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University Policy Library 
University Policy Library



This policy describes the definition, purpose, appointment, privileges, and responsibilities of visiting scholars. This policy is to ensure that visiting scholars observe Andrews University’s working policies, guidelines and provisions including but not limited to the protection of human subjects, animal use, and intellectual property.

Visiting scholars are not employees of Andrews University. They are senior researchers and distinguished visitors to academic units who will require access to research facilities and support services. Such individuals must hold a doctoral degree or be a recognized expert in their field. They are generally on temporary leave from their universities or research centers, visit the campus for a relatively short period of time – usually no longer than a year – collaborate on research projects and publications with faculty members, and/or pursue independent research. They may also be attached to units where research is a primary responsibility of their position and they are engaged in identified projects. They are self-supported, or have adequate support funds from sources outside of the university.

Purpose & Privileges
Visiting scholars’ appointment provides a mechanism for scholars to conduct research and interact with faculty and students who have interest in their areas of expertise. Scholars shall have access to the university library and other specified research facilities and support services.

The School of Graduate Studies and Research shall ensure that the visiting scholar meets the criteria listed above. The individual’s curriculum vitae shall be attached to the application for the visiting scholar status. Upon review of the credentials and approval of an appointment, a visiting scholar invitation letter shall be issued by the graduate dean. The letter shall include:

  • The specific period of the appointment
  • Confirmation that Andrews University has no financial obligation to the scholar
  • The requirement that the visiting scholar follow all regulatory requirements of the university.

Visiting scholar status is a privilege, not a right, and an individual holds this status at the pleasure of Andrews University. Scholars should conduct themselves in a manner that is becoming of the university’s Seventh-day Adventist Christian philosophy. The status may be revoked at any time, without the necessity of a reason. Additionally, there is no right to a renewal of the status at the end of the designated period. The scholar shall sign the university’s Copyright Agreement regarding ownership of intellectual properties. A copy of the intellectual property shall be housed at the university library. Finally, the scholar shall present a lecture to a class that has interest in their expertise.

Voted by Faculty September 17, 2012