Nov 24, 2024  
University Policy Library 
University Policy Library




The Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies (hereafter referred to as the Institute) shall provide orientation, resources, and training to laity, gospel ministers, and ministerial students; and shall work to build positive relations with the Jewish community; regionally, nationally, and internationally.

II—Terms of Reference

Specifically the Institute shall have the following Terms of Reference:

  1. Sensitize students and church members to the urgency and the importance of sound Jewish- Christian relations;
  2. Train ministers on how to establish bonds with Jews (at all levels);
  3. Prepare material to assist in Jewish-Christian relations such as: data bank, teaching and evangelistic materials, newsletters, specialized periodicals (Shabbat Shalom, L’Oliver), publication and translation of relevant materials, and correspondence study courses;
  4. Provide continuing education services on Jewish-Christian matters to churches and schools throughout the world in the form of lectures, workshops, courses, seminars, and other forums as opportunity affords;
  5. Become involved in Jewish-Christian programs, and give special lectures to Jewish societies and Jewish-Christian meetings;
  6. Organize Jewish-Christian symposia around common points of interest such as the Sabbath, hope, the Bible, and health;
  7. Consult with missionaries involved in Jewish-Christian ministry to increase their outreach potential;
  8. Promote Jewish-Christian dialogue, mission and missionary work within the Seventh-day Adventist Church by way of involvement in talks, lectures, programs, correspondence, and special church study groups;
  9. Advise the James White Library on acquisition of appropriate Jewish-Christian materials; and
  10. Provide resources and practical experience to graduate and doctoral students pursuing Jewish- Christian studies and research.


The Institute shall be a self-funded entity housed in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (hereafter referred to as the Seminary) as part of the Andrews University system of research institutes and centers and shall report to the provost and the dean of the school of Graduate Studies and Research.


Section 1

The Institute shall be administered by a director who holds rank in the Seminary and reports directly to the dean of the Seminary. He/she shall be assisted with counsel by an Administrative Committee and a Jewish-Christian Studies Advisory council.

Section 2

The director shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Oversee the publications of the Institute with appropriate assistance;
  2. Promote and advise the curriculum content for the M.A. (Religion) in Jewish and Muslim Faiths and the Master of Divinity degrees (special emphasis in Jewish and Muslim Faiths) at the Seminary;
  3. Plan and administer the office, staff, products, resources, and various outreach programs of the Institute;
  4. Collaborate with the vice president for advancement in soliciting funds for the Institute ‘s working capital;
  5. Prepare a capital and operating budget in consultation with the dean of the Seminary; and
  6. Implement and monitor the Institute ‘s budget.

Section 3

The Institute ‘s Administrative Committee shall consist of the director, the dean of the Seminary (chair), and the associate dean of the Seminary. They shall meet at the call of the chair on a quarterly basis or as the need arises.

Section 4

The Advisory Council for the Institute shall have the following appointed membership of eleven (11) persons:

Chair:               Dean of the Seminary

Vice-chair:       Associate Dean of the Seminary

Secretary:         Director of the Institute

Members:         General Conference director for Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (1)

                        General Conference officer who deals with Jewish work (1)

                        Faculty members from the Seminary (3)

                        Other members (3)

Section 5

The members of the Advisory Council shall be appointed/reappointed annually by the president of Andrews University upon the advice of the Administrative Committee of the Institute.

Section 6

The Advisory Council for the Institute shall:

  1. Advise the effectiveness and appropriateness of Institute functions and programs, and make suggestions to meet emerging needs;
  2. Advise the Institute of new policies and procedures;
  3. Advise the Institute of the strategic plan for the Institute; and
  4. Guide the director of the Institute in implementing its programs and activities.

V—Dissolution of the Institute

In the event the Institute is dissolved, all its assets and equipment shall revert to the Seminary.