Feb 18, 2025
Sociology, Criminal Justice Concentration BS (Pre-Professional)
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Program Description
The Pre-Professional Emphasis is for students planning a graduate degree. Whichever program students choose, they should consult their advisor in regards to their sociology classes, general or elective classes, and an elective minor. Classes should be chosen with occupational goals in mind. Students planning on graduate school should choose classes related to that area of specialization. Major Requirements 45 credits
Major: Core Requirements— 18
27 credits must be selected from courses numbered 300 or above. Major: Content Courses - 12
(Choose a minimum of four courses from this group) Major: Methodology Requirements - 9
Andrews Core Experience - 6
Undergraduate Electives - 6
Electives may be chosen from Content Course not taken to meet minimum requirements, or from the recommended electives listed below, or other SOCI or PSYC courses in the undergraduate program, or those approved by the advisor/chair. |
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