Mar 10, 2025
Postdoctoral Fellowship
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Program Description
Wagner Kuhn, Director - The postdoctoral studies will be research based.
- The fellowship will last one to two years. If needed, an extension for one additional year may be granted with the approval of the faculty of the mentoring Department, the Program Director, and the Seminary Dean.
- Each postdoctoral fellow will be assigned his/her mentor who will be appointed by the Program Director, Department Chair, and Seminary Dean.
- Each semester the postdoctoral fellow is in residence, he/she must register and participate in GSEM 990 Postdoctoral Seminar (3 credits) and GSEM 898 Postdoctoral Research Project (noncredit research class).
- At the end of the fellowship, the postdoctoral fellow will be required to present a publishable study in the form of article(s), monograph, or book approved by the faculty of the mentoring Department, Program Director and Seminary Dean.
- The postdoctoral fellow may be invited to participate in faculty meetings or doctoral club activities.
- The fellow will be encouraged to audit classes in their field of expertise.
- Each department will be limited to mentoring two fellow participants at a time.
- The mentor must agree to the additional mentoring load.
Purpose of Fellowship
This fellowship is available to individuals who have completed their Ph.D. or Th.D. degree or their equivalent. It is especially offered for those who would like to experience participating in a Seventh-day Adventist academic community based on Seventh-day Adventist educational values. Application to the Program
An application to the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program must contain the following items: - Official transcript of doctoral studies.
- Copy of the diploma granted (if the doctorate is not finished at the time of application, it must be submitted before the fellowship will start).
- Current curriculum vitae.
- Description of the area of concentration with a proposed research project.
- Three letters of recommendation: (a) one from the members of the fellow’s doctoral committee, (b) one from his/her teachers, and (c) one from the sponsoring organization.
- The applicant may also include a signed statement from a SDA Theological Seminary faculty member indicating his/her willingness to mentor the fellow and guide his/her research project.
Acceptance into the Program
- The fellowship appointment will begin in either January or August of each academic year.
- The fellow will be accepted into the program after the approval of the application by the faculty of the mentoring Department, the Program Director, and the Seminary Dean.
- Upon acceptance into the program, the fellow will receive an Andrews University identification card and will have full access to the James White Library.
Financial Responsibilities
- A mentoring fee of $1,000 per semester will be charged.
- The fellow will be charged doctoral-rate tuition for the doctoral seminar credits taken each semester.
- The SDA Theological Seminary has no financial obligations toward the postdoctoral fellow and appointment does not imply any actual employment or working relationship.
- The postdoctoral fellow must be able to pay for his/her expenses or have a sponsoring organization (Division, Union, University, or College) to cover his/her costs.
- The fellow will be required to either purchase Andrews University health insurance or provide evidence of health insurance coverage viable within the United States.
Certification of Completion
A valid Andrews University certificate will be issued upon the successful completion of the postdoctoral program. Research Areas Available
Adventist Studies Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphical Literature Biblical and Ancient Languages Biblical Archaeology Biblical Spirituality Christian Ethics Christian Philosophy Church History Doctrines and Theology Historical Theology Judaism and Rabbinic Studies Leadership Literary Criticism Mission New Testament Studies New Testament Backgrounds Old Testament Studies Preaching World Religions |
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