School of Distance Education and International Partnerships
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Contact Information
Alayne Thorpe
Dean of the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships
Dean of the School of Graduate Studies
Carolina Gomez-Jones
Assistant Dean
Rose Warner
Administrative Assistant
Katrina Rayhill
SDEIP Financial Services Manager
Off-Campus Programs
Digital Learning & Instructional Technology (DLIT)
Janine Lim
Associate Dean, Online Higher Education
Sven Pauliah
Assistant to the Associate Dean
Sam Villamizar
Learning Systems Administrator
Helpdesk Coordinator
Helena Gregor
Director, Seminary Online Learning Center
Amy Maydole
Course Manager
Consortium Manager
Denise Shaver
Lead Curriculum and Instructional Design Specialist
Marsha Beal
Technology and Instructional Design Specialist
Online and Post-Traditional Student Services
Griggs International Academy (GIA)
Mission Statement
The School of Distance Education and International Partnerships extends access to Adventist education beyond campus, community and national boundaries. We support our faculty and students around the world by promoting best practices in distance education and international partnerships, and by creating a virtual community designed to nurture learning.
The School of Distance Education and International Partnerships serves Andrews University by providing leadership, faculty and student support, and professional resources in the following areas: educational technology, distance education, compliance and off-campus programs. The School of Distance Education and International Partnerships also operates the Consortium of Adventist Colleges and Universities, Griggs University and Griggs International Academy.
Core Values
To accomplish our mission, the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships is committed to these core values:
Excellence: We view each student as a special creation, endowed by God with individual talents and abilities that we encourage them to develop by providing a quality, academically rigorous Seventh-day Adventist Christian education at all levels.
Respect: We believe that it is our responsibility to uplift one another by demonstrating respect and consideration for all parents, students, and educators through learning that is student-centered and redemptive, and customer service that is helpful and friendly.
Integrity: We recognize that mutual trust rests upon a foundation of honesty and transparency. We are honest and straightforward in our dealings, both business and academic, and expect no less from our parents, students, and faculty.
Community: We believe that a safe learning environment and an accepting community are important to effective learning, especially in distance education. We strive to create a learning community where all participants (parents, students, faculty, and administrators) feel valued and understand that they are part of a team by providing opportunities for constructive interaction, and sharing of experiences.
Griggs University/Griggs International Academy began its work in 1909, when the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists voted to offer correspondence courses to meet the needs of its members and workers who were unable to attend a traditional campus-based school or college. GU/GIA was originally called Fireside Correspondence School and was founded by Frederick Griggs, one of the pioneer educational leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
In 2009, the Seventh-day Adventist Church leadership formed a Commission on Distance Education Models and Structure. The intent of the commission was to conduct an in-depth investigation of current best practices for distance education and make recommendations to the Church on the possibility to using distance education to meet the needs of the worldwide constituency.
In 2010, the Commission brought a recommendation to the General Council and to Niels-Erik Andreasen, president of Andrews University, that ownership of Griggs University be transferred to Andrews University. During the summer of 2010, Andrews University faculty and administration met and deliberated on the impact that ownership of Griggs would make upon the University structure.
At the October 26, 2010, meeting of the Andrews University Board, it was voted to accept the gift of Griggs University and Griggs International Academy. The School of Distance Education and International Partnerships is now located in Griggs Hall, which used to be the Lake Union Office.
Online Campus
The School of Distance Education and International Partnerships provides support and oversight for all online courses, degrees and programs offered by Andrews University.
Andrews University modes and definitions of distance education are based on the United States federal distance education definitions and the North Central Association Higher Learning Commission definitions of distance education.
Distance Education Programs are defined by the total package delivery of learning experiences included in the degree. Distance education includes any learning experiences that are not located at any Andrews campus, such as online courses, dissertations, independent studies, clinicals, etc. Distance programs have limited learning time on campus.
Distance Education Courses are defined by the NCA-HLC Definition: “Distance-delivered courses are those in which all or the vast majority (typically 75% or more) of the instruction and interaction occurs via electronic communication, correspondence, or equivalent mechanisms, with the faculty and students physically separated from each other.”
Distance Degree Students are accepted into Distance programs. Distance guest students are admitted to register for courses for transfer or personal development.
Andrews University offers three types of distance education course formats:
- Self-paced courses are offered where instructional materials and examinations are provided by mail or electronic transmission to students who are separated from the instructor. Interaction between the instructor and the student is limited and is primarily initiated by the student. Self-paced courses may be delivered via paper; via electronic means such as email or a learning management system, or via DVDs, podcasts, streaming or similar one-way media transmission. Andrews offers two types of self-paced courses. (This definition aligns with the federal definition for correspondence courses.)
- Self-paced open learning courses are open for registration at any time and must be completed within 180 days of the start date.
- Self-paced full term courses follow registration rules for standard semester terms. Students must complete half of the class by the midpoint of the semester, and must complete the full course by the end of the semester. Self-paced full term courses are eligible for financial aid; while self-paced open learning courses are not.
- Interactive online courses use the Internet to deliver instruction to students who are separate from the instructor. Interactive online courses use the Internet to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor. This regular substantive interaction includes a significant amount of interaction initiated by the instructor. Interactive online courses may use synchronous (real-time) meetings, or an asynchronous paced format. Technologies may include: The Internet, satellite or room-based videoconferencing, web-conferencing, audio-conferencing, or web-based videoconferencing. DVDs, podcasts, streaming and similar one way media may be used only if they are used in conjunction with another technology that facilitates regular and substantive interaction between students and the instructor. (This aligns with the federal definition for distance education.)
- Blended learning courses include some time where the faculty and students are physically separated from each other and additional time where the faculty and students are in the same location. Blended learning scenarios include a face-to-face class that has reduced face-to-face time replaced with extended online assignments or a short intense face-to-face time supplemented with online learning activities. The blended learning course format uses the online activities to ensure that the course meets the credit hour definition requirements. The online portion of this type of course must meet the description of interactive online courses listed above. (This aligns with the federal definition for distance education.) Tours and intensives are also classified at Andrews University as a form of blended learning.
Online Degrees
Andrews University offers two types of online degrees: interactive online and self-paced. (See Definitions section above.) All online programs must be approved by the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships.
Interactive Online Degrees
These programs are comprised of courses offered via the interactive online format. Courses have specific start and end dates. Some programs include minimal on-campus components, while some programs are entirely online. See the individual degree pages for more details.
- College of Arts and Sciences
- School of Business
- School of Education
- Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
- Leadership and Educational Administration
- School of Health Professions
- Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
Self-Paced Online Degrees
These degrees are comprised of courses offered via the self-paced online course format. Self-paced full term courses should be used if financial aid is desired. Self-paced open learning courses are more flexible. See the Definitions section for more information.
- College of Arts and Sciences
Online Courses
Andrews Core Experience Requirements and Courses Available via Distance
For information about general education requirements for all Andrews undergraduate degrees, please see the section of this bulletin. The courses that are available via distance to meet these requirements are listed below. To find these courses in the Course Schedule, look for distance campus and 901, 902, 997, 998, and 999 sections.
- Religion: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
- Language / Communication: , ,
- History: , , ,
- Fine Arts/Humanities: , , , ,
- Life/Physical Sciences: , , POSSIBLY
- Mathematics: , ,
- Service: see ,
- Social Sciences: , , ,
- Fitness Education: ,
Interactive Online Courses
These courses are offered via the interactive online format and have fixed registration periods with specific start and end dates. To find these courses in the Course Schedule, look for distance campus and 999 sections.
Self-Paced Online Courses
These courses are offered via the self-paced format. Self-paced open learning courses are open for registration at any time and must be completed within 180 days of the start date. Self-paced full term courses follow registration rules for standard semester terms, students must complete half of the class by the midpoint of the semester, and must complete the full course by the end of the semester. Self-paced full term courses are eligible for financial aid; while self-paced open learning courses are not. To find these courses in the Course Schedule, look for distance campus and section 901 for self-paced open learning courses and section 902 for self-paced full term courses. Note that some courses may be offered only in one of the self-paced formats.
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Department of
- Department of :
- Department of :
- , , , , , , , , , , , ,
- Department of :
- Department of :
- Department of :
- Department of :
- Department of :
- Department of :
Department of :
- , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
- Department of
- School of Business
- , , , , , , , , , ,
- School of Education
- School of Health Professions
- Department of :
- Department of
- , , , , ,
Fees and tuition for distance programs of study are listed in the Financial Information section.
Withdrawals and refunds for interactive and self-paced full term online courses follows on-campus policy. The self-paced open learning calendar includes all details for the alternate withdrawal and refund deadlines for this type of course only. All withdrawals after the last day to drop or add a course require a drop/add form submitted to the Office of Academic Records. Distance undergraduate students can email sderegister@andrews.edu to request assistance with this procedure. Graduate students may email graduate@andrews.edu.
Mixed Course Load
Course load rules are the same for students taking courses on-campus or online. Students taking a mixed load need to be aware of these financial considerations:
- If paying without federal financial aid, students may register for any type of course.
- Self-paced open learning courses are not eligible for federal financial aid. Financial aid from sources other than Andrews University may be applied toward the costs of self-paced open learning courses.
- Andrews Partnership Scholarship/Andrews Gift cannot be used to pay for either self-paced full term or self-paced open learning courses.
- Self-paced courses, both full term and open learning, are not included in the package plan. If an undergraduate student is taking 12 regularly priced on-campus credits and wants to add a self-paced course of either type, they will pay the package price for the 12 credits and $395 per credit for any self-paced classes added.
Federal Financial Aid
Federal financial aid may be available to Andrews University degree-seeking students if the following conditions are met:
- A student must be admitted to a program that leads to an associate’s, bachelor’s or graduate degree. If the program leads to a certificate or credits are taken for transfer to another university degree, the student is not eligible for aid for that course.
- The courses are registered by the drop/add date for the on-campus term.
- A minimum of 6 credits are registered. Course load determines your Financial Aid eligibility.
- The courses are completed within the semester they are registered.
- Federal financial aid is not available to guest or non-degree students.
If you use Federal financial aid and need to repeat a course, review the Repeating Classes section of the General Academic Policies, then discuss this with your Student Financial Services advisor before re-registering.
Financial Assistance
See the following sections of the bulletin for further information about tuition discounts and scholarships:
Online and Post-Traditional Student Services
Griggs Hall, Room 132
Glynis Bradfield, Director, Distance and Student Services
Steve Fox, Testing Coordinator
Jennifer Ruiz, Academic Advisor
Scope of Service
The Office of Student Services supports guest and degree students taking Andrews University courses away from main campus. Services include academic advising, online orientation and distance academic support, tutoring arrangements, accommodation monitoring, complaints management, and communicating options for spiritual, physical and social development available at a distance. Credit for prior learning and services for high school students taking Andrews University courses online, on campus, or through concurrent enrollment agreements are also directed through this department.
Admission to Distance Degrees
Degree Students: Transfer and New Applicants
Admission begins with completing the application at www.andrews.edu/apply. Undergraduate and graduate admission requirements are the same for students studying at a distance and on-campus. Please refer to the Academic Policies sections of the bulletin for more information:
Guest/ Non-Degree Student
Degree admission requirements do not apply to students taking distance courses for personal growth, certification, or to supplement a program of study at another institution. Guest student use the online application form at www.andrews.edu/gueststudent. Please review the Guest Student Policies for Undergraduate and Graduate studies:
Admission Services
Questions about completing an application or admission status are best addressed to the right contacts.
Registration and Course Information
Online courses are offered in one or more of three formats: interactive, self-paced full term, and self-paced open learning. See the Online Courses listing above for a complete list of Andrews’ online courses.
Interactive Online Courses
Interactive online courses have fixed start and end dates, assignment and exam due dates, and are eligible for federal financial aid. Instructors set assignment deadlines and create an interactive learning community. Interactive online courses are usually indicated in the course schedule with the section number of 999 (additional sections may end in 998, 997, etc.), with schedule attribute ‘interactive online’. To view all courses of this type, filter the course schedule by Schedule Attribute interactive online in the Term selected. All and deadlines relating to the term or part of term in which the course is offered apply to interactive online courses.
Self-Paced Full Term Online Courses
Self-paced full term courses have fixed start and end dates, flexible assignment schedules and fixed midterm and final exam due dates, and are eligible for federal financial aid. Students set assignment schedules for each half of the term; but must complete the first half by midterm; and the second half by the final exam. Self-paced full term courses are usually indicated in the course schedule with the 902 section number. To view all courses of this type, filter the course schedule by Schedule Attribute self-paced and Part of Term full term in the term selected. All and deadlines relating to term or part of term in which the course is offered apply to self-paced full term online courses.
Self-Paced Open Learning Online Courses
Self-paced open learning courses can be started at any time, are student-paced, and are not eligible for federal financial aid. Self-paced open learning courses are usually indicated in the course schedule with the 901 section number. To view all courses of this type, filter the course schedule by Schedule Attribute self-paced and Part of Term open learning in the term selected. All apply to self-paced open learning courses other than those reflecting specific deadlines. Students have 180 days from the student-selected start date to complete undergraduate self-paced courses. Registration for self-paced courses follows the . Note that the start date selected by the student during the registration process determines the term (spring, summer, fall) in which the self-paced open learning course is recorded for transcript purposes.
Registration Holds
There are several types of holds on the registration process. Information about what to do to remove a hold is available when logged in to your personal iVue page.
- Holds for health, insurance, bookstore, and residence halls do not apply to students registering in distance courses only.
- Holds for international deposits and visas do not apply to international students who are only taking courses off-campus.
- International graduate students coming to campus for one month or less do not pay the international deposit, but will require visas and insurance as listed in this bulletin for on-campus programs.
Student Responsibility and Contacts
It is always the student’s responsibility to:
- Consult the University bulletin and webpages to follow current policies and procedures
- Check with their academic advisor that distance courses will fulfill degree requirements
- Check with their financial advisor how the course type will impact their financial plan
- Complete the disability accommodations form and provide documentation if study accommodations are desired
Contact information for academic and financial advisors is available on the student’s prevue page. Questions about the registration process or holds are best answered by the following enrollment counselors.
Undergraduate distance courses: sderegister@andrews.edu, 269-471-6323
Graduate distance courses: graduate@andrews.edu, 269-471-6013
Questions about Seminary Online Learning Center courses are best answered by emailing solc@andrews.edu or calling 269-471-3962.
Online and Post-Traditional Student Support
Students studying at a distance can access many services using technology:
- Learn how to apply, clear financially, register, request exams, and successfully complete studies online at www.andrews.edu/distance/students
- The current Andrews University Bulletin at www.bulletin.andrews.edu communicates policies and procedures, and key contact information for all campus services.
- The Andrews Agenda at www.andrews.edu/agenda provides weekly news, announcements and updates.
- Follow Andrews University’s facebook page, twitter feed and other social media for regular postings of life at Andrews.
- The Andrews Directory at www.andrews.edu/directory includes contact information for all current faculty, staff and students.
- Departmental updates are emailed to students registered in specific programs of study. Check your Andrews email regularly.
- Pioneer Memorial Church services are streamed online, and podcasts can be accessed at any time.
- Videos of chapels and vespers can be viewed at any time through the Andrews University Youtube Channel
- The Student Association Youtube Channel includes many more videos of student events
- Listen to Andrews University’s classical radio online 24/7 at WAUS
- All online students are encouraged to communicate with their assigned academic and financial advisors regularly in order to best utilize student success resources at a distance. Tutoring, career and mental health counseling, and disability accommodation can be arranged through the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships Student Services Director (learn more at www.andrews.edu/distance/students/).
- An online grievance form provides students with tools to formally register a complaint about any aspect of the educational service provided by Andrews University. The procedure for lodging a complaint is outlined online.
Library Access
Registered students of Andrews University have full and free access to the resources and services of the James White Library via phone, fax, e-mail or the Internet. Such services include:
- Access to the James White Library Catalog (JeWeL)
- Access to the Library’s Online Databases which include full-text articles from many thousands of periodicals
- Online Instruction, Tutorials and Research Guides
- Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services
- Reference and Consultation Services
- Download software, such as Endnote, for research and writing
- FAQs and Ask-a-Librarian—www.andrews.edu/library/RefDesk/services/ask.html
- Online access to these services is available through use of the Andrews University username and password supplied during the admission process. Off-campus program students, staff and faculty may apply for Andrews University username and password through the Off-Campus Library Services Web page or by calling 269-471-3283.
Consortium of Adventist Colleges and Universities
The Andrews University’s School of Distance Education and International Partnerships operates the Consortium of Adventist Colleges and Universities, which grew out of the Griggs University Consortium arrangements between Griggs University, Andrews University, Oakwood University, and Washington Adventist University. The Griggs University Consortium began in 1969 with Griggs University and Columbia Union College (now Washington Adventist University).
The Consortium serves students around the world: students in partner colleges and universities within the North American Division, students in public universities wishing to take select courses from an Adventist perspective, and students at our partner institutions around the world. Courses are available for transfer credit from Washington Adventist University and Oakwood University. Information about all Consortium partner course offerings, tuition rates, fees, payment information, and procedures is available online at www.andrews.edu/distance/consortium. Printed catalogs can be requested from the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships.
Some Andrews University degrees are offered using primarily Consortium courses:
A complete list of Consortium courses can be viewed via this overview table, the Consortium catalog, and the Consortium registration packet.
- Business and Information Systems
- Bari Courts, Ph.D.
- Jimmie Flores, Ph.D.
- Matthew Rosenboom M.B.A
- Simon Vaz, M.B.A
- Behavioral Sciences
- Justina Adalikwu-Obisike, Ph.D
- Stacey Nicely, M.A.
- Penelope Webster, Ph.D.
- Biology
- Andrew Rice, M.S.
- Melinda Villanueva, Ph.D.
- Communication
- Delyse Steyn, D.Ed.
- Joel Thompson, M.A.
- Kristine Walker-Fraser, M.A.
- Education
- Denise Shaver, Ph.D.
- Bradley Sheppard, Ph.D.
- David Waller, M.Ed.
- English
- Dannyette Gadsden-Rouse, M.A.
- Bonnie McLean, Ph.D.
- Ashley Wynn, M.A.
- History and Political Science
- Stephanie Carpenter, Ph.D.
- Adam Fenner, Ph.D.
- Douglas Morgan, Ph.D.
- Marcella Myers Ph.D.
- Jane Nesbit, M.A.
- Cleon White, M.A.
- Janisa Henry, M.A.
- Music
- Public Health, Nutrition and Wellness
- Stephanie Goddard, M.S.
- Susan Singer, M.P.H
- Religion
- Guilherme Borda, M.A.
- Martha Duah, Ph.D.
- Abner Hernandez, M.A.
- Ray McAllister, Ph.D.
- Ruben Munoz-Larrondo, Ph.D.
- Alexej Muran, M.A.
- Samuel Pagan, MDiv
- Ronald Rojas, Ph.D.
- Abelardo Rivas Santine, Ph.D.
- Jan Aage Sigvartsen, Ph.D.
- Michael Taylor, MDiv
- Keith Wakefield, MDiv
- Cory Wetterlin, MDiv
- Physics
Off-Campus Programs
Griggs Hall
FAX: 269-471-2804
Carolina Gomez-Jones, Director of Off-Campus Programs
Cindy Barlett, Operations and Financial Billings Manager
Angelica Munoz, Assistant Registrar for Off-Campus Programs
Nancy Penno, Off Campus Programs Specialist
Steven Rivers, Associate Director, K-12
Andrews University has a long history of partnering with Seventh-day Adventist educational and church institutions through off-campus programs. The University delivers these programs in various domestic and international locations.
Many of the Andrews University schools have partnerships with educational institutions in North America and abroad, authorized by the Higher Learning Commission and other controlling organizations. The types of partnerships include academic monitoring of existing institutional programs, extension campuses, and examination centers for graduate and undergraduate education. The programs of study vary from individual courses in a variety of disciplines to full degree programs.
Many of the Andrews University schools have partnerships with educational institutions in North America and abroad, authorized by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and other controlling organizations. The types of partnerships include academic monitoring of existing institutional programs, extension campuses, and examination centers for graduate and undergraduate education. The programs of study vary from individual courses in a variety of disciplines to full degree programs.
Details of specific courses, approved curricula and programs are available from the Office of Off-Campus Programs. The Off-Campus Programs Committee authorizes and reviews all University policies related to such affiliations and extensions. Once accepted into an Andrews University program, students may transfer between home and extension campuses.
Off-Campus Program Definitions
Additional Location. A location distinct from the campus of Andrews University, at which students can complete an Andrews University degree, or 50% or more of courses leading to an Andrews University degree or certificate.
Course Location. A location distinct from the campus of Andrews University, at which students can complete credit bearing courses, which total less than 50% of an Andrews University degree or certificate. This does not include Study Abroad locations unless they provide 25–50% of an Andrews University degree or certificate program.
Other Classifications
- In-State—The location is within the state of Michigan
- Out-of-State—The location is outside of the state of Michigan
- Out of USA—The location is outside of the 50 United States, and includes U.S. territories
Undergraduate Off-Campus Programs
Undergraduate programs are offered on the following Adventist college and university campuses:
Graduate Off-Campus Programs
Graduate programs are offered at the following locations:
- College of Arts and Sciences
MA English (Concentration in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages): Seoul, Korea, in teach out
MIDA - Master International Development Administration, an interdisciplinary degree: Canada, Chile, Ghana, Italy, Kenya and South Africa
- School of Business Administration
MBA: Ho Chi Mihn City, Vietnam
- School of Education
- MA in Education: Spicer Memorial College, India in teach out
MA in Leadership: Brazil Adventist University in Sao Paulo, Brazil
PhD Educational Psychology: University of Southern Caribbean, Trinidad
EdS School Psychology: University of Southern Caribbean, Trinidad
- The Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
MA in Religion: Romanian Adventist Theological Institute, Romania; Spicer Memorial College, India in teach-out; and Zaokski Adventist Seminary, Russia
MA (Religion) International Track: Hong Kong Adventist College
MA (Religion) International Track: Middle East University, Lebanon (starts May 2017)
Doctor of Ministry: Zaokski Adventist Seminary, Russia; Sagunto, Spain; Nairobi, Kenya
MAPM Pastoral Ministry: several locations in North America
Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry courses: several locations in North America
All off-campus programs for Andrews University, Griggs University and Griggs International Academy are administered by the Office of Off-Campus Programs. The director of Off-Campus Programs reports to the dean of the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships. The director of Off-Campus Programs works with other academic deans and department chairs to maintain quality control of specific courses and to ensure that off-campus program requirements are equivalent to on-campus program requirements.
Periodic audits are conducted at each Off-Campus Program site. The length of time between audits is determined by the audit team. Each audit team reviews the programs, facilities, and various academic processes; interviews administrators, faculty, and students; and makes recommendations of improvements needed to enhance the quality of the off-campus programs.
Current Programs
Andrews University offers off-campus programs on five continents: Africa (Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa); Asia (India, Japan, Lebanon); Europe (England, Italy, Romania, Russia); North America (Canada, Mexico, and all North American Division Union Conferences); Central America (Trinidad: in teach-out); South America (Brazil, Chile, Trinidad).
Griggs University (GU) & Griggs International Academy (GIA) offer off-campus programs on five continents: Asia (GIA: China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam; GU: Hong Kong, India, Korea, Lebanon, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam); North America (GIA: APLE schools, Cooperative arrangements with selective North American Division schools, Job Corps Centers; GU: Select independent Seventh-day Adventist institutions); Central America (GIA: Inter-America Division; GU: Inter-America Division); South America (GIA: Brazil).
Other International Educational Opportunities
Andrews University co-sponsors Adventist Colleges Abroad—a program in which qualified students study overseas while completing requirements for graduation at Andrews. This language and cultural immersion is available in ten locations: Argentina, Austria, Brazil, England, France, Greece, Italy, Singapore, Spain and Taiwan. Participation is not limited to language majors. Contact the chair of the Department of International Language Studies for further information.
Griggs Hall, Room 208
Ethan Jones, Director of Compliance
Brittany Huset, Assistant to the Director of Compliance
The Director of Compliance assists the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships to carry out its academic mission with integrity and in accordance with the policies of Andrews University and our accrediting bodies, and in compliance with federal, state and international regulations.
Proctored Examinations
Most online courses include examinations that are to be taken under supervision:
• Students studying at or near another university or college are requested to arrange with the institution’s testing department to proctor their Andrews University exam.
• Students in the Armed Forces may take their examinations under the supervision of the education officer.
• Students living within 50 miles of Berrien Springs are required to take their exams in the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships Testing Center, Griggs Hall 124.
• If none of the above apply, students find an acceptable proctor. Proctors must have academic responsibility in a university, college, school, military or workplace continuing education setting, and be available to proctor at their place of work.
Students should make the necessary arrangements with the proctor before filling in the exam request form provided within the course space. Instructions will be communicated to the proctor, once approved, and the student notified via email when the exam has been issued. Email the Testing Coordinator at sdeexams@andrews.edu, call 269-471-6566 or use FAQs and tutorials online if help is needed.
Digital Learning and Instructional Technology (DLiT)
Griggs Hall, Room 123 and 136
Janine Lim, Associate Dean, Online Higher Education
Sven Pauliah, Assistant to the Associate Dean
Samuel Villamizar, Learning Systems Administrator and Helpdesk Coordinator
Helena Gregor, Director, Seminary Online Learning Center
Amy Maydole, Course Manager and Consortium Manager
Denise Shaver, Lead Curriculum and Instructional Design Specialist
Marsha Beal, Technology and Instrucitonal Design Specialist
The Department of Digital Learning and Instructional Technology provides instructional technology leadership, support and resources to the faculty, staff, and students of Andrews University. DLiT serves main campus, online campus, and off-campus programs. DLiT also oversees the operations of the Consortium of Adventist Colleges and Universities.
Instructional Technology
The Department of Digitial Learning and Instructional Technology researches and promotes new instructional technologies. DLiT provides technology support for enterprise level instructional technology tools such as LearningHub, the campus Moodle learning management system; student response systems (clickers); Panopto, our video streaming and recording service; and Zoom, our webinar and videoconferencing software. In addition, we offer workshops, training and one-on-one consultation for pedagogical use of technology. We work collaboratively with various entities across campus to provide excellent service through processes and procedures to support main campus, online campus, and off-campus students and faculty.
Online Course Production
The Department of Digital Learning and Instructional Technology provides coordination and review for online program and course development, as well as technical support, instructional design advice and training, and materials design and conversion for course development for main campus, online campus, and off-campus courses.
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)
Students can estimate how previous course work may apply toward an Andrews distance degree by reviewing the requirements listed in this bulletin. Prospective students may request an evaluation of their transcripts using the online application process.
Credit for prior college level learning that is not documented through academic transcript may be earned through advanced placement, standardized and departmental challenge exams, validation and proficiency assessments. Students may apply for academic credit for prior college level learning through personal achievements and professional expertise. Assessment of portfolios are done on a course-by-course basis, either by Andrews University faculty evaluators or through the Council on Adult and Experience Learning.
The Director of Distance Student Services serves as the Prior Learning Coordinator for all Andrews University schools. Contact the Prior Learning Coordinator and your academic advisor to discuss college level prior learning that may meet requirements for a specific program of study. Learn more about the 5 ways to earn credit:
Challenge Exams
Permission to take a challenge exam may be requested of the department offering the course by students with prior college level learning. Prior learning through professional or personal experience must be closely aligned to the learning outcomes of an Andrews course. A student may complete the Credit by Departmental Exam & Validation Assessment Form with approval from their advisor and the department offering the course.
With NAD Union certification registrar approval, Adventist teachers may apply to take online challenge exam. The Consortium of Adventist Colleges and Universities currently offers Andrews University challenge exams for Adventist heritage and religion courses, and Washington Adventist University challenge exams for education courses. Taking the full course is advised when a teacher has not attended Adventist schools and/or completed teacher training at a non-Adventist college or university. Review the Teacher Challenge Exam Application for full policy, procedure and course information.
Services to Academy and High School Students
High school students who meet admission criteria can enrich their high school studies by taking Andrews University lower division undergraduate courses. Courses approved for high school registrations are available in three formats: on-campus face-to-face, interactive online, and concurrent enrollment.
Concurrent enrollment, a service available to Adventist Academies, is a two-step process. First, the Academy seeking to offer an Andrews course on their campus submits a school application to the Andrews Off-Campus Department. If this application is approved after review by the Andrews University department offering the requested course, student applications can be submitted to take the Andrews University course on the Academy campus, taught by the approved Academy teacher.
In all formats, it is the prerogative of the high school to decide whether to count the college credit towards high school diploma requirements. Tuition for up to two Andrews University courses per semester is discounted to the special high school rate plus the guest fee per semester for students prior to graduating from high school or taking the GED test. Note that the high school tuition rate does not apply to fees or surcharges on specific courses, individual music or flight lessons, independent study or reading courses, or international language courses which are prerequisites for advanced degrees and courses taken off-campus.
Special consideration is given to Andrews University schools. Up to two Andrews University courses per semester, when approved by Andrews Academy or Griggs International Academy are included in full Academy tuition.
More information for counselors, parents, and students is available through www.andrews.edu/services/precollege/
Griggs International Academy (GIA)
Griggs Hall, Room 124
269-471-6570; FAX 269-471-2804
La Ronda Forsey, Associate Dean K–12/GIA Principal
Kathy Iwasa, Associate Principal / GIA Registrar / Testing Coordinator
Lamar Nangle, GIA Vice Principal
Cindy Canel, K-8 Coordinator
Rebecca Tedeschi, GIA Educational Technologist
Deirdre Wilkens, GIA Curriculum Specialist
Gabrieal Melgar, GIA Director of Student Services
Lonnie Pearce, GIA Enrollment Counselor
The School of Distance Education and International Partnerships operates Griggs International Academy (GIA), which offers an accredited K–12 Adventist distance education program that serves students in North America and internationally. There are a variety of delivery styles offered through GIA: online courses, paper-based courses, school sites—adapting to the needs of individuals or supplementing a school program. The mission of GIA is to provide educationally sound, values-based, guided independent study and distance education programs that build a foundation for service to God, church and society. These programs and courses respond to learner needs in the context of a lifetime learning experience.
Griggs International Academy, operated by the School of Distance Education and International Partnerships, is accredited by:
The Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities
Middle States Association for Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement / AdvancED
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