Oct 01, 2024  

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary

Jiri Moskala, Dean Seminary Hall, Room N230
Teresa L. Reeve, Associate Dean 269-471-3537
  Fax: 269-471-6202

Seminary Mission Statement

We serve the Seventh-day Adventist Church by preparing effective leaders to proclaim the everlasting gospel and make disciples of all people in anticipation of Christ’s soon return.

Seminary Vision Statement

The Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Prepares spiritual leaders to impact the world for Christ. We are a culturally diverse learning and worshiping community that nurtures excellence, provides theological leadership, and shares our ministry and resources around the world.

Core Values

Faithfulness with expectation

  • Being faithful in our relationship to Christ as Savior and Lord
  • Being faithful to God and his revelation as expressed in his Word
  • Being faithful in our quest for truth and beauty through a teachable and steadfast spirit
  • Being faithful to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and God’s prophetic leading in our story.

Christ-likeness with humility

  • Cultivating a Christ-like integrity which reflects the character of God
  • Submitting our whole selves, mind, body and spirit to God
  • Living a passionate and authentic life of obedience and service.

Respect with justice

  • Being Christians who are global in vision, sensitive to diversity, and competent in inter-cultural relationships
  • Respecting all persons by exhibiting love, compassion and caring, and recognizing everyone’s unique giftedness and creative potential
  • Working for fairness, and advocating for justice for those without power or voice.

Community with joy

  • Worshiping with joy and keeping the Sabbath holy
  • Nurturing a community of healing, grace, restoration and renewal
  • Developing a sense of collegiality and friendship in our work as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Discipleship with wholeness

  • Embracing the ongoing transformation by the Spirit in our own life of faith and learning
  • Seeking to see in one another the Spirit’s work of restoring the image of our Maker
  • Mentoring others in knowing and following their call and vocation.

Service with passion

  • Leading with a servant’s heart to equip others for service
  • Striving with passion to reach the lost, serve the poor, and grow the church
  • Valuing creation and our call to be stewards in all areas of life.

Accreditation and Authorization

All seminary degree programs are accredited by The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada.


Each program of the Seminary is committed to the following general objectives:

  • to furnish the Seventh-day Adventist Church with competent, highly motivated and consecrated pastors and church workers for service in the worldwide mission of the church
  • to equip men and women for the various phases of ministry with sound methods, principles, and procedures of biblical interpretation and scholarship
  • to provide a firm basis for an intellectual and spiritual understanding of religion, morality, and ethics as set forth in the Bible (accepted as the propositional word of God) and as understood in Christianity in general and the Adventist Church in particular
  • to transmit a belief in the relevance of biblical faith and teaching to modern men and women and to their preparation for the future kingdom
  • to develop skills required for effectively proclaiming biblical faith through preaching, teaching, writing, and leadership in corporate worship and all phases of church life
  • to teach methods and procedures for leading a congregation or group to accomplish its own task of disseminating the faith by word and deed
  • to encourage the development of professional and pastoral skills necessary to create an atmosphere of mutual care within the Christian community in order that harmony and unity may be maintained, the common good fostered, and Christian commitment deepened
  • to encourage appreciation for other cultures, sympathetic understanding of customs different from one’s own, and responsiveness to change
  • to promote personal involvement in the spiritual life of the Seminary community, to aid in the formation of a strong devotional life, to inspire a profound deepening of the student’s vocation and commitment to serve God and humanity in harmony with the teachings set forth in Scripture as understood by the Adventist church
  • to foster, within the Adventist framework, a stimulating academic and professional environment; to provide the necessary tools required for learning; to emphasize sound method, sharp critical thought, and an eager approach to discovering ultimate truth, thus forming an adequate foundation for lifelong competence and integrity
  • to lay the foundations for lasting friendships, productive of mutual assistance and confidence, and to promote professional collegiality that creates a willingness to transcend personal bias and accept counsel from one’s peers.

Human Relations

The Seminary affirms that all persons have equal worth as beings created in the image of God. A wide diversity of individuals gives opportunity for every student, staff member, and faculty member to practice Christian love and acceptance. In practical terms, this means that we encourage one another to be respectful of and sensitive to people of every age, gender, or disability; people of every racial, ethnic, cultural, geographical, political, religious, or economic background; and people who are single or married. In classrooms, chapels, and casual conversations, and in our writing, we recognize women and men equally and avoid assumptions or judgments based on group stereotypes. Neither sexual harassment nor racial disparagement is tolerated. Frank discourse  not withstanding, we seek to listen, learn, and be enriched as we come to understand and appreciate each other more fully. We affirm our diversity even as we pursue unity.


The faculty of the Seminary combine high academic and professional qualifications with a commitment to Jesus Christ and a concern for the proclamation of the gospel. A majority of the faculty have lived and/or worked overseas, served as pastors, and earned advanced degrees in the field of their specialization. The Seminary seeks to be responsive to cultural, ethnic, and national differences in its choice of faculty and staff.

The faculty is involved in research and writing for denominational periodicals and professional/theological journals. Articles authored by faculty appear in the SDA Bible Commentary; SDA Bible Dictionary; SDA Encyclopedia; Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament; The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Supplementary Volume; Harper’s Dictionary of the Bible, rev. ed.; the New International Standard Bible Encyclopedia; and other reference works.

Scholarly Journal

In 1963 the Seminary began publishing a scholarly journal— Andrews University Seminary Studies. This biannual periodical presents the results of research in the fields of biblical archaeology and history of antiquity; Hebrew Bible; New Testament; church history of all periods; historical, biblical, and systematic theology; ethics; history of religions; and missions. Selected research articles on ministry and Christian education may also be included.


Extension Programs. The Seminary conducts short-term extension schools in many parts of the world. Two degree programs are offered largely in off-campus settings: (1) the Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry program, begun in North America in 1984 for experienced pastors in the field who have not earned a previous seminary degree, and (2) the Doctor of Ministry program for experienced pastors who have previously earned an MDiv degree or its equivalent.

Seminary Distance Learning Center

Seminary Hall, Room S144
Phone: 269-471-3962 Fax: 269-471-6202

Helena R. Gregor, Director

The Seminary Distance Learning Center offers a variety of distance education courses at the graduate level. All distance courses are on-line. 

Course Offerings. For a list of current offerings, see the Center website: www.andrews.edu/sem/sdlc/.

Registration Procedure. To register for a course, please go to the Registration Central, and add a distance class just like any other on-campus course.  For more information, please contact us at the Seminary Distance Learning Center.    

Other Enrichment Programs

Guided Tours. Under the auspices of the Seminary, the university offers guided tours for course credit. These courses include CHIS 504 , GSEM 678 , and CHIS 685 .  

MDiv Study Tour.  The MDiv program organizes an annual Study Tour with the idea of enhancing the evangelistic, witnessing, and church growth skills and preparing participants for mission and ministry around the world, during the Spring break.

Archaeological Field Work. In 1968 under the direction of Siegfried H. Horn, the university initiated an archaeological excavation at the site of Hisban (Heshbon) in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Excavation continued for five seasons, the last in 1976. In 1984 the Institute of Archaeology expanded its work to a larger region, renaming its consortium the Madaba Plains Project. The project now sponsors excavations at Tall al-‘Umayri, Tall Jalul, and other hinterland sites, and conducts an extensive  archaeological survey of the entire region.

Mediterranean Study Tour. In the spring the Seminary offers students the opportunity for an extended eight-week study tour during which they will be immersed in the environment and cultures of Biblical lands. From a central base students will take seminary courses while also travelling to visit many of the sites spoken of in Scripture. Many Spring Semester courses will be offered in a half-semester format to allow for easy transition between the study tour and on-campus coursework. Students may contact the Old Testament Department or the New Testament Department for further information.

ASOR Study Center Opportunities. Andrews University is a corporation member of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Seminary and post-graduate students may attend the organization’s affiliated institutes—the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem and the American Center for Oriental Research in Amman, Jordan. Students also may compete for financial aid and fellowships offered annually by these institutes.

Admission and Evaluation Policies

All applicants must hold a minimum of a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent from an accredited college or university and are subject to the general admission requirements in the Graduate Programs Admission section of this bulletin (see Graduate Academic Policies). Students in MA, PhD, and ThD programs are also subject to the Academic Standards requirements in Graduate Academic Policies. International students should note the Special Admission Requirements on Graduate Academic Policies.

Admission Policy. Admission to the Seventh-day Adventist  Theological Seminary is granted irrespective of race, color, national or ethnic origin, gender, or disability. The Seminary is owned and financed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is a community of committed Christians who collectively confess the  Christian faith and seek to experience its meaning in worship and practical life. Most of its students are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; however, no declaration of confessional allegiance is  required for admission. Students who meet academic requirements, whose lifestyle and character are in harmony with the purposes of the Seminary, and who express willingness to cooperate with general university policies may be admitted. Criteria for  approving or declining admission to applicants are described in application materials. Admission to the university is a privilege rather than a right and may be withheld or withdrawn by the university at its discretion.

Students are expected to maintain the religious, social, and cultural atmosphere of the Seminary and to order their lives in harmony with its mission and purposes. The seminary community endeavors to maintain an atmosphere of mutual support and acceptance which is congenial to personal adjustment and social development. In the course of their preparation for the ministry, students are called upon to participate in the lives and worship of the surrounding churches. Because of this role, students are  expected to be sensitive to the values of others and exemplary in appearance and actions.

Character Statement and Student Pledge. As part of the admission process, all prospective Seminary students are required to sign and return a character statement form. In addition, Seminary students subscribe to the following declaration of purpose:

I declare it to be my serious intention to devote my life to the Christian ministry or some other form of Christian service, and to this end I pledge myself to rely on divine guidance, to live according to the standards and ideals set forth in the Holy Scriptures, to apply myself faithfully and diligently to the instruction of the Seminary, and to abide by all its requirements.

Psychological Evaluation. Applicants to Seminary programs are required to complete the Seminary’s program of psychological evaluation during their first fall semester of residency, or as designated by their programs. All graduating students must comply with the graduation requirements of their respective programs, including exit testing. The cost of the evaluation is the responsibility of the applicant.

Background Check. Applicants to all Seminary programs are required to undergo a criminal background check and to make the results of the check available to the Seminary. The cost of the criminal background check is the responsibility of the applicant.  Details about this requirement may be obtained from your program director.

Pre-admission Conduct Disclosure Statement. Applicants to all Seminary programs are required to complete and submit to the Seminary the “Pre-Admission Conduct Disclosure Statement.”

Student Lifestyle. Continuance in a seminary program is based not only on academic achievement but also on an ongoing lifestyle reflecting Seventh-day Adventist principles in character and conduct.

English Language Requirements. All students whose first language is not English must demonstrate adequate proficiency in English to succeed in the academic setting. Language proficiency must be met before enrolling full-time in regular course work. Please contact your respective departments director for specific TOEFL, MELAB and IELTS scores.

Time to Apply. Applications to the MDiv program require 4-6 months for processing.

PhD and ThD applicants for autumn semester must submit application materials by January 15. A limited number of students may be admitted for the summer term, in which case they would need to submit all application materials by November 30 of the previous year.

Minimum GPA for Admission. The minimum GPAs required for admission to seminary programs are listed below. Transfer credits are not counted in the GPA.

2.50 MDiv, MA in PMin, MA in YYAMin
2.75 MA (Religious Education)
3.00 MA (Religion)
3.25 DMin
3.50 PhD, ThD

Recommendation Forms and Statement of Purpose. Applicants to all seminary programs need to have three recommendation forms sent directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions. The forms should be completed by persons well acquainted with the applicant’s abilities and recent experience. The length of the statement of purpose and the kind of recommendations needed are listed on this page.

Master of Divinity Program

  • Recommendations
    1. Church board where the applicant is a member.  Must be voted by the church board and signed by its clerk.
    2. College teacher or advisor.
    3. Church administrator, pastor, or recent employer.
  • Statement of Purpose—350 words plus an autobiographical history based on questions provided in the admission package.

Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry

  • Recommendations
    1. A Conference administrator
    2. A colleague in ministry or a local pastor if applicant is a layperson
    3. A local church elder
  • Statement of purpose—350 words plus a career history.

Master of Arts in Youth and Young Adult Ministry

  • Recommendations
    1. College teacher
    2. Pastor or a second college teacher
    3. Church administrator or recent employer
  • Statement of Purpose—350 words plus a career history.

Master of Arts in Religion

  • Recommendations
    1. College teacher
    2. College teacher
    3. Church administrator or recent employer
  • Statement of Purpose—500 words

Master of Arts in Religious Education

  • Recommendations
    1. College teacher
    2. Pastor or second college teacher
    3. Church administrator or recent employer
  • Statement of Purpose—500 words

Doctor of Ministry

  • Recommendations
    1. Conference administrator
    2. Colleague in ministry
    3. Lay person
  • Statement of Purpose—1,500–2,500 words plus a career history.

Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology

  • Recommendations
    1. Adviser/teacher in applicant’s MA or MDiv program
    2. Teacher in applicant’s MA or MDiv program
    3. Teacher in applicant’s MA or MDiv program
  • Statement of purpose—600 words

Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Education

  • Recommendations
    1. Adviser/teacher in applicant’s MA or MDiv program
    2. Teacher in applicant’s MA or MDiv program
    3. Administrator of applicant’s employing organization or most recent employer if not currently employed.
  • Statement of purpose—600 words

Doctor of Philosophy/Theology

  • Recommendations
    1. Adviser/teacher in applicant’s MA or MDiv program
    2. Teacher in applicant’s MA or MDiv program
    3. Church administrator of applicant’s employing organization (or most recent denominational employer if not currently church employed)
  • Statement of purpose—600 words

Balanced Financial Plan. All students applying for admission to the on-campus programs of the Seminary must submit a balanced financial plan detailing how their expenses will be covered. Listed below is the length of plan required for Seminary degree programs:

MA: Religion 2 years
MA: Religious Education 2 years
MA: Youth & Young Adult Ministry 2 years
Master of Divinity 3 years
Doctor of Ministry
PhD/ThD programs 3 years*
*or letter of sponsorship required

Graduate Record Examinations. Students applying to the professional ministerial degree programs (Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Youth & Young Adult Ministry, and Doctor of Ministry) should provide transcripts of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test only when requested. Applicants to seminary academic graduate programs must request that a transcript of the GRE examination (taken within the past five years) be sent directly to the Office of Graduate Admissions.

Orientation. All new students are required to attend and register for the fall orientation program. Students who begin in the summer have a short orientation on the day before summer school begins. The main orientation session takes place the week before autumn semester classes begin. New students starting either in the summer or autumn terms are required to attend this main session. See the Seminary calendar, for specific dates for these orientation events.

Psychological Evaluation. Students from all Seminary programs are required to complete the Seminary’s program of psychological evaluation during their first fall semester of residency, or as designated by their programs. All graduating students must comply with the graduation requirements of their respective programs, including exit testing.

Academic Policies Applying to All Programs

Class Loads and Enrollment Status. The number of credits required for full- and part-time enrollment status in seminary programs is listed below.

Program Full-time Part-time
MDiv 9–16 6–8
MA in PMin, MA, MA in YYAMin, DMin, PhD, ThD 8–12 4–7

Students may take more credits than indicated above only with approval from the dean. Students who have completed all course work in a master’s or doctoral program but have not met all requirements for graduation must register for GSEM 688 , GSEM 788 , or GSEM 888  and maintain full-time status. Students who are registered for thesis or PhD, ThD, or DMin dissertation credits also maintain full-time status. Doctor of Ministry students registered for GSEM 789  DMin Program Continuation are considered by the university as half-time students.

Minimum GPA for Graduation. The minimum GPAs required for graduation from seminary programs are listed below. Transfer credits are not counted in the GPA.

2.75 MDiv
2.50 MA in PMin, MA in YYAMin
3.00 MA, DMin, PhD, ThD

Students accepted on a provisional basis must achieve the minimum GPA required for their program during the first semester they are enrolled. A student who fails to maintain the minimum GPA required for his/her degree program is placed on academic probation.

Graduating Student Questionnaire. Completion of the graduating student questionnaire (GSQ) is a part of the graduation requirements.

Satisfactory Academic Progress. To qualify for satisfactory academic progress, students must earn the minimum GPA (as above) required for their degree program and meet other standards as listed in the Tuition, Fees, and Other Financial Information section of this bulletin. See Financial Information.

Dual Enrollment. Undergraduate religion/theology students at Andrews University, who at the beginning of a given semester are within 15 credits of graduation and who otherwise meet admission requirements of the Theological Seminary, may apply for permission to take seminary work while completing requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Dual registration is limited to one semester. An undergraduate student may accumulate not more than 12 credits in the Seminary on the basis of dual registration.

Students should request a Dual Enrollment Application at the Academic Records Office and have their credits verified there. The form is then taken to the dean of the Theological Seminary for approval. The signed form is returned to the Academic Records Office and exchanged for a Registration Card on which the actual courses desired are listed. The Registration Card must be signed by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the student’s adviser, and the dean of the Theological Seminary. Students dually enrolled may not carry more than 15 credits per  term, and seminary credit thus earned may not be used to meet undergraduate requirements.

See Dual Enrollment in Graduate Academic Policies  for pursuing two graduate degrees simultaneously, or a second undergraduate degree while doing a graduate program.

Student Spouse Discount. Academically qualified spouses of full-time on-campus seminary students may request a discount on tuition of Seminary master’s-level courses taken to fulfill the requirements of a Seminary master’s degree. The individual requesting the discount must be accepted into a Seminary master’s program and must apply for the discount each semester in which his/her spouse is enrolled full-time in the Seminary. (Details are available at the Deans’ office.) Discount requests are due by the drop/add date each semester.

Seminary Spouse Class Attendance. Seminary students and spouses of Seminary students may request to informally audit any 500- or 600-level Seminary courses (except seminars) regardless of academic qualifications and without charge, subject to written permission from the instructor, Seminary dean, and available space.

Classes Taken in Other Schools. With the exception of students in Religious Education, students registered in the Seminary who plan to take courses in another school on campus must first obtain permission from the Seminary dean or appropriate program director, as well as the dean of the school where the course will be taken. Religious Education students will follow course plans arranged in consultation with their advisors. MDiv students are charged regular tuition for courses taken outside the Seminary (except see notation under Master of Divinity Program in the Financial information section of the bulletin for information on how to request a 50% tuition reduction for graduate-level courses in the College of Arts & Sciences).

Informal Auditing. Students with a full-time load and a GPA of 3.00 or above may sit in on a Seminary class without registration or a tuition charge on a space-available basis. The appropriate form must be completed. Certain courses are not available for auditing on any basis. For audited courses to be recorded on the transcript, see the University policy on Audited Classes  

Independent Study Courses. Normally, only on-campus students with a GPA of 3.00 or above may register for independent study courses. Because the faculty are not obliged to guide students for Independent Studies, students must first obtain their concurrence. Independent study courses are advanced studies in a particular field and should be taken only after completing basic courses. At registration, students need to submit a copy of the Independent Study Contract Form with the course number from the department and a brief subject added to the course title to appear on the transcript. Requirements for independent study are determined by the guiding faculty member and may include readings, research, writing, and other learning experiences. A maximum of 8 credits may be approved for Independent Study in a degree program, and Independent Study courses normally are graded satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Additional guidelines are found on the contract form.

Directed Reading. Courses designated Directed Reading are for doctoral students. Students must arrange individually with a professor to take courses on this basis. These courses may be graded S/U.

Grade Changes. Grade changes are permitted only in case of computational error and must be made no later than the semester following the one in which the course was taken. A form must be completed by the teacher and signed by the dean before being taken to the Office of Academic Records.

Worship Attendance. Regular and punctual attendance is required at seminary worships and assemblies for faculty, staff and students in residence, except students registered for 7 credits or fewer, and faculty who have assignments off-campus or are on an approved research term. Student requests to be excused from this requirement should be addressed to the deans’ office in writing. Regular worship attendance is a graduation requirement for students in residence. For further details, please refer to the “Seminary Worship Attendance Policy” under Student Life at the Seminary website, www.andrews.edu/sem.

Final Exams. The times and dates for final examinations are set by the University and the Seminary at the beginning of every term. Students are expected to adhere to those dates and to integrate them into their planning calendar. The only exceptions to the prescribed dates are illness or dire emergency. Such exceptions must be approved in writing by the Seminary Associate Dean’s office. Personal plans, family events, church activities, and the like do not qualify for a change of date.

Residency Requirements. Residency requirements for seminary programs appear in the respective program descriptions.

Time Limits on Degrees. For time limits applying to seminary degree programs, see the respective program descriptions below. Students who violate the respective time limits must petition the dean for an extension of time, giving reasons for the request and submitting plans for completion of the work. Petitions may be granted by the dean and may require additional qualifying or other examinations, additional course work, or both.

Transfer Credit. For limits on credits that may be transferred into the respective seminary programs, see each program description below.


The Master of Divinity degree program provides basic postgraduate professional preparation for ministry with a broad exposure to all fields of theological study. The program applies biblical, historical, educational, linguistic, theological, philosophical, ethical, missiological, pastoral, and evangelistic instruction to the practical work of the church. Practical field experience is a vital part of this program.

The Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry degree program offers professional training to mature pastors experienced in ministry. Normally such persons are unable to leave their parish and come to the Seminary campus for extended periods of time. The Seminary provides the major part of this professional training at off-campus centers in North America and various international sites.

The Master of Arts in Youth and Young Adult Ministry degree is a professional program designed to equip men and women with competencies for effective ministry to youth and young adults in local church and para-church settings. The program is focused on discipling, teaching, counseling and evangelizing youth and young adults.

The Master of Arts in Religion provides an opportunity for one year of specialized study beyond the baccalaureate degree. It is offered with these orientations: (1) the research orientation designed for students who plan further graduate work, and (2) the general academic orientation giving students a strong background in a specific area of religious studies.

The Master of Arts: Religious Education is an academic degree designed to develop theory and practice for the discipling and teaching ministry of the church in the home, church, or Christian school setting. The degree also provides a foundation for the PhD in Religious Education.

The Doctor of Ministry is a professional, post-MDiv degree for individuals qualified to pursue advanced study. This degree provides experienced pastors with additional expertise in the areas of pastoral ministry, evangelism and church growth, chaplaincy, and organizational leadership.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology is an advanced academic degree that prepares teacher-scholars in the fields of Biblical Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology for church-operated colleges, seminaries and universities around the world.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Religion, based on the Master of Arts in Religion, prepares teacher-scholars in the fields of New Testament Studies, Old Testament Studies, Theological Studies, Adventist Studies, and Mission and Ministry Studies for colleges and seminaries operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church around the world.

The PhD in Religious Education prepares men and women to be scholars and researchers in specialized teaching and discipling ministries of the home, the church, or the Christian college or university.

The Doctor of Theology degree, based on the Master of Divinity degree, trains teacher-scholars in the fields of biblical studies and theology for service in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Completion of a seminary program does not guarantee employment.

