High quality professional performance depends on constructive and appreciative feedback, which is given on a regular basis. To facilitate the professional and personal development of each faculty member, department chair, and dean; an annual faculty evaluation is provided by the immediate supervisor. This evaluation is done regardless of a faculty member’s status (annual or tenure) and continues throughout the faculty member’s career at the university.
Evaluation Process |
2:326:2 |
Criteria representing satisfactory performance are found in Appendix 2-F. The criteria cover the three primary areas of faculty work: Teaching, Scholarly Activity, and Service. Separate sets of criteria are used for each faculty rank with special applications for chairs at the Associate and Professor ranks.
These criteria are used by the faculty member, as a framework to create an Annual Plan of Work on the evaluation forms provided by the Office of Human Resources.
At the annual evaluation the chair (or the dean for the chair) reviews the faculty member’s achievements during the past year of the previous Annual Plan of Work, and where appropriate, progress towards rank promotion review and application for tenure. The chair (dean) may invite other faculty colleagues to participate in the evaluation process. See also policy #2:307. Advancement by steps within the rank is contingent on a satisfactory performance on the Annual Plan. A new Annual Plan is then developed for the coming year.
Relationship to Rank Promotion and Tenure |
2:326:3 |
Annual performance evaluations are designed to prepare a faculty member for the periodic peer review relating to rank promotion and tenure. Minimum standards are set at a satisfactory level for the year in question. However, to achieve the expected level of accomplishment necessary for rank promotion, an accumulated pattern of achievement is necessary. More than the minimum years stated for a given rank may be necessary to reach the expected levels. Thus, annual ratings of satisfactory would not guarantee rank promotion or tenure. Accordingly, discussion of progress towards readiness for rank promotion or tenure as stated in the faculty member’s advancement plan is also a feature of the Annual Performance Evaluation (see also policy #2:307:4).
Use and Record of Faculty Evaluations |
2:326:4 |
Verification that the Annual Performance Evaluation occurred and that a satisfactory level of achievement of the Annual Plan was reached, is sent to the Office of Human Resources where remuneration changes due to step advancement are processed. The Annual Plan and details of achievement are filed with the immediate supervisor.
Faculty members should maintain copies of their performance evaluation records and professional portfolios. Such annual files will be useful for periodic portfolio preparation for rank promotion review and application for tenure.
Department chairs and officers of schools and the university and the James White Library director are formally evaluated every five years following the General Conference session. The Office of the President shall be responsible for coordinating the evaluation of the James White Library director, department chairs and officers of the schools and the university (see also policy #2:140:2). Administrators shall also annually at the beginning of the school year be required to present to their supervisors their plans for their areas/schools/departments for the year to come, and shall at the same time be assessed for goal achievement for the previous year (see general approach for such planning/evaluation meetings as outlined in policy #2:307:1:2 and 3).
Faculty and officers of the university are no longer expected to retire after forty years of service or when eligible for social security or retirement benefits. Faculty who continue regular employment after having qualified for retirement and social security benefits may do so on conditions outlined in policy and provided they continue to meet the usual and periodic employment competency evaluations. The university may offer early retirement incentives for faculty who qualify (for retirement benefits see also policies #2:789 and 2:790).
The university grants the following kinds of leaves for faculty self-improvement: advanced study leave, sabbatical leave, research leave and personal leave of absence.
Advanced Study Leave |
2:346:1 |
Purpose |
2:346:1:1 |
A faculty member may receive paid time off from the university in order to pursue studies leading to an advanced degree.
Faculty are eligible if:
- they are full-time faculty members holding regular rank in the university (see policy #2:310 on types of ranks);
- they are recommended by the relevant department chair and;
- they sign a contract committing the person to return to the university for a minimum specified period of service;
- they have been admitted to the study program proposed.
While currently employed, a faculty member with the rank of assistant professor or higher may not earn a doctoral degree at Andrews University within the school in which he/she holds a primary appointment.
Application and Approval Process |
2:346:1:3 |
A written application must be submitted by the faculty applicant no later than December 1 of the year preceding the proposed onset of the study leave.
The provost gives approval for all advanced study leaves lasting less than one year after having been advised by the relevant department chair and dean, and after completing review of the proposed contract. Study leaves extending for longer than a year must be approved by the Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the president in consultation with the provost.
Written Conditions for Advanced Study Leaves |
2:346:1:4 |
The approval letter written by the provost outlines the conditions on which the advanced study leave is granted:
- The length of time approved for the advanced study leave;
- The planned post-degree amortization schedule (usually five years);
- The financial arrangements including support (scholarships, assistantships) expected from the university to be attended as well as the salary, benefits, and/or stipends provided by Andrews University.
- An agreement that job offers from other denominational institutions will not be passed on to him/her during the first two years of the agreed amortization period;
- The expectation that the faculty member will supply the dean of the school and the Office of the Provost with the final transcript as evidence of the completion of the advanced study program.
Required Period of Amortization |
2:346:1:6 |
Support of a faculty member for advanced study is regarded by the university as an investment for future service. Thus, a faculty member receiving financial support from the university is expected to return after advanced study to serve the university for one year for every term of advanced study leave granted up to a maximum of five years of service. This arrangement shall hold true whether a faculty member completes the proposed graduate degree or not.
Where a faculty member is granted only one term of advanced study leave within a given year, the next two terms of service to the university by the faculty member are counted as amortization for the one term of advanced study expenses. For the purposes of amortization, the entire summer session is considered one term.
Amortization for advanced study leave, which exceeds one term in a given year, begins one month after the conferral of the degree for which advanced study leave was granted. Where a faculty member elects not to complete an advanced study program or is barred from continuing the approved study program, amortization shall begin from the beginning of the term in which the advanced studies ended.
Obligation for Unamortized Study Expenses |
2:346:1:7 |
If a faculty member with unamortized graduate expenses transfers to another church organization, the new employing organization must pay the unamortized balance.
Should a faculty member leave denominational employment prior to full amortization of the advanced study expenses, the faculty member is responsible by contract to reimburse the university in full for the unamortized portion of the graduate study expenses.
Sabbatical Leave |
2:346:2 |
Definition and Purpose |
2:346:2:1 |
Sabbatical leave may be granted a full-time faculty member for a specific purpose such as research, writing, postdoctoral study, curriculum development, or other related creative endeavors. Such leaves are granted for a specific period of time. During the sabbatical the faculty member does not carry the usual full-time university responsibilities. The general intent of a sabbatical leave is professional development for greater usefulness, effectiveness and productivity. Sabbatical leave is periodic in contrast with annual (or equivalent) protected periods of time free of class teaching responsibilities in the regular academic year for scholarly work and other professional activities (see policy #2:143:2).
Length and Frequency of a Sabbatical Leave |
2:346:2:2 |
An eligible faculty member or administrator may apply for a one-semester sabbatical leave after seven semesters of service to the university. Time off for advanced study is not counted towards eligibility for sabbatical leave purposes.
Eligibility for Leave |
2:346:2:3 |
A sabbatical leave is available for a qualified full-time faculty member or administrator/ officer from any constituent school of the university who meets the following eligibility criteria:
- The candidate is employed full-time by Andrews University either as a faculty member or as an administrator and holds the rank of associate professor or higher;
- The candidate holds an earned doctoral degree or terminal professional degree.
- He/she has been employed by Andrews University for at least seven semesters as an associate professor or higher prior to commencement of the first sabbatical leave, or seven semesters since the last sabbatical leave;
- He/she presents a proposal that is recommended by the chair and the dean of the respective school and approved by the provost or, where appropriate for administrators, the president.
Application and Approval Process |
2:346:2:4 |
Application for sabbatical leave must be made in writing to the department chair or appropriate administrator by December 1 of the year prior to the academic year in which the leave is requested. After preliminary discussion and clearance by the dean of the school, the application goes to the Office of the Provost for processing. Applications from administrators are submitted to the president for processing.
The written application includes among other things the nature of the academic activity to be pursued, the financial support proposed to supplement university support, and invitations relevant to the sabbatical where applicable. The proposal for sabbatical leave also discloses how any thesis/dissertation supervision responsibilities will be met during the person’s absence. (see policy #2:346:2:6 below for further details).
Timing of Sabbatical Leaves |
2:346:2:5 |
Sabbatical leaves require budgetary provisions and satisfactory staffing arrangements.
When it is not possible to schedule a sabbatical leave as requested, the parties involved seek a mutually acceptable alternative arrangement, the conditions of which are recorded and filed in the applicant’s department and in the offices of the dean and the provost.
Conditions for Sabbatical Leave |
2:346:2:6 |
During the sabbatical leave a faculty member shall be eligible to receive full salary and benefits. The faculty member is excused from all regular duties except that thesis/dissertation guidance must not be reduced to the detriment of the student(s) involved.
Required Report After Sabbatical Leave |
2:346:2:7 |
During the term following the leave the faculty member must report in writing to the provost, the dean, and the department chair on the use made of the leave. Administrators will report to the president.
The university may grant a research leave for up to two years without salary but with negotiated benefits to a faculty member who wishes to engage in research with government, private organizations, or foundations. Application and approval processes are the same as those outlined above for sabbatical leave.
Personal Leave of Absence |
2:346:4 |
Definition and Purpose |
2:346:4:1 |
A personal leave of absence, which is authorized time off without salary within the parameters of university appointment, is granted a full-time faculty member for personal reasons such as the following: to teach at another institution, to pursue non-Andrews University sponsored advanced study, to pursue non-Andrews University sponsored post-doctoral studies at another university or for other personal reasons.
A leave of absence may be from one semester to three years in length depending on the circumstances. A request for a leave of absence for one year or longer requires approval by the Andrews University Board of Trustees. Such long leaves of absence are usually granted without obligation to renew a faculty member’s employment relationship on his/her return. Leaves of absence will not normally be granted for longer than three years.
After a faculty member has worked as a full-time employee for at least two years, he/she is eligible to apply for a personal leave of absence. Ordinarily, such applications should be made twelve months in advance.
Application Procedure |
2:346:4:3 |
Leaves of absence for less than a calendar, year may be granted by the provost on the advice of a department chair and dean. A faculty member must complete the appropriate leave of absence application form and submit it to the provost.
Leave of Absence Policies |
2:346:4:4 |
University policies governing leaves of absence are the following:
- Salaries are not paid during the employee’s absence and vacation and sick time do not accrue. Any accrued vacation time must be used before a leave of absence begins.
- The university may retain the faculty member on negotiated benefits.
- Extensions of a leave of absence must be approved in writing prior to the expiration of the employee’s original leave.
- Failure to return to Andrews University after expiration of the leave of absence renders the employee liable to termination whether on tenure or annual appointment.
Amortization Schedule |
2:347:1 |
All expenses incurred on behalf of a faculty member for purposes of advanced study, are amortized by service to the university as follows:
- Advanced study leave expenses incurred over two consecutive terms or more are amortized over five years (see also policy #2:346:1:6).
- Advanced study leave for one term at a time followed by two consecutive terms of service to the university are deemed to have been amortized with service (see also policy #2:346:1:6).
- Where released time is given to lighten the teaching/research load (calculated on the basis of faculty loads as outlined in policy #2:376) amounts to the equivalent of a faculty load for two terms or more, it shall be amortized over five (5) years.
- Where the study/tuition expense assistance to a faculty member remaining in full service (without leave), amounts to more than the Andrews University tuition cost for twenty-four (24) semester credits it shall be amortized over three (3) to five (5) years as follows:
- 25 to 29 credits taken = 3 years
- 30 to 40 credits taken = 4 years
- 41 or more taken = 5 years
Amortization of advanced study expenses in general, is in accordance with policies #2:346:1:6-7 for advanced study leave.
Advanced Study Expense Account |
2:347:2 |
In order to receive any type of university assistance (financial, released time or advanced study leave) towards advanced study the faculty member applies in writing to the relevant department chair and the dean, who will within budgetary provisions advise the provost and the president with respect to the request. A letter from the provost will report the decision made by administration or the Board of Trustees to the faculty member in question.
When a faculty member is approved for advanced study assistance an Advanced Study Expense account is created by the Controller in the business office for that person and forms the basis for future amortization or pay-out by the faculty member or other institutions (see also policy #2:346:1:7).
Employment as defined in connection with eligibility for sabbatical and other absences is a period of time during which the teacher engages in regular duties for the University. Professional leave for research purposes is also included. Such employment is recorded as time in faculty service. Advanced (pre-doctoral) study leave is not service but the subsequent period of amortization is included in the teacher’s service. Faculty service is included in the count of years of denominational employment (as shown on the Employee Service Record) but eligibility for sabbatical leave is specifically related to time spent in a faculty role at Andrews University (see also policy #2:346).
Professional Memberships. Faculty members are encouraged to join associations of professional interest and attend their meetings. The university provides a stipend towards reimbursement of these costs. Administrators are also eligible for reimbursement under this policy.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. Faculty members are encouraged to attend scholarly meetings or workshops and to cultivate professional contacts. Professional travel funds are allocated in the university budget for each school. Authorization for reimbursement of such travel is made by the chair with consultation, if appropriate, with the dean. Priority may be given to travel to present papers at such meetings. International travel should be planned well in advance and funded from travel allocations saved for such purposes.
Andrews University annually funds an internal research grant competition to assist faculty with seed funds for well-designed research projects. Proposals submitted by faculty are read by a panel of peer referees; who then make recommendations on funding to the Office of Scholarly Research.
Trips for research or other professional purposes to nearby libraries, universities, or other centers each year; may be financed from internal research grants received from the office of scholarly research and publication.
Provision for Postdoctoral Fellowships |
2:371:1 |
Andrews University may provide postdoctoral fellowships to persons seeking to participate in postdoctoral research studies at Andrews University. Such postdoctoral positions carry the rank of Research Associate (see policy #2:310:3) and are awarded for one year at a time for research projects proposed to the Office of Scholarly Research.
Financial arrangements for postdoctoral fellows usually include a stipend and housing allowance, and may include partial or complete participation in the faculty benefit package plan. Approval of a specific financial plan and the number of fellowships per year are determined by the Director of the Office of Scholarly Research in consultation with the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, the provost, and the president.
Manner of Selection and Appointment |
2:371:3 |
The recipient of a postdoctoral scholarship is selected by a department chair in consultation with the department faculty, school dean, dean of the School of graduate studies and research and the Office of the Provost. Appointments of postdoctoral fellows are made by the provost.
Duties of Postdoctoral Fellows |
2:371:4 |
Postdoctoral fellows are expected to perform scholarly work under the supervision of a faculty mentor or Senior Research Fellow (see policy #2:310:3).
Purpose |
2:372:1 |
A faculty member may, upon application, be granted permission to pursue postdoctoral study at another approved institution for up to one (1) year in order to:
- conduct research with a view to initiating a specific line of research at Andrews University, OR
- connect with the academic research community in a specific area of study and update methods and concepts necessary for a successful research program, OR
- make a substantial directional change in his/her research, OR
- re-establish a research program.
Eligibility for Postdoctoral Study |
2:372:2 |
A faculty member becomes eligible for leave to pursue postdoctoral studies after a minimum of two (2) years of successful service to Andrews University following completion of a doctoral degree.
Frequency of Leaves for Postdoctoral Studies |
2:372:3 |
Generally a faculty member is granted leave for postdoctoral study once during his/her career.
Arrangements for Postdoctoral Study |
2:372:4 |
Scheduling of postdoctoral study leave is planned in conjunction with the relevant department chair and dean to ensure coverage of the faculty member’s regular responsibilities. Application for the leave must be made in writing to the dean of the relevant school one (1) year in advance and should include a rationale for the leave and a general description of the work planned. Upon being recommended by the department chair and dean and voted by the Andrews University Board of Trustees, the leave is approved in writing by the provost.
Financing of Postdoctoral Study |
2:372:5 |
Faculty members are expected to obtain external support for their postdoctoral study leave, but full service credit and benefits may be continued by prior arrangement.
