Sep 16, 2024  
University Policy Library 
University Policy Library




Directors in administration are responsible for the support offices in the various divisions of the university. They report to the vice president of the particular division. Detailed job descriptions for these directors are filed in the office of human resources.

Chief Information Officer 1:440:1

The chief information officer (CIO) reports to the Provost and sits on the President’s Cabinet.

Director of Institutional Research 1:440:2

The director of institutional research reports to the chief information officer, and works in cooperation with the Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness to support the assessment and planning functions of the University. Studies, reports and statistics are released only by authorization of the president.

Director, Office of Human Resources 1:440:3

The director of human resources reports to the president and sits on the President’s Cabinet. He/she is responsible for a wide range of personnel functions, including student labor.

Director, Student Success Center 1:440:4

The director of the student success center reports directly to the provost.

Director, General Education Program (ACE) 1:440:5

The director for the undergraduate general education program (the Andrews Core Experience) reports to the provost and directs and coordinates the general education program of the university, including evaluation of the program by way of a regular assessment plan. See also policy 2:440. The director chairs the General Education Committee, a university-wide committee of the Undergraduate Council.

Director, Honors Program 1:440:6

The director of the honors program carries overall responsibility for the honors program and reports to the Provost. The director is the chair of the Honors Council, a subcommittee of the Undergraduate Council.

Registrar 1:440:7

The registrar is responsible to the provost.

Director, Off-Campus Programs 1:440:8

The Director of Off-Campus Programs reports to the Dean of the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships and oversees all programs taught at alternate locations.

Compliance Officer, School of Distance Education and International Partnerships 1:440:9

The Compliance Officer reports to the Dean of the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships and is responsible for assuring compliance with legal requirements for offering academic programs in off-campus venues.

Director, University Press 1:440:10

The director is responsible to the president and works within the policies established by the Andrews University Press Board.

Director, Alumni Services 1:440:11

The director of alumni services reports to the vice president for university advancement.

Manager, Howard Performing Arts Center 1:440:12

The manager of the Howard Performing Arts Center reports to the vice president for University advancement.

Director of Planned Giving and Trust Services 1:440:13

The director of planned giving and trust services is responsible to the vice president for university advancement.

Director, Recruiting 1:440:14

The director of recruiting reports to the vice president for enrollment management.

Director, Undergraduate Admissions and Communication 1:440:15

The director for undergraduate admissions and communication reports to the vice president for enrollment management.

Supervisor, Student Visits 1:440:16

The supervisor of student visits reports to the vice president for enrollment management.

Chief Accountant 1:440:17

The chief accountant is responsible to the controller.

Director, Plant Administration 1:440:18

The director of plant administration is responsible to the vice president for financial administration.

Figure 1-11: Major Relationships of the Director for Plant Administration

Post Office Manager 1:440:19

The post office manager serves as the manager of the central mail room and reports to the vice president for financial administration.

Director, Student Financial Services 1:440:20

The director of student financial services is responsible to the vice president for financial administration for the fiscal functions of the department and collaborates with the vice president for enrollment management for the enrollment and recruitment functions of the department.

Director, Undergraduate Leadership Program 1:440:21

The Director of Undergraduate Leadership Development supports the Mission and Strategic plan of Andrews University by assisting the Provost, Director of the L.I.F.E Center and other campus partners in creating an optimum environment to foster a culture of leadership development. Additionally, the director works in collaboration with the Undergraduate Leadership Council in developing and sustaining all aspects of the Undergraduate Leadership Certificate and minor program; develops an agenda of opportunities to facilitate leadership development and student engagement in on-campus activities as well as in civic and church communities; serves as a leading liaison in leadership development partnership between Academic Programs and Student Life and shall perform the following functions and such others as the Provost may delegate.

Essential Duties

Curricular (Academic Credit) Programming

  1. Provides leadership, in collaboration with the Undergraduate Leadership Council, for all aspects of the implementation of a formal undergraduate curricular-based leadership development program.
  2. Provide leadership in the development of a strategic plan for Undergraduate Leadership Development.
  3. Provide leadership in the marketing of the Undergraduate Leadership Certificate and Minor Programs.
  4. Coordinates the application and acceptance processes of potential students.
  5. Designs and implements the Leadership Certificate Program orientation and the framework to support new cohorts and participants.
  6. Develops the framework for the Leadership Learning Plan (LLP) and designs ongoing orientation support for participants to create their LLP.
  7. Establishes the processes and tools to monitor and support students’ progress.
  8. Provide leadership for the development of curriculum requirements for the Certificate’s change project and the venue to showcase and celebrate the learning process and the project’s completion.
  9. Determines class offerings and assigns instructors according to established University/School of Education protocols.
  10. Serves as the lead instructor of undergraduate leadership classes.
  11. Coordinates and provides formal mentoring support for leadership participates registered for the Lead200 Practicum course, change projects, and general life coaching, etc.
  12. Explores the development and the framework for the creation of a Leadership Society of all participants in the formal undergraduate leadership certificate program.

General Programing

  1. Works collaboratively with the L.I.F.E. Center in enhancing the leadership experience of students.
  2. Assists the Vice President and Student Life entities in the wholistic development of students and the implementation of programs to foster leadership development and growth.
  3. Provide leadership for the development of a central hub of leadership development activities, programs, and resources for Andrews University, as well as communication vehicles to promote leadership development best practices.
  4. Provide oversight for the development and maintenance of an Andrews University leadership development website with links to related University leadership entities, activities, and general leadership resources.
  5. Facilitates ongoing benchmarking of Andrews University’s undergraduate curricular and co-curricular leadership development programs with best practices around the world.

Co-curricular (noncredit) Programming

  1. Designs and provides Student Leadership training and workshop modules as requested by Student Life entities for positional and volunteer Andrews’s student leaders.
  2. Develops, in collaboration with the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, Leadership Short Courses integrated into the Co-curriculum.
  3. Ensure mentoring for Andrews University student leaders that may not be a part of the Undergraduate Leadership program.


  1. Directs and implements, in consultation with the Undergraduate Leadership Council, assessment strategies designed to determine program effectiveness and documentation of learning outcomes.
  2. Prepares an annual assessment report including recommendations to strengthen the Leadership Certificate and Minor Programs in the context of learning outcomes.
  3. Collaborates with University entities to identify and implement strategies to generate a collective showcase of the strengths of Andrews’s leadership initiatives that are preparing Andrews students to change the world.
University Chaplain 1:440:22

The University Chaplain reports to the vice president for campus and student life.

Director, Counseling & Testing Center 1:440:23

The director of the Counseling & Testing Center reports to the vice president for campus and student life.

Director of International Student Services and Programs 1:440:24

The director of international student services and programs reports to the vice president for enrollment.

Director, Student Activities & Involvement 1:440:25

The director of student activities & involvement reports to the vice president for campus and student life.

Directors, Residence Halls 1:440:26

The directors of the residence halls report to the director of residence life for the welfare of all students residing in the residence halls.

Internal Auditor 1:440:27

The internal auditor reports to the audit committee of the board of trustees.

Director, Athletics 1:440:28

The director of athletics reports to the vice president for campus and student life.

Director, Residence Life 1:440:29

The director of residence life reports to the vice president for campus and student life.

Director, University Apartments 1:440:30

The director of the University Apartments reports to the assistant vice president for campus & student life.