Mission Statement
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Andrews University, a distinctive Seventh-day Adventist Christian institution, transforms its students by educating them to Seek Knowledge and Affirm Faith in order to Change the World.
Andrews University students will:
- Engage in intellectual discovery and inquiry
- Demonstrate the ability to think clearly and critically
- Communicate effectively
- Understand life, learning, and civic responsibility from a Christian point of view
- Demonstrate competence in their chosen disciplines and professions
- Develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
- Deepen their faith commitment and practice
- Demonstrate personal and moral integrity
- Embrace a balanced lifestyle, including time for intellectual, social, spiritual, and physical development
- Apply understanding of cultural differences in diverse environments
CHANGE THE WORLD as they go forth to
- Engage in creative problem-solving and innovation
- Engage in generous service to meet human needs
- Apply collaborative leadership to foster growth and promote change
- Engage in activities consistent with the worldwide mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Frequently Called Numbers
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AUGSA (Andrews University Graduate Student Association)….. |
269-471-3215 |
AUSA (Andrews University Student Association)………………… |
269-471-3215 |
Alumni Services……………………………………………………….. |
269-471-3591 |
Academic Records…………………………………………………….. |
269-471-3375 |
Andreasen Center for Wellness…………………………………….. |
269-471-6090 |
Athletics………………………………………………………………… |
269-471-3965 |
Bookstore………………………………………………………………. |
269-471-3287 |
Campus Culture & Inclusion…………………………………………. |
269-471-3241 |
Campus & Student Life………………………………………………. |
269-471-3215 |
Campus Safety………………………………………………………… |
269-471-3321 |
Center for Faith Engagement……………………………………….. |
269-471-3211 |
Center for On-Campus International Student Services……….. |
269-471-6395 |
College of Arts & Sciences…………………………………………… |
269-471-3411 |
College of Education & International Services…………………… |
269-471-6570 |
College of Health & Human Services………………………………. |
269-471-6684 |
College of Professions………………………………………………… |
269-471-3632 |
Counseling & Testing Center………………………………………… |
269-471-3470 |
Custodial Services/Lost and Found………………………………… |
269-471-3440 |
Dining Services……………………………………………………….. |
269-471-3161 |
Education, School of Distance………………………………………. |
269-471-6570 |
Explore Andrews Program…………………………………………… |
269-471-3382 |
Graduate Studies, School of………………………………………… |
269-471-3405 |
Guest & Convention Services……………………………………….. |
269-471-3360 |
Horn Archaeological Museum……………………………………….. |
269-471-3273 |
Howard Performing Arts Center…………………………………….. |
269-471-3560 |
JN Andrews Honors Program……………………………………….. |
269-471-3297 |
Library, James White…………………………………………………. |
269-471-3275 |
LithoTech (campus print shop)……………………………………… |
269-471-6027 |
Marketing & Enrollment Management…………………………….. |
269-471-6049 |
Medical Center…………………………………………………………. |
269-473-2222 |
Pioneer Memorial Church……………………………………………. |
269-471-3133 |
Post Office……………………………………………………………… |
269-471-3238 |
Research & Creative Scholarship…………………………………… |
269-471-6361 |
Residence Halls |
Lamson Hall……………………………………………………….. |
269-471-3446 |
Meier Hall………………………………………………………….. |
269-471-3390 |
University Towers (Burman Hall and Damazo Hall)…………. |
269-471-3360 |
Residence Life, Office of……………………………………………… |
269-471-6601 |
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary……………………. |
269-471-3537 |
Student Financial Services…………………………………………… |
269-471-3334 |
Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities…………………… |
269-471-6568 |
Student Success Center……………………………………………… |
269-471-6096 |
Switchboard……………………………………………………………. |
269-471-7771 |
Transportation…………………………………………………………. |
269-471-3519 |
Undergraduate Leadership Program……………………………….. |
269-471-6636 |
University Apartments……………………………………………….. |
269-471-6979 |
University Communication…………………………………………… |
269-471-3322 |
WAUS 90.7 FM………………………………………………………… |
Campus & Student Life Mission Statement
Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022
Campus & Student Life assumes an integral role in the development of Christian character and critical thinking consistent with the philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist education, which is designed to guide students to the Redeemer.
We support the mission of the University by nurturing students for:
- Continuing growth in Christ
- Developing positive and rewarding relationships
- Embracing and appreciating diversity and inclusion
- Developing personal integrity reflected in a balanced spiritual, mental and physical lifestyle
Letter from the Vice President for Campus & Student Life
Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022
Dear Students:
On behalf of dedicated administrators, faculty and staff, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Andrews University. As an amazing child of God, you will greatly enrich our campus community.
By selecting Andrews you have chosen to be part of a campus culture that is shaped by the Christian faith and values of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Whether or not you share our particular faith perspective, we invite you to live within the values that make Andrews a welcoming and supportive environment for all who seek a faith-based education.
Andrews University is more than brick and mortar—it’s a community. Whether you are a graduate student or an undergraduate student, we want Andrews University to feel like home. As a residential university, many students live on campus in one of our residence halls or University apartments.
Students learn not only in the classroom but through a wide variety of out-of-class faith and learning opportunities—on campus, in the community and around the world. Andrews University offers a transformative educational experience designed to motivate you to reach your God-given potential in all aspects of your life—body, mind and spirit—and to inspire you to serve others.
In this “Handbook,” you will find the Community Values and Code of Student Conduct which each student agrees to respect. I also personally call you to embrace four great cares. (1) Care for yourself as a unique creation of God. (2) Care for each other, for all are precious in His sight. (3) Care for the University—its mission, values and property. (4) And, most importantly, care for your Creator, in whom we live and have our being.
As we embark upon the 2021–22 school year, we are still navigating the impact of a global public health pandemic. Please review the Andrews University Community Covenant of Care. The Covenant outlines the shared responsibility for every member of our community for the health and safety of our campus.
As we “Seek Knowledge and Affirm Faith” we are also “World Changers for a Changing World,” extending grace, compassion and care to ourselves, others and the Andrews community.
With care,
Frances Faehner, PhD
Vice President for Campus & Student Life
Andrews University Community Covenant of Care
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In humility value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3
As a Seventh-day Adventist Christian learning community, Andrews University is guided by the teachings and example of Jesus. In that context, we regard our personal rights and preferences as secondary to His call to care for the wellbeing of others, even and especially as we emerge from the global risks and impact of COVID-19. Even as restrictions and guidelines change, we continue to have shared responsibilities (see our Statement of Responsibility) for which each one of us as a member of the Andrews community will be held accountable.
While it is not possible to eliminate the risk of COVID-19 infection completely (see Statement of Responsibility), each one of us as students, faculty and staff must take significant steps to help stop the risk and spread of COVID-19 infection by persistently protecting and caring for our own and others’ health and safety.
Therefore, you, as a valued member of our campus community, are asked to help create a culture of care by practicing our Andrews University Community Covenant of Care. A violation of this Covenant constitutes grounds for discipline and may also violate the Code of Student Conduct, the Faculty Working Policy, and the Employee Handbook, which may lead to further disciplinary processes.
We will continue to monitor our protocols in light of guidance from the CDC and public health officials. We also seek your understanding as this may lead to additional new measures or the relaxing of some other requirements over time.
The Covenant includes, but may not be limited to:
Good hygiene
Even as we prepare to move beyond the significant global threat of COVID-19, the virus and its variants are still present in many places, and it’s important to continue to practice good hygiene by washing my hands often with soap and water, using hand sanitizer and coughing or sneezing into the bend of my arm or a tissue.
Healthy habits
It’s also important to continue to practice healthy habits to build my immune system (through proper diet, exercise, sleep, hygiene, water intake, fresh air) and seek support and care for my mental health.
If you’re not yet vaccinated (or don’t have acquired immunity from a previous COVID-19 infection), you must undergo screening testing at the start of the semester, and monthly thereafter. There will no longer be COVID-19 screening testing available on campus, and unvaccinated students and employees will be responsible for arranging for these periodic COVID-19 tests locally at their own expense. Faculty and staff must notify HR, and students must notify Student Life, immediately upon learning of a positive test so that contact tracing and discussions of potential reasonable accommodations may commence. Individuals testing positive for COVID-19 will be required to follow all CDC and Berrien County Health Department recommendations, which may include isolation and/or quarantine for a recommended period. Any student or employee who declines to comply with this testing requirement may be excluded from campus.
Physical distancing
If you’re not yet vaccinated (or don’t have acquired immunity from a previous COVID-19 infection), it’s important that you respect personal space and maintain appropriate physical distance on- and off-campus (ideally, six feet/two meters), especially when you’re in public indoor spaces. We understand that physical distancing may not always be possible in some indoor spaces that have fixed seating or in academic settings.
Face covering
If you’re not yet vaccinated (or don’t have acquired immunity from a previous COVID-19 infection), you are required to use an appropriate face covering when you’re indoors and in public spaces. It may also be necessary to ask all individuals to wear masks at certain times, such as in University buses and other transportation. Please be willing to support these expectations.
If you’re not yet vaccinated (or don’t have acquired immunity from a previous COVID-19 infection), please stay home if you have been exposed to someone who is ill or has tested positive for COVID-19. Whether you have been vaccinated, have acquired immunity or not, if you are sick, you are required to stay home or in your residence space. You should use the #CampusClear app to record symptoms on the days you feel ill (you no longer need to make daily reports on #CampusClear if you’re not ill.
Clean environment
Please continue to help keep everyone healthy by actively participating in cleaning and sanitizing frequently used shared common equipment and surfaces.
Carefully adhere to instructional signage and University guidelines as communicated via email and online websites.
Return to: Student Handbook 2021-2022
*Please see the deans of each school/college
Andreasen Center for Wellness, 1st Floor
Main Desk Receptionist, 269-471-6090
Rachel Keele, manager, 269-471-6091
Elise Damron, assistant manager, 269-471-6092
Gabriela Melgar, assistant manager, 269-471-6094
Herbie Helm, aquatics program director, 269-471-6093
Rob Gettys, athletic director, 269-471-3965
Kevin Wooldridge, facilities coordinator, 269-471-6094
Andreasen Center for Wellness, Recreation Center
Rob Gettys, director, 269-471-3965
TBD, gymnastic program director
Beaty Gym, 269-471-3968
Central Office, Campus Center, 8525 University Blvd
Frances Faehner, vice president, 269-471-2679
Jennifer Burrill, assistant vice president for Residence Life, dean of Campus & Student Life, 269-471-6608
Philip DeLeon, associate dean, Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities, 269-471-6568
Alyssa Palmer, dean of Campus & Student Life, Title IX senior deputy coordinator, 269-471-3215
Steve Yeagley, assistant vice president, 269-471-3215
Ana De La Cruz, student life office manager & housing coordinator
See Andreasen Center for Wellness, Athletics, Center for Faith Engagement, Counseling & Testing Center, Residence Life, Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities, for other Student Life personnel.
Campus Safety Building, 4355 International Ct, 269-471-3321
Ben Panigot, director/chief
Frank Lei-Sam, assistant director/patrol lieutenant
Riccardo Simpson, assistant director/compliance officer
Lori Adler, dispatch lieutenant
Campus Center, 8525 University Blvd, 269-471-3211
José Bourget, assistant vice president for Faith Engagement, University chaplain
Prescott Khair, associate chaplain
Danielle Pilgrim, associate chaplain
Teela Ruehle, director of Student Missions & Service Projects
Sharon Moore, administrative assistant
Bell Hall, Suite 123, 269-471-3470
Judith Fisher, PhD, LP, assistant vice president for Counseling & Student Development
TBD, associate director/psychologist
Mindy Kissinger, staff counselor
Stacy Nicely, staff counselor
Diana Mitchell, staff counselor
Robert Myaing, testing coordinator
Campus Center. Main Floor
Linda Brinegar, general manager, 269-471-3161
Student Success Center, Nethery Hall 210
Kristine Walker-Fraser, student intervention/disability services coordinator, 269-471-3227
Admin Building, 2nd Floor
Lilian Akawobsa, employment/benefits manager, 269-471-3570
Nethery Hall 135
Aaron Moushon, director, 269-471-3382
University Towers Lobby, 8400 W Campus Circle Dr
Christina Hunter, director, 269-471-3663
Kelly Gabriel, assistant director, 269-471-3664
Administration Building, Room 307
Christian Stuart, director, 269-471-6378
Silmara Ferreira, associate director, 269-471-3310
Nethery Hall 128
L. Monique Pittman, director, 269-471-3297
9045 U.S. 31
All phone calls may be directed to 269-473-2222
Deanna Fulbright, DO
Katrina Hamel, PA
Lowell Hamel, MD
Katherine Keith, MD
Michael Quion, MD
Linda Song, NP
Andrew Cooper, LLC
Ann Hamel, psychologist
Fred Kosinski, psychologist
Nancy Nixon, psychologist
Beverly Sedlacek, PMHCNS-BC
Franklin Conklin, DDS (269-471-5244)
Elynda Bedney, 269-471-6040
Ariel Solis, 269-471-6022
Campus Center, 8525 University Blvd
Jennifer Burrill, assistant vice president, 269-471-6608
Ana De La Cruz, housing coordinator, 269-471-3215
8585 University Blvd
Front desk receptionist, 269-471-3446
A’Lisa Sorensen, dean, 269-471-6699
Renee Paddock, assistant dean, 269-471-3437
Keila Carmona, assistant dean, 269-471-6603
8445 W Campus Circle Dr
Front desk receptionist, 269-471-3390
Donald Keele, dean, 269-471-2757
Taylor Bartrum, assistant dean, 269-471-2757
Cory Johnson, associate dean, 269-471-3393
4405 International Ct
Alfredo Ruiz, director, Garland G, 269-471-6979
8400 W Campus Circle Dr
Front desk receptionist, 269-471-3360
Christina Hunter, dean/director, 269-471-3663
Campus Center, Main Floor
Philip DeLeon, associate dean, 269-471-6568
Lower Level, Campus Center
Dongchan Kim, president, 269-471-3215
Brandon Williams, president, 269-471-3215
Administration Building, First Floor
Elynda Bedney, assistant vice president, 269-471-6040
Cynthia Gammon, associate director/financial aid, 269-471-3221
Viviana Insunza, assistant director/compliance, 269-471-2425
Fares Magesa, assistant director/accounts, 269-471-3428
Nethery Hall, Suite 210
Darla Smothers-Morant, director/student success advisor, 269-471-3398
Ana Bolanos-Weston, tutoring services manager, 269-471-6128
Jiyeon Stuart, undergrad academic probation counselor, 269-471-6205
Regina Jackson-Ezell, administrative assistant, 269-471-6096
Kristine Walker-Fraser, student intervention/disability services coordinator, 269-471-3227
Campus Center, Main Floor
Kari Gibbs Prouty, director, 269-471-6681
Annie Lopez, consultant, Bell Hall 203, 269-471-3480
Andreasen Center for Wellness
Rachel Keele, director, 269-471-6165
Admin Building, First Floor
Fares Magesa, certifying official, 269-471-3286
Campus Map
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Please visit the following site to view a current campus map: