Sep 16, 2024  
University Policy Library 
University Policy Library




Andrews University is a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher education. It was established to provide high quality instruction in the arts and sciences and in vocational and professional education for the members of the Adventist church. It is now the flagship university of the Seventh-day Adventist church, serving students both nationally and internationally.

Andrews University serves the interests of the Seventh-day Adventist church:

  • To further the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church to carry the gospel to all the world;
  • To educate students for generous service to the church and society in keeping with a faithful witness to Christ and to the worldwide mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church;
  • To provide courses of study, based upon a Biblical foundation, which integrate faith, learning and research;
  • To provide an educational experience that recognizes the priority of spiritual life and honors the value of diversity; and
  • To offer its material and human resources to support local, regional, national and global outreach programs of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

The university welcomes others who wish to study within the context of Seventh-day Adventist educational and community values. The university is concerned with educating persons who will be responsible citizens of their countries, who will contribute to the welfare of their communities and who have special interest in giving of their talents for the welfare of humanity.



Inasmuch as the university was established and is supported financially by the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, high priority is given:

  1. To maintaining a campus environment favorable for the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development of students
  2. To providing religious education to the students who enroll in the university and to encourage them to dedicate themselves to the service of God and humanity
  3. To preparing people for such service in the church.

This religious education aims for the inculcation of the moral principles and ethical behavior patterns of the Christian faith as understood by the Adventist church; the attainment of an intellectual understanding of and commitment to the religious beliefs and standards and mission of Christianity and of the Seventh- day Adventist Church; and the development and maintenance of concomitant religious practices.

Andrews University was also established to serve as a center of higher learning in which Christian scholars, both teachers and students, engage in the joint pursuit, discovery, evaluation, organization and dissemination of knowledge, and the application of value judgments and faith itself to human thought and behavior. It is the desire of the Board of Trustees to sustain at Andrews University a community of scholars with similar philosophic assumptions but diverse training and background. There is to be an inquisitive spirit that is not content merely to master the broad reaches of the known, but to participate diligently in explorations of the unknown that widen our knowledge of nature, of human life and of the will of God.

At Andrews University special emphasis is given to integrative education; that is, humanity and life are viewed as a whole. Human works, institutions and history are considered from the viewpoint of our divine origin, nature and destiny as embodied in the Christian heritage. Freedom, academic as well as personal, provides for the progressive pursuit and discovery of truth which existed first in the mind of God and which we have come to discover by study, reflection and research. While recognizing the validity of the Christian worldview, the Andrews University scholar utilizes the standard systems of evidence in the search for truth.

Andrews University applies knowledge and truth in a manner that nurtures wisdom and helps the student to live creatively and responsibly and personally fulfilled as an active member of society and the church.

The university functions as a training and research center for the worldwide activities of the Seventh- day Adventist Church. It has as a primary concern to nurture and train leaders for the church and its enterprises, and for the vocations and professions which by their nature are service-centered. The Board of Trustees also desires that Andrews University render service and guidance to society–locally, nationally and globally.

Further, it is intended that the university will grow at a steady rate and encompass, insofar as resources and facilities permit, a broad range of scholarly pursuits. The Board of Trustees is committed to provide the tools of learning such as libraries, laboratories, research facilities, housing and other means required to enable the faculty and students to advance teaching, learning and research in a climate of free inquiry.

Although instruction and research at the university will be directed toward these objectives, each school may formulate its own objectives within these general purposes.




Andrews University, a distinctive Seventh-day Adventist Christian institution, stands at the center of Adventist intellectual life as it demonstrates the transformative power of faith and learning, excellence through diversity, collaborative scholarship, leadership development, and generous service. As such, Andrews University aspires to be a great university, which will be the Seventh-day Adventist University of Choice for students, parents and employees alike, as it educates men and women who will demonstrate their faith by utilizing scholarly competencies and leadership skills to transform local and global communities.




Andrews University, a distinctive Seventh-day Adventist Christian institution, transforms its students by educating them to seek knowledge and affirm faith in order to change the world.

Andrews University students will:


  • Engage in intellectual discovery and inquiry
  • Demonstrate the ability to think clearly and critically
  • Communicate effectively
  • Understand life, learning, and civic responsibility from a Christian point of view
  • Demonstrate competence in their chosen disciplines and professions


  • Develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • Deepen their faith commitment and practice
  • Demonstrate personal and moral integrity
  • Embrace a balanced lifestyle, including time for intellectual, social, spiritual, and physical development
  • Apply understanding of cultural differences in diverse environments

CHANGE THE WORLD as they go forth to

  • Engage in creative problem-solving and innovation
  • Engage in generous service to meet human needs
  • Apply collaborative leadership to foster growth and promote change
  • Engage in activities consistent with the world-wide mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church