Sep 28, 2024  
University Policy Library 
University Policy Library



I—Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is to be the executive arm of the Scholarly Research Council in promoting, facilitating and reporting on scholarly productivity among the faculty of the University. It also ensures the implementation of the research policies developed by the Council and approved by the General Faculty.


As an academic entity that serves the entire university, the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is under the supervision of the Associate Vice-President for Academic Administration. The body that formulates research policy and directs the activities of the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is known as the Scholarly Research Council.


The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is administered by an associate dean of research who is the executive secretary of the Scholarly Research Council. The Associate Dean is assisted by appropriate committees.

IV—Election and Duties of Officers

Section 1

The appointment of the Director of the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is made by the Andrews University Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the president and after having been advised by the Scholarly Research Council.

Section 2

The Director of the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship shall have the following duties:


  1. Promote the visibility of research as an activity inherent in the mission of the University.
  2. Communicate and monitor the implementation of the research policies developed by the Scholarly Research Council and as approved by the General Faculty.
  3. Appoint the following subcommittee chairs who assist the Director in reviewing research proposals for their adequacy in meeting ethical and legal requirements:
  • Human Subjects Review Board
  • Animal Use and Care Review Board
  • Faculty Peer Internal Grant Review Panel (for awarding of internal research grants)
  1. Identify external funding opportunities and communicates these to appropriate faculty.
  2. Conduct annual competition for internal seed funding of research and publication grants for faculty and award university funds for such grants after receiving recommendations from the Peer Internal Grant Review Panel.
  3. Facilitate faculty development of skills in proposal writing.
  4. Arrange for the provision of consultation in research design and project management during the various steps in the development of research proposals.
  5. Review and approve all proposals for externally funded research projects to be submitted on behalf of the university. Collaborate in the approval process with the Director of Development for proposals submitted to foundations or private sponsors.
  6. Administer grants post-award by monitoring expenditures and reports to the funding agency, and facilitating appropriate publication and news releases on the findings.

V—Policy Development and Implementation=

Section 1

Policy recommendations with respect to research at Andrews University are made by the various faculties and entities of the University, including the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship, but are always channeled to the Scholarly Research Council for formulation and presentation to the General Faculty for approval. Where necessary the final approval of policy shall be made by the Andrews University Board of Trustees.

Section 2

The policies proposed by the Scholarly Research Council and approved by the General Faculty are monitored for implementation by the Director of the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship.

VI—Financial Resources

Financial resources to operate the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship shall be provided by the University, including administrative costs, internal research grants and faculty research awards. Additional resources shall be provided annually by budgeting a specific percentage of the overhead expenses expected to be generated by the various externally funded research projects received by the University in that year.