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Health is a student’s most precious possession. Good health means self-awareness and self-control, self-satisfaction, loving relationships and a stable sense of wellbeing even in the most trying times.
A healthy and successful college student will:
- Have daily personal devotions
- Get a minimum of seven hours sleep nightly
- Exercise regularly
- Eat well-balanced meals at regular times
- Avoid foods and beverages high in sugar
- Drink 6–8 glasses of water daily between meals
- Dress appropriately for Michigan weather
- Be helpful
Student Health Services
Students may direct their health needs to University Medical Specialties, located next to the Apple Valley Plaza. Phone 269-473-2222 during regular office hours (Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., and Friday, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.) to schedule appointments. Residence hall students are eligible for limited health care with University Medical Specialties as part of their residence hall package (see the “Andrews University Bulletin” at Non-residence hall students living in the apartments or off-campus housing may also use University Medical Specialties for a fee.
If an emergency arises outside of regularly scheduled office hours, students may contact a physician by calling the answering service at University Medical Specialties at 269-473-2222.
Physician or nurse practitioner appointments and most short-term medications are available to residence hall students. These services are included in the residence hall rent/health plan and are not charged separately to the student. However, additional charges are made for lab work, X-rays and accident cases involving third-party liability. University Medical Specialties (UMS) charges the insurance company for any coverage applicable to the services provided to residence hall students, thus students should take their insurance information with them when utilizing UMS services. UMS waives any copay or deductible (for the student/family) for the limited healthcare provided.
The University’s Response to AIDS
The primary response of the University to AIDS is education. University personnel will seek ways to provide detailed information on how the virus is transmitted and how to prevent it. The primary educational objective is to discourage sexual activity except within a mutually monogamous, heterosexual marriage relationship.
So that the University can balance the rights of individuals with AIDS or a positive HIV test with the public health needs of those they contact, the following guidelines have been established:
- In general, HIV antibody testing will not be a prerequisite to acceptance or registration.
- In general, the student with AIDS or laboratory evidence of HIV infection will not be denied acceptance, registration, class attendance or housing.
- It is the responsibility of the student known to have AIDS, or a positive HIV test, to:
- Seek regular medical treatment as required by a personal physician
- Abstain from or prevent any action that may potentially transmit the AIDS virus to another individual
Confidentiality concerning a student’s health will be maintained unless it is determined that others must be informed because of their risk of exposure to the AIDS virus. If such notification is deemed necessary, the student in question will be notified in writing of that decision.
Specific problems related to the interpretation and/or application of these health guidelines will be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Commission on Health and Ethics.
Emotional Health
The heavy study/work/social program at a university sometimes causes excessive emotional stress. Students who need help in coping with stress or stressful situations should feel free to contact the Counseling & Testing Center at 269-471-3470, a residence hall dean, or Student Life at 269-471-3215.