Sep 18, 2024  
University Policy Library 
University Policy Library




The Board of Trustees is the governing body of Andrews University. The Board of Trustees is responsible to the university constituency by whom its members are elected. The university is chartered by the State of Michigan. The authority of the constituency over the university consists in the powers of electing the Board of Trustees and of voting or amending the articles of incorporation, which are the charter of the university.

The work of the Board of Trustees is governed by a Board Policies Manual which must be consistent with, and subservient to, applicable law and the University’s articles of incorporation and bylaws. The Manual supersedes all other University documents (including the Andrews University Working Policy) and any such documents must be consistent with, and subservient to, the Manual. The president is responsible for developing organizational and administrative policies which are consistent with the Manual.

The Board of Trustees exercises jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to the university; however, the Board of Trustees delegates to the president all powers of administering its policies. Inasmuch as curriculum building and supervision are the proper professional concern of the university faculty under the leadership of the president, the Board of Trustees designates the faculty, through its Faculty Senate, as the legislative body for determining educational policies such as those governing academic, spiritual, social, extra-curricular and related affairs. These policies must be formulated within the framework of the objectives, general policies and the budgetary provisions as voted by the Board of Trustees. The objectives, general policies and the budgetary provisions as voted by the Board of Trustees are interpreted to the faculty by the president; conversely, the president interprets the policies of the faculty to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees may properly express concern for the total effectiveness of the curricular offerings in relation to the fulfillment of the stated university objectives, but rarely becomes directly active. Before acting on matters having to do with educational policy and organization of the university, the Board of Trustees shall seek the advice of the president and of the university faculty and its Senate through the president.

The Board of Trustees controls the title to all university property and must approve all transactions that would encumber or reduce the fixed assets of the university.

The guidelines for educational policymaking and university organization are incorporated in the Andrews University Working Policy. The Board of Trustees in adopting the Working Policy reserves the right to initiate and make changes in the Working Policy; before making changes it shall seek the advice of the president and the faculty. Any faculty objection to a proposed amendment may be recorded and forwarded to the Board of Trustees through the president. The Board of Trustees’ responsibilities and guidelines are set out in a consistently reviewed and revised Board Policies Manual (see Appendix 1:A for the complete manual). Where there is a conflict in board-related policies, the Board Policies Manual supersedes the Andrews University Working Policy.

The Board of Trustees formulates general university policies, but leaves the execution of those policies to the president, who acts under the trustees’ general supervision. The Board of Trustees holds the president responsible for the proper conduct of university affairs. All of its administrative and policy dealings with faculty and staff are through the president. Thus, it is apparent that one of the chief functions of the Board of Trustees is the appointment of the president who then serves at the pleasure of the trustees, for it is primarily through the president that the concerns and actions of the Board of Trustees are communicated to the university. Except where the president’s own conduct is at issue, the president alone has the right to report and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, but may invite other members of the faculty or staff to present reports for the information of the trustees. Faculty and staff members have the right to petition the Board of Trustees to appear personally before it; all such requests are made through the president.

In all its dealings, the Board of Trustees acts only as a corporate body. The power and authority of the Board of Trustees belongs only to the trustees as a group. No individual trustee has any legal right to act for the Board of Trustees unless designated to do so by Board of Trustees action. As already noted, the actual administration of the institution is delegated to the president of the university.

It is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to secure the funds necessary for the proper operation of the university. The Board of Trustees regulates expenditures by approving the budget and building projects proposed by the president, The Board of Trustees must approve any major change in the budget.

All appointments, re-appointments, dismissals and promotions of administrative, academic and non-academic salaried staff shall be made by the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the president. However, the Board of Trustees has delegated to the president and the operating boards of the Andrews Academy, Griggs International Academy and Ruth Murdoch Elementary School the appointment of all hourly-paid employees (see also policy #1:716).

Trustees receive no remuneration for serving on the board. They may report travel and related expenses.

For further description of board responsibilities and board actions, also see the Board Policy Manual, adopted March 6, 2012.



The faculty of any college, school of the university, or seminary, any faculty committee, any alumni chapter as well as the alumni officers may recommend prospective members of the university Board of Trustees to the committee on nominations at a quinquennial constituency session or to the Governance Committee of the board between sessions (see Appendix 1-B for the process of electing members of the Board of Trustees). As appropriate, university cabinet members and academic deans will serve as non-voting observers



The Board of Trustees shall conduct three regular sessions each year. A schedule of regular meetings is published in the minutes of the Board of Trustees at the beginning of each year. However, the chair may call special meetings with seven days prior notice.



The Board of Trustees may appoint standing or ad hoc committees as needed.

Note: For further details on the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Andrews University, the reader is referred to Appendices 1-A and 1-B.