Master of Divinity/Master of Social Work Dual Degree MDiv/MSW
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General Information
Andrews University has formed a collaboration between the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and the Department of Social Work in the College of Arts & Sciences to prepare students for service in occupations where social work and the pastoral mission of the church intersect. The objectives of this program are to prepare students for various forms of ministry in which clinical and administrative skills in social work and theology are needed; to enable students to integrate both theological and social work knowledge, values and skills into a multifaceted approach to Christian service, thereby enhancing their usefulness as instruments of the Holy Spirit; and to sensitize students to nontraditional ministry opportunities by exposing them to theories and practice skills related to counseling approaches, person-in-environment, social and economic justice, human rights and global perspectives from a Christian worldview. The program is designed to give students an integrated approach to both theology and social work. Students can choose either a dual degree or an emphasis in either Social Work or Christian Ministry. Since both the MSW and MDiv programs share certain cognate courses to achieve a more streamlined and efficient program, both degrees must be conferred simultaneously in order to fulfill the requirements of either degree. In the event that one degree was completed prior to enrollment for the dual degree program, the cognate requirements for the other degree will be adjusted as shown below. A dual student cannot march in graduation or March-without-Completion if both halves of the dual degree are not completed. Total Credits: 111
MDiv: Graduation requirements consist of the satisfactory completion of 111 semester credits with an overall grade point average of 2.75 or better. 65 credits are MDiv credits, and 46 credits are social work credits. 11.5 credits of MSW core courses replace 9 credits of equivalent MDiv core courses. In addition the 6 credits of electives for each program are merged. MSW: MDiv students are required to complete 46 core credit hours of the two-year regular MSW program. Due to the strict requirements of the Council on Social Work Education’s accrediting mandates, these core courses must all be taught or co-taught within the department by faculty holding an MSW degree. However, these courses could be co-taught with faculty from the seminary. Occasionally, a student who has already earned a BSW from an accredited program may apply to this program. In this case, the student would be placed in the Advanced Standing program, and take either 33 credits (Advanced Standing) or 39 credits (Advanced Standing Plus). Students with an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher are eligible to complete the Advanced Standing Program while those with a lower GPA must complete the Advanced Standing Plus requirements. Master of Divinity (MDiv)
MDiv General Information
For information regarding: Program Overview, Application, Policies and other entrance requirements - Click Here . MDiv Degree Prerequisites
- 1 Credit of GSEM 525 - The Bible and Biblical History Credits: 0,1
OR Biblical Literacy Exam 80% - August
All entering students must take the Biblical Literacy Entrance Exam in the first August they are in the MDiv program. Students must either pass the exam at 80% or higher or take GSEM525 - The Bible and Biblical History during the Fall or Spring of their first year in the MDiv program. - 2 Credits of CHMN 552 - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry Credits: 0,2
OR Church Policy Exam 80% - August, September
Students without an undergraduate course in Pastoral Ministry and Church Policy must either pass the Church Policy Proficiency exam at 80% or higher, or take CHMN552 - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry during the Fall or Spring of their first year in the MDiv program. - 2 Credits of CHMN 505 - Biblical Preaching Credits: 2
- 2 Credits of CHMN 536 - Personal Evangelistic Ministry Credits: 2,3
- 3 Credits of CHIS 504 - Adventist Heritage Credits: 0,3
OR Adventist Heritage Placement Exam 80%
Students without an undergraduate course in Adventist Heritage must either pass the Adventist Heritage exam at 80% or higher, or take CHIS504 Adventist Heritage during their first year in the MDiv program. - 2 Credits of CHIS 506 - Church History to 1500 Credits: 2,3
- 2 Credits of CHIS 507 - Church History 1500 to Present Credits: 2,3
- 2 Credits of NTST 520 - Introduction to the New Testament Credits: 2
- 2 Credits of NTST 530 - Introduction to Revelation Credits: 2
- 2 Credits of NTST 551 - Beginning Greek Credits: 0,2 (C- or higher)
OR Greek Placement Exam 45% or higher - May, August
Any student who wishes to take a Biblical language placement exam must take at least one of the exams in May or August of the year they enroll in seminary. If the student wishes to take the exam for the second language it must be taken before the start of their second year in seminary. - 3 Credits of NTST 552 - Intermediate Greek Credits: 0,2,3 (C or higher)
OR Greek Placement Exam 60% or higher - May, August - 2 Credits of OTST 500 - Survey of the Old Testament Credits: 2,3
- 2 Credits of OTST 565 - Pentateuch Credits: 3
- 3 Credits of OTST 551 - Biblical Hebrew I Credits: 0,3 (C- or higher)
OR Hebrew Placement Exam 45% or higher - May, August
Any student who wishes to take a Biblical language placement exam must take at least one of the languages in May or August of the year they enroll in seminary. If the student wishes to take the exam for the second language it must be taken before the start of their second year in seminary. - 2 Credits of OTST 552 - Biblical Hebrew II Credits: 0,2,3 (C+ or higher)
OR Hebrew Placement Exam 65% or higher - May, August - 3 Credits of THST 521 - Christian Theology I Credits: 2,3
- 3 Credits of THST 522 - Christian Theology II Credits: 2,3
Students who have not taken an undergraduate course in Ethics must take THST 605 Principles of Christian Ethics as a prerequisite to any other Ethics course. - THST 605 - Principles of Christian Ethics Credits: 2,3
MDiv Degree Requirements: 65
Seminary New Student Orientation
Students must attend and register for the Fall semester 0 credit orientation as a graduation requirement. Interdisciplinary Credits: 2
Great Controversy, Covenant, Law, Sabbath Course Requirement
Each student must take a “Great Controversy, Covenant, Law, Sabbath” course from their choice of the Theology, New Testament, Old Testament or Church History departments. At least one of these courses will be offered each semester. Colloquia
Brief 0 Credit colloquia on a variety of ministry topics will be offered each semester for MDiv students. - On-campus students are required to attend at least 5 of these colloquia during their MDiv experience.
- Colloquia requirements for transfer students or those completing part of their MDiv off-campus will be one colloquium for each semester that they are on the main campus.
- Students from previous bulletins who petition into the 2018-19 bulletin will take 1 colloquium per semester for the remaining semesters of their program.
Christian Ministry Credits: 17
- CHMN 539 - Church Growth and the Equipping Pastor: _____________ Credits: 3
- 2 Credits of CHMN 543 - Christian Leadership in a Changing World Credits: 2,3
Choose one 3 credit CHMN Field Evangelism Core Elective (NADEI List 1):
Note: Chaplaincy and Youth & Young Adult core electives can ONLY be taken by students in the corresponding concentration. - CHMN 562 - Field Evangelism Credits: 2–6
- CHMN 644 - Field Evangelism: Chaplaincy Credits: 3
- CHMN 617 - Field Evangelism: Youth & Young Adult Ministry Credits: 3–6
- 2 Credits of CHMN 560 - Theological Field Education Credits: 1,2
- TFE Exemption: Pastors who can present a letter from their Employer/Conference, to the CHMN Department Chair, verifying at least 2 years (24 months) of full-time paid congregational pastoral experience including intentional mentoring, verified by a service record, may substitute the course with another 2 credit of SOWK 510 .
- If a student is in the Chaplaincy concentration, they will take only 1 credit of CHMN 560 TFE.
- 1 Credit of CHMN 567 - Health Ministry Credits: 1–3
- 2 Credits of CHMN 523 - Worship: Word and Music Credits: 2,3
Chose one 2 credit (600-level) Advanced Preaching Elective (CHMN List): - CHMN 600 - Preaching from the New Testament Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 607 - Preaching from the Old Testament Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 609 - Media Ministry Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 614 - Preaching from Daniel or Revelation Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 627 - Black Preaching Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 632 - Contextualized Preaching:___________________________ Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 633 - Preaching the Literary Forms of the Bible Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 634 - Field Evangelistic Preaching & Practicum Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 637 - Seminar in Preaching Credits: 2,3
Choose 1 two credit NADEI Core Elective: (NADEI List 2) - CHMN 557 - Practicum in Clinical Pastoral Education Credits: 2–8
- CHMN 604 - Mobilizing for Evangelistic Ministry Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 606 - Mission-Shaped Church Planting Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 634 - Field Evangelistic Preaching & Practicum Credits: 2,3
- CHMN 641 - Practicum in Military Chaplaincy Credits: 2-8
- CHMN 656 - Evangelistic Small Groups Credits: 2,3
Note: CHMN 557 (3 cr.) and CHMN 641 (3 cr.) can ONLY be used in fulfillment of this core elective by students in the Chaplaincy Concentration.
Discipleship and Religious Education Credits: 7
Church History Credits: 7
New Testament Credits: 8
Before registering for New Testament courses, check the course description for Greek Language and/or other course prerequisites. One of the following MUST be taken to fulfill a New Testament Core Elective - NTST 648 - Revelation Credits: 2,3 (as New Testament Exegesis)
- OR NTST 647 - Eschatology Credits: 2,3 (as New Testament Theology)
Choose one 3 credit (600 level) New Testament Exegesis Core Elective - Intermediate Greek proficiency required. (NTST List A): - NTST 645 - Hebrews Credits: 2,3
- NTST 646 - Topics in New Testament Exegesis Credits: 2,3
- NTST 648 - Revelation Credits: 2,3
- NTST 653 - Advanced Studies in the General Epistles Credits: 2,3
- NTST 655 - Advanced Studies in the Gospels Credits: 2,3
- NTST 658 - Advanced Studies in the Pauline Writings Credits: 2,3
- NTST 678 - Seminar in Greek Exegesis Credits: 2,3
Choose one 3 credit (600 Level) New Testament Theology Core Elective - Intermediate Greek proficiency required. (NTST List B): - NTST 613 - Love, Marriage and Divorce Credits: 2,3
- NTST 614 - Suffering, Death and Resurrection Credits: 2,3
- NTST 616 - Theology of Luke-Acts Credits: 2,3
- NTST 623 - New Testament Theology of Prayer Credits: 2,3
- NTST 627 - New Testament Theology of Salvation Credits: 2,3
- NTST 628 - The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Credits: 2,3
- NTST 629 - New Testament Ecclesiology Credits: 2,3
- NTST 630 - Theology of the Synoptic Gospels Credits: 2,3
- NTST 633 - Social Issues in the New Testament Credits: 2,3
- NTST 634 - Theology of the Pauline Epistles Credits: 2,3
- NTST 641 - Theology of the Johannine Writings Credits: 2,3
- NTST 647 - Eschatology Credits: 2,3
- NTST 667 - Topics in New Testament Theology Credits: 2,3
- NTST 668 - New Testament Ethics Credits: 2,3
- NTST 676 - Jesus in Recent Scholarship Credits: 2,3
- NTST 679 - Seminar in New Testament Theology and Ethics Credits: 2,3
- NTST 650 - Great Controversy, Covenant, Law and Sabbath Credits: 2,3
Choose one 2 credit (600 Level) New Testament Backgrounds Core Elective (NTST List C): - NTST 606 - New Testament Textual Criticism and Canon Formation Credits: 2,3
- NTST 615 - New Testament Archaeology Credits: 2,3
- NTST 626 - Seminar in Classical Jewish Literature Credits: 2,3
- NTST 635 - Intertestamental Literature Credits: 2,3
- NTST 636 - Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus Credits: 2,3
- NTST 654 - Second Century Christianity Credits: 2,3
- NTST 680 - Greco-Roman World Credits: 2,3
- NTST 684 - Judaism and the New Testament Credits: 2,3
- NTST 689 - Seminar in New Testament Backgrounds Credits: 2,3
- NTST 695 - Topics in New Testament Backgrounds Credits: 2,3
Old Testament Credits: 8
Before registering for Old Testament courses, check the course description for Hebrew Language and/or other course prerequisites. - 2 Credits of OTST 674 - Daniel Credits: 3
Choose one 2 credit (600 Level) Old Testament Exegesis Core Elective - Intermediate Hebrew proficiency required (OTST List A): - OTST 628 - Methods of OT Exegesis Credits: 2,3
- OTST 639 - Studies in Old Testament Exegesis Credits: 2,3
- OTST 664 - Pentateuch Credits: 3
- OTST 666 - Historical Books Credits: 3
- OTST 668 - Psalms/Wisdom Literature Credits: 3
- OTST 675 - Minor Prophets Credits: 3
- OTST 680 - Seminar in Old Testament Exegesis Credits: 2,3
- OTST 686 - Major Prophets Credits: 3
Choose one 2 credit (600 Level) Old Testament Theology/Hermeneutics Core Elective - Intermediate Hebrew proficiency required (OTST List B): - OTST 619 - Theology of the Old Testament Credits: 2,3
- OTST 620 - Seminar in Old Testament Theology Credits: 2,3
- OTST 627 - Jewish Life and Thought Credits: 2,3
- OTST 685 - Principles of Hermeneutics Credits: 2,3
- 2 Credits of OTST 510 - Archaeology and the Bible Credits: 2,3
OR Students who have taken an undergraduate course in Biblical Archaeology may choose an advanced Archaeology course in place of the required OTST510 Archaeology & the Bible. For advanced Archaeology Course, choose one 3 credit (600 Level) Biblical Archaeology Core Elective (OTST List C): - NTST 615 - New Testament Archaeology Credits: 2,3
- OTST 514 - Bible Lands and Their Explorations Credits: 2,3
- OTST 604 - History of the Ancient Near East Credits: 2,3
- OTST 635 - History of Israel Credits: 2,3
Master of Social Work Degree Requirements: 46 Credits
Master of Divinity
All MDiv applicants must meet the Graduate Programs Admission Requirements applicable to all graduate students and the general seminary requirements. English Language Requirements Students whose language of education is not English must submit one of the following tests and minimum scores: TOEFL Paper-based - 565 TOEFL Internet-based - 85 MELAB - 81 IELTS - 6.5 PTE - 58 - Hold a baccalaureate degree: A four-year degree from an accredited United States institution, or its equivalent from an institution outside the U.S.
- Minimum of 2.5 Undergraduate GPA
- Normally hold membership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church inasmuch as the MDiv program is specifically designed for Adventist ministers and is sponsored and financed by the Adventist church.
- Represent high moral integrity with a character, lifestyle, and spiritual commitment reflective of the beliefs and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and show promise of usefulness for Adventist ministry through personal maturity and adequate experience in the Church. (Persons of other faiths who are willing to live in harmony with these standards are welcome to apply.)
- Submit an autobiographical history and a 350+ word statement of purpose reflecting the applicant’s family and spiritual development, sense of calling to ministry, experience in church work, and future goals in relationship to the MDiv program. A guideline is provided in the admissions package.
- If married, the spouse of the applicant is also asked to complete a statement in regard to his or her feelings and relationship to the partner’s aspirations for future ministry.
- Background Check. Applicants to all Seminary programs are required to undergo a criminal background check and to make the results of the check available to the Seminary. The cost of the criminal background check is the responsibility of the applicant. Details about this requirement may be obtained from the MDiv office.
- An interview with a representative of the MDiv program may be required, either by personal contact, telephone, or video.
- Complete and return the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire as directed.
- Pre-admission Conduct Disclosure Statement - Applicants to all Seminary programs are required to complete and submit to the Seminary the “Pre-Admission Conduct Disclosure Statement.”
- Recommendations
- Church board where the applicant is a member
- Church administrator, pastor, or elder
- General Recommendation from: College teacher or advisor, recent employer, or some other non-family member
Master of Social Work
Applicants for the MDiv/MSW dual degree program typically will have received a bachelor’s degree (BA, BS, BSW) from a four-year college or university accredited by one of the nationally recognized accrediting agencies in the United States, or hold an equivalent educational credential from another country. Application must be made separately to both the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and the Department of Social Work. Acceptance into one of the programs does not guarantee acceptance into the other. Applicants must meet the admissions requirements for each program, including all required prerequisites for each degree program. MDiv: Although MDiv students can transfer 11 electives into the MSW program, they can only receive a tuition reduction if they are simultaneously enrolled in the MDiv program. Students who have already completed an MDiv degree can receive the tuition reduction upon admission into the MSW program. MSW: 1. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in social work program courses; 2. No grade of D or F (or U) may count toward the MSW degree. English Language Requirement MDIV - For those applicants whose native language is not English, the following is required:
- MELAB—score of 81 (must achieve passing score on each section) or
- TOEFL (paper based)—score of 565 or (ibT Internet based)-score of 85. Minimum score of 20 in each section (reading, listening, speaking, writing).
- IELTS (Academic Version)—score of 6.5
- PTE - (Academic Version)score of 58
Language proficiency must be met before enrolling full-time in regular coursework. English Language Requirement - MSW For those applicants whose native language is not English, the following is required: 1. Demonstration of English proficiency by obtaining at least a minimum score on any one of the following exams. Exam must be taken within two years priot to enrollment - TOEFL ITP (paper-based) - A Minimum score of 550
- TOEFL iBT (internet-based) - 80 with a minimum of 20 on each section
- MELAB - 80 with a minimum of 80 on each section
- IELTS (Academic version) - 6.5
- PTE (Academic version) - 54
2. Nelson Denny - scroe of 13 and 3. Personal interview with MSW program director or designee Applicants who fail to meet any of the above may be admitted only after committee consideration of the specific circumstances. Additional course work in English may be required. A student who graduated from a four-year English-speaking high school, college or university may be exempted from all or parts of the above requirements. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Students who are applying for admission to the MSW program have two options related to the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). For those students who are seeking a graduate scholarship, the GRE must be taken. The amount of a potential scholarship is related to the score achieved on the GRE as follows: GRE Score | Scholarship | 320 | 50% tuition reduction | 310 | 25% tuition reduction | 300 | 10% tuition reduction | For students who do not seek a graduate scholarship based on the GRE score, the GRE examination is not required. Student Handbook
The MSW Student Handbook has been designed as the social work student’s aid in understanding the program requirements, Social Work Department, and relevant policies of Andrews University. Inside the handbook you will find information such as expectations of students, the MSW curriculum, departmental policies, and other relevant information. You are responsible for the information found in this handbook, so please take the time to familiarize yourself with the handbook and know where to find questions and answers if the need arises. Field Manual
The Field Manual has been designed as your aid in understanding field education requirements, your role as a student in a field agency, and relevant policies of Andrews University. You are responsible for the information found in this handbook, so please take the time to familiarize yourself with the handbook and know where to find questions and answers if the need arises. |
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