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University Policy Library 
University Policy Library




The Board of Trustees elects corporate officers normally to serve until the next regular session of the constituency.

The officers of the Corporation shall be a president, provost, secretary and treasurer. No offices may be held concurrently by the same person. (See Appendix 1-B, Article VII, Section 1) The Board of Trustees appoints the president, and upon the recommendation of the president, appoints the other officers of the Corporation. (See Appendix 1-B, Article V, Section 5)

General Officers 1:410:1

General officers are the salaried personnel who hold office at the pleasure of the president. They provide central administrative leadership to the overall university, and are distinct from the corporate officers (see 1:410). Officers of the schools provide administrative leadership to the faculty.

General officers are as follows:



Vice Presidents


Chief Information Officer

Human Resources Director


Officers of the schools are as follows:


Associate Deans


Administrative Directors 1:410:2

Administrative Directors are those salaried employees identified as such by the president. They are persons who usually report to a general officer; carry direct responsibility over salaried personnel; and hold university-wide responsibilities.



President 1:420:1

The president is appointed by the Board of Trustees to be the chief officer of the university and the University Corporation and the spiritual leader of the institution. The president’s term of office normally extends from one regular session of the university constituency until the Board of Trustees meets just after the next regular session of the university constituency. The president is an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees. The president shall:

  1. Execute and administer the policies established by the Board of Trustees and within that framework act to promote the function and development of the university.
  2. Take responsibility for the enforcement of the policies and regulations of the university and for the operation and development of the institution as a whole and for each of its parts.
  3. Advance the objectives and mission of the university, and promote and foster acceptance of the goals of the institution by the faculty, staff, students, constituency and public.
  4. Oversee the development and maintenance of a program of instruction, research and service suited to the needs of the university’s sponsors and students.
  5. Select and maintain a highly qualified instructional, research and administrative faculty and staff and receive reports on the same from the relevant vice presidents and director of the office of human resources.
  6. Serve as secretary of the Board of Trustees.
  7. Serves as an ex-officio member of all faculties and ex-officio member of all committees within the university. The president may call and preside at such meetings of the faculties as may be deemed necessary.
  8. Confer degrees on recommendation of the appropriate faculties and by authority of the Board of Trustees.
  9. Develop a sound, efficient administrative structure for the university.
  10. Make such recommendations to the Board of Trustees and to the faculties as may be deemed desirable for the best functioning and growth of the university in harmony with its objectives.
  11. Communicate the will of the Board of Trustees to the faculty and staff or vice versa. All reports and recommendations from the faculty and staff to the Board of Trustees are made through the president. At the discretion of the president, other members of the faculty or staff may be invited to make reports to the Board of Trustees.
  12. Prepare the annual budget with the help and advice of the vice presidents and, after adoption by the Board of Trustees, implement it with the assistance of the controller.
  13. Develop effective channels of communication among faculty and staff members and students of the university.
  14. Plan for the regular dissemination of information about the university to the constituency, the alumni and the general public.
  15. Develop a public image of the university that attracts financial contributions and cultivates relationships with potential donors.
  16. Assess compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations.
  17. Liaise with the accrediting associations as contact person and chief spokesperson.
  18. The positions which report to the President are: Provost, Chief Financial Officer, Director of the Center for Youth Evangelism, Director of Health & Wellness, Vice President for Integrated Marketing and Communications, Director of Human Resources and University Press.

Figure 1-1: Major Relationships of the President

Provost 1:420:2

The provost is the second officer of the university who also serves as the chief academic officer. The combined primary functions of the provost serve to ensure that relevant university activities contribute to the fulfillment of the university’s mission. As chief academic officer, the provost carries broad responsibility for the university’s academic programs, goals and excellence. The provost reports to the president and the following individuals report to the provost: vice presidents for integrated marketing and communication, enrollment management, and student life; the associate and assistant provosts, all school deans; and the chief information officer. In the absence of the president, the provost also serves as chief executive officer. Among other duties and responsibilities, the provost is expected to perform the following:

  1. Assists the president in refining and articulating the university’s strategic vision and supervises the implementation of the university’s strategic plan.
  2. Provides administrative and academic leadership for the university under the president’s direction.
  3. Serves as a leader of the university’s commitment to diversity.
  4. Collaborates with the relevant vice presidents and all deans on academic and financial planning.
  5. Sets and maintains the university’s standards for recruitment, admission and graduation.
  6. Oversees faculty recruitment, appointment, development, promotion and tenure.
  7. Supervises program development and curriculum planning and ensures the integrity and excellence of academic programs.
  8. Oversees self-assessment of the university, its programs, faculty, administrators and staff.
  9. Coordinates the university’s relationships with accrediting bodies.
  10. Ensures that policies and procedures are fairly developed and applied.
  11. Encourages individual and institutional research efforts.
  12. Evaluates the performance of direct reports.
  13. Oversees the maintenance and publication of official university publications such as the University Bulletin and the Working Policy.
  14. Maintains the academic files for all members of the regular faculty.
  15. Serves as a positive change agent for areas of the university where change will strengthen the university’s ability to fulfill its mission.
  16. Performs other appropriate duties as the president may authorize or request.

Figure 1-2: Major Relationships of the Provost

Vice President for Financial Administration 1:420:3

This vice president serves as the chief financial officer and treasurer of the university. Responsible to and assisting the vice president for financial administration are the controller, the director of public safety and the managers of the auxiliary and service departments. The controller shall exercise the functions of this vice president in the latter’s absence. The vice president is an ex-officio member of all sessions, councils, committees, sub-committees and faculties within the university. The vice president shall perform the following functions as the president may delegate:

  1. Formulate the overall business and accounting procedures of the institution and coordinate day-to-day operations through the persons answering to this office.
  2. Implement the objectives of strategic plans that deal with financial matters.
  3. Supervise the accounting and business systems, designate the place and manner in which financial records shall be maintained
  4. Counsel with the Internal Auditor as needed.
  5. Supervise the handling of, and be responsible for all cash and negotiable securities of the university.
  6. Care for the handling of funds and investments, in counsel with the president
  7. Negotiate and maintain relationships with financial institutions.
  8. Invest university and trust money as authorized.
  9. Sign checks and other routine documents.
  10. Oversee through the controller the receipt, safekeeping and proper disbursal of university funds.
  11. Work with the controller and the vice presidents in assisting the president in the direction and control of the annual budget.
  12. Take responsibility for university insurance claims and the purchasing of student accident and medical coverage.
  13. Hold the significant papers and legal documents that relate to the business administration of the university.
  14. Oversee, through assistants, the supervision, maintenance and improvement of the physical plant.
  15. Assist the president in planning of new buildings and supervise their construction.
  16. Oversee the purchase of all equipment and supplies.
  17. Make recommendations on reimbursement, benefits and perquisites for faculty and staff members; and regulate student charges in consultation with the vice president for campus and student life, the human resources director and student financial services.
  18. Supervise the operation of all auxiliary and service departments.
  19. Oversee the security of the physical plant including fire protection, insurance coverage, safety inspections, the conducting of fire drills, the opening and closing of buildings, night watch checks and the rendering of appropriate reports.
  20. Supervise the functioning of the independent operations of the university.
  21. Chair the Campus Safety Committee.
  22. Chair the Financial Management and Budget Committees.

The Vice-president for Financial Administration direct reports are the controller, the director of facilities management, the director of campus safety, the director of student financial services, the general manager of dining services, the manager of the bookstore, the manager of the post office and the manager of the farm and dairy.

Figure 1-3: Major Relationships of the Vice President for Financial Administration

Vice President for Campus & Student Life 1:420:4

Responsible to and assisting the vice president for Campus & Student Life are the assistant vice president for Campus & Student Life, dean for Student Life, assistant to the vice president for Campus & Student Life, University Chaplain, director of Residence Life, director of the Counseling and Testing Center, and the director of Athletics. The director of University Apartments reports to the assistant vice president for Campus & Student Life. The assistant director of Student Activities & Involvement and the faculty advisors to the AUSA, Student Movement, Cardinal, and Cast are responsible to the dean for Student Life. The director of International Student Services & programs and the director of the Undergraduate Leadership Program work in collaboration with the vice president for Campus & Student Life on issues impacting the student experience.  The vice president for Campus & Student Life shall:

  1. Advise the president on the social, spiritual and physical welfare of students in the university.
  2. Supervise directors in the administration of student life.
  3. Implement the strategic plan and co-curricular education relative to student life.
  4. Develop appropriate facilities and services within the area of student life.
  5. Coordinate budget proposals and personnel changes within the area of student life.
  6. Develop and apply the policies governing student conduct and oversee student discipline.
  7. Develop and administer policies safeguarding student rights.
  8. Counsel admissions within enrollment management relative to the character and citizenship of applicants.
  9. Serve as a student life liaison with the various academic and other administration entities of the university.
  10. Oversee the development, implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive co-curricular program focused on the integration of the mind, body and spirit.
  11. Oversee the residence life program and housing of single undergraduate students and application of off-campus housing policies.
  12. Oversee the university apartment life program and maintenance of all university-owned apartments and houses for students, faculty and staff.
  13. Coordinate commuter/community student services.
  14. Coordinate counseling and testing services for all students.
  15. Serve as the Title IX Coordinator for the University.
  16. Support campus chaplains to provide faith development and spiritual care for students, faculty and staff, as well as to work in collaboration with university entities in fostering the integration of faith and learning in every sector of the campus.
  17. Oversee the scheduling, programming and attendance of undergraduate chapels and assemblies as well as campus-wide convocations for the university.
  18. Coordinate with University Medical Specialties to ensure adequate health services for residential students and consultation regarding potential health crisis situations.
  19. Oversee social recreation and student connections spaces in the Campus Center.
  20. Provide education to university students regarding the value of every human being and the University policy that prohibits unlawful discrimination against any member of its community on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, citizenship, sex, religion, age, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristic in matters of admissions, employment, housing or any aspect of its educational program and activities.
  21. Provide intramural and social recreation for students.
  22. Collaborate with university entities to provide career planning and placement services for current students and graduates.
  23. Chair the Student Life Council, Student Life Directors Council, Student Life Deans Council, University Student Intervention Team, Title IX Steering Team, and other student-life-related councils and task forces.

Figure 1-4: Major Relationships of the Vice President for Campus & Student Life

Vice President for University Advancement 1:420:5

Responsible to and assisting this vice president are the Associate Vice President for Development, directors of alumni services, planned giving and trust services, and the Howard Performing Arts Center. The vice president for university advancement shall perform the following functions as the president may delegate:

  1. Serve as chief fund-raising officer of the university.
  2. Implement the objectives of the strategic plan relative to university advancement.
  3. Oversee the relationship between the university and its alumni.
  4. Coordinate the hiring of advancement personnel.
  5. Supervise the advancement budget.
  6. Chair related committees of the advancement division.
  7. Serve as a consultant to the president dealing with matters of general university concern.

Figure 1-5: Major Relationships of the Vice President for University Advancement

Vice President for Enrollment Management 1:420:6

Responsible to and assisting the vice president for enrollment management are the directors of: enrollment counseling, undergraduate admissions, undergraduate  communication and data, graduate enrollment management, student visits, and international student services along with the enrollment management and international student services teams they supervise. The vice president for enrollment management shall perform the following functions as the provost may delegate:

  1. Administer the offices of enrollment and international student services and programs of the university.
  2. Assist Integrated Marketing and Communication with input and involvement from various academic entities, ongoing marketing plans to help the university achieve its annual enrollment objectives, and thereby assist them in achieving their educational goals.
  3. Oversee all recruitment and admissions operations.
  4. Collaborate with the appropriate campus academic and administrative committees and entities for implementation of admissions and retention policies of undergraduate and graduate students.
  5. Collaborate with financial administration in the policy development, delivery and monitoring of financial aid and student financial services through the Admissions, Recruitment and Financial Services Teams.
  6. Develop, negotiate and administer the budgets for the offices of Enrollment Management and International Student Services and programs. 

Figure 1-6: Major Relationships of the Vice President for Enrollment Management

Vice President for Integrated Marketing and Communication 1:420:7

Responsible to and assisting the Vice President for Integrated Marketing and Communication are the FOCUS editor and editorial manager, the director of campus relations and events, the director of marketing and communication, the manager of web communications, and the manager of print communications. (See Figure 1.7) The vice president for integrated marketing and communication shall perform the following functions as delegated by the president for external University relations and the provost for internal University relations:

  1. Provide leadership for a team of marketing and communication professionals who are dedicated to telling the story of Andrews University as they seek to consistently and successfully brand the University both on campus and beyond. 
  2. Provide strategic marketing and communication support specifically for key administrators, for Enrollment Management and the academic departments of the University, including efforts that will assure the enrollment goals for programs, departments, schools and colleges and the University itself. Also provide key marketing and communication support, as requested, by University Advancement to help the University achieve its goals related to Development, Alumni Services and the Howard Performing Arts Center.
  3. Guide the official communication efforts of the University, including internal communication, media relations and production of the University’s official journals, including FOCUS magazine and the annual research report.
  4. Develop and manage the web presence of Andrews University, meeting needs of academic and service departments and the University itself.
  5. Serve a key role in building campus community and also guiding community relations as it relates to local, church, national and international communities.
  6. Continue to understand and develop an effective response to the marketing and communication needs and realities of campus, local, church, national and international communities, including the significance of emerging media tools and methods.

Figure 1-7: Major Relationships of the Vice President for Integrated Marketing & Communication

Associate Provosts 1:420:8

The Provost may appoint one or more associates and assistants who carry delegated responsibilities.

Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness 1:420:9

The Assistant Provost is responsible to the provost and has the delegated responsibility to coordinate functions related to assessment, institutional accreditation and institutional research. See also policies # 1:728 and 2:440.

Controller 1:420:10

The controller is responsible to the vice president for financial administration and performs such functions as are delegated by this vice president. The controller shall:

  1. Assist the financial vice president and exercise the functions of the financial vice president in the latter’s absence.
  2. Serve as contact person for tax-related issues of the university
  3. Supervise accounting and related records of all university operations.
  4. Process purchase orders in harmony with budget provisions.
  5. Prepare and assemble the annual budget, in cooperation with the president and vice president for financial administration.
  6. Notify the president and appropriate officers of expenditures deviating from budget and of possible remedies.
  7. Monitor and perform the collection procedures for faculty and staff accounts.
  8. Approve and process employee reimbursements for travel.
Secretary 1:420:11

The secretary of the University Corporation is an officer of the university responsible to the president and shall perform the following functions as the president may delegate to him/her. The secretary shall:

  1. Hold the corporate records and the seal of the corporation.
  2. Affix the seal of the corporation to all the documents the execution of which, on behalf of the corporation, is duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of the university bylaws.
  3. Maintain a directory of the constituency and the Board of Trustees.
  4. Sign documents on behalf of the corporation as authorized by the bylaws of the university and the Andrews University Board of Trustees.
Overview of Vice Presidential Responsibilities 1:420:12

An overview of the responsibilities of the officers of Andrews University is given in Figure 1-8.

Figure 1-8: Officers of Andrews University and their Responsibilities