Sep 16, 2024  
University Policy Library 
University Policy Library




Officers of the university may be classified as regular faculty members. Of the officers of the university, the president and the provost are ex-officio members with full voting rights in all sessions, councils, committees, sub-committees and faculties within schools. All other officers of the university are members of the published committees of the university with voting rights in the areas of their responsibilities. When representing a vice president, all associate and assistant vice presidents enjoy the same membership and voting rights as accorded the vice president. (See also policy #1:420.)



All officers of schools are classified as regular faculty members and are ex-officio members with full voting rights in all sessions, councils, committees, sub-committees and faculties within their schools (see also policy #2:210 for the voting rights of the dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research).



Deans 1:430:1

The dean of each school is its academic and executive officer, responsible to the provost for the administration of that particular school. He/she is the agent of the school for the application of its educational policies.

Unique organizational patterns and functions give somewhat different responsibilities to the deans of the schools of distance education and graduate studies and research (see Appendix 1-G and Figure 1-8).

The deans of schools perform the following functions as the provost may delegate or assign:

  1. Call and preside over meetings of the faculty of the school. Report to the faculty on the activities, needs and achievements of the school and the disposition of recommendations made by that faculty to the administrative officers or to the Board of Trustees.
  2. Provide leadership to the faculty in development of academic policies, procedures and plans for furthering the educational mission and strategic plans of the school in synchrony with the university mission and strategic plans.
  3. Promote spiritual community among faculty, staff and students to create a learning environment facilitating spiritual growth.
  4. Ensure that departments of the school develop and offer instructional, research and service programs of excellent quality.
  5. Collaborate with other deans in furthering the overall academic mission of the university through participation in the deliberations and decisions of the Academic Administration Council and the School Deans’ Council chaired by the provost
  6. Provide recommendations on academic administrative policies and procedures for the university by participation as a school representative in appropriate academic committees and councils.
  7. Serve as the admissions officer for the school.
  8. Counsel with students, in cooperation with departmental advisors, regarding their progress and special needs and give final approval to their registration.
  9. Monitor the academic progress of students towards graduation and present their names for appropriate action by the school faculty.
  10. Promote departmental assessment of student learning outcomes and utilization of resulting data as tools to advance the quality of departmental programs and services. See also policy 2:440.
  11. Manage all buildings and rooms assigned to the school and the general equipment of the school.
  12. Administer the budget under the guidance of the vice president for financial administration and the controller.
  13. Recommend to the provost the appointment, reappointment or promotion of teachers in consultation with the departments.
  14. Encourage the adequate provision and use of instructional materials, including library materials, laboratory equipment and visual and auditory aids.
  15. Coordinate communication of all official affairs of the school with other university officers, with students and with the public.
  16. Prepare a schedule of classes for approval by the provost.
  17. Oversee the timely preparation of bulletin copy and course schedules.
  18. Require and keep current the job descriptions of persons reporting to the dean.
Associate and Assistant Deans 1:430:2

Individuals who provide administrative support to the dean of a school may be titled as associate or assistant deans, depending on the scope of responsibilities delegated. Associate and assistant deans are responsible to the dean, and may:

  1. Serve as acting dean when the dean is absent from the campus.
  2. Serve as a member of the Academic Administration Council.
  3. Chair committees of the school as designated by the dean.
  4. Carry out special assignments delegated by the dean.
Dean, School of Distance Education and International Partnerships 1:430:3

The university’s distance education programs are administered by a dean who is directly responsible to the provost. The dean and his/her associates work in close cooperation with the deans and committees of the various schools of the university responsible for authorizing online, affiliated, and extension courses and programs. A Director of Off-Campus Programs works under the direction of the Dean of Distance Education. All activities are authorized and supervised by the university-wide Off-Campus Programs Committee. The organization of the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships is depicted in Figure 1:9.

The Dean of Distance Education functions as follows:

  1. Liaises as official contact person between Andrews University and the affiliated institutions.
  2. Carries out the wishes and specific instructions of the Off-Campus Programs Committee.
  3. Negotiates contractual agreements with the respective affiliated institutions on behalf of Andrews University and the deans of the respective schools of the university.
  4. Prepares, in consultation with the specific deans of the schools sponsoring extension programs, supporting documents of official agreement.
  5. Holds regular joint meetings with the directors of extension programs in the respective schools.
  6. Receives regular reports from the various affiliation and extension programs of the university.
  7. Collaborates with the schools, registrar, academic offices, and university academic committees to develop and to recommend policies to the Off-Campus Programs Committee for quality control of off-campus programs.
  8. Coordinates admission, registration, graduation and other documents in connection with off- campus programs and students.
  9. Informs administrative officers on activities and needs of off-campus programs and students.
  10. Recommends appropriate auditors for off-campus programs to the Off-Campus Programs Committee after consultation with the school deans.
  11. Carries responsibility for billing to the appropriate entities all affiliation/extension fees, salary costs and travel expenses for Andrews University teachers at off-campus sites.
  12. Negotiates with appropriate officers for the actual scheduling, staffing and locating of affiliation/extension sites.
  13. Approves all material related to off-campus programs for publication in Andrews University and affiliated institution bulletins.
  14. Arranges meetings on campus with presidents and other responsible officers of affiliated colleges at least every five years.

Figure 1-9: Major Relationships of the Dean, School of Distance Education

Dean of School of Graduate Studies 1:430:4

The graduate dean is the principal academic officer of the school of Graduate Studies, a decentralized school that coordinates policy and the quality control standards for the six schools of the university. The graduate dean leads through cooperative relationships with deans of the schools, graduate program directors, the Dean of Research, research center directors, chairs of departments with graduate program and graduate faculty to promote excellence and growth in the graduate programs of the university. The dean shall:

  1. Chair the Graduate Council.
  2. Oversee implementation decisions of the Graduate Council.
  3. Liaise with accrediting agencies that evaluate graduate academic programs.
  4. Participate in graduate program committees of the doctoral degree-granting schools.
  5. Evaluate the oral defense of doctoral dissertations for degrees supervised by the Graduate Council and ensure that dissertations conform to the standards.
  6. Review and approve petitions for exceptions to graduate policies.
  7. Supervise degree audits during advancement to candidacy.
  8. Advocate graduate student interests where appropriate and collaborate with the Graduate Student Association to promote academic interests of graduate students.
  9. Oversee the graduate admissions process.
  10. Collaborate with graduate programs and the vice president for enrollment management in the recruitment of graduate students and allocation of graduate assistantships.
  11. Supervise graduate assistants assigned to the graduate school.
  12. Orient and train graduate assistants in collaboration with the deans of the schools.
  13. Provide a university-wide evaluation mechanism for graduate assistants.
  14. Assess strategies for delivering graduate programs by distance education.

Figure 1-10: Major relationships of the Dean of School of Graduate Studies.

Dean of Research 1:430:5

The Dean of Research is responsible to the Provost. This dean shall perform the following functions:

  1. Promote and facilitate scholarly work by faculty through counsel, mentoring, and providing faculty development opportunities.
  2. Administer the internal research program of the university.
  3. Liaise with the Office of Development regarding the development of research proposals to foundations and private donors.
  4. Sign, on behalf of the university, all research proposals to government agencies and foundations.
  5. Assure compliance of funded projects with regulations of the funding entity.
Dean of Libraries 1:430:6

The Dean of Libraries reports to the provost and shall consult with the provost regularly. The dean is responsible for the James White Library, the Architecture Resource Center, the Music Materials Center, and the Center for Adventist Research as well as all personnel and activities within those facilities. With the assistance of the directors and the professional librarians, the dean shall:

  1. Develop policies, in consultation with directors, professional librarians, administration, and faculty concerning the development and provision of library resources and services;
  2. Develop short- and long-range plans for the libraries, consistent with the vision, mission, and goals of the university;
  3. Maintain well-organized procedures for the selection, acquisition and cataloging of books, periodicals and other library materials to support the university curricula;
  4. Oversee the various special services of the libraries, but not limited to: the Mary Jane Mitchell Media Center, seminary library, music materials center, Center for Adventist Research, the Architecture Resource Center house, and specialized collections;
  5. Prepare the annual library budget for the president via the usual channels, and authorize the expenditure of budgeted library funds;
  6. Recommend to administration the appointment of directors and professional librarians. In consultation with directors, deans, and department heads, the dean shall appoint staff members. Directors and department heads shall select student workers and notify the dean;
  7. Regularly update job descriptions and evaluate directors, professional librarians, and staff members;
  8. Serve as secretary of the university Library Council (see policy #1:610:9);
  9. Maintain close contact with the deans of the schools by attending school faculty meetings as needed, and assessing future needs.
  10. Consult in planning processes to add new academic programs and courses in order to plan for, and provide necessary support;
  11. Implement the budget under the supervision of the vice president for finance and the controller; and,
  12. Serve as an advisory member of the graduate and undergraduate councils.
Principals of University Schools 1:430:7
Principal, Andrews Academy 1:430:7:1

The principal of Andrews Academy, who is responsible to the provost and the operating board of Andrews Academy (see Appendix 1-C), performs the following functions and such others as the director may delegate:

  1. Administer the internal operations of the school program grades nine through twelve.
  2. Confer regularly with the director of education for the Lake Union Conference and the provost regarding the internal administration of the school.
  3. Report regularly to the operating board of the Andrews Academy and serve as secretary of the board.
  4. Help prepare and implement the annual budget.
  5. Consult with the operating board chair in the selection of faculty members with special attention to state and denominational licensure requirements.
  6. Supervise the instructional and learning process.
  7. Handle, with faculty consultation, the routine disciplining of students.
  8. Consult with the operating board chair and provost regarding serious student offenses for which dismissal may be necessary.
  9. Evaluate regularly the performance of each faculty and staff member.
  10. Coordinate curricular and co-curricular activities.
  11. Consult with the operating board chair regarding teaching assignments.
  12. Recruit students.
  13. Coordinate an effective system of communication among parents, students, faculty and the public.
  14. Serve as ex-officio member of academy committees.
  15. Convene and preside at academy faculty meetings.
  16. Maintain the physical facilities of the academy and schedule their use.
  17. Plan and coordinate chapel and assembly programs.
  18. Supervise the counseling and guidance program.
  19. Plan and coordinate new-student orientation.
Principal, Ruth Murdoch Elementary School 1:430:7:2

The principal of the Ruth Murdoch Elementary School, who is responsible to the provost and to the operating board of the school (see Appendix 1-D), performs the following functions:

  1. Serve as secretary of the operating board of the Ruth Murdoch Elementary School (see Appendix 1-D).
  2. Report regularly to the operating board of the Ruth Murdoch Elementary School and consult regularly with its chair.
  3. Administer the internal operations of the school program from pre-first through eighth grade.
  4. Help prepare and implement the annual budget.
  5. Consult with the operating board chair in the selection of faculty members with special attention to state and denominational licensure requirements.
  6. Supervise the instructional and learning process.
  7. Handle, with faculty consultation, the routine disciplining of students.
  8. Consult with the operating board chair regarding serious student offenses for which dismissal may be necessary.
  9. Evaluate regularly the performance of each faculty and staff member.
  10. Coordinate curricular and co-curricular activities.
  11. Consult with the operating board chair regarding teaching assignments.
  12. Recruit students.
  13. Coordinate an effective system of communication among parents, students, faculty and the public.
  14. Supervise the maintenance of student cumulative records and other reports and official documents
  15. Serve as ex-officio member of elementary school committees
  16. Plan and supervise the registration of students.
  17. Convene and preside at elementary school faculty meetings.
Principal, Griggs International Academy 1:430:7:3

The principal of a Seventh-day Adventist elementary or secondary school in the North American Division is the chief executive officer responsible for both the instructional program and the financial operation of the school.


A.     The principal shall give evidence of commitment to Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and educational philosophy, is a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and is the chief administrator of the school, with responsibilities and functions as designated by the conference Board of Education and local school board policies.

B.     Professional qualifications for this position include appropriate education and administrative certification or annual progress toward that goal.

C.     Among the major responsibilities of the principal are the following:

  • To implement, in conjunction with the staff, the operational policies of the North American Division, Lake Union Conference Office of Education K-12 Code, the conference Board of Education, and the School of Distance Education – Griggs International Advisory Board.
  • In schools with an administrator who teaches half time or less, to formally observe and evaluate the certificated staff in consultation with the superintendent of schools.
  • To organize school visitation days for all teachers K-12.
  • To determine teacher load in counsel with the conference superintendent of schools.
  • To serve as the agent of the school board in equipping and maintaining the school plant.
  • To provide instructional leadership in consultation with the Adventist conference, union and division Offices of Education.
  • To develop and maintain, in counsel with the staff, patterns of programming such as class, work, and recreation schedules, as well as any other extracurricular activities.
  • To organize and maintain an accurate and efficient system of records.
  • To accept the responsibility of spiritual leadership of the school.
  • To represent the school as its official spokesperson.
  • To seek to maintain student conduct consistent with Seventh-day Adventist principles of education and discipline in conjunction with guidelines set by the conference Board of Education and specific regulations adopted by the school board.
  • To operate the school within the approved budget.
  • To supply to Andrews University, the Lake Union Conference and the North American Division Offices of Education, all required reports.
  • To acquaint the constituency with the goals and program of the school through periodic public reports.
  • To acquaint parents and other stakeholders with policies and procedures relative to the operation of the school.
  • To arrange orientation programs for new and prospective students.
  • To serve as executive secretary of the school board.
  • To establish and maintain effective working relationships with public school officials and civic leaders.
  • To arrange student registrations.
  • To implement and execute safety education programs as relevant to the school setting.
  • To facilitate, encourage, and provide opportunities for staff development and professional growth including faculty meetings.
  • To work in conjunction with the local school board in the employment, supervision, and evaluation of classified personnel, including but not limited to teacher assistants (aides), substitutes, maintenance and janitorial staff and others, as necessary.
  • To arrange for the preparation of the annual school bulletin.
  • To organize and supervise the accreditation self-study process.
  • To create and/or maintain a current faculty/staff handbook.
  • To follow all appropriate state/government educational laws.