May |
2 |
Mon |
University Level Schools: May Express Classes and Summer Physics Begin |
2 |
Mon |
Medical Laboratory Sciences: MLS Program Summer Semester begin |
4 |
Wed |
University Level Schools: Spring Semester 2015 grades due by 11:59 PM |
4-8 |
Wed-Sun |
Undergraduate Seniors & Graduate Students: Andrews Research Conference: Early Career Researchers and Creative Scholars in the Arts and Humanities |
8 |
Sun |
Seminary: New Student Orientation: 8:30 AM -12:00 PM, Seminary Chapel |
9 |
Mon |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Summer Term 1: Classes begin; Registration: 9 AM-5PM |
9 |
Mon |
Physical Therapy: OSCE Exam: PT Building closed |
10 |
Tue |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Late Registration Fee in effect for Summer Term 1 classes |
10 |
Tue |
Undergraduate Seniors & Graduate Students: Last day to apply for Summer Graduation (July 31) |
11 |
Wed |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Last day to complete the following by 5 PM: enter Summer Term 1; drop a class with full tuition refund; drop a class by drop/add form without a fee or entry on permanent academic record; change audit |
12 |
Thu |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Drop/Add Fee in effect for registration changes |
13-14 |
Fri-Sat |
Seminary: SEEDS Church Planting Workshop |
15 |
Sun |
New Undergraduate Students: Admissions Application Deadline for Summer Session 3 |
15 |
Sun |
Seminary: MDiv Domestic Application Final Deadline for Summer Term 3, 2016 |
20 |
Fri |
Seminary: Challenge Exam–CHIS504: 8:30-10:30 AM (N335) |
25 |
Wed |
School of Architecture and Interior Design: Deadline for Application to professional program |
27 |
Fri |
Andrews Academy: Last day of School |
27-29 |
Fri-Sun |
Andrews Academy: Graduation Weekend |
27 |
Fri |
All Campus Schools: Paper-based TOEFL, 9:30-13:30. Registration deadline - May 18, 2016. |
30 |
Mon |
All Campus Schools: Holiday, Memorial Day |
31 |
Tue |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Last day to change from credit to audit for Summer Term 1 classes or withdraw from a class with a W |
June |
1 |
Wed |
New Graduate Students: Summer 2016 - Deadline to submit all admission application requirements |
2 |
Thu |
RMES: Graduation (8th grade) |
2 |
Thu |
Andrews University Board of Trustees: 8:30 AM-2:00 PM |
3 |
Fri |
RMES: Last Day of School |
3 |
Fri |
SED Doctoral Students: EdD/PhD Comprehensives, 8:30 AM-2:30 PM |
3 |
Fri |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Summer Term 1: Classes end |
3 |
Fri |
SED Master’s Students: MA and MS Comprehensives, 8:30-11:30 AM; 1-3 PM |
3 |
Fri |
SED Specialist & Master’s (CMHC & SC) Students: EdS/MA Comprehensives, 8:30 AM-12:30 PM |
6 |
Mon |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Summer Term 2: Classes Begin; Registration 9 AM- 5 PM |
6 |
Mon |
SED Specialist & Master’s (CMHC & SC) Students: EdS/MA Comprehensives, 8:30 AM-12:30 PM |
6-7 |
Mon-Tue |
SED Doctoral Students: EdD/PhD Comprehensives, 8:30 AM-2:30 PM |
7 |
Tue |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Late Registration Fee in effect for first time registrations for Summer Term 2 |
8 |
Wed |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Last day to complete the following by 5 PM: enter Summer Term 2; drop a class with full tuition refund; drop a class by drop/add form without a fee or entry on permanent academic record; change audit |
9 |
Thu |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Drop/Add Fee in effect for registration changes |
13 |
Mon |
Undergraduate University Preview Event: Summer Preview |
13 |
Mon |
Seminary: PhD and ThD Application Deadline for Spring Term Entry 2017 |
15 |
Wed |
Seminary: MDiv International Application Final Deadline for Fall Term 2016 |
20-24 |
Mon-Fri |
Leadership Orientation: Dept of Leadership Orientation |
26-29 |
Sun-Wed |
Leadership Roundtable Conference: Dept of Leadership Annual RT Conference |
27 |
Mon |
Undergraduate University Preview Event: Summer Preview |
June 27-July 22 |
Mon-Fri |
Intensive English Students: Andrews English Experience |
28 |
Tue |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Last day to change from credit to audit for Summer Term 2 classes or withdraw from a class with a W |
July |
1 |
Fri |
University Level Schools–except Seminary: Summer Term 2: Classes end |
4 |
Mon |
All Campus Schools: Holiday: Independence Day |
5 |
Tue |
University Level Schools: Summer Term 3: Classes begin; Registration, 9 AM-5 PM |
6 |
Wed |
University Level Students: Late Registration Fee in effect for first time registrations for Summer Term 3 |
7 |
Thu |
University Level Students: Last day to complete the following by 5 PM: enter Summer Term 3; drop a class with full tuition refund; drop a class by drop/add form without a fee or entry on permanent academic record; change audit |
8 |
Fri |
All Campus Schools: Drop/Add Fee in effect for registration changes |
11-22 |
Mon-Fri |
I do not want to specify an audience: RTU Physics Workshop |
11 |
Mon |
Seminary: PhD and ThD Comprehensive Exam No. 1 |
15 |
Fri |
Seminary: MDiv Domestic Application Final Deadline for Fall Term 2016 |
15 |
Fri |
New Undergraduate Students: Admissions Application Deadline for Fall Semester |
18 |
Mon |
Seminary: PhD and ThD Comprehensive Exam No. 2 |
22 |
Fri |
Medical Laboratory Sciences: MLS Program Clinicals end |
22 |
Fri |
All Campus Schools: Paper-based TOEFL test, 9:30-13:00. Registration deadline - July 13, 2016. |
24 |
Sun |
School of Business Administration: MBA Poster Session, 5pm |
25 |
Mon |
Graduating Students: Graduation Tickets available for pickup at Student Financial Services in the Administration Building: Must be financially cleared to receive tickets. |
25-28 |
Mon-Thu |
Medical Laboratory Sciences: MLS Program Certification Examination Review Week |
25 |
Mon |
Undergraduate University Preview Event: Summer Preview |
25 |
Mon |
Seminary: PhD and ThD Comprehensive Exam No. 3 |
26 |
Tue |
University Level Schools: Last day to change from credit to audit for Summer Term 2 classes or withdraw from a class with a W |
29-31 |
Fri-Sun |
University Level Schools: Graduation Ceremonies |
29 |
Fri |
University Level Schools: Last day of classes for Summer Term 3 |
29 |
Fri |
School of Business Administration: Ethics Oath Ceremony, 11am |
29 |
Fri |
University Level Schools: Consecration Service, 8:00 PM |
29 |
Fri |
Medical Laboratory Sciences: MLS Summer Semester ends |
29 |
Fri |
Physical Therapy: DPT student capstone poster presentation, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. |
30 |
Sat |
University Level Schools: Baccalaureate Services |
30 |
Sat |
Seminary: Seminary Graduation Dedication Service: 4:00 PM |
30 |
Sat |
Medical Laboratory Sciences: MLS Program Certification Ceremony, 5 PM
PMC Youth Chapel |
30 |
Sat |
Physical Therapy: DPT White Coat Ceremony, Howard Performing Arts Building, 3:30 p.m. |
30 |
Sat |
New Graduate Students: Fall 2016 - Deadline to submit all admission application requirements |
31 |
Sun |
University Level Schools: Summer Commencement, 9:00 am |
31-5 |
Sun-Fri |
Seminary: Natural Remedies and Hydrotherapy Workshop |
31-7 |
Sun-Sun |
Seminary: New England Adventist Heritage Tour |
August |
1-19 |
Mon-Fri |
School of Education: First Days of School Experience |
1 |
Mon |
University Level Schools: Deadline for tour applications for all Spring 2017 study tours. |
1 |
Mon |
Seminary: PhD and ThD Comprehensive Exam No. 4 |
3 |
Wed |
University Level Schools: Summer Semester Grades due by 11:59 PM |