Oct 18, 2024  
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University Policy Library




Quality graduate education in a university is perceived as a single coordinated academic enterprise. Its varieties of expression involving such things as the professor, student, curriculum, research and quality control all occur within the context of one category of academic activity. They evidence themselves in terms of this document in two major arenas of graduate education, each having its own unique responsibilities and objectives. These two arenas are carried on;

  1. within the constituent school and/or department of the university involving all professors who teach graduate level courses, and
  2. within the entity of graduate education known as the School of Graduate Studies and Research and involving a selected group of professors known as Graduate Faculty who either teach graduate level courses or are selected because of a particular expertise needed for graduate education supervision.

The purpose of the first graduate organizational unit is that of delivery of graduate education within a given constituent school and/or department of the university. The second organizational unit aims at the university-wide promotion and coordination of the quality of graduate education and research.

This document addresses the identity and functioning of the second entity for the governance of graduate education at Andrews University. For purposes of clarity its components and functions are at times contrasted with the first entity.

II—Name and Identity

The name of this organization shall be the School of Graduate Studies and Research. It shall have a Graduate Faculty, Graduate Council and Dean.


The purpose of the School of Graduate Studies and Research shall be the promotion and coordination of quality graduate programs and research at Andrews University. The purpose of this document is to identify the framework for the growth and improvement of graduate education at Andrews University.

IV—Graduate Faculty

A. Membership

Section l

Membership of the Graduate Faculty shall be by appointment of the president of the University.

Section 2

The selection of the Graduate Faculty shall be from among qualified assistant, associate and full professors according to minimum criteria determined by the Graduate Council. The criteria for appointment to a specific category of the Graduate Faculty shall include consideration of rank, teaching assignments, scholarly activity, and potential for involvement in a community of scholars at Andrews University.

Section 3

While membership appointments are generally considered to be long-term, periodic review of the faculty appointee shall be done. Increases, reductions, or termination of appointment are possible depending on the current match of the faculty appointee to the criteria.

Section 4

Provision may be made in the membership criteria for temporary (interim) membership of exceptional individuals not regularly employed by the University such as adjunct and visiting faculty and professionals in the field with essential skills and knowledge.

Section 5

The primary responsibility for nominating faculty members for membership in the Graduate Faculty shall rest with the department chair/program director (for departmental, interdepartmental and interschool programs), with the concurrence of the dean of the school of primary appointment, the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, and the Chief Academic Officer.

Section 6

The appointment procedure of new members and the regular confirmation of continuing members of the Graduate Faculty shall be as follows: A list of the proposed Graduate Faculty for a given school shall be submitted during the spring semester to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research by the dean of each school. The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research shall then submit the names to the Graduate Faculty Peer Review Committee, which shall recommend appropriate Graduate Faculty appointments to the Graduate Council. The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research shall then submit the names to the Chief Academic Officer for final recommendation to the president of the University. The president shall make the appointment of new members and confirmation of continuing members of the Graduate Faculty.

Section 7

Meetings of the entire membership of the Graduate Faculty may be called by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research. Only members of the Graduate Faculty shall have the right to vote at such meetings.

B. Functions and Responsibilities of the Graduate Faculty

The responsibilities of the Graduate Faculty include the usual responsibilities in their school(s) for such fundamental areas as specific degree programs, program development and review, faculty research, methods of instruction, evaluation of student achievement and research, as well as those aspects of student life which relate to the graduate educational process. In addition, the Graduate Faculty are responsible to formulate and implement the minimum standards for academic and curriculum requirements for the graduate degrees offered, determining when these requirements have been met, and periodically reviewing the graduate programs offered for quality, sustainability, and strategic merit. The Graduate Programs Manual provides specific guidance to these functions and responsibilities.

Section 1

Members of the Graduate Faculty serve on the Graduate Council and its standing and special sub-committees when duly selected by procedures established by this document. The Graduate Faculty also serve on thesis and dissertation committees according to criteria set by the Graduate Council.

Section 2

Members of the Graduate Faculty shall receive and are responsible to review the minutes and decisions of the Graduate Council.

Section 3

A Graduate Faculty member may challenge a Graduate Council decision at a regular Graduate Faculty meeting or by requesting a special meeting of the Graduate Faculty to discuss the matter of concern.

  1. Special meetings of the Graduate Faculty are called by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research upon receipt of a written petition specifically outlining the problem and signed by at least 20% of the members of the Graduate Faculty. When special meetings of the Graduate Faculty are called, all members shall be notified in writing and advised of the business that shall be considered. From the time of notification to the time of meeting, at least fourteen inclusive days shall be allowed to elapse.
  2. The support of a two-thirds majority of the Graduate Faculty members present is required to submit the challenge for deliberation by the Graduate Faculty.
  3. After a full discussion and sharing of concerns, the Graduate Faculty members shall vote whether to overturn the disputed Graduate Council decision. A vote to overturn shall require a two-thirds majority of the Graduate Faculty members present.

C. Regular Graduate Faculty Meetings

Section 1

The Graduate Faculty shall be scheduled to meet at least once during each academic year.

Section 2

The agenda shall be distributed at least 10 days prior to a regular faculty meeting.

Section 3

The order of business at regular meetings shall be:

  1. Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  2. Communications and announcements.
  3. Report and review of Graduate Council decisions and activities.
  4. Agenda for the day.

V—Graduate Council

A. Purpose and Objectives

Section l

The Graduate Council shall serve and act on behalf of the Graduate Faculty and the graduate students of the University who are in graduate programs under its jurisdiction. Members of the Graduate Council are selected to consider and recommend policies and standards which will benefit the entire university. They do not vote as representatives of specific schools of the University.

Section 2

The purpose of the Graduate Council shall be:

  1. To promote quality programs of graduate education in the University by providing a forum for broad participation in the formulation of minimum academic standards to govern graduate programs.
  2. To set and enforce minimum admission and graduation standards for all post-baccalaureate academic degree programs. The standards for these will include GPA, number of credits required in residency, course loads, and requirements for language, theses, dissertations, or projects. Schools and departments may require higher than the established minimum, but may not establish requirements below those set by the Graduate Council.

The quality control responsibility for the professional ministerial degrees is assigned to the SDA Theological Seminary in consultation with the Chief Academic Officer.

  1. To approve or disapprove all proposed new or substantially altered post-baccalaureate degree programs for recommendation to the Board of Trustees. (The Graduate Council does not amend programs presented, but if programs are not approved, they are referred back to the individual departments or schools).
  2. To avoid the duplication of graduate programs.
  3. To set and enforce minimum criteria for program development and review policies and procedures. Schools and departments may establish additional criteria.
  4. To set the criteria for membership and categories of membership in the Graduate Faculty.
  5. To promote graduate faculty and student research.
  6. To recommend policy on support for graduate students to the financial administration of the University.
  7. To establish minimum criteria to the schools of the University for the appointment of graduate teaching and research assistants.
  8. To give counsel in coordinating graduate student recruitment.
  9. To recommend strategies for increased support for graduate students and graduate programs.
  10. To establish minimum guidelines for the coordination, faculty usage/sharing and administration of interdisciplinary graduate programs.
  11. To set minimum criteria and format standards for comprehensive examinations, portfolios, theses/dissertations and projects, as well as oral defenses of theses/dissertations.

B. Membership

Section 1

Membership of the Graduate Council shall be of three categories, namely:

  1. Ex-officio members (10)
  2. Members elected (16)
  3. Advisory Members (without vote) ex-officio (5)

Section 2

Ex-officio members (10) are:

  1. The Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research
  2. The Chief Academic Officer
  3. Deans from the entities having graduate programs (7).
  4. The Registrar.

Section 3

The elected members (16) of the Graduate Council consist of:

  1. Fifteen faculty members holding Graduate Faculty membership elected by the graduate faculties of each of the various schools of the University as follows:

College of Arts and Sciences               5
School of Business Administration      2
School of Education                            3
SDA Theological Seminary                  3
School of Architecture                         1
School of Health Professions               1

  1. One graduate student elected by the Graduate Student Association.

Section 4

Advisory Members (without vote) ex-officio (5) are:

  1. The Dean of Libraries
  2. The Vice President for Financial Administration
  3. The Associate Dean of Research
  4. The Director of International Students
  5. The Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness

Section 5

Terms of service of elected members as in Section 3:

  1. Terms of service shall be for three years except for student members who shall serve one-year terms. Terms of service for all members except students shall be staggered with approximately l/3 of the membership being elected annually.
  2. Elected members of the Graduate Council are chosen during formal elections held in the spring term of each year within each school of the University as appropriate. The term of office for elected members shall start at the beginning of the summer session.
  3. Should any elected member fail to serve a full term, a replacement shall be obtained to serve the remainder of the term by the procedures specified in Section 3 above.

C. Officers

Section l

The Chair shall be the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research.

Section 2

The Vice Chair shall be elected annually by the Graduate Council from the membership of the Council.

Section 3

The Secretary shall be the Registrar.

D. Meetings

Section 1

The Graduate Council shall normally meet monthly during the academic year with special meetings as called by the Chair.

Section 2

Agenda items may be submitted by any member of the Graduate Council in writing to the Chair at least five calendar days prior to a regularly scheduled Council meeting.

Agenda items which involve the following, shall not be acted upon until the next scheduled meeting following the meeting of introduction and discussion:

  1. The introduction of new graduate policy
  2. A change in old graduate policy
  3. The introduction of new programs
  4. Substantive changes to existing programs
  5. Proposals for amendments to the organization and working policy for the Andrews University School of Graduate Studies and Research

Section 3

Minutes of the proceedings of the Graduate Council shall be recorded and maintained by the secretary of the Graduate Council who shall be responsible for distributing copies of the minutes within a week to all members of the Graduate Faculty.

Section 4

A quorum shall consist of 51% of the voting members.

E. Committees

Section 1

Standing and ad hoc committees may be designated as needed by the Graduate Council and may include representatives who are not members of the Council.

Section 2

The standing committees shall include:

  1. Program Development and Review Committee
  2. Admissions and Academic Standards Committee
  3. Graduate Faculty Membership Peer Review Committee

Section 3

Ad hoc committees: The Graduate Council may create and appoint such special committees as it deems necessary or desirable.

VI—Administration of the School of Graduate Studies and Research

Section 1

The chief administrative officer of the School of Graduate Studies and Research shall be the Dean.

Section 2

The primary responsibilities of the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research shall be the following:

  1. Chair the Graduate Council.
  2. Coordinate and promote the activities of the School of Graduate Studies and Research.
  3. Participate in long range University planning and development of graduate education.
  4. Administer and supervise the quality control functions of the standards of the School of Graduate Studies and Research.
  5. Provide Graduate Council representation at doctoral defenses.
  6. Oversee graduate admissions office and coordinate the graduate admissions process
  7. Promote graduate research activities.
  8. Collaborate with the deans and/or program directors to implement graduate program requirements.
  9. Convene meetings of the Graduate Faculty.
  10. Coordinate development of printed and online graduate publications.
  11. Maintain liaison with the deans and/or graduate program directors (for departmental, interdepartmental and interschool programs) and the directors of the Academic Records and Integrated Marketing and Communication offices.
  12. Collaborate with the Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness in the development and implementation of the assessment process for graduate programs. See also policy #2:440
  13. Advocate for graduate education through the following
    1. Advise on matters related to graduate faculty, research, teaching, facilities and budgets related to graduate programs.
    2. Serve as a member of other appropriate academic committees and councils of deans.
    3. Represent Andrews University at meetings of graduate-related academic organizations in which the University holds membership such as the Council of Graduate Schools.
    4. Assist in interfacing with federal/state/local agencies, industry, foundations and patrons with respect to graduate education and research.
  14. Review minutes of meetings of the various departments/programs/ schools of the University carrying graduate programs.

Section 3

Other specific responsibilities of the Dean shall include matters affecting:

  1. Graduate students
    1. Monitor the admission and graduation of graduate students
    2. Cooperate with the Academic Records Office in maintaining a system for monitoring the academic records for all graduate students.
    3. Assist in the process of recruitment of graduate students.
    4. Suggest policies and procedures for financial aid, fellowships, and assistantships for graduate students.
    5. Assist in seeking additional financial support for graduate students.
    6. Assist in the development of an appropriate system of graduate student representation in University academic affairs.
  2. Graduate Council
    1. Communicate and implement actions of the Graduate Council.
    2. Assure the completeness of the qualitative review process of graduate programs and documentation of the same.
    3. Assure the completeness of the implementation of the minimum academic and admission standards previously set.
    4. Assure the implementation of minimum standards set with respect to thesis/dissertation format, schedule and procedure for the oral defense of the same, as well as criteria and procedures for the appointment of thesis/dissertation committees and external examiners.
    5. Assure the implementation of criteria and procedures with respect to the appointment of Graduate Faculty and Graduate Council members.
    6. Arrange secretarial support for the Graduate Council and its committees

VII—Parliamentary Authority

Governing Rules

The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, shall govern meetings in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these policies.

VIII—Interpretation of this Document

The President of Andrews University shall be the ultimate authority in matters of dispute over the interpretation of the organization and working policy for the Andrews University School of Graduate Studies and Research.

IX—Procedures for Amendments

Section l

Proposals for amendments to the organization and working policy for the Andrews University School of Graduate Studies and Research may come from a member of the Graduate Council in a regular meeting or from a member of the Graduate Faculty at a regular or special meeting of the Graduate Faculty.

Section 2

All proposals for amendments to the organization and working policy for the Andrews University School of Graduate Studies and Research must be studied and approved by a majority vote of the Graduate Council, according to the policies outlined in Division V D, Sections 1-4, governing meetings. If approved, the proposal will be recommended to the Graduate Faculty.

Section 3

Approval of an amendment to the organization and working policy for the Andrews University School of Graduate Studies and Research requires a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Graduate Faculty at either a regular or special meeting of the Graduate Faculty (see Division IV B, Section 3, and IV C, Sections 1-3).

Section 4

Proposals for amendments to the organization and working policy for the Andrews University School of Graduate Studies and Research; shall be voted by the Board of Trustees before they may be implemented.