Feb 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Bulletin 
2020-2021 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Divinity/Public Health Dual Degree MDiv/MPH

Andrews University has formed a collaborative program between the Master of Divinity Program of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and the School of Population Health, Nutrition and Wellness in the College of Health & Human Services. Students can potentially complete the two degrees (MDiv/MPH, Nutrition and Wellness Concentration) in 4 years or less; 2 years in the Theological Seminary and 2 years in the Department of Public Health, Nutrition and Wellness. The MDiv is available on campus while the MPH courses are in an online format.

This dual degree is designed to prepare students for various forms of ministry in which public health skills and theology are needed. Likewise, it will also enable students to integrate both theological and public health knowledge, values and skills into a multifaceted approach to Christian service, thereby enhancing their usefulness as instruments of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, it will sensitize students to nontraditional ministry opportunities by exposing them to theories and practice skills related to prevention, nutrition, wellness, environmental health, and health behaviors.

Since the MDiv and MPH programs share certain cognate courses to achieve a more streamlined and efficient program, the MDiv degree must be conferred simultaneously with the MPH in order to fulfill the requirements of both degrees. In the event that the MPH was completed prior to enrollment in the MDiv, the cognate requirements for the MDiv will be adjusted as shown below. A dual student cannot march in graduation or March-without-Completion if both halves of the dual degree are not completed.

Completion of the dual degree requires strict adherence to course sequence and curriculum design as students will travel as a cohort through each program.

If in the United States, International Students need to take courses concurrently with MDiv courses to maintain their Student Visa status.

Total Credits: 113

Graduation requirements consist of the satisfactory completion of 113 semester credits with an overall grade point average of 2.75 or better in the MDiv and 3.0 or better in the MPH. 71 credits are MDiv credits, and 42 credits are Master of Public Health credits. 7 of those credits are shared between the MDiv and the MPH programs:

- FDNT 520 Vegetarian Nutrition and Disease Prevention  (3 Cr) replaces CHMN 567 Health & Lifestyle Transformation  (1 Cr) 

- 6 credits of MDiv electives are 6 MPH concentration credits 

Program Information

Information for the two programs (Divinity MDiv and Public Health MPH) follows:

Click here to jump to Public Health MPH.

Divinity MDiv

E-mail: mdiv@andrews.edu

The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is a 78-credit professional program recommended as the graduate training for Adventist ministry by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the North American Division. It is a two-year professional program (including summers) for full-time students. Additional semesters may be required for students lacking prerequisites.

Concentration Options

Students may - if desired - complete a concentration:

  • Chaplaincy
  • Marriage and Family Life Ministry
  • Youth and Young Adult Ministry

MDiv Dual Degree Options

The MDiv is also available with the following dual degree options:


In harmony with the mission and core values of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, the Master of Divinity degree equips called, committed men and women with practical biblical, theological, and ministerial knowledge and skills to prepare them for Christlike service as leaders and equippers.


We envision the Master of Divinity community as a relationally healthy and diverse family focused on developing balanced and spiritually mature ministry leaders who are committed to equipping people in accomplishing God’s mission and the prophetic calling of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Total Credits - 78

Interdisciplinary - 2

  • Credits: 0
  • All new students (Spring, Summer, Fall entrances) must attend and register for the Fall semester 0 credit orientation as a graduation requirement.

  • Credits: 0
  • Brief (4.5 hour) colloquia on a variety of ministry topics will be offered each semester for MDiv students.

    • Full-time (9 credits or more) students studying on campus must attend one or more colloquia sessions per semester that they are in the MDiv program. 

    • Colloquia requirements for transfer students or those completing part of their MDiv off-campus will be one colloquium for each semester that they are on the main campus.

    • Students from previous bulletins who petition to transfer into the current bulletin will take 1 colloquium per semester for the remaining Fall/Spring semesters of their on campus program.
  • 2 credits of   Credits: 2,3

Great Controversy, Covenant, Law, and Sabbath - 2-3

Christian Ministry - 19

Church History - 7

Discipleship and Religious Education - 9

New Testament - 8

Old Testament - 8

Theology - 13

General Electives - 6

  • Students will take 6 credits of general electives.
  • Electives may not be used to satisfy prerequisites and/or deficiencies. 
  • Students may use elective credits toward the completion of an MDiv concentration or a dual degree program. 
  • Up to 6 credits in relevant courses offered by other schools of the university on the graduate level may be included in the general electives, including up to 4 appropriate workshop credits. 
  • Transfer credit petitions from other schools/colleges within Andrews University or from any other University must be done in consultation with the MDiv Office.

Thesis Option

Students anticipating academic doctoral studies after the completion of their MDiv program are advised to undertake the thesis option as some academic institutions require a master’s-level thesis for entry into doctoral programs. 

The thesis counts as 6 general elective credits allowed for the MDiv degree. Students should register for 2 or more thesis credits per term for at least two semesters. Therefore, initial registration for a thesis must be no later than two semesters prior to graduation. Students electing to write an MDiv thesis must apply to the director of the program and must (1) demonstrate superior scholarship over a minimum of two consecutive semesters, normally with a GPA of 3.50 or above; (2) take Research Methods before the thesis is started; and (3) submit a paper of superior quality before permission is granted by the director to begin writing the thesis. The student is guided in thesis preparation by a three-member committee appointed by the director in consultation with the student and department chair in which the subject of the thesis is chosen. The chair of this committee serves as the thesis advisor.

The format of the thesis must conform strictly to the Andrews University Standards for Written Work. Students are strongly urged to consult the dissertation secretary before formatting and printing a thesis.

At least six weeks before graduation, the committee-approved draft of the thesis should be submitted to the dissertation secretary. After appropriate changes have been made, the corrected copy should be submitted at least four weeks before graduation to the dissertation secretary for approval. Copying on non-acid paper should be completed at least two weeks before graduation. Three copies of the thesis, including a 150-word abstract and an approval sheet, must be submitted to the dissertation secretary. The abstract should contain a short statement of the problem examined, a brief exposition of methods and procedures, and a condensed summary of the findings.

Students obtain a Thesis Completion Form from the dissertation secretary. They must take the form to the Academic Records Office no later than noon on Friday, a week preceding graduation. A fee is charged by the university for binding the three copies of the thesis, two of which are deposited in the library and one in the department in which the student earns the degree.

Students who do not adhere strictly to the deadlines noted above will have their graduation postponed. Thesis candidates must pass an oral examination no later than two weeks before graduation. The candidate is expected to demonstrate mastery of the thesis topic.


Note: Dual degree students who choose to complete a concentration will increase their total credits required by 12.

Chaplaincy Concentration - 12

Chaplaincy is a highly qualified and dynamic expression of ministry based on the Bible and supported by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The chaplaincy concentration provides the basic training and preparation for service beyond the church borders in various chaplaincy ministries, such as in healthcare, military, campus, prison, police and fire departments, community, and corporate settings. It also prepares pastors and church leaders to advance in their caregiving and empathic ministry skills for an immediate impact in the church and the surrounding communities.

Marriage and Family Life Ministry Concentration - 12

Healthy, spirit-filled marriages and families are the backbone of Christian life and most clearly reflect the character of Christ in our churches and in the world. When marriages and families are broken, our churches suffer. The Concentration on Marriage and Family Life Ministry is designed to prepare MDiv students to equip their churches to be vibrant and healthy in the way they foster relationships in their individual families as well as in church and the community. Students who take this concentration will be better equipped to educate their congregations in areas of family life. They will also be better prepared to address the family issues that will come to them for counseling. Pastors with these courses will be able to create healthy churches and more positively impact their communities for Christ.

In addition to the core MDiv requirement DSRE 503 - Marriage, Family, and Interpersonal Relationships  for 2 credits, students who choose this concentration will take 12 credits in the following courses:

Youth and Young Adults Ministry Concentration - 12

A Youth and Young Adult Ministry (YYAM)Concentration is available for students wishing to gain specialized skills and knowledge for service in pastoral and administrative leadership to address the needs of youth and young adults. The MDiv with the YYAM Concentration requires a total of 84 credits.

In addition to the core MDiv requirement DSRE 534 - Ministry to Youth and Young Adults  for 2 credits, students who choose this concentration will take 12 credits in the following courses:

Students who choose this concentration must select 2 credits of CHMN 632  Contextualized Preaching: Youth in fulfillment of the Christian Ministry requirement for an Advanced Preaching Core Elective (CHMN list).

Additional Requirements

MDiv students must meet the following requirements in addition to those required of all graduate students:

  • Attend and register for the Fall semester 0 credit orientation as a graduation requirement.
  • Complete the MDiv curriculum of at least 78 credits. Students lacking adequate undergraduate preparation will be required to complete additional prerequisite credits. The actual number of credits required is based on individual academic evaluation.
  • Attend selected brief colloquia from among those offered on a variety of ministry topics each semester for MDiv students. On campus students will be required to attend at least 5 of these 0 credit colloquia sessions during their MDiv experience.
  • Maintain a GPA of 2.75 or above.
  • Meet the qualitative standards of the MDiv program.
  • No U grade or any grade below C- will count towards the MDiv degree, but will be counted in the student’s cumulative GPA.

Academic Probation

MDiv students whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.75 will be placed on academic probation and will have their course load reduced to no more than 10 semester credits. MDiv students whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.75 for a second consecutive semester will be required meet with the MDiv program director and will enter into a probation contract, have regular meetings with their academic advisor, and fulfill other requirements as needed. Following that, should their GPA not improve, they may be asked to withdraw from the program. 

When an incomplete or Deferred Grade has not been cleared by the end of the following semester, the student’s course load must be reduced as follows:

  • One Incomplete/DGs—no reduction
  • Two Incompletes/DGs—may register for no more than 10 credits
  • Three Incompletes/DGs—may register for no more than 9 credits

With more than three I/DGs, the student must cease taking classes until the Incompletes/DGs are cleared. 

Evaluation of Students

Since the MDiv program prepares individuals for professional and pastoral leadership, periodic assessments are made of the students by the faculty in areas other than academic standing. Areas reviewed are students’ spiritual growth, lifestyle reflective of the beliefs and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, social/family relations, and developing potential for ministry. As a result of these assessments, students are affirmed in the MDiv program, advised of needed adjustments, or discontinued from the program.

Maintaining Active Status

Residency Requirements: Students must maintain active status by enrolling for at least two semesters within one academic year. When this fails to happen, the student must follow the bulletin in force at the time active status is reestablished.

Following an absence of two years or more, a student’s previous admission status will have lapsed and the student will need to reapply to the program.


The Seminary follows the University graduation procedures and requirements for the conferral of degrees section of this bulletin. A dedication ceremony for graduating seminary students is held on the Sabbath afternoon of graduation weekend, or as announced.

Admission Requirements

All MDiv applicants must meet the Graduate Programs Admission Requirements applicable to all graduate students and the general seminary requirements.

  • Hold a baccalaureate degree: A four-year degree from an accredited United States institution, or its equivalent from an institution outside the U.S.
  • Minimum of 2.5 Undergraduate GPA.
  • Normally hold membership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church given that the MDiv program is specifically designed for Adventist ministers and is sponsored and financed by the Adventist church.
  • Represent high moral integrity with a character, lifestyle, and spiritual commitment reflective of the beliefs and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and show promise of usefulness for Adventist ministry through personal maturity and adequate experience in the Church. (Persons of other faiths who are willing to live in harmony with these standards are welcome to apply.)
  • Submit an autobiographical history and a 350+ word statement of purpose reflecting the applicant’s family and spiritual development, sense of calling to ministry, experience in church work, and future goals in relationship to the MDiv program. A guideline is provided in the admissions package.
  • If married, the spouse of the applicant is also asked to complete a statement in regard to his or her feelings and relationship to the partner’s aspirations for future ministry.
  • Background Check. Applicants to all Seminary programs are required to undergo a criminal background check as specified in the online application process. The criminal background check must be completed within six months of beginning coursework and be redone every three years while in attendance at the seminary. The basic cost of the background check is paid as part of the application process. Applicants are responsible for any additional fees charged by municipalities in which they have resided, and for the costs of subsequent background checks.
  • An interview with a representative of the MDiv program may be required, either by personal contact, telephone, or video.
  • Applicants to all Seminary programs are required to complete and submit to the Seminary the “Pre-Admission Conduct Disclosure Statement.”
  • Recommendations:
    • Church board where the applicant is a member
    • Church administrator, pastor, or elder
    • General Recommendation from: College teacher or advisor, recent employer, or some other non-family member


Students are expected to present a broad range of undergraduate general education represented in such studies as behavioral sciences (including psychology and sociology) communication, education, English composition, fine arts, health, history, philosophy and computer literacy. In addition, courses in the following areas are strongly recommended: Christian ethics, missions, and apologetics.

Students who enter the Master of Divinity program who have not previously taken the following classes on the undergraduate level must fulfill the following prerequisite areas, all of which may be taken either at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary or at the undergraduate level. Courses taken outside of the seminary must be approved through the MDiv office in consultation with the appropriate department.

  • Pastoral Ministries and Church Policy - 2 credits
  • Basic Bible Proficiency* - 1 credit
  • Biblical Preaching - 2 credits
  • Personal Evangelism - 2 credits
  • Introduction to Church History - 4 credits
  • Adventist Heritage - 3 credits
  • Christian Theology - 6 credits
  • Christian Ethics - 2-3 credits
  • Survey of the New Testament - 4 credits
  • Intermediate level Greek proficiency*
  • Survey of the Old Testament - 4 credits
  • Intermediate level Hebrew proficiency*

* Subject can be cleared through optional challenge exam.

Students who have not previously taken the following classes on the undergraduate level must fulfill these prerequisites. Some of these subjects can be cleared through optional challenge exams. Current Greek and Biblical Hebrew language intermediate level proficiency must be accomplished through placement exam or by passing both the beginning and intermediate levels of each language.

English Language Requirements

All students whose first language is not English must demonstrate adequate proficiency in English to succeed in the academic setting. Language proficiency requirements must be met before enrolling full-time in regular course work.

  • TOEFL Paper-based - 565
  • TOEFL Internet-based - 85
  • MELAB - 81
  • IELTS - 6.5
  • PTE - 58

Application Deadline

Given that applying and obtaining pertinent documents for admission can be a long process, the student must start the application process at least 4-6 months before the desired starting semester. See University deadlines for individual semesters here.

Placement, Entrance, and Challenge Examinations

MDiv students may challenge the prerequisite courses above (marked by an asterisk) by taking examinations developed for that purpose. Zero credit shall be granted for each examination passed and the student academic transcript will show the equivalent course name, number, and a grade of P – the designation for Challenge by Examination. No entry shall be made on the transcript if the examination is failed and the student shall be required to take the prerequisite course for credit. Each examination may be taken only once.

Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Greek Prerequisites

Hebrew and Greek are required at the Intermediate proficiency level. Language Proficiency must be demonstrated within the first two years in seminary. For each language, students may demonstrate proficiency by either: (1) passing the Beginning (OTST 551/NTST 551) and Intermediate (OTST 552/NTST 552) courses in that language at the required level, or (2) passing the Placement Exam. Undergraduate credits alone do not demonstrate current proficiency in a language.

Option 1: Language Courses

Students may demonstrate proficiency in Biblical Hebrew by passing Hebrew I (OTST 551) and earning a grade of at least C+ in Hebrew II (OTST 552).

Students may demonstrate proficiency in Greek by passing Beginning Greek and earning a grade of at least C in intermediate Greek (NTST 552).

Option 2: Placement Exam

Students also have the option of demonstrating proficiency in a biblical language by passing the corresponding placement exam. Placement exams may be taken only once for each language. Any student who wishes to take a placement exam must take at least one of them in May or August of the year they enroll in seminary. If the student wishes to take the exam for the second language it must be taken by September of their second year in seminary. Placement exams must be taken at the regular May or August dates set by the seminary.

Instruction sheets designed to help students prepare for the placement examinations are available from the Old Testament and New Testament departments or on the MDiv website under Student Resources.

Based on the score achieved on the exam, the student will be assigned to do one of the following as soon as possible: (1) Take both the beginning and intermediate language courses, (2) take the Intermediate language course, or (3) enroll in exegesis and theology courses without further language study necessary.

Students who do not pass the exam and do not obtain the required grade in the course must retake the course without delay until the required grade is achieved.

Biblical Literacy Entrance Exam

All entering students must take the Biblical Literacy Entrance Exam. The passing score for this exam is 80%. This test will be administered to all students before the beginning of their first fall semester. As an alternative, the student can take the course GSEM 525 - The Bible and Biblical History. If students fail the test or do not take it, they must enroll in the course during the Fall or Spring of their first year in the MDiv Program. The test can only be taken once. Information on the test including a list of items that must be mastered in order to pass it is available from the New Testament Office and on the MDiv website under Student Resources.

Readiness for Ministry

The MDiv program is dedicated to preparing every graduate for success in ministry. Godly and effective practice of ministry requires not only intellectual readiness, but also spiritual, physical, emotional, and social maturity. The MDiv Readiness for Ministry process helps seminarians evaluate their ministerial gifting and calling, discover and address strengths and weaknesses, and identify and pursue avenues of ministry appropriate to their giftedness. The program includes small-group mentoring as well as periodic assessments of the seminarian’s readiness for ministry, by the faculty, staff, and ministry supervisors.

Areas to be reviewed include spiritual commitment, character, social and relational skills, and general aptitude for ministry. On the basis of these assessments, the seminarian and his/her mentor will, at a minimum, receive feedback in the middle of their first year, and again shortly before graduation. If a significant issue arises that, in the discretion of the Seminary, seriously impairs the seminarian’s potential for ministry, appropriate action will be taken. This may include: referring the seminarian to the program director for guidance, remediation, and/or other appropriate action, counsel regarding alternate programs of ministry within the University or elsewhere, or dismissing the seminarian from the MDiv program. As part of the admissions process, every MDiv applicant is required to sign an agreement to participate in this process. This agreement includes permission, which seminarians can withdraw later in the program, to share the final readiness for ministry profile available with prospective employers.

Additional Information

Hybrid Course Delivery Options

MDiv students may take up to one-half of their degree credits off-campus. The Hybrid delivery method utilizes various delivery methods to assist students in completing their MDiv degree. These options include:

  • Interactive online classes through the Seminary Online Learning Center (SOLC) (see School of Distance Education  definitions).
  • One week intensives (by petition) at seminary extension sites in Unions throughout the United States and Canada (offered by the MA Pastoral Ministry English track). Certain classes in the MAPM program cannot be used by MDiv students. Advising is necessary prior to registration.
  • Summer Session intensive courses on the main Andrews University campus
  • Full semester, on-campus courses

For financial information regarding hybrid studies, please click here .

Students interested in the Hybrid delivery method must obtain approval and instructions on specific class options, costs and how to sign up for this option from the MDiv program office before beginning off-campus studies.

Transferred and Earned Credit Term Limits

All course credits applied towards degree requirements should be earned within 10 years of the awarding of the degree.

Advanced Standing

MDiv students with a BTh or its equivalent from a school outside North America may receive advanced standing (credit for upper division courses taken at the undergraduate level) of up to 18 credits. Applicants may qualify for advanced standing when they meet the criteria outlined and approved by the MDiv program.

Transferring Credits to the MDiv Program

Provided the content of the courses are assessed as comparable to the curriculum of the Andrews University Master of Divinity program, students intending to transfer credits into the Master of Divinity Program should be aware of the following policies:

  • A transfer of credits must be made by petition.
  • Transfer credits are granted only for courses in which the grade is B or higher.
  • A student may transfer a maximum of 39 credits (graduate level) may be transferred from an uncompleted graduate-level program.
  • Up to 24 credits (graduate level) may be transferred to the Master of Divinity program from a completed master’s-level degree.
  • At least 39 credits must be taken in-residence.

Summer Course Load

The 12 week summer semester is divided into two 4-week sessions and two 2-week sessions. The total amount of course work during the summer session may not exceed 12 credits. Students taking a biblical language during a summer session may not take other courses during that session.

Workshop Credit Limit and Grading Pattern

Master of Divinity students may apply up to 4 workshop credits appropriate to degree requirements. If workshops are taken during the semester breaks, the credits are counted as part of the class load for either the previous or the following semester.

Workshops are graded S/U. Any deviation from this pattern must be approved by the dean prior to the conclusion of the workshop. Students must register at the Academic Records Office for all workshops for which academic credit is desired.

Independent Study Restrictions

Students in the MDiv program are allowed to register for Independent Study only for a compelling reason such as a schedule conflict or the need to take a subject that is not offered in any given semester (for a maximum of 8 credits during their MDiv program). Independent study is only available to students on the main campus. Normally, Independent Study cannot be used to meet a core requirement. Students must first seek approval from the MDiv office before arranging with a teacher to do Independent Study.


For a detailed list of charges, please click here .

MDiv students taking a graduate course in the College of Arts & Sciences in fulfillment of an elective course requirement may request a 50% tuition reduction (up to 9 credits cumulative), provided the class is not full and there are a sufficient number of students paying full tuition to warrant the teaching of the course. Directed study, laboratory courses, and study tours are not eligible for reduced tuition. Neither is this discount available for dual enrollment students who have been accepted in a graduate degree program in the College of Arts & Sciences. (Application form is available in the MDiv office.)

Student Learning Outcomes

A graduate from this program:

  • Models spiritual humility, maturity and integrity grounded in a living experience with God in joyful assurance of His salvation, nurtured by the sanctifying presence and power of the Holy Spirit. (Character)
  • Manifests the practices of a Biblical scholar-theologian engaging the Bible, Christian/Adventist heritage and professional resources with theological maturity for personal growth and for facilitating the theological competence of others. (Scholarship)
  • Demonstrates personal commitment, passion and essential skills for discipleship and evangelism, while equipping members to carry out ministry within the scope of the local and global mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church. (Discipleship & Evangelism)
  • Exercises creative and visionary leadership as a minister and servant of Christ, discerning the needs, spiritual gifts and potential of others, in order to equip and engage in their God-given ministries. (Leadership)
  • Facilitates enriching corporate worship that brings diverse peoples into the transforming presence of God. (Worship)
  • Engages the abilities of self and others to strategically steward personal and corporate resources including time, health, finances, property and service in areas of spiritual giftedness. (Administration/Management)
  • Models effective relationships with people of diverse cultures, backgrounds, character, and persuasions, reflecting the wisdom, compassion, and discernment of Jesus through the work of the Spirit. (Relationships)

Public Health, Nutrition and Wellness Concentration MPH

The mission of the Master of Public Health (MPH) Program is to prepare highly competent public health professionals to prevent disease and restore health in local, national and global communities. This mission is accomplished through excellence in graduate teaching, and through public health research to develop or implement evidence-based lifestyle solutions to improve health while addressing public health problems from a wholistic perspective. We offer a distinctive program with a concentration in Nutrition & Wellness providing a unique emphasis in vegetarian nutrition. See the School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness Website for the statement of value and goals of the program.

Delivery: This program is offered in an interactive online format (see School of Distance Education  definitions). The interactive online degree does not require any on-campus time.

MPH Dual Degree Option:

The MPH is also available with the following dual degree option:

Total Credits - 42

Additional Requirements

Student is required to demonstrate ability to integrate specific areas of Administration, Epidemiology, Statistics, Environmental Health, Health Behavior, Program Planning and Evaluation, and Nutrition during culminating activities.

Culminating activities include a written comprehensive exam, Applied Practice Experience, professional portfolio, and an exit survey at the conclusion of program.


The curriculum for the MPH is designed to help prepare students to take the Certified Health Education Specialist Exam (CHES) administered by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (NCHEC).

Students will be expected to meet the Seven Areas of Responsiblity of a Health Education Specialist.

  • Assessing individual and community needs for health education.
  • Planning effective health education programs.
  • Implementing health education programs.
  • Evaluating effectiveness of health education programs.
  • Coordinating provision for health education services.

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for admission to the MPH program, you must have completed a bachelor’s degree or equivalent with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale). A limited number of students whose background and experience show potential for success but whose GPAs are less than 3.0 may be admitted on a provisional basis. A candidate who has a bachelor’s degree but without the prerequisites below may also be admitted on a provisional basis.

For details on applying to the program and admission requirements, go to the School of Graduate Studies website.


The candidate is required to have completed the courses listed below at the undergraduate level:

Student Learning Outcomes