Feb 14, 2025  


Residence Hall Charges

Residence hall occupancy is based on two persons per room, for the duration of an entire term. All single undergraduates under 22 years of age should plan on living in the residence hall, unless living full-time with their parents.

Before the room assignment process is initiated, receipt of both the residence hall application and the room deposit are required. Prior to moving in, students must have been accepted for the session in question and be financially cleared.

Residence Hall Package Plans*
For fall and spring semesters
  Double Occupancy (Lamson, Meier, Burman) $2,389
  Double Occupancy (Damazo) $2,639
  Single Occupancy (Lamson, Meier, Burman) $3,584
  Single Occupancy (Damazo) $5,278
  (if available space in Lamson, Meier, Burman, Damazo)  
  Double Daily Rate (Lamson, Meier, Burman) $20
  Single Daily Rate (Lamson, Meier, Burman) $30
  Double Daily Rate (Damazo) $22
  Single Daily Rate (Damazo) $44
For summer sessions
  Summer room charges are calculated on a per day basis.

* The residence hall package plan includes unlimited access to laundry facilities, utilities, basic telephone, health club membership, and limited health care. It does not include health care lab work and x-rays, comprehensive psychological or substance use/abuse interventions or testing, health insurance, or miscellaneous expenses such as linens, cleaning, books, supplies, transportation or food. University Medical Specialties (UMS) charges the insurance company for any coverage applicable to the services provided to residence hall students, thus students should take their insurance information with them when utilizing UMS services. UMS waives any copay or deductible (for the student/family) for the limited health care provided.  Note:  Lamson and Meier Halls will close at 9am on Wednesday morning following the end of Fall Semester and will reopen at 9am on Wednesday morning before the beginning of Spring semester.  Residents needed housing during the closure time should speak with a residence hall dean. 

Residence Hall Room Deposit Payment
The room deposit is $250, payable by each resident prior to room assignment. Assignments are made on a first-come first-served basis. For priority room assignment, submit your application and deposit by August 1 for fall term, December 1 for spring term, and May 1 for summer terms. If a deposit is received after those dates, expect to be assigned to temporary housing.

Residence Hall Room Deposit Refund
Room deposits are refunded if you do not move into the residence hall and cancel your application by August 1 for fall term, December 1 for spring term, and May 1 for summer term. Cancellation must be made through the residence hall housing office. Students will receive room assignment notification during the month of July for the upcoming fall semester. They are expected to confirm this room assignment online. Failure to confirm or cancel by August 1 will result in room cancellation as well as release of the room deposit. Rooms that have been confirmed and then canceled after August 1 will result in forfeiture of the room deposit.

Failure to Check Out Properly
Students are charged if they leave the residence hall without following checkout procedures. Additional charges may be assessed depending on the amount of cleaning and/or repairs required.

Residence Hall Unreturned Key Charges (subject to change)
  Unreturned or lost key fee $75
  Unreturned or lost security drawer key fee $10

Personal Effects Insurance. The University does not provide personal effects insurance coverage. The University is not responsible for the loss or damage, from any cause, of personal belongings brought to the campus. This is true even though students are required by the University to purchase certain items or to keep them in a specified place. The University strongly recommends that students secure their own personal effects insurance coverage.

Meal Plan Charges

Residence Hall Meal Plan
Undergraduate residence hall students under age 22 are required to participate in the Declining Balance Meal Plan. The minimum meal plan charge is $1,800 per semester. The meal plan can be used for purchases at the Terrace Café, Gazebo and campus vending machines.  In some cases, the minimum meal plan will not meet your complete food needs for the semester (for example, $1,800 should cover approximately two average meals each day, every day, throughout the semester). Students who know they will require a larger meal plan amount may opt to add additional funds through Dining Services. 

Students who run out of funds in the meal account during the semester may add to the balance in increments of $100 by request at the Office of Dining Services in the Campus Center.

No refund will be credited to the student’s account at the end of the semester if funds remain in the meal plan.

All residence hall students of Andrews University employees receiving 60% educational allowance must select a meal plan regardless of the student’s age. Women living in Damazo Hall can select the Damazo Meal Plan. please contact your Student Financial Services financial advisor.

Meal plan cost per semester ($1,800)

Café Account
Minimum amount to open a Café Account ($50)

The Café Account is a plan for graduate and undergraduate students not living in a dormitory. Students may use their Café Account card to purchase food from the Terrace Café, Gazebo, or vending machines.  To open a Café account with cash, check or credit card, visit the Office of Dining Services. To open a Café account with a credit balance on a student account, visit the Office of Student Financial Services.

University Apartments Charges


Application Fee $320
The application fee is divided as follows:
  Security Deposit  $200
  Cleaning Fee, non-refundable  $100
  Processing Fee, non-refundable  $20
Rental Rates (each month)*
  Efficiency $610
  One-bedroom $640–710
  Two-bedroom $700-770
  Three-bedroom $760-825
  Four-bedroom $880

* Apartment rates include all utilities: local telephone, basic cable television, and high-speed Internet


Processing Fee, non-refundable $20
Before possession, the following is required:
  Security Deposit $300
  Cleaning Fee, non-refundable $100

Monthly Rental Rates

One–three bedroom houses ($555-1000)
The Office of University Apartments provides apartment descriptions and application forms upon request. Application forms can also be downloaded from www.andrews.edu/apartments/. If notice of cancellation is received before the date of stated occupancy, the application fee is refunded minus the $20 processing fee. Apartments or houses are assigned from the processing list in the order in which the application fee is received.

A student’s immediate family only includes husband, wife, children, parents and biological siblings. Birth certificates must be provided showing the relationship to the student. Any other relatives (cousins, nieces, nephews, in-laws, etc.) who desire to live with students must first receive permission from the University Apartments director. Rent is increased by $20 per month for each additional person that is not immediate family as described above or the student does not have legal guardianship over. No overcrowding is allowed.

Single students wanting to share an apartment with a roommate will pay an additional $20 rent per month. The monthly rent, along with the additional extra person charge, will be divided between the roommates.

Rent Payments
The first month’s rent is prorated to the date of occupancy. Students are required to pay the first month’s rent in advance. Thereafter, rent is due in advance on the 1st of each month. A late fee of $30 is charged for any payment made after the 10th of the month. Payments can be made in person, by using the drop box, by mail or online. Address all payments and inquiries to:

Office of University Apartments
Andrews University
Box 10920
Berrien Springs MI 49104

Termination of Occupancy
All tenants are required to sign a year lease at the time of occupancy. At the end of the initial lease a new lease has to be signed if the tenant wishes to continue occupancy.

College of Arts & Sciences Charges

Center for Intensive English Programs

Language Training (Short-Term Intensives)
Individuals and groups may register for short-term intensives: fall semester, beginning in August and late October; spring semester, beginning in January and early March. The program fees (tuition) will be pro-rated. Housing and meal plans are available for an additional fee. 

CIEP Fall and Spring Semesters
  • For credit ESL - Students taking ESL classes in the Center for Intensive English Programs (CIEP) for credit pay regular AU undergraduate tuition rates.
  • Non-credit ESL - Students taking non-credit ESL classes in the Center for Intensive English Programs (CIEP) pay the following tuition rates:
    • 12-16 non-credit hours/week - $4,656
    • Under 12 non-credit hours/week - $388/non-credit hour (Each course is 4 credits)

CIEP Summer Semester

  • For credit ESL - Students taking ESL classes in the Center for Intensive English Programs (CIEP) for credit pay regular AU undergraduate tuition rates.
  • Non-credit ESL - Students taking non-credit ESL classes in the Center for Intensive English Programs (CIEP) pay the following tuition rates:
    • 12-14 non-credit hours/week - $3,880
    • Under 12 non-credit hours/week - $388/non-credit hour (Each course is 4 credit)

Please contact the Center for Intensive English Programs at ciep@andrews.edu for information regarding discounts available for CIEP students.

Transportation will be provided to and from the South Bend Airport upon request. Students are responsible for transportation from other airports to Andrews University.  Tuition and fees do not include textbooks, health insurance, transportation to and from Andrews University. Health insurance is available through Andrews University for $115 per month. Participants in each program must either show proof of insurance or purchase insurance at Andrews University.



Communication Club Fee for all Communication Majors and Communication MA students per year $25

General Studies Degree Plan (Main Campus)


International Language Studies

Reading examination in French or German for MA and doctoral candidates in the Seminary and the School of Graduate Studies & Research $220

Credit by examination other than CLEP                                                                                                                                                       $42
      (College Level Examination Program) test for undergraduate students for course credit or to have the language requirements of the College of Arts & Sciences waived
      (no credits are given)

Students wishing to charge private lessons or non-credit music classes to their account must receive authorization from Student Financial Services, prior to signing up for the lessons.

Private music lessons (non-credit)
    Per 30-minute lesson $28

Private music lesson practice room fee $74 per semester

Music ensemble fee adjustments

  • Half tuition rate for students who register for music ensemble for credit and whose combined load exceeds 16 credits
  • No tuition for students who audit music ensemble and whose combined load exceeds 16 credits
Music organization uniform approx. $153
   Wind Symphony, Chamber Singers, Ladies Chorus, Mens Chorus, and University Singers  
MENC Collegiate Chapter Membership Fee $42
   Professional membership fee required for Bachelor of Music in Music Education majors  
Lab fee for Music minors (per semester for two years) $48
Lab fee for Music majors (per semester, excluding summer) $48
Religion Professional Fees  
   Computer lab fees for theology/religion majors (per semester) taking more than 6 total credits $32
   AMA (Andrews MInisterial Association) club fees for theology/religion majors (per semeter) taking more than 6 total credits $20
Social Work Professional Fees
  Freshmen and Sophomores $71
  Juniors and Seniors $142
  Graduate students $362
  Full-time graduate students (summer) $116
  (Charges per semester, excluding summer)  

Department of Aviation Charges

Flight Majors: Flight-training fees are to be paid at the beginning of each semester. This is to insure that flight training progresses without interruption due to financial limitations. Any additional flight or ground instruction, beyond each training module, will incur additional hourly training fees. Students must plan to cover their own costs of the 1st class FAA medical, and in the case of international students, the TSA application fee.  FAA written flight tests, charts and other materials are additional and cannot be charged against the flight training fees.

Please note: Flight training fees are non-refundable. Students should plan to complete their training within the semester they have enrolled for the course. If, due to special circumstances, approved by the department; students unable to complete the training may be given a specified extension to finish their flight during the following break or semester. Beyond that exception, unused hours after the semester enrolled are forfeited and will be unusable.

Aviation Professional Fee
Fall          $100
Spring      $100


International Flight Students: TSA Application Fee for Permission to Commence Flight Training $130

The fee is required for all non-U.S. students training as Private, Instrument and Multi-engine pilots. An approved application allots one year of training for each of the above flight ratings. If a student does not complete the rating in that time frame, they will be required to repay the TSA fee and reapply to continue training.

Community (Non-Flight Majors) Taking Flight Training
Flight-training fees will be on a pay-as-you-go basis. Ground School classes are available with no university credit for $360 per course for the private, instrument and commercial courses and $950 for the CFI course. Credit for such courses may be obtained by registering through the registrar’s office and paying regular tuition. For flight certificates without credit call the Department of Aviation for a cost estimate.

Flight Training Fees and Rates
Rates and fees are subject to change without notice due to changes in operating costs (insurance, fuel, etc.). Every attempt will be made to maintain published rates. Check with the airpark administration for current rates. Flight-training fees listed below apply to this bulletin:

Course Fees For Flight Training Labs
The full fee amount is due at the beginning of the semester/registration for each course.

Flight Courses
(Note: Flight Training 1–8 required for Flight degree)
  AFLT121 Flight Training 1 $7,290
  AFLT122 Flight Training 2 $7,570
  AFLT226 Flight Training 3 $4,600
  AFLT227 Flight Training 4 $10,080
  AFLT321 Flight Training 5 $7,920
  AFLT322 Flight Training 6 $5,135
  AFLT323 Flight Training 7 $7,930
  AFLT324 Flight Training 8 $7,290
  AFLT426 Multiengine Flight Training $5,255
  AFLT427 Multiengine Flight  $9,130
  AFLT356 Certified Flight Instructor (initial) $3,700
  AFLT366 Certified Instrument Instructor (add on) $1,930
  AFLT430 Crew Resource Management $1,500
  AFLT467 Multiengine Flight Instructor (add on) $4,950
  AFLT474 Techniques of Mission Flying $1,800
Maintenance Courses ($25.00 per credit)  
AVMT108 Applied Science for Aerospace Tech $100.00
AVMT114 Aircraft Electricity $50.00
AVMT116 FAR’s/Forms/Records/Publications $50.00
AVMT120 Material and Process $100.00
AVMT204 Aircraft Electrical Systems $50.00
AVMT206 Powerplant Electrical Systems $100.00
AVMT210 Aircraft Systems $100.00
AVMT220 Aircraft Fuels and Fuel Systems $50.00
AVMT226 Engine Fuel Metering Systems $50.00
AVMT237 Aircraft Hydraulic/Pneumatic, Landing Gear $100.00
AVMT304 Aircraft Metal Structures $100.00
AVMT306 Aircraft Non-Metal Structures $50.00
AVMT308 Aircraft Assembly/Rigging/Inspections $50.00
AVMT310 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines $100.00
AVMT314 Aircraft Propellers and Engine Inspections $75.00
AVMT316 Reciprocating Engine Systems/Overhaul $175.00
AVIA140 Welding Technology $100.00
AVIA250 Machine Shop $100.00

Flight Physical* $110
Electronic Flight Bag (iPad 32GB minimum)* $699
Electronic Flight Publications (annually)* $100
Headset $325
FAA Exams (Flight)**
  Written test** $150
  Flight Test** $500
  ** Subject to change
Aviation Maintenance
Required Minimum Tool Set $3,500
Note: Maintenance students are required to have a Windows-compatible personal laptop.
FAA Exams (Maintenance)***
  Written test*** $150
  Oral/Practical test (each) AU Student*** $200
  Oral/Practical test (each) Non-AU Student*** $400
  ***Subject to change

Community Non-Credit Classes for Aviation Airframe and Powerplant Certificate
For those wishing to attend classes to earn the FAA Airframe and Powerplant certificates without university credit, there is a cost of $25,480 for the program ($490 per AU credit equivalent, includes lab fee). Should the student want university credit at a later date, the difference between the then-current university tuition rate and the non-credit rate would have to be paid. FAA test fees are additional.  Tool costs may be waived for students who own their own tools appropriate for program requirements.  Contact the Department of Aviation for more details. 

School of Architecture & Interior Design Charges

BSA, BSCM & BID Professional program application fee $45
Professional education fees for BSA, MArch, BSCM & and BID programs
  Pre-professional year 1 $620
  Pre-professional year 2 946
  Professional years 1 & 2 (BSCM) 620
  Professional years 1 & 2 (BID) 946
  Professional Track years 1 & 2 (BSA) 946
  MArch year 1076
  (Charges per semester)  
Fee for ARCH330 & ARCH530 Analytical Summer Abroad Varies
  (Contact School of Architecture, Art & Design)  
Architecture Deposit Fees
  Mayline ruler $150
  Key for drafting desk 15
  Board cover 50
  Cleaning fee 30

School of Health Professions Charges

Medical Laboratory Sciences
Professional fees —Fall $620
  —Spring $620
  —Summer $350
BS Nursing
  Professional Fee for BS Nursing (on-campus program) per semester (Fall/Spring) $425
Online RN-BSN

Nurses from hospitals having agreements/contracts with AU per credit hour.


Nurses from hospitals without a contract/agreement per credit hour.


Departmental NLN Upward Mobility Examination Fee
Doctor of Nursing Practice  
Professional Fee, each semester $500
Tuition per credit $624
Confirmation Deposit (Non-refundable/Non-transferable to another year confirmation deposit-deadline August 1) $200
Nursing 670 Project Continuation $251
Nursing 675 Program Continuation $251
Public Health Nutrition & Wellness
  Professional Fees  
  Nutrition and Dietetics Program, each semester (FDNT 351, 352, 441, 442) $350
  Excercise Science, per semester (Fall, Spring) $350
  BS Public Health (Fall, Spring) $350


Masters of Public Health    
       Professional Fee, each semester   $400
       Tuition per credit   $537


Cost for Graduate Certificate (Dietetic Internship) - 12 credits (eligible for loans)    
Fee Title Deadline Cost
Application fee February 15 $50 non-refundable
Confirmation fee May 1 $400 non-refundable/non-transferable to another year
Professional fee   $375 per semester
Distance fee   $124 per semester
Tuition   $4715 per semester

Physical Therapy Professional Programs

These fees do not include transportation costs, general education fees, special tests, insurance, books, or graduation fees.

Confirmation Fee (non-refundable/non-transferable to another year) $500
DPT program block package rate  
  Tuition per semester $11,224
  Professional fee per semester* __ 400
  Total package per semester**  $11,624
  Continuation fee, Physical Therapy Capstone Project/Program Continuation  
  PTH 655 - Program Continuation   $245
  PTH 788 - Research Project Continuation   $245

* Set by Department
** Students not taking the entire block of PT classes pay regular doctoral tuition up to a maximum of the PT package tuition rate and are not charged the PT professional fee for that semester.

t-DPT and DScPT programs (On Campus)
  t-DPT Block Tuition (per semester) $6,100
  DScPT Block Tuition (per semester) $5,023
  Professional Fee (per semester) $400
  Confirmation Fee (non-refundable/non-transferable to another year) $500
  Continuation Fee, Physical Therapy Capstone Project/Program Continuation  
  PTH 655 - Program Continuation   $245
  PTH 788 - Research Project Continuation   $245
   t-DPT and DScPT (Off Campus)  
  Regular credit (per credit) $546
  Professional Fee (per semester) $250
  Confirmation Fee (non-refundable/non-transferable to another year) $500
  Competency credit (per credit)(PLA) $210
  Continuation fee, Physcial Therapy Capstone Project/Program Continuation  
  PTH 655 - Program Continuation   $245
  PTH 788 - Research Project Continuation   $245
  CEU—Workshop fees vary
Masters Speech Language Pathology
  Professional fee per semester $420
  Orientation fee, (SPPA 500) $200
  Confirmation deposit (non-refundable/non- transferable to another year) $250

Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Charges

Full-Time Tuition
  Master’s degree (per credit) $1,073
  Doctoral degree (per credit) 1,248
MDiv Registration Fee (per semester)
  Fall, Spring (up to 16 credits) 3,069
  Fall, Spring (over 16 credits)(per credit) 1,073
  Summer (up to 12 credits) 2,308
  Summer (over 12 credits)(per credit) 1,073
General Fee (per semester)
  Fall or Spring 385
  Summer 145
  Seminary Student Activity Fee 14
  (Except all students taking less than 5 credits and all students in any form of Distance Education) 124
Continuation Fee (per semester)
  Program Continuation   and GSEM 888 . 756
  DMin program extension fee, if granted. 1,333
  Preparation for Comprehensive Exams GSEM 680  and GSEM 880 . 216
  Dissertation Proposal Preparation GSEM 844 216


Application Fees
  Application 60
  Online Application 60
  Psychological Evaluation 30
  Background Check variable
Other Fees
  Per credit recording and assessment fee—CPE or military chaplaincy training (CHMN 557 , CHMN 659  and CHMN 641 ) 97
Academic Departmental Examinations
  Registration Administrative Fee—per test 42
  Recording fee—per credit 47
Seminary Distance Learning Center
  MA or PTC distance tuition (per credit) 1,073
  MDiv Students (In addition to the MDiv registation fee) are charged an additional SDLC fee (per credit) 128

Program Specific Fees and Discounts

MA: Full-time on-campus students who do not transfer MDiv credits into their MA program may apply for a tuition discount (based on GPA) at the Seminary Dean’s office each semester by drop/add date (see below):

MAR, MA RelEd Tuition Adjustment: 25% discount
MAPM, MAYYAM Tuition Adjustment: 25%–38% discount

MDiv: The MDiv fee is already discounted down to a flat registration fee (automatic) so no further discounts are available except during summer semester, an on-campus student taking less than 8 credits on campus may apply for a reduction/proration of the summer fee. Applications available in the Seminary Dean’s office. Must be submitted by drop/add date of third session.

The registration fee is due August 15 for fall semester, December 15 for spring semester, and May 10 for summer term. Any credits (over 16 for fall and spring semesters or over 12 for the summer) are charged at the regular per-credit master’s tuition rate. MDiv students taking a graduate course in the College of Arts & Sciences in fulfillment of their elective course requirement may request a 50% tuition reduction (up to 9 credits), provided the class is not full and there are a sufficient number of students paying full tuition to warrant the teaching of the course. Directed study, laboratory courses, and study tours are not eligible for reduced tuition. Neither is this discount available for dual enrollment students who have been accepted in a graduate degree program in the College of Arts & Sciences. (Application form is available in the MDiv office), but request form is submitted to the Dean of Arts & Science.

A per-credit recording fee is charged by the University for current students who take CHMN 557 - Practicum in Clinical Pastoral Education  (CPE), CHMN 659 - Practicum in Pastoral Care and Counseling , or CHMN 641 - Practicum in Military Chaplaincy , credits earned in approved centers not connected with a graduate-level school.

DMin: NAD employees are eligible for a 56% discount off the published doctoral rate. Tuition includes general, graduation and editing fees.

PhD/ThD: Visit the PhD program office for scholarship application in January of each year.

Seminary Scholarships and Discounts

Endowed/Named Scholarships—Application deadline will be set sometime during spring semester for the next year. Emergency Scholarship—Visit the Seminary Dean’s office for details.

Seminary Spouse Discount
Available to master’s-level students enrolled in Seminary programs whose spouses are enrolled full-time in a Seminary program. Student must submit application to Seminary Dean’s office each semester by drop/add date. Details and applications are available in the Seminary Dean’s office. Discount, if granted, would net Seminary master’s tuition to $140 per credit (maximum 9 credits per semester).

Note: The purpose of this section is to summarize the most common Seminary fees. Seminary students are still responsible for all fees and policies as set forth in this Bulletin.

Other departmental charges for individual courses are listed in the Class Schedule. These charges, which may be significant, are added to tuition.