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University Policy Library 
University Policy Library




The president may appoint standing councils, committees and advisory councils to advise him/her concerning the administration of the university. These committees serve any of three functions: policy development, coordination of communication and procedures or coordination of administrative strategies. They either report to the general faculty, specific administrators or to specific schools.

Listed below are the standing councils and committees that serve the university community on an on-going basis. Membership is updated annually in the University Committee Directory.



University Strategy and Policy Committee 1:601:1

The University Strategy and Policy Committee serves as the senior administrative committee of the University, with specific responsibility for strategy and policy. Committees and advisories with reporting lines to this group are:

  • Cabinet
  • Deans Council
  • Strategic Planning Committee
  • Financial Management Committee
  • Compliance Committee
  • Compensation Committee
  • Institutional Diversity Council
  • Institutional Operations Council
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Facilities Master-Planning Committee
  • Strategic Partnerships Committee
Cabinet 1:601:2

The Cabinet is the highest deliberative body in the university with respect to ongoing administrative matters.

The Cabinet is composed of administrative officers with whom the president may counsel regarding matters relating to the faculty, staff and administrative units of the university. Membership includes the vice presidents, the director of human resources, the Chief Information Officer and the chair of the Andrews University Senate. The president is the chair of the cabinet.

Strategic Planning Committee 1:601:3

The Strategic Planning Committee is a combined board, administration and faculty committee. It recommends major strategic initiatives to the Board of Trustees and seeks to ensure a cohesive approach to planning throughout the institution. The committee ensures the operation and regular updating of institutional plans as reports are received from the sub-committees and other University entities. The sub-committees are organized around the major divisions of the institution and include academics, the student experience, facilities, advancement, faculty, marketing and enrollment.

Financial Management Committee 1:601:4

The Financial Management Committee reviews budget progress, takes actions related to internal financial policies and recommends budget and policy items through the administration to the Board of Trustees. The membership consists of budget holders across the campus. The committee is chaired by the Vice President for Financial Administration.

Compliance Committee 1:601:5

The Compliance Committee is responsible for oversight of all compliance and regulatory requirements across the institution, usually those expected by external bodies. It maintains an inventory and ensures compliance is maintained. Chaired by the President, it includes selected administrators who have been charged with the responsibility of maintaining compliance with various regulations and laws. The committee requires periodic reports from those responsible for ensuring compliance, identifies institutional training needs to meet requirements, identifies deficiencies in compliance and expects relevant departments to identify plans to correct deficiencies.

Compensation Committee 1:601:6

The Compensation Committee is responsible for overall oversight of the Compensation program of the University. In that role, it reviews and makes decisions regarding compensation and benefits, ensuring that procedure and policy are followed in both areas. It also reviews requests for exceptions to the compensation or benefit policy. Recommendations for policy changes must be approved and forwarded to the Financial Management Committee. Chaired by the President, the committee includes the chief academic officer, chief financial officer, controller, a dean and the human resources director and assistant director. It meets as needed.

Institutional Diversity Council 1:601:7

The Institutional Diversity Council advises on policy, priorities and programming that will deepen the institutional engagement and response to diversity. Members include administration, faculty, staff and students from diverse backgrounds, including those with specific responsibility for working with issues relating to diversity on campus.

Institutional Operations Council 1:601:8

The Institutional Operations Council serves as a cross-departmental council that reviews policies and practices that impact the operations of the university. This group is tasked with reviewing and improving current practices and recommending policy and priorities to administration. Membership includes Vice Presidents and Directors from campus administrative and service areas.

Enterprise Risk Management 1:601:9

The Enterprise Risk Management Committee identifies potential campus risks and audits the university’s capacity to respond to such risk. It recommends to administration actions that need to be taken to improve the campus readiness to deal with institutional risk. Membership includes members of Cabinet, who in turn have sub-committees dealing with risk in their areas of responsibility.

Facilities Master-Planning Committee 1:601:10

The Facilities Master-Planning Committee works in collaboration with the Strategic Planning Committee in identifying the priorities, placement and look of the major campus facilities.  This committee reviews campus design guidelines and processes for decisions on new buildings. Membership consists of selected administration, staff and faculty, including the Director of Plant Services and a representative from the School of Architecture & Interior Design.

Strategic Partnerships Committee 1:601:11

Chaired by the Dean, School of Distance Education and International Partnerships, this committee reviews, amends, and develops the policies that underlie university partnerships, identifies mission-critical principles that govern partnerships, assists the Provost and President in establishing the strategic vision for these partnerships.  Membership:  Dean SDEIP, Chair; OCP Director, Secretary; Provost; Dean SDATS, Dean SED, Dean SBA, VP Admissions/Enrollment; VP IMC; President (ex officio); VP Finance; Dean Graduate Studies.

Reports to Deans’ Council or new combined Deans and VP. In addition to the committees reporting to the University Strategy and Policy Committee the following meet specific administrative responsibilities.

The Andrews University Senate 1:601:12


Vision Statement

The Andrews University Faculty Senate will fulfill the Mission of the University by championing academic quality in the context of Adventist spiritual values and teachings in the delivery of education services, supporting and advising the University administration, and partnering with the community and the leadership of the University: To Seek Knowledge, Affirm Faith, Change the World. The Faculty Senate shall be actively and substantively engaged in the governance and oversight of the daily enterprises of the faculty and academic affairs.

Mission Statement:

The Andrews University Faculty Senate is the legislative body of the University responsible for creating and implementing policy regarding the academic life of the University.  The Senate is responsible for speaking and acting for the General Faculty regarding matters that affect academic and faculty-related matters of the University by creating and implementing appropriate policies and academic programs, encouraging and equipping an engaged faculty to continually develop professionally and spiritually, assisting faculty to lead through the example of fulfilled responsibilities, and by serving as an avenue for expressing faculty concerns and interests to the leadership of the University.

The Senate has the right to exercise the legislative powers of the General Faculty that have not otherwise been specifically reserved by the Bylaws of the University to the faculty of a single school.  The Senate seeks to foster the dedication of the University to pursuing truth, building faith, as well as preserving, disseminating, and extending knowledge. The Senate desires to maintain scholarly excellence while preserving academic freedom, thought, inquiry, and expression in the context of Adventist values and teachings.

The Senate seeks to maintain balance among the various programs and endeavors of the University, while advancing the interests of the whole University.  The Senate strives to foster continuing professional and spiritual development of the faculty as well as their physical and economic well-being. The senate employs legislative, inquiry and advisory functions detailed in the Faculty Senate Constitution to further these goals.


The Faculty Senate is the representative body of the University faculty that regularly exercises the legislative authority of the faculty with regard to academic policies of the University.  The Faculty Senate is elected in order to create and oversee the strategic planning and implementation of policy affecting the academic, spiritual, and professional development of the faculty, the academic process of the University, and student life relevant to academic development.

It shall be the responsibility of the Faculty Senate to take action on policies or proposals, which they initiate in the interest of the University’s development. It shall be the responsibility of the Faculty Senate to receive study and take action on proposals that may be initiated by other groups within the University community that substantively impact academic policy or its implementation as described above. The Faculty Senate shall carry out these actions in consultation with the Administration.

1) The Senate shall maintain open, effective, two-way communication with the University administration.  It shall provide the administration with advance copies of agendas as well as minutes from meeting, especially highlighting any policy changes or creations.  This will give the administration an opportunity to review whether a policy action relates to academic policy, or also affects administrative policy in manner that requires review and approval by relevant University administration officials and/or committees.

2)  No policy, minor or major, within the scope of review outlined above shall take effect until it is either:

a) passed by the Faculty Senate, or

b) passed by one of the four main Standing Councils with notification of the action going to both the Administration and the leadership of the Faculty Senate.  If neither the Administration nor Faculty Leadership respond within 21 days from when a Standing Council action is communicated to the leadership, then the action is considered passed, though it may be subject to reconsideration by the full Faculty Senate at subsequent meetings.

3)  An action of the Faculty Senate may be reviewed, overruled or otherwise re-considered by the full faculty in one of two ways: (1) through submission to the faculty Assembly for its consideration by a majority vote of the Senate, or (2) through a petition signed by at least 20 percent of the members of the faculty Assembly.  The petition shall explicitly state the matter(s) to be the subject of consideration.  The signified petition must be delivered to the President of the University at least two (2) weeks prior to the faculty Assembly in which it is to be considered.

Figure 1-12: Major Relationships of the University Senate

Administrative Computing Committee 1:601:13

This committee advises, reviews and makes recommendations for plans, priorities and policies relating to information technology as it affects the administrative functions of the University. This includes issues with Banner upgrades, security and compliance requirements. The committee advises ITS about projects and their priorities, recommended changes in policies, and establishes working groups to analyze and recommend solutions to the committee. Membership includes the Chief Information Officer, the director of administrative computing, Banner support specialists, the Controller and representatives from Student Financial Services, Human Resources, Financial Records, Academic Records Office, Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions, Advancement, Alumni Services and the James White Library.

Council on University Honors and Awards 1:601:14

The purpose of this council shall be to coordinate the awarding of honors to worthy recipients. Its specific function is to identify suitable candidates and recommend them for awards to the president. It also counsels the president regarding appropriate policies to govern the awarding of honors and awards.

The types of awards that may be recommended by this council to the president include honorary degrees, medallions and any other means of honor that the university may devise from time to time. For this reason it may appoint sub-committees to assist in identifying suitable candidates for the various types of honors as well as naming of buildings/facilities after individuals.

Andrews University Press Board 1:601:15

Andrews University Press Board, chaired by the president or a designate, is responsible for the supervision of the operation of a University Press that publishes or assists in the publication of scholarly books, journals, research and other selected university publications.

Capital Expenditures Committee 1:601:16

Chaired by the Vice President for Financial Administration, the Capital Expenditures Committee approves and maintains the spending of funds for capital improvements of the University. Departments must make presentations to the committee before expenditure of funds is authorized.

Computer Purchasing Committee 1:601:17

The Computer Purchasing Committee, in consultation with Information Technology Services (ITS), approves all computer purchases for all departments of the University on an annual basis. The committee is chaired by the Vice President for Financial Administration.



Deans’ Council 1:610:1

The Deans’ Council shall be characterized by its collegiality, encouragement and support of each other and serves as an executive advisory council to the Provost. The Council shall (i) be the place where ideas about the academics are generated and formalized; (ii) provide oversight and coordination of the academic goals for the University; (iii) identify synergies between/among teaching, faculty research, promotion, and outreach roles; (iv) review and provide advice regarding institutional assessment plans; (v) collaborate with the Faculty Senate on academic policies; (vi) advise the Provost on the academic directions of the institution; (vii) serve as the executive planning and strategy team on academic matters; (viii) initiate and review academic plans that have campus-wide impact; and (ix) provide advice on proposed policies and/or procedures affecting the academic community. Special guests from across campus may be invited to join the Deans’ Council to provide updates regarding academic and campus matters.

The members of the Deans’ Council include Provost, Associate Provost, all of the Academic Deans, Assistant Provosts (invitees), Registrar (invitee) and Vice President of Enrollment Management (invitee).

Institutional Assessment Committee 1:610:2

The Institutional Assessment Committee is responsible for promoting sound assessment practices across campus as a means for continuous quality improvement. The committee reviews institutional assessment instruments, data, policies, and procedures; assists in the development of goals, outcomes, criteria, and assessment tools as needed; determines how data should be used and who needs to see it; and makes recommendations for follow-up.

The Off-Campus Management Committee 1:610:3

Chaired by the Off-Campus Programs Director, this committee reviews the processes necessary to implement Off-Campus programs contracts, monitors the quality of student/campus service, considers requirements of federal and accreditation regulations on policies and processes, supports new initiatives, ensures interdepartmental communication within the university, proposes changes to policy or suggests new policies governing OCP.  Membership:  OCP Director, Chair; OCP Records Manager, Secretary; Dean, SDEIP; Compliance Director; Registrar; Provost (ex officio); Director of Institutional Effectiveness.

Reports to Strategic Partnerships Committee.

Distance Learning and Technology Committee 1:610:4

Chaired by the Associate Dean of Online Higher Education and including representatives from the various schools and distance education programs, this committee visions the future of online learning, blended learning and educational technology tools; to develop policies and procedures to manage distance learning and educational technology supporting on campus, online campus and off campus at Andrews University.

Academic Integrity Committee 1:610:5

A standing committee on academic integrity appointed by the provost shall consider and decide cases of repeated and/or more serious academic dishonesty. This committee shall include faculty representatives from the schools of the university. The Vice President for Campus and Student Life or his/her appointee shall be a regular member of the committee, which shall also include student representation.

The committee on academic integrity shall develop and maintain a table of levels of infractions and potential penalties or a set of principles and guidelines to direct their work. See policy #2:444 for details and procedures.

Andrews University Library Council 1:610:6

The membership of the Council includes dean and faculty representatives, and is chaired by the provost or the provost’s designate. The director of the library acts as secretary. The council recommends strategic initiatives affecting the library, advises on appropriate benchmarking and assessment processes, considers financial needs and makes recommendations to university administration, and refers concerns of administration or faculty to the Library Administration Committee.

Archives Committee 1:610:7

The University Archives Committee oversees strategic management of the Andrews University Archives and its operating policies, and provides guidance for the functions of the University Archives Executive Committee, which oversees the day-to-day operations of the Archives. See policy #1:736.

Academic Operations Council 1:610:8

The Academic Operations Council serves as a coordinating and advising council on academic issues that have wide-ranging institutional impact. In relation to the change or creation of major policy matters, the Council shall make recommendations for action by the Faculty Senate. The Council members are to think of the bests interests of the full university, and do not vote as representatives of specific schools of the University.

Data Integrity Committee 1:610:9

The purpose of the Data Integrity Committee is the following: craft and recommend policies to match data handling; enforce the implementation of policy; act as a clearinghouse for database coding decisions; ensure critical rule-based configuration which accounts for impact on multiple interrelated modules; link data integrity to system driven decisions which support the fundamental needs of business processes.



General Faculty Meeting 1:620:1

The General Faculty is the highest deliberative body responsible for formulating and recommending all academic programs and policies on behalf of the constituent schools of the university. When business is to be done, agenda items are brought by the Provost and the Chair, Faculty Senate, and all members of the General Faculty meet to deliberate and take action under the chairship of the provost. (See also #2:126). It also gives counsel on financial and personnel matters relating to academic matters.

Figure 1-13: Major Relationships of the faculty and academic committees

Undergraduate Council 1:620:2

The Undergraduate Council serves as a coordinating, policy-making, consulting, quality control, and advisory council to the president and university administration on behalf on the undergraduate faculty. Members are expected to seek what is best for the University rather than represent specific schools within the University. Appendix 1-H provides more detail.

The Honors Council and the Andrews Core Experience Committee report to the Undergraduate Council. In addition, the Council has subcommittees for Academic Policies, Admissions, and Program Development and Review.

Graduate Council 1:620:3

The Graduate Council serves and acts on behalf of the Graduate Faculty and the graduate students who are in graduate programs under its jurisdiction. The members of the Council consider and recommend policies and standards which will benefit the entire University rather than representing specific schools or colleges. The Graduate Council is chaired by the dean of the school of graduate studies. It comprises appointed and elected graduate faculty members and graduate students according to criteria and procedures outlined in the Andrews University Working Policy (Appendix 1-G).

Subcommittees of the Graduate Council include program development and review, admissions and academic standards, and graduate faculty membership and peer review.

Faculty Development Committee 1:620:4

The Faculty Development Committee is chaired by the Associate Provost and is tasked with developing and organizing faculty development opportunities through the Faculty Institute. The chairs of the Effective Teaching and Learning Council and Institute for College Faith will be members of this committee, along with other faculty and academic leaders in the areas of technology in education, teaching and learning, and assessment.

Rank & Tenure Committee 1:620:5

The function of the Rank and Tenure Committee is to recommend specific faculty members who qualify for advancement in rank and tenure according to criteria published in the Andrews University Working Policy (see policies #2:310 and 2:320) after review of the appropriate faculty portfolio, including chair and dean recommendations. See also Appendix 2-G.

Scholarly Research Council 1:620:6

Serving as the Executive Committee of the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship, the Scholarly Research Council has been established to promote, coordinate and develop policy regarding research and creative scholarship at the university and the activities of organizational entities involved with research and creative scholarship. The dean research is the chair. The Council oversees the work of the Institutional Review Board, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and the Faculty Research Review Committee for awarding internal faculty research grants.

Faculty Policy Development Council 1:620:7

The Faculty Policy Development Council reviews, initiates, develops, and proposes to the General Faculty appropriate policies to coordinate and promote quality teaching and faculty performance. Such policies may include matters relating to faculty employment; teaching strategies and processes, including instructional technology developments; and teaching facilities and equipment.



Andrews University operates several centers, museums and institutes for the purpose of promoting research and/or providing specialized services to the church and community. These entities are usually associated with a department or school, but where they serve the entire university, the entity reports to the Provost or the dean of the school of Graduate Studies and Research.

Name of Institute/Center

Reports to

WP Appendix

Institute of Archaeology

Dean, SDA Theological Seminary


Institute for Prevention of Addictions

Chair, Department of Behavioral Sciences


Institute of Church Ministry

Dean, SDA Theological Seminary


Institute of Hispanic Ministry

Dean, SDA Theological Seminary


Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies

Dean, SDA Theological Seminary


This center has been dissolved and the responsibilities reassigned.


Christian Leadership Center

Dean, Theological Seminary


University Center for Reading, Learning & Assessment

Dean, School of Education


Greek Manuscript Research Center

Dean, SDA Theological Seminary


Andrews International Center for Educational Research

Dean, School of Education


Center for Research and Creative Scholarship

Dean, Research and Creative Scholarship


International Religious Liberty Institute



Center for Continuing Education for Ministry

Dean, SDA Theological Seminary


Center for College Faith

Associate Provost


The Professional Undergraduate and Graduate Faculty

