Dec 11, 2024  

TO HOLD ACCOUNTABLE: Student Discipline

“To restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created, to promote the development of body, mind, and soul, that the divine purpose in his creation might be realized—this was to be the work of redemption. This is the object of education, the great object of life” (Ellen G. White, Education, pages 15–16).

Self-Discipline and Institutional Discipline

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The goal of discipline at Andrews University is to shape and maintain a culture that fosters personal growth within a vibrant and caring community. The University’s approach is first restorative as well as educational as it seeks to transform students for this life and for eternity.

Students are encouraged to take personal responsibility for all avenues of their spiritual, mental and physical growth as they model the Andrews Community Values. These values are designed for the wellbeing of both the individual student and the community as a whole. A voluntary commitment to the Community Values Agreement requires personal integrity and self-discipline which generally dispenses with the need for institutional discipline.

Inevitably, however, there will be occasions when students fail to exercise self-discipline and do not fulfill their commitment to their Community Values Agreement, the expectations in this “Handbook” and the mission and values of the University. On such occasions students voluntarily place themselves under intervention and disciplinary considerations, and it becomes necessary and appropriate for the University to hold students accountable. While encouraging the student to develop independence, the University embraces the concept that liberty and license are not synonymous; therefore it accepts the obligation to maintain the values and guidelines which will provide for the welfare of the individual and the campus community at large.

In seeking to reflect a balance of mercy and justice, the University will strive to give students consistent and equitable responses to misconduct in a manner which is kind and considerate of each individual.

The University’s response may include, but is not limited to, all or any of the following:

  • Conversation with the student and appropriate staff, faculty or administrators to clarify issues and provide an opportunity for learning to take place
  • Counsel, written or oral
  • Warnings, written or oral
  • Citizenship probation
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal
  • Participation in an educational experience such as attending educational classes and writing a reflective or research paper
  • Participation in a professional assessment and/or counseling session(s) through the University’s Counseling & Testing Center
  • Participation in a support or counseling component (examples that may be selected by the student could include the Counseling & Testing Center, a pastor, a chaplain or a faculty or staff member, as deemed appropriate)
  • Participation in a student success plan or voluntary service work, on- or off-campus
  • “No contact” order
  • Fines
  • Restitution
  • Separation from all classes and organized campus activities
  • Separation from the campus property
    • Student Life Issued: “Suspension of Campus Visitation Privileges” (generally time-specific)
    • Campus Safety Issued: “Campus Ban” (generally a minimum of one year)
  • Additional academic consequences, up to and including dismissal from an academic program

Code of Student Conduct

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The University takes seriously any failure of a student to abide by his/her commitment to the Community Values Agreement and the Code of Student Conduct. The University understands that all human beings are prone to make mistakes and that every situation is unique. Nevertheless, a student should expect to receive consequences, up to and including dismissal from the University, if he/she engages in any activity, behavior, communication, or display of content described in the following list, whether it takes place on-campus, off-campus or online. In addition to a response from the Student Life office, students may receive a response according to the professional program standards of their academic department.

The list that follows is not comprehensive but does provide examples of violations of the Code of Student Conduct:

  1. Promotion or instigation of student behaviors not consistent with this Code of Student Conduct
  2. Willful undermining of the religious ideals of the University, including disregard for the observance of Sabbath
  3. Disorderly, profane, obscene or otherwise illegal or immoral conduct or expression which violates accepted standards of decency and Seventh-day Adventist Christian conduct
  4. Disruptive or dysfunctional behaviors, aberrant actions, or other conduct that may compromise the educational environment or the health and safety of others
  5. Entering the residence hall room or living area of a student of the opposite sex without an invitation to a formal open house program or permission from a residence hall dean
  6. Failure to return to the residence halls before 4 a.m. without an approved overnight leave
  7. Insubordination, including the failure to comply with directives of University officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties and/or the failure to identify oneself to one of these officials when requested to do so
  8. All forms or acts of dishonesty including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Theft
  • Fraud
  • Cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty
  • Furnishing false information to any University office, official, faculty or staff
  • Forgery, alteration or misuse of any University document, record or instrument of identification
  • A pattern of spreading unsubstantiated rumors
  • Tampering with the election of leaders of any recognized student organization
  1. Harassment based on perceived or actual personal characteristics such as sex, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, disability and any legally protected characteristic
  2. Participating in hazing, defined as an intentional or reckless act that the person knew or should have known endangers the physical health or safety of an individual and that is done for the purpose of being initiated into or affiliating with an established group or organization
  3. Participation in organizations or organizational activities that have not been registered with and approved by the organization’s sponsor and the Division of Student Life
  4. Unauthorized use of Andrews University’s name or facilities, for purposes or events that are not consistent with the Code of Student Conduct and the values of Andrews University
  5. Physical abuse or physical assault
  6. Domestic violence or abuse, dating violence or abuse, and stalking
  7. Sexual misconduct including, but not limited to, nonconsensual sexual contact, nonconsensual penetration, sexual exploitation, and sexual harassment
  8. Premarital and extramarital sexual activity; inappropriate displays of affection, including displays of romantic affection between individuals of the same sex; accessing, possessing or displaying pornographic or other sexually explicit materials; sexting or other virtual forms of sexual activity
  9. Verbal, written and other forms of disrespectful, threatening, intimidating, harassing, bullying or stalking behavior which interferes with the (mental, emotional, or physical) health or endangers the safety of any person; includes, but is not limited to, phone calls, emails and all forms of online or social network communications
  10. Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures or other University activities
  11. Continual lack of serious effort to meet scholastic and citizenship requirements including a pattern of failing to meet the minimal (pass level) Co-Curricular attendance expectations (for more information, refer to Co-Curricular Choices and Changes )
  12. On- or off-campus use, possession (in one’s residence, vehicle, belongings or on person), purchase, sale, manufacture or distribution of the following:
  • Tobacco in any form
  • Alcoholic beverages in any form
  • Illegal drugs or drug-related paraphernalia
  • Other paraphernalia including e-cigarettes, hookahs, vapor and hookah pens, etc., regardless of the substance delivered
  • Dishonestly acquired or misused prescription drugs (for more information, refer to Substance Abuse )
  1. Lingering in proximity to alcohol, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia, such as in events or parties where alcohol or illegal drugs, etc., are present and served by another host
  2. Hosting/planning events in one’s own residence or elsewhere where alcohol is served or consumed and/or illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia are present
  3. Patronizing places of questionable entertainment or activities such as sexually suggestive or explicit dancing
  4. Firearms, explosives, flammable substances and other weapons of any kind are not allowed on University property. This includes, but is not limited to, rifles, shotguns, pistols, paintball guns, BB guns, pellet guns, bows and arrows, stun guns, Tazers, “air-soft” guns, look-alike firearms, knives with blades longer than three inches (excluding culinary knives) and martial arts weapons. Possession of any firearm or other weapon on University property is cause for corrective action up to and including dismissal. For further explanation, please obtain a free copy of the “Campus Safety Handbook.”
  5. Attempted or actual vandalism or damage to individual, institutional or community property. Removal of institutional property from its designated place
  6. Deliberate misuse of a fire alarm system or other emergency equipment (Civil Code may bring up to one year in prison and up to a $500 fine) or other violations of established safety protocols
  7. Unauthorized entry or exit of campus buildings by any means other than the designated entrances, use of an exit for non-emergency purposes during timeframes when usage is established for emergency purposes only, or unauthorized presence (non-criminal trespassing) or use of equipment in University buildings after regular or established operational hours
  8. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of University key(s) or other access devices to any University premise
  9. Gambling in any form
  10. Violation of Andrews University’s Student Use of Computer and Network Resources Policy  and abuse of computer network and time to (but not limited to):
  • Communicate in a disrespectful, slanderous, abusive or obscene manner
  • Falsify the source of a message or email
  • Communicate and display content that violates any part of the Code of Student Conduct
  • Enter into a file, transfer a file or use another’s identification and password without authorization
  • Send excessive messages that lack a clear purpose
  • Misappropriate the Andrews University name, logo or identity
  1. Violation of institutional policy or code published in hard copy or available electronically on the University website
  2. A legal conviction for or confirmation of violations of federal, state or local law which indicate that a student is not in good standing with the community
  3. Conduct which has an adverse effect on the student’s responsibility to model good citizenship in the University community or in any other community

Any additional policies voted by the Student Life Deans Council, Student Life Council, Safety Committee or other appropriate University bodies, current and future, are valid and enforceable.

Student Conduct Intervention (Disciplinary) Processes

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The student conduct intervention (disciplinary) processes at Andrews University guarantee fundamental fair play to the accused student. The president is responsible for the enforcement of the policies and regulations of the University.

  • The president delegates authority to the provost for the application of the academic and non-academic (student conduct) policies and regulations.
  • The provost along with the academic deans applies academic policies and regulations.
  • The provost delegates to the vice president for Student Life the application of non-academic policies and regulations relative to student conduct.
  • The vice president for Student Life may delegate to Student Life personnel or other appropriate individuals the administering of discipline for student conduct violations of the Community Values Agreement and the Code of Student Conduct.

Reporting Violations of the Code of Student Conduct
Reports of misconduct are generally directed to the Student Life office. Anonymous reporting is discouraged, as it will seriously limit the University’s capacity to investigate the report. Students and staff are encouraged to share such information personally with a Student Life administrator, Student Life dean or residence hall dean and trust that careful consideration and discretion will be given to determine the best course of action.

Student Conduct Processes
When a report is made regarding a violation of the Code of Student Conduct, the Student Life dean or designee of the vice president for Student Life initiates a hearing and an initial investigation. The Student Life dean or designee meets with the student to (a) share the alleged report of the violation, (b) provide an opportunity for the student to give their own account of the events, verbally as well as in writing, (c) seek relevant information in order to establish a factual pattern and (d) offer care and insight in the restorative and intervention processes. If there is lack of clarity or confirmation regarding the alleged report, further investigative efforts will be considered and implemented where appropriate. When a student is not able to be on-campus, the established processes may vary.

University Intervention (Disciplinary Response)
In determining an appropriate response to a violation, consideration will be given to the nature of the incident, the results of the hearing and investigation, and the student’s conduct record and influence on campus, as well as to established University protocols and responses.

Minor misconduct is usually assessed informally, and established protocols are applied. If it is determined that there has been a serious violation of a University regulation, decisions for probation and suspension are generally made by the Student Life Deans Council or designee acting by authority of the vice president for Student Life. The vice president for Student Life will be consulted before all major student conduct suspensions of one semester or more are finalized. The vice president for Student Life will consult with the provost before a dismissal is finalized.

University processes are not legal proceedings. Therefore, students may elect to seek counsel from an attorney at their own expense. However, attorneys are not permitted to speak or otherwise participate in formal University proceedings.

Andrews University may inform the undergraduate student’s parent/guardian of violations of University policies and the resulting consequences. Disciplinary actions and deliberations are not ordinarily made public.

Depending on the severity of the situation, any one of the following steps of probation, suspension, withdrawal or dismissal can be selected or bypassed.

Citizenship Probation
A Student Life professional may place a student on citizenship probation for a violation of the Code of Student Conduct for a designated period of time that generally spans 15 weeks. The probation may also be a part of a response that also includes suspension. As part of a probationary status, privileges such as student leadership offices and/or participation in campus activities are usually removed. Honor, curfew and overnight leave privileges may also be removed for residence hall students. In general, a student on citizenship probation should expect that any further disregard of the Code of Student Conduct will result in a more serious response including suspension, withdrawal and dismissal.

The Student Life Deans Council generally determines the University responses to violations of the Code of Student Conduct including suspensions. In special circumstances, such as to facilitate the safety and wellbeing of a student or members of the University community, an interim or provisional suspension may be activated by the vice president for Student Life or a designee.

There are several types of suspensions and timeframes involving separation from classes, activities and the University.

Timeframes. At the discretion of Student Life personnel, the suspension timeframes may be as follows:

  1. For a definite period of time
  2. For an indefinite period of time
  3. Interim or provisional period of time pending the outcome of an investigation or until a specified condition is met after which the student may apply for reinstatement of the privileges of being a student. Note: this action assumes no determination of responsibility or guilt, and the disciplinary proceedings to determine if there was a violation of the Code of Student Conduct will be held as soon as possible.
  4. A deferred suspension may be for a definite period of time that is served at a later period of time, such as when the violation may occur at the end of a semester.

Locations and restrictions. At the discretion of the Student Life Deans Council, the terms of suspension may generally be as follows:

  1. Off-campus Suspension Components
  • Longer-term (ranges from remainder of the semester to two years)
  • Suspension is served at student’s off-campus home or off-campus location
  • Suspension from attending classes, organized campus activities, and work; may include a Student Life issued ban from visiting the campus for any purpose or a formal campus ban issued by Campus Safety
  • If the suspension occurs prior to the last scheduled date to withdraw from classes, the suspended student may be given the opportunity to complete the formal exit/withdrawal process to receive “W”s. Receiving grades, incompletes or deferred grades is not an option. Partial tuition refunds are potentially available only early in the semester and as established in the “Andrews University Bulletin.” All exceptions are made by the student’s Academic Dean
  • Citizenship Probation and other restorative and educational interventions and expectations upon reinstatement and return
  1. On-campus Suspension Components

    a. Out-of-Class Suspension

  • Shorter-term (3–5 days within a semester)
  • Suspension is served while student remains at their current residence
  • Suspension or separation from attending classes, organized campus activities and work, etc.
  • Citizenship Probation
  • Voluntary Service
  • Other restorative and educational interventions
  1. In-Class Suspension
  • Shorter-term (two weeks within a semester)
  • Suspension is served while student remains at their current residence
  • Student is required to faithfully attend classes, but a portion of their time and activities is suspended in order to engage the student in a student success and intervention plan
  • Supervised academic success program (and related fees) or voluntary service (15 hours)
  • Citizenship Probation
  • Mentoring with a Student Life dean for a minimum of six weekly sessions
  • Other restorative and educational interventions

Further disregard of University expectations could result in a student being asked to withdraw or being dismissed.

A student who consistently disregards University policies, is insubordinate or who is involved in a single major violation of the Code of Student Conduct may be asked to withdraw from classes immediately or at the end of a semester. A student who willingly withdraws may be considered for readmission after an absence of one semester or more. Refusal to withdraw may result in formal suspension or dismissal.

A student who is dismissed is generally permanently separated from the University. Transportation costs incurred in relationship to suspensions, withdrawals or dismissals from the University are the responsibility of the student or parents/legal guardians.

Appeal Processes for Student Conduct Intervention (Disciplinary) Responses   
An appeal is not granted as a new review of the case and/or in response to general dissatisfaction with the outcome of a disciplinary case. The limited grounds on which students may seek an appeal are one or more of the following:

  1. To consider new information that could impact the findings that was not available at the time a decision was made
  2. Procedural error that may have impacted fairness, etc.
  3. The University response or consequence was clearly disproportionate to the violation

Responses to violations of the Code of Student Conduct that are at the level of probation or below do not fall within the formal appeal process.

Request for an Appeal
The formal request for an appeal to student conduct intervention responses should be directed to the vice president for Student Life within seven calendar days of receiving notice of the decision. The appeal must consist of a concise written statement outlining the grounds for the appeal as described above. The vice president for Student Life will review the request in consultation with the provost to determine if there are valid grounds for the appeal. The student will be notified by the vice president if the request for an appeal has been granted (or denied) and of how the appeal process will unfold.

The Process
If the appeal process is granted, the vice president for Student Life will facilitate and coordinate the process. Given that the student in most cases has already had a face-to-face hearing with a Student Life dean, the appeal process does not generally provide a second opportunity for a face-to-face hearing.

The appeal process may be returned to the Student Life Deans Council, especially in cases where there is new and relevant information.

The appeal will generally be directed to the Citizenship Appeals Committee—which is a broadly representative group comprised of faculty and Student Life staff. The vice president for Student Life appoints one of the faculty/staff members as chairperson. The vice president gives the student the opportunity to select an advocate. Advocates generally will be individuals from within the University’s faculty or staff, as long as they are not a relative of the parties involved. Advocates may accompany the student to a hearing with the Student Life Deans Council or to the Citizenship Appeals Committee. The advocate may not direct questions to or otherwise address the Council deliberating the case. However, the advocate may consult with the student that they are assisting throughout the processes.

The Citizenship Appeals Committee will meet as called by the vice president for Student Life to consider appeals to serious disciplinary action. In addition, the Citizenship Appeals Committee may be called to meet to determine an appropriate disciplinary action in unique situations or cases in which the investigation does not result in the appropriate level of clarity or confirmation.

The Citizenship Appeals Committee can uphold the original findings, alter the findings, and/or alter the disciplinary sanctions. The decision of the Citizenship Appeals Committee will generally be final.

Only in rare cases can an additional appeal be made to the Office of the Provost. Such an appeal would involve a review of pertinent documents and would not offer an additional hearing. (Note: suspension for violation of attendance policies is automatic and is not subject to appeal.)

Graduate Students
The vice president for Student Life will collaborate with Student Life personnel, the graduate program director, and the student’s academic dean to facilitate requests for appeals to student conduct intervention (disciplinary) actions. The Office of the Provost is the place of final appeal for all graduate students.

University Authority and Civil Penalties
The University will cooperate fully with law enforcement and other agencies in the enforcement of the law and the conditions imposed by the courts. When a student is charged by federal, state or local authorities with a violation of a law, the University will not request or agree to special consideration for that individual because of his or her status or former status as a student. If the offense is also subject to a sanction for a violation of the Code of Student Conduct, however, the University may elect to advise off-campus authorities of the existence of the Code of Student Conduct and how such matters are generally handled internally within the University community. Individual students, faculty and staff members, acting in their personal capacities, remain free to interact with governmental representatives as they deem appropriate.

A student who is charged with violating the law may incur penalties prescribed by the University in addition to those prescribed by the civil authorities when the Code of Student Conduct has been violated. Depending on the circumstances, the University may proceed with, or postpone, its inquiries or investigations while a criminal investigation is underway. The University reserves the right to proceed in a manner which best protects its students or its interests.

If a residence hall student is accused of violating a federal, state or local law, when requested by the student’s parents and legally permissible, after consultation with the vice president for Student Life, a short-term loan of up to $500 may be acquired for a bond.

Right of Entry

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The University reserves the right of residence hall deans, authorized representatives or an administrative officer of the University to enter and inspect a student’s room whenever deemed necessary. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to inspect the contents of any locked containers and inspection for illegal substances, firearms, alcohol, tobacco, fire and safety hazards, cleanliness and orderliness. The student, by accepting a room in one of the residence halls, acknowledges and authorizes this procedure. Materials and decorations such as calendars, pictures or posters not in harmony with the ethical and moral standards of the University may result in the student being asked to remove them from the campus or may ultimately be moved by University personnel.

Thank You for Choosing Andrews

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By choosing Andrews, you choose to be part of something unique. Our Seventh-day Adventist Christian faith and values set us apart. Whether or not you share our perspective, we invite you to respect it and be open to the conversation. It really is the basis for everything we do.