Mar 02, 2025
2022-2023 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Nursing BSN (Pre-licensure)
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The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program prepares students to successfully pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become registered nurses. Nursing, one of the most highly demanded professions, is a great way to minister to healthcare needs of individuals, families, and communities. This eight-semester nursing program covers four academic years. The curriculum focuses on the provision of care and the promotion of health for individuals and families. Students gain proficiency through both class (theory) and laboratory (practicum/clinical) experiences in a variety of settings.
Students who enter as Freshmen typically complete the BSN Pre-Licensure program in 4 years. Students who enter as Sophomores typically complete the BSN Pre-Licensure program in 3 years, beginning with NRSG 216 - Fundamentals of Nursing Theory and Practice.
The Andrews University nursing program is approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing and holds accreditation from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
Undergraduate nursing practicum: In nursing classes with a practicum, a ratio of four clock hours will be required for each semester of clinical credit. For example, a 1-credit clinical course meets for 60 clock hours, a 2-credit clinical course meets for 120 clock hours. Undergraduate nursing laboratory: In nursing classes with laboratory hours, a ratio of two laboratory clock hours will be required for each semester of laboratory credit. For example, a 1-credit laboratory meets for 30 clock hours in the semester. Clinical hours are indicated in the bulletin in the course description. Additional Requirements
- A GPA of at least 3.00 overall must be maintained throughout the nursing program, with a grade of C+ or higher in nursing courses and a grade of C or higher for all cognate courses. See the BSN Pre-Licensure Student Handbook for full details on progression criteria.
Maintaining Academic Standing
In order to maintain academic standing, the nursing student should be aware of the following: - Academic performance alone does not ensure completion of the nursing preparation. Students must also continuously meet acceptable professional ethics, disposition and safety standards as determined by the admissions and progressions committee.
- Nursing courses must be taken in the required sequence.
- Independent study courses cannot replace required nursing courses.
- Students should refer to the Department of Nursing Student Handbook for further guidance on progression policies.
Admission Requirements
An independent admissions process by the School of Nursing is required for students who wish to enter the pre-licensure professional nursing program. Students are encouraged to apply for entrance into the professional nursing program prior to completion of the spring semester of their freshman year for fall admission. Application for admission may require a minimum of six weeks for processing evaluation. Refer to the student handbook for application deadline information. Admission Requirements - Pre-Licensure (Regular Admission)
Admission requirements are as follows: - All students must complete the cognate courses outlined below prior to entering the nursing program.
Course Number | Course Name | Semester Credits | BIOL 221 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 | BIOL 222 | Anatomy & Phsyiology II | 4 | PSYC 101 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | PSYC 301 | Human Development | 3 | CHEM 110 | Chemistry | 4 | Requirements | Standard | Minimum overall GPA | 3.0 | Minimum Nursing GPA | 3.0 | Minimum combined cognates GPA | 3.0 | Cognate course grades | C or higher | ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) | Academic Preparedness Level of Proficient or greater (Total score of 58.7% or higher); See handbook for details | TOEFL iBT (for students for whom English is a second language) | 84 or higher, with minimum speaking score of 26 | Acceptable criminal background check | See handbook for details | Negative urine drug screening | See handbook for details | Clear physical examination report (medical) | See handbook for details | Current BLS healthcare provider certificate | CPR (American Heart Association) | - All nursing students must be accepted into the nursing program by the Andrews University School of Nursing Admissions, Progressions, Retention and Grievance (APRG) Committee before entering into any nursing class.
- Cognates (Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology, Chemistry, Human Development, Nutrition, Psychology and Statistics) older than five (5) years will not be accepted as credit and will need to be retaken as a class for credit or take a standardized challenge exam, such as the CLEP as approved by the School of Nursing.
- Transfer students who have completed nursing courses will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Nursing courses transferred must not be older than two (2) years from the anticipated program start date.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students who successfully complete the bachelor’s program will: - Reflect in their nursing care the application of Christian values and formula for health for the purpose of “Restoring humans to the image of God.”
- Demonstrate cultural sensitivity using verbal, non-verbal, and written methods.
- Foster open and effective communication using verbal, non-verbal, written, and technological methods.
- Utilize critical thinking, clinical reasoning, judgment, evidence-based practice and research in implementation of the nursing process, while delivering patient-centered care.
- Apply leadership concepts, principles of advocacy and decision making in the provision of quality patient care.
- Demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for managing whole person, patient-centered care according to standards outlined by the American Nurses Association, AACN Essentials of Nursing, QSEN and IOM report.
- Function effectively as part of intra and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care.
- Demonstrate personal spiritual growth.
- Be prepared to successfully pass the NCLEX examination at the first sitting.
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