Feb 19, 2025  

Teacher Certification

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Teacher Certification

(SDA Certification & State of Michigan Certification) 

Teacher Certification Information

All courses needed for Adventist certification or State of Michigan certification require a grade of C or above.

Seventh-day Adventist Teaching Credential Levels and Requirements

Seventh-day Adventist K–12 teacher credentialing is organized into three levels of certificates: Basic, Standard and Professional. The following section describes each level, points out specific requirements, and tells how they are met at Andrews University.

Adventist Basic Certificate. The Basic Teaching Certificate may be issued to the candidates presenting a “Verification of Eligibility” form from Andrews University. The certificate is issued by the union conference where the candidate takes his/her first teaching position.

Religion Requirements. A minimum of 12 semester hours in religion, taken at a Seventh-day Adventist college/university or through Consortium of Adventist Colleges and Universities, to include the following areas:

Doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

           RELT225 - Doctrines of Adventist Faith

Biblical Studies. Courses such as: Jesus in His Time and Ours, Law & Writings of the New & Old Testament, Acts & Epistles, Prophets of Israel

Spirit of Prophecy. A study of the gift of prophecy revealed in the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White. 
          RELH 400 - SDA History and Prophetic HeritageSeventh day Adventist Church History.

          (RELH 400 covers both Gift of Prophecy and Seventh-day Adventist Church History)

Seventh-day Adventist Church History.  
          RELH 400 - SDA History and Prophetic Heritage

Health Principles. A course in health based on the Bible and the writings of Ellen G. White. 
          HLED 120 - Fit for Life

Adventist School Experience. All candidates for Adventist certification must have significant structured experiences in a Seventh-day Adventist school. To fulfill this certification requirement at Andrews University, any one of the following experiences are considered appropriate.

Full-semester student teaching in an approved Seventh-day Adventist school. A lab experience for EDTE 165 in a recognized Seventh-day Adventist school. Three weeks of pre- or post-student teaching experience in a recognized Seventh-day Adventist school. Other verified experiences may fulfill this requirement. Requests to have these considered must be made on a petition form available at the Department of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum office. Such petitions should be submitted at least one semester before student teaching begins.

Multi-grade/Multi-age Teaching Experience (Elementary only).

For the Elementary Teaching endorsement, multi-grade teaching experience is required. The unique curriculum, instructional strategies, and scheduling which characterize the multi-grade classroom are the focus of the course program and its 50-hour fieldwork experience. Arrangements to take EDTE 425 - Multi-grade/Multi-age Education should be made with the Director of Student Teaching immediately following admission to the teacher preparation program.

Renewal of Adventist Basic Certificate.

The Basic Teaching Certificate is valid for any three-year period (commencing when it is activated) during the first five years after it is issued. It can be re-validated by completing additional approved professional education/activities. See Manual for SDA Certification Requirements K–12 for specifics.

Adventist Standard Certificate

The Standard Teaching Certificate may be issued to an applicant who meets initial General Eligibility Requirements. Meets the reqirements for a Basic Teaching Certificate, Completes a minimum of three years of full-time teaching or equivalent. Completes 6 credits of professional education or courses in area(s) of endorsements beyond the requirement of the Basic Teaching Credential.

Renewal of Adventist Standard Certificate.

The Standard Teaching Certificate is valid for five years. It can be renewed by completing 9 semester credits of advanced/graduate professional education or approved subject-area courses. See Manual for SDA Certification Requirements K–12 for specifics.

Adventist Professional Certificate. Seventh-day Adventist teachers desiring Professional Certification must meet the following criteria:

Meet initial general eligibility requirements. Qualify for the Standard Teaching Certificate Meet one of the following: Hold a master’s degree. Complete a prescribed fifth-year program for teachers. Earn 40 semester hours of graduate/post-baccalaureate upper-division credit. Have 30 semester credits in professional education courses and/or in no more than two areas of certification endorsement. Earn graduate/post-baccalaureate upper-division credit in at least two of the areas listed below: Curriculum Improvement of instruction Learning theory/style Education of the exceptional child Trends and issues in education Multi-cultural education

Renewal of Adventist Professional Certificate.

The Professional Teaching Certificate is valid for five years. Renewal of the certificate requires 6 additional semester credits. See Manual for SDA Certification Requirements for specific details.


State of Michigan Certification


ATTENTION Beginning September 1, 2013, the administrative rules for teacher certification will be changing. This will affect all levels of certification. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) plans to have the changes solidified by March 2012. Please be aware that the reading diagnostic course will still be required to go from a Provisional Certificate to a Professional Certificate. At Andrews University the course required is EDCI645 Advanced Diagnosis & Educational Therapy in Reading. If your certificate is expiring BEFORE September 1, 2013, you will be renewing or applying for your certificate under the current rules (prior to 9/1/13).

Michigan currently issues the following certificates:

Provisional Certificate, Two-Year Extended Provisional Certificate, Professional Education Certificate, Interim Occupational Certificate, Occupational Education Certificate, Preliminary School Psychologist, Certificate School Psychologist Certificate, Temporary Teacher Employment Authorization, Interim Teaching Certificate, School Guidance Counselor License, Temporary School Counselor Authorization, Preliminary School Counselor Authorization, Administrator Certificate

Michigan no longer issues the following certificates; however, they are still valid for those who hold them:

18-Hour and 30-Hour Continuing Certificate Permanent Certificate Full Vocational Authorization

For further information regarding the certificates mentioned above please check the Michigan Department of Education website at: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_5683_14795—,00.html and choose “Certification Frequently Asked Questions”.


Provisional Certificate

(Initial teaching license/credential; valid for up to six years)

  • The initial teaching certificate (Provisional Certificate) is issued upon successful completion of a state approved teacher preparation program and a passing score on the appropriate Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) exams, including the Professional Readiness Exam (PRE).

Note: After January 1, 2013, the BST became known as the Professional Readiness Examination (PRE) and this terminology will be phased in within the year.

The following link provides information on Michigan approved EPO and programs: http://www.mttc.nesinc.com/


  • Programs completed through colleges/universities outside of Michigan must be approved for the certificaiton of teachers by another state. Contact that state’s education department for information.  Upon completion of the out-of-state program, candidates must apply for a Michigan teacher certificaiton, and their credentials must be evaluated by the OPPS.
  • Alternate routes to certification completed in another state will require the completion of three years of teaching experience within the validity of the out-of-state regular standard teaching certificate.

Administrative Rule Changes Effective after September 1, 2013)

Provisional Certificate Renewal (after September  1, 2013) (Each renewal is valid for up to three years)

  • First renewal requires completion of ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:

    • 6 semester hours in a planned course of study* since the issue date of the initial Provisional Certificate at an approved EPI AND within the three years preceding application;
    • 180 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate held since the issue date of the initial Provisional Certificate AND within the three years preceding application;
    • Combination of semester credit hours and SCECHs (30 SCECHs equate to 1 semester credit hour) since the issue date of the initial Provisional Certificate AND within the three years preceding application;
  • Second renewal requires completion of ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:

    • 6 semester hours in a planned course of study* since the issue date of the FIRST Provisional Certificate renewal at an approved EPI AND within the three years preceeding application;
    • 180 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate held since the issue date of the FIRST Provisional Certificate renewal AND within the three years preceeding application; or
    • Combination of semester credit hours and SCECHs (30 SCECHs equate to 1 semester credit hour) since the issue date of the FIRST Provisional Certificate renewal AND within the three years preceeding application or
  • Third renewal requires sponsorship by the local school district or private school, completion of all academic requirements for the Professional Education Certificate, and approval of the MDE. This renewal will not be issued to individuals who meet all the reuirements for the Professional Education Certificate. 

An individual who holds an expired Provisional, Temporary Vocational Authorization,or Interim Occupational Certificate, and who has not met the credit requirements for a first or second renewal may qualify for a three-year renewal of the certificate if he/she:

  • Holds a valid certificate from another state; AND
  • Has taught in that state within the grade level and subject area endorsement or endorsements to the validity of the certificate for least one year in the preceeding five year period.

Two-Year Extended Provisional Certificate (after September 1, 2013)
Individuals with expired Provisional Certificates who do not meet the reequirement for a provisional renewal may be eligible for a Two_Year Extended Provisional Certificate if the following conditions are met:

  • The individual’s initial Provisional Certificate expired less than ten years ago; 
  • The individual has at least one year of satisfactory teaching experience within the validity of his/her teaching certificate;
  • The individual is currently enrolled* in a planned program at an approved college/university;
  • A Michigan public or private school is employing and sponsoring the individual for the Two-Year Extended Provisional Certificate.
    • The sponsoring school agrees to monitor the teacher’s progress towards the completion of the Professional Education Certificate requirements.

The Two-Year Extended Provisional Certificate is valid for two calendar years and is nonrenewalbe.  Indivaduals who fail to complete all requirements for the professional education certificate during the two-year validity period of the Two-Year Extended Provisional Certificate will not be granted additional renewals or extensions of their Provisional Certificates.

Professional Education Certificate (after September 1, 2013)
(Initial advanced teaching license/credential; valid for up to five years)


  • Three years of successful teaching experience* since the issue date, and within the validity and grade level, of the Provisional Certificate;
  • The appropriate reading credit as described in the “Additional Requirements” below;

 And one or the combination of the following:
(Within the five year period preceeding the date of application and since the issue date of the Provisional Certificae or Provisional Renewal)

  • 6 semester hours in a planned program** at an approved EPI or 6 semester credit hours of academic cred appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate at any approved college or university.
  • 180 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs) appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate held.
  • 150 annual District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) hours in accordance with Michigan School Code Sections 380.1527 completed throught professional development programs that are appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate.
    • NOTE: The DPPD forms if available in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System www.michinga.gov//moecs.  You are required to complete the DPPD form (one per school year) and have them signed by the Principal or Designee of the school district.  Once signed by the Principal or Designee of the school district, you may then enter the DPPD hours into MOECS.  Make sure you retain the signed DPPD form(S) for auditing purposes by the OPPS, and DDPD form(s) would be requirested to be submitted to us at that time

Note: SECHs (30 SCECHs equiate to 1 semester credit hour), and/or DPPD hours (30 clock hours of DPPD equates to 1 semester credit hour or 30 SCECHs) since the issue date of the Provisional Certificate.

Additional Requirements:

In-state applicant
(Program completed through a Michigan University)

  • Must also meet the basic reading requirements (6 semester hours of teaching of reading or reading methods for elementary or 3 semester hours for secondary); AND
  • Beginng July 1, 2009, all teachers advancing to the Professional Education Certificate must have completed 3 semester credits in reading diagnostics and remediation, which includes a field experience in accordance with Michigan Revised School Code MCL380.1531(4)***; The following link provides a list of approved Michigan courses that meet the requirement under the Specialty Programs heading at the bottom of the page: http://www.michigan.gov/teachercert.

Out-of-state applicant (Initial Michigan Certification)
(Program completed through a state other than Michigan) 

  • Must also meet the basic reading requirements (6 semester hours o teaching of reading or reading methods for elementary and 3 semester hours for secondary);
  • Canidates from other states who hold a regular, valid teaching certificate from another state and meet all of the requirements of the Professional Education Certificate at the time of application are not required to take the Michigan Test fot Teacher Certiication (MTTC) for initial Michigan Certification.

 * Teaching experience acquired in a licensed, private, “Child Care Center” may apply towards the experience requirements for an elementary Professional Education Certiifate.  The Michigan institution which plans a person’s 18-semester hour planned program shall determine that the experience is under appropriate supervision and is successful for in-state candidates based on the report of the employing district(s)

 ** Credit completed outside the State of ichigan must be in an approved master’s Degree program (minimum 20 semester credit hours to obtain endorsement) at a state approved EPI.

 *** Applicants who complete the reading diagnosis course out-of-state must have the Reading Diagnosis Course Certification form completed and signed by the ut-of-state university.

How to Apply for a Michigan Educator Certificate

All Michigan educator certificates and renewals must be applied for through the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). The following steps need to be taken to obtain access to MOECS and apply for your certificate, renewal or additional endorsement:

  1. Go to www.michigan.gov/moecs
  2. Click on “Click Here to go to the MOECS Login Page” Logo
  3. Click on the “Create new Login Name/Password” link  (if you are NEW to the sytster)
  4. Follow the instructions and provide the required information to create your login name and password.
  5. Print the confirmation page that contains your login name, password, and Michigan Education Information Systems (MEIS) account number.
  6. Click on the link to return to MOECS.
  7. Log into MOECS using the login name and password that you created.
  8. After logging in, select “Educator” from the dropdown list.
  9. Click on “Continue.”
  10. Follow the instructions and provide the required information to selfregister in MOECS.
  11. Once you have successfully self-registered in MOECS, you will be sent an e-mail that contains a link to activate your account.
  12. Click on that link and the MOECS login screen will appear.
  13. Log into MOECS again, using the login name and password that you previously created.
  14. Update and save your demographic information.
  15. After you update and save your demographic information, the left navigation menus will appear on the screen.
  16. Select “Apply for Educator Certificate or Renewal” from the left navigation menus.
  17. Select the type of educator certificate that you are applying for or renewing from the dropdown list.* 
  18. Follow the instructions and answer all the questions. 
  19. Once you have completed the application process, a summary of your application will appear on the screen.
  20. Review the summary and make sure that all the information and answers that you provided are correct. 
  21. After you have determined that the information on the application is correct, click on “continue.” 
  22. Read the advisory and check the boxes to verify that you have read and understood the advisory and that the information on the application is correct and true. 
  23. Enter your electronic signature and submit the application.
  24. Once your application has been successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation message. 
  25. If you completed your program or renewal credits through a college or university outside the State of Michigan, the confirmation message will list the documents that you need to submit to the Michigan Department of Education and provide an address where the documents must be sent. Evaluation of your credits or program for the purpose of Provisional certification, Provisional renewal or advancement to the Professional certificate will not occur until payment is made.
  26. If you completed your program or renewal credits through a Michigan college/university, that college/university  will contact you if they need you to provide additional documentation.

Adding Endorsements to Adventist and Michigan Credentials.

This section outlines criteria and procedures for adding an elementary or secondary endorsement at Andrews University. Other endorsements are also available. Procedures for Adding Another Level of Certification— Elementary or Secondary

Develop a program for securing the additional level of certification in counsel with the Certification Registrar. Counsel with a Department of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum advisor as the program is being implemented. Apply for admission to the program and student teaching on the new level. Pass the MTTC Subject Area Exams(s) for any new endorsements. Apply to the Certification Registrar for a teaching certificate one semester of completing the program.

Adding an Elementary Endorsement to a Secondary CertificateTo add an elementary-level teaching endorsement to a secondary certificate, one must:

Have a valid secondary-teaching certificate Complete a major or two minors appropriate for the elementary level (See list of majors and minors under elementary certification at post-baccalaureate level, see here.) Pass the MTTC Subject Area Exam(s) for any new endorsement area(s) and the Elementary Professional Exam Complete professional education courses and the planned program minor (See here for specific requirements.) Apply for new endorsement

Adding a Secondary Endorsement to an Elementary CertificateTo add a secondary-level teaching endorsement to an elementary certificate, one must:

Have a valid elementary teaching certificate Complete a major and a minor appropriate to the secondary level (See list of approved majors and minors under secondary certification at post-baccalaureate level, see here.) Pass the MTTC Subject Area Exams for any new endorsements. Take EDTE 417 - Teaching Reading in the Secondary Content Areas Take EDTE 459 - Methods for Teaching Secondary School: Area Complete 6 credits of student teaching at the secondary level Apply for new endorsement


For additional information on adding endorsements in the State of Michigan please go to the following link:



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