Educational Leadership PhD
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The Educational Leadership segment of the Department of Leadership (LEAD) seeks to prepare effective educational administrators for servant leadership in educational settings. Description Educational Leadership programs at Andrews University are designed to prepare administrators for the opportunities in school leadership as principals, superintendents or supervisors. Whether you are an individual seeking to be mentored, a seasoned administrator, or an aspiring school leader who wishes to enroll in a program that respects and uses your past experiences, we are ready to serve you in ways that meet your needs. Educational Leadership programs are guided by nine standards. The first six standards are derived from the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC), which is identified by our accrediting body, the National Council of Accreditation in Teacher Education (NCATE), as the appropriate council to provide guidance for K–12 Educational programs. The additional three standards have been added in consultation with educational leaders in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. The nine standards are listed below followed by an outline of the levels of study we offer. PhD Description
The doctoral programs in Educational Leadership prepare participants for professional careers in education as superintendents or elementary and secondary-school administrators. These programs also prepare leaders for service in many types of agencies and organizations. Both the Doctor of Education (EdD) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs require a minimum of 90 credits and the submission of a researchbased article to a peer-reviewed publication. However, the PhD degree is more research-oriented and requires more courses in advanced research methodologies. Those specifically served by this degree are the following: - Teachers with master’s degrees interested in transitioning into educational administration and securing an additional degree while completing their NAD administration certification and endorsement.
- Principals of K–8, K–10, K–12, and 9–12 schools
- Supervisors of instruction
- Superintendents of schools
- Those interested in teaching Educational Administration at the higher education level
Core—minimum 18, with more credits available from variable credit courses
Concentration—minimum 14, with more credits available from variable credit courses
- Choose from outside Educational Administration, such as Business, Communication, Social Work, Psychology, Curriculum, Leadership, Research, or transfer credits.
Electives—As Needed
In consultation with your advisor. Application Process
Applicants must meet School of Education admission requirements for doctoral programs. They may transfer up to 42 credits from previous graduate work into the doctoral program. Candidates must complete LEAD 630 - Introduction to Leadership and LEAD 600 - Annual Conference as an introduction to the philosophy of leadership and review of the standards that will guide their educational plan. The curriculum consists of a minimum of 90 semester credits beyond the baccalaureate degree and requires the completion of a portfolio and a dissertation. Many courses are offered as variable credits; therefore, candidates should consider their credit needs when planning their course work and registering for courses. The portfolio serves as a component of the doctoral comprehensive examination. Both doctorates require the successful completion of a dissertation. Beginning the semester after registering for LEAD 880 , candidates must register for at least 1 dissertation credit during each semester until their dissertation is successfully defended. Program Information
The Portfolio Component The degree programs require the completion of a portfolio that documents the participant’s work. These portfolios require documentation that evidences a level of mastery appropriate to each degree and can be presented in person or via electronic media. The portfolio must be assessed and approved by a faculty committee. More details on portfolio requirements are provided in the introductory course, LEAD630, required in all administration programs. Registration Educational Leadership participants comply with registration guidelines by enrolling in a course at least two semesters out of three consecutive semesters until their program is complete. If participants want to remain active and not register for regular course work they will need to register for EDAL650 Program Continuation. This course has no credit but allows access to faculty advising and access to the Andrews University library. As an alternative to the above, a participant may request to go “Inactive.” When “Active Status” is desired, the participant may request reactivation and if approved pay the current “Reactivation Fee.” Time Limits An Educational Leadership participant must complete the requirements for the MA within four years; EdS, EdD and PhD degree within seven years from the beginning of the first semester of class work after acceptance into the program, irrespective of admission classification. Nine Guiding Standards Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by: - Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.
- Promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff.
- Managing the organization, operations and resources in a way that promotes a safe, efficient and effective learning environment.
- Collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
- Acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner.
- Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
- Understanding and comprehensively applying technology to advance student achievement.
- Appreciating the perspectives of others and developing a personal philosophy from which action and service emerge.
- Understanding and comprehensively applying research and evaluation for effective decision making.
The Internship Experience All degree programs require an internship experience. This provides significant learning opportunities to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice and to develop the skills identified in the standards. It requires substantial, sustained, standards-based work in a real setting, planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel for graduate credit. |
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