Aug 31, 2024  

Financial Aid Quick Reference

Every attempt has been made to assure the accuracy of information in this chart; however, the programs are subject to change. Funds awarded under each program are administered according to the laws and regulations in force at the time funds are applied to the student’s account.

Federal Perkins Loan

Who May Apply

Undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens.

Who is Eligible

Students with documented need enrolled at least half-time who are not freshmen. Must have PELL eligibility.

Range of Award

$1,500–$5,500 per year.

How to Apply

Complete FAFSA, AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if needed for verification, Perkins loan request form, sign master promissory note online and loan counseling.

Whom to Contact Student Financial Services—Financial Advisor.

More Info

Deferred payment, 5% loan. Repayment starts nine months after student ceases at least half-time enrollment. Student must apply each year.


Priority Processing:  March 1, 2015 for the 2015-2016 school year.

Federal Supplemental Educational Grant*

Who May Apply

Undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens.

Who is Eligible

Undergraduate students with documented need enrolled at least halftime. Must have PELL eligibility.

Range of Award

Up to $1,000 per year.

How to Apply

Complete FAFSA, AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification.

Whom to Contact Student Financial Services—Financial Advisor. 

More Info

Student must apply each year. 


Priority Processing:  March 1, 2015 for the 2015–2016 school year. 

Federal Work-Study

Who May Apply

Students who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. 

Who is Eligible

Undergraduate Students with documented need enrolled at least half time.

Range of Award

Earnings not to exceed award.

How to Apply

Complete FAFSA, AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification.

Whom to Contact Student Financial Services—Financial Advisor.

More Info

Eligible undergraduate students must apply for jobs at the Employment Office. Student must apply each year.


Priority Processing:  March 1, 2015 for the 2015–2016 school year.

Andrews Partnership Scholarships

Who May Apply

Undergraduate students. No application required.

Who is Eligible

Incoming freshmen, transfer students with minimum 2.5 college GPA.

Range of Award

Incoming freshmen, $2,500–$10,000

Transfer students, $1,500–$9,000

How to Apply

Freshmen and transfer students consult with Admissions Office to determine scholarship level.

Whom to Contact

AU Student Financial Services—Financial Advisor, and/or Admissions Office.

More Info

See financial aid section in this bulletin.


Priority Processing:  March 1, 2015 for the 2015–2016 school year. 

Federal Pell Grant

Who May Apply

Undergraduate Students who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens. 

Who is Eligible

Students with documented need enrolled at least half time in an eligible program.

Range of Award

$400–$5,830 per year 

How to Apply

Complete FAFSA, AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification.

Whom to Contact Student Financial Services—Financial Advisor.

More Info

Student must apply each year. Information given on FAFSA must be verified. 

Michigan Grants and Scholarships**

Who May Apply

Undergraduate Students who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens and who have been Michigan residents since June of the previous aid year.

Who is Eligible

Students enrolled at least half time in an eligible program.

Range of Award

Up to $1,626 per year. 

How to Apply

Complete FAFSA, AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification. 

Whom to Contact

Michigan State Department of Education or AU Financial Advisor. 

More Info

Student must apply each year.


Priority Processing:  March 1, 2015

Federal Direct Loan Program Subsidized**

Who May Apply

Undergraduate Students who are U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens and demonstrate need. Independent students who are US citizens or eligible non-citizens.

Who is Eligible

Students with documented need enrolled at least half time in an eligible program.

Range of Award

Up to $3,500 for freshmen; $4,500 for sophomores; $5,500 for juniors and seniors.

How to Apply

Complete FAFSA, AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification, sign master promissory note online, loan counseling and loan request form is available at the Student Financial Services Office or online at

Whom to Contact

Student Financial Services—Financial Advisor.

More Info

Variable interest rate, deferred payment on loan. Repayment begins six months after student ceases at least half-time enrollment. 


Apply at least three months before the time loan is needed. 

Federal Direct Loan Program Unsubsidized

Who May Apply

Students who are U.S. Citizens or eligible Non-Citizens.

Who is Eligible

Undergraduate and Graduate Students whose needs are not fully met from other aid sources.

Range of Award

Freshmen/sophomores —$2,000 plus up to $4,000 additional. Juniors/seniors— $2,000 plus up to $5,000 additional. Graduate students—up to $20,500.

How to Apply

Complete FAFSA, AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification, sign master promissory note online, loan counseling and Loan request form is available at the Student Financial Services Office or online at

More Info

AU Financial Advisor.  


Apply at least three months before the loan is needed.

Federal Direct Loan Program Plus and Grad-Plus

Who May Apply

Parents of dependent students, graduate students

Who is Eligible

Parents of dependent students, graduate students

Range of Award

Up to total educational costs less other awarded resources. 

How to Apply

Complete FAFSA, AU Financial Information Sheet and other documents if selected for verification, sign master promissory note online, loan counseling and Loan request form is available at SFS or online at

Whom to Contact Student Financial Services—Financial Advisor.

More Info



Apply at least three months before the loan is needed.


Programs are described in detail in this bulletin.
*Formerly called Basic Educational Opportunity Grant.
**Graduate students are no longer eligible for Michigan Grants or Subsidized Federal Direct Loans.
***Formerly the Guaranteed Student Loan Program or Federal Stafford Loan Program.

Every attempt has been made to assure the accuracy of information in this chart; however, the programs are subject to change. Funds warded under each program are administered according to the laws and regulations in force at the time funds are applied to the student’s account.