I—Purpose of the Andrews University Senate
The purpose of the Andrews University Senate shall be to advance the mission of the university and to safeguard the interests of the university as a whole by determining whether its major issues have been addressed and whether decisions pertaining to them have been predicated with adequate analysis, discussion, representation, and support. Its non-binding recommendations to committee chairs, vice- presidents, and the university president shall provide advice in forms of endorsements or objections which reflect the collective will of the university community.
II—Membership of the Andrews University Senate
Section 1—The membership of the Andrews University Senate shall consist of twenty-nine (29) members categorized as follows:
Officers of the University Four (4) members:
- The President of Andrews University, ex-officio,
- A vice president elected in the President’s Cabinet by fellow vice presidents,
- A dean elected by the Deans’ Council,
- An administrative director or general officer elected in the President’s Cabinet.
Salaried Professional Staff Seven (7) members representing the following:
- Academic Administration Council,
- Advancement,
- Enrollment Services Council,
- Finance Council,
- Student Life Council,
- Human Resources,
- Information Technologies.
Hourly Staff Three (3) members selected by the Staff Assembly.
- Hourly Staff A
- Hourly Staff B
- Hourly Staff C
Faculty Twelve (12) members selected by the faculties of academic entities as follows:
- College of Arts and Sciences (Humanities and Fine Arts)
- College of Arts and Sciences (Behavioral/Social Sciences)
- College of Arts and Sciences (Applied Sciences)
- College of Arts and Sciences (Natural Sciences)
- School of Architecture, Art and Design
- School of Business Administration
- School of Distance Education
- School of Education A
- School of Education B
- School of Health Professions A
- University Schools (K-12)
- SDA Theological Seminary A
- SDA Theological Seminary B
Student Body Two (2) members elected from student associations:
- Andrews University Graduate Student Association
- Andrews University Undergraduate Student Association
Section 2—The Term of Service for elected members of the Andrews University Senate shall be three (3) years for faculty and staff; implemented on a staggered basis with one-third retiring annually. Consecutive terms of service shall be limited to two (2). Terms of service for student representatives shall be one year with reelection limited to two consecutive terms of service. A membership year shall extend from September 1 until August 31.
Section 3—Appointment to membership of elected members of the Andrews University Senate is made annually in the spring term or during the year as vacancies occur, by the various nominating schools and entities of the university. In July, the president of the university shall formally announce the elected membership of the Senate for the coming year.
Section 4—Non-attendance of a member will result in the unseating of that member. If during spring term, the attendance record of a sitting Senator for the past six (6) months is found to be less than fifty percent (50%), the appropriate nominating school or entity of the University shall be notified and that member shall be unseated.
Section 5—Vacancies in the Andrews University Senate, resulting from retirement, resignation, non- attendance, or termination of employment or studies before the expiration of a term, shall be filled by the same method as the initial appointment as outlined in Article II, Section 3 above.
III—Officers of the Andrews University Senate
Section 1—Officers of the Andrews University Senate shall be a chair, vice-chair, secretary, and parliamentarian, elected from among the eligible members of the Senate as described below in Section 2 of Article III.
Section 2—The election of the officers of the Andrews University Senate shall proceed as follows:
- The Senate shall elect four (4) members from the Senate to serve as a nominating committee with at least one (1) representative from each of the following groups.
- Faculty
- Staff
- Administration
- University Senate Steering Committee
- Election of the nominating committee shall occur at least one (1) month before the last scheduled meeting of the spring quarter.
- The nominating committee shall identify at least two (2) qualified candidates each, for the Offices of chair, vice-chair, secretary, and parliamentarian and shall report their recommendations to the Senate in session.
- The minimum criteria for selecting the officers shall be as follows.
- The University Senate chair and vice-chair shall be chosen from the currently elected senators, shall be recognized by the University at large as understanding the academic issues, and considered as an appropriate liaison between the Senate and administration.
- The University Senate secretary and parliamentarian shall be chosen from the currently elected or newly elected senators and shall be recognized as having skill in the technical aspect of the offices.
- The University Senate shall vote by secret ballot on the recommendations of the nominating committee.
Section 3—Duties of the officers of the Andrews University Senate shall be as follows:
- Chair:
- calling and chairing regular and special meetings
- preparing the agenda in consultation with other offices
- conducting the business of the Senate according to Robert’s Rules of Order
- serving as a member of the president ‘s cabinet
- serving as observer at the Andrews University Board of Trustees meetings
- Vice-Chair:
- officiating in the absence of the chair.
- assisting the other officers with the preparation of the agenda
- chairing the Steering Committee of the Senate
- Secretary:
- conducting all correspondence on behalf of the Senate
- taking and maintaining a file of minutes of all regular or special meetings of the Senate
- distributing minutes to all members of the Senate within five (5) working days of a regular or special meeting of the Senate.
- Parliamentarian:
- advising the chair on appropriate parliamentary procedure to be used
- bringing to the chair, a final interpretation of parliamentary procedure in harmony with Robert’s Rules of Order.
IV - Terms of Reference of the Andrews University Senate
Section 1—Authority: The Andrews University Senate shall, when advising the university president, vice-presidents and committee chairs, have authority to
- Represent and speak for the faculty, staff, and administrators-of Andrews University.
- Provide a forum for dialogue, cooperation, prioritizing of objectives and focused actions on any matters related directly or in a support manner to any or all of the various entities of the University
- Receive and review reports and recommendations of any committee (standing, ad hoc, or otherwise) that deal with matters of university-wide impact
- Receive and review reports on policy (including the Andrews University Working Policy) and strategic initiatives under consideration by the university.
- Refer matters to an official General Faculty/Staff Convocation meeting when a Senate recommendation is formally questioned. In case of disagreement with recommendations and decisions taken by the Senate, any ten (10) appropriate constituents (academic faculty/non- faculty) can request the Chair of the Senate to call an appropriate general faculty/staff convocation meeting to deal specifically with the issue in question. After sufficient time is given to hear all arguments pro and con, a vote shall be taken by secret ballot, which shall be final.
- Appoint a Senate Steering Committee of nine (9) members and delegate to it certain routine and assessment functions. The Senate Steering Committee shall consist of the President, the Chair of Senate, the Vice-chair of Senate, the Secretary of Senate, and five (5) additional members elected by Senate, at least one of whom shall be a student. The Vice-chair of Senate shall be chair of the Senate Steering Committee. The Senate Steering Committee shall have the duties to carry out routine functions, direct items to standing committees, follow up decisions taken by Senate, draft the agenda for Senate meetings, and deal with contingencies that arise between meetings. A written report of its actions shall be presented to the Senate at its regular meetings.
- Delegate any power of the Andrews University Senate to any ad hoc or standing committee, or any member, officer, or agent upon such terms as it may deem proper.
Section 2—Amendments to Constitution: The Andrews University Senate shall have the authority to initiate specific amendments to the constitution of the Andrews University Senate (see Article VI below).
Section 3—Amendments to Senate Rules: The Andrews University Senate may establish, and from time to time, amend rules and regulations governing the operation of its own meetings and procedures for the transaction of business properly coming before it.
Section 1—Regular meetings of the Senate shall normally be held once a calendar month during the academic session. Regularly scheduled meetings of the Senate may be cancelled up to three (3) days before the meeting.
Section 2—Special meetings may be summoned by the Chair of the Senate on discretion and on request of any ten (10) members of the Senate or the president of the University.
Section 3—Written notice of regular meetings shall be mailed or delivered to members by the secretary at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
Section 4—Notice of any special meeting of the Senate shall be delivered by the secretary of the Senate at least three (3) working days prior to the date of the meeting to every member of the Senate and shall specify the business of the meeting.
Section 5—A public announcement of meetings of the Andrews University Senate as being open shall be made every time via the usual campus communication media as well as bulletin board notices in every building of the University (see also Article V, Sections 9 and 10 below).
Section 6—The agenda and supporting material for a regular or special meeting of the Senate shall accompany the notice for the meeting in question. A copy of the agenda shall also be placed in the James White Library where it can be examined by interested members of the University.
Section 7—The nature of an agenda item to be discussed or voted on should be clearly and adequately identified. If not done, action could be deferred to the next meeting provided twenty-five percent of the members present vote for such a deferment of the whole agenda item or part thereof. Confidential business items shall be appropriately identified.
Section 8—Discussion of business at special meetings of the Senate shall be confined exclusively to the agenda items for which the special meeting was called.
Section 9—All meetings of the Senate shall be open as well as all meetings of its ad hoc and other committees appointed by it, except under conditions outlined in Section 10 below. All minutes of Senate and its committees are kept on file in the James White Library except for minutes on confidential matters. See Section 10 below for minutes on confidential business.
Section 10—Confidential or closed meetings shall be held when the material to be discussed is personal or of a sensitive nature. The usual agenda description shall identify the confidential items. Minutes of confidential agenda items shall not be filed in the James White Library, but shall be filed in an Appendix to the Minutes of Senate kept in the office of the Chair of Senate and accessible only to members of Senate.
Section 11—Quorum: In order for the Senate to take official actions, a quorum shall be one-third of the membership of the Senate of which at least eight (8) shall be elected members.
Amendments to the Andrews University Senate may arise at a meeting of any of the following:
- Andrews University Senate
- General Faculty
- Staff Convocation
- Andrews University Board of Trustees.
Amendments to any part of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Andrews University Senate shall require an affirmative vote of the Andrews University Board of Trustees after having being recommended by a majority vote of a joint session of the General Faculty and Staff Convocation.
Proposed amendments to any part of the constitution of the Andrews University Senate that arise within the Senate shall require the approval of two-thirds of the membership of the Andrews University Senate before it can be sent to the General Faculty, staff convocation and Andrews University Board of Trustees for endorsement and ratification. A motion arising in the Senate to amend the constitution shall not be acted on at the same meeting at which the amendment is initially introduced. A minimum of twenty-four (24) hours shall transpire between the introduction of a proposed amendment and the meeting at which the amendment is acted upon.