees
AND on 1-2 committees in (an)other university level(s) AND in either church or community
- University levels:
- School
- University-wide
- Church levels-
- Local: Serve/assist in some capacity (e.g. SS teacher, deacon/ness)
- Area/Union
- Division or larger.
- Community: Serve in a volunteer capacity (e.g. help with blood drive, United Way, Speaker=s Bureau)
- Collegiality
- One area should be significant.
- Is faithful in committee attendance and other commitments
- Show quality by saving anecdotal and other evidence
***Mentors students & or faculty in service activities.
***For satisfactory rating, mentoring expected in only 1 of: teaching, research, or service.