Jul 27, 2024  
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University Policy Library





University Bulletin 2:401:1

The Andrews University Bulletin contains essential academic, financial, and personnel information including admission standards, graduation standards, description of curricula and courses, rosters of faculty, accreditations, tuition costs, financial policies and available financial aid. , Bulletin copy is reviewed for accuracy by the provost in consultation with the deans, department chairs, curriculum coordinators, and financial personnel.

Working Policy Handbooks 2:401:2

The president publishes the Andrews University Working Policy which contains handbooks for the administrators (Section 1), faculty (Section 2), students (Student Handbook; http://www.andrews.edu/services/studentlife/handbook/) and staff employees (Employee Handbook; http://www.andrews.edu/HR/emp_handbook.html) of the university. These handbooks include the policies that have been recommended by the faculty and administration and approved by the board of trustees. Other procedural handbooks referred to in the Working Policy show how these policies are implemented.

Student Handbook 2:401:3

The university publishes a Student Handbook that summarizes policies and expectations relating to student life. The Student Handbook is based on policies voted by the faculty and implemented by the vice president for Student Life after consultation with the president, committees and staff in the Student Life division, faculty, and others.



The calendar plan is voted by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the general faculty. The current academic calendar consists of two semester terms, each fifteen weeks in length, and a summer program of twelve weeks divided into four sessions of three (3) weeks each.



The academic year begins with the summer terms and ends with the following spring semester. The new schedule of fees takes effect at the beginning of the second summer session.



The academic calendar is set during January by the president after consultation with the provost and the Cabinet. Each school follows the same policy governing the beginning and length of academic terms except by prior approval by the provost. Courses are measured in credits; one credit represents a course that has been conducted for at least one session of 50 minutes each week of the semester or a laboratory meeting for three to four hours each week of the semester (or equivalent).



The time and room schedules for classes, examinations, university chapels, convocations and forums, and other regular appointments shall be determined by the registrar’s office in consultation with the deans and department chairs. These schedules are published well in advance of the beginning of the term to which the schedule applies.



Interruptions of Published Scheduled Activities 2:406:1

Interruptions in the daily or weekly class schedule after it has been published may not be implemented except as announced by the president for major emergencies.

Closure of the University 2:406:2

Certain conditions may delay the beginning of a school day or even closure of the university. Such conditions include severe weather or a natural disaster when travel to and from the campus is (or is predicted to become) impossible or dangerous or when highways are closed by the police. Disruption of a vital utility service may also require closure. See policy #1:726:6 regarding closure of the university for various situations.

The decision to close the university is made by the President (or the designated office in his/her absence) in consultation with the provost or the person designated to operate in his/her absence.

Leniency in Class Assignments 2:406:3

Recognizing that the weather conditions may be variable for students traveling from some areas so that travel would not be advisable, faculty are encouraged to exercise leniency in rescheduling of tests and submission of assignments during such times. See policy #1:726:6 regarding closure of the university for emergency situations.

Section 2:410 is under revision. Please check with the Associate Provost/University Registrar if you have questions.



A field trip or similar trip involving absences from classes, must be approved by the chair one week before the time of departure. Trips taking longer than one day require the approval of the dean. Approval is not given for trips involving all-night driving (except by public, chartered, or university transportation) nor are field trips approved during the last two weeks of the semester.

Faculty organizing field trips are expected to announce the proposed trip at the beginning of a new term and to respect the student’s obligation to other courses. Students who choose not to participate in a proposed field trip because of class or work schedules must not be penalized for non-attendance.

The university pays accompanying teacher’s regular per diem and hotel expenses. All other expenses must be distributed among the participating students unless the purpose of the trip is to represent the university. All such trips must use adequately insured cars and experienced, competent drivers.



Minimum standards for all university curricula and the procedures for creating new curricula and reviewing existing curricula are determined and published by the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils. See the Undergraduate Manual and the Graduate Programs Manual for details.

Approval for New Curricula 2:411:1

Typically a curriculum coordinator or department chair presents to the dean a draft proposal prepared by the faculty that outlines the curriculum requirements, describes courses, and lists the faculty and library resources needed for a new program. The dean presents the draft outline to the other department(s) most directly concerned with the curriculum for comments. Next the dean presents the draft outline and pertinent comments to the school’s committee on courses and curricula for its recommendation, which in turn is submitted to the school faculty for recommendation to the appropriate Council.

The Undergraduate or Graduate Council then reviews the recommended proposal for compliance with minimum standards against the duplication of courses and programs already offered by the university. The Council also ensures that relevant faculty personnel, library, support systems, financial resources, etc., have been assessed within the potential of the targeted markets. Implementation of approved curricula is subject to adequate funding as determined by the administration. Final approval of the appropriate Council is required before the curricula are made available to students.

Changes of Current Curricula 2:411:2

Authority for changes in an approved curricula, which do not substantively change the degree lies with the department and school faculty through decisions made by the school courses and curricula committee or appropriate Professional Degree Council (see 2:412 below and Appendix 1-J). However, substantive changes that redirect the entire curriculum, and in effect create a different degree from what was initially approved, must be submitted to the appropriate Undergraduate or Graduate Council before implementation (see also Appendix 1-G).

Review of Current Curricular Program 2:411:3
Departmental and School Review 2:411:3:1

Each year the dean reviews with the department chairs and/or curriculum coordinators the overall curricular offerings of the college/school. Information provided by the Annual Department Report on assessment results (see also policy #2:440), department needs and student achievements through the curricula offered is used. Recommendations from this review are discussed with the department faculty. A course not offered for two consecutive academic years is considered for deletion from the bulletin unless a decision has been made to offer the course during the period covered by the ensuing bulletin.

Periodic Program Review 2:411:3:2

Further self-study and program review of current curricula occurs within policy provisions prescribed by the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils. Review at the departmental level includes peer evaluation of the quality, currency, sustainability and resources of the programs. Such reviews are done on a scheduled basis by an elected faculty committee representing both Councils. The advice of the deans and the provost is considered before recommendations are made for program improvement, expansion, or deletion.



Department faculty recommend courses to be offered, courses to be withdrawn, and courses to be changed. The faculty also recommend minor curricular changes to improve the degree program(s) offered. Such recommendations are made by the department in session and then presented to the school committee on courses and curricula. The course and curricular changes recommended by the school’s committee then go before the school faculty for a vote of approval or denial.

The faculty of a school may vote to delegate its authority for course and minor curricular approval to its committee on courses and curricula; such a decision to delegate is valid only for one academic year. In years when such a delegation of authority is voted, the minutes of the committee on courses and curricula are circulated to the members of the faculty for review and implemented only ten days after the faculty review period. If within that ten days a department chair or a curriculum coordinator or ten percent of the members of the faculty request a school faculty session to discuss the minutes of the committee, the committee action is held in abeyance until the faculty discussion has taken place. An action by the faculty will override an action by the committee.



The chair of each instructional department counsels with the members of the department regarding each of the courses offered as to its scope (area or aspect covered), the way in which the content will be presented (pedagogical design), the manner in which the course requirements and schedule are announced (syllabus or student manual), the system for assessing learning outcomes, and the reasonableness and clarity of the course requirements and assignments, etc.

Guidelines for the minimum content of a course outline or syllabus are provided by the provost and available from the dean of the school. Each syllabus is to contain the minimum information described in these guidelines.

A copy of the syllabus (course outline or student manual) prepared by the teacher is to be filed with the chair of the department and with the dean of the school by the first day of regular registration. All students are to receive the course outline or syllabus by the teacher of the course on the first day of class or laboratory.



All online courses will meet the standards described in the Distance Learning and Instructional Technology (DLiT) Guidelines for online courses. They must be endorsed for adherence to online course standards by the appropriate DLiT entity, and approved by the faculty member’s department chair and dean.

Section 2:420 is under revision. Please check with the Associate Provost/University Registrar if questions.



Well-planned off-campus academic activities can significantly enrich a student’s educational experience. Departments and schools have the opportunity to provide such activities by offering study tours, extended field trips, and practicum experiences off-campus.

Detailed requirements and planning guidelines for such off-campus educational experiences are available from the Associate Provost.

The following general policies apply:

  1. Off-campus educational experiences should be proposed to the Associate Provost and approved by the Tours Committee (policy #1:610:6) before the off- campus experience is announced and fees are collected from students.
  2. An approved faculty sponsor must be present during the full-time the group is off-campus. This may be a regular faculty member, an adjunct faculty member, or a designated professional qualified to give supervision.
  3. If credit is offered, the course assignments and anticipated student preparation time must be at least equivalent to on-campus courses.
  4. Protection from safety hazards must be planned for the students and sponsors. The approval of Financial Administration is required. The directives of the U.S. State Department for foreign travel must be adhered to.
  5. If countries to be visited have health risks, the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and the university Medical Center must be followed.
  6. Financial plans must be designed to cover all expected costs of the faculty sponsor(s), students, contingency for emergencies, and administrative overhead charges.
  7. A detailed final itinerary with an address list for overnight stays must be filed with the Associate Provost’s office before departure.
  8. Within two weeks of the sponsor’s return to campus, a report of the experience must be provided to the department chair, the dean of the school, and the Controller with a copy to the Associate Provost’s office.
  9. Trips not included in these guidelines are field trips, which have no overnight stay, recruitment or university-relations trips, or evangelistic field schools.
Study Tours 2:420:1

A Study Tour is defined as an off-campus educational experience that takes place outside a regularly scheduled semester session and for which credits offered are not related to a course taught during such a semester, and for which a student has not or will not in the future register and pay regular tuition within a semester’s financial plan. For this type of educational experience full tuition will be charged the student, with a portion being applied to the overall off-campus study tour expenses.

The following policies apply:

  1. Requests should be approved at least two semesters in advance of the proposed activity.
  2. Learning experiences for credits offered in conjunction with tours shall be comparable in quality and extent to similar courses offered on-campus. Adequate facilities must be provided if private studio or music lessons are offered.
  3. Auditors are permitted to participate, at the instructor’s discretion, space permitting. Auditors must pay fees to cover travel costs of the faculty sponsor(s) as well as other tour expenses.
  4. Students wishing to receive credit for a tour course must apply, be admitted, and be registered before departing on such a tour.
  5. Full payment for tour costs and tuition, as well as financial clearance of the student’s current account with the university, must be made at least three weeks before departure.
  6. Tours which include performances at Seventh-day Adventist churches and institutions, must be approved in advance by the division headquarters of the regions toured. If tours expect to use church institutions for lodging purposes, appropriate evidence that the institution has invited the group or agreed to provide lodging must be supplied in the tour proposal.
Off-Campus Field Trip 2:420:2

An off-campus Field Trip is defined as an extended educational experience of more than one day that is related to a course for which the student has registered and paid tuition during a regular semester, has attended or will attend course-related sessions during the semester, and for which this educational opportunity is included to fulfill course requirements and enhance the student’s learning experience.

Course requirements for credit for field trips are included in the hours registered for the regular course for which this off-campus learning experience is offered.

A portion of the tuition obtained for the course under which this experience is sponsored may be applied towards the field trip expenses of the student and the faculty sponsor(s) but not to exceed 50% of the tuition paid.

Group Practicum Experience: 2:420:3

A Group Practicum Experience is defined as an educational experience that is located at a specific off-campus location that allows a group of students to study and apply knowledge under the guidance of an Andrews University faculty member or a practicing professional approved by Andrews University. This category does not include clinical experiences, internships, or practica which are scheduled as a one-on- one experience under a supervisor.

The guidelines for Practicum Experience with regard to expenses and use of tuition funds are the same as those used for Study Tours.



Admission Policy 2:425:1

Admission to Andrews University is available to any student who meets the academic and character requirements of the university and who expresses a willingness to cooperate with its policies. Because Andrews University is operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the majority of its students are Seventh-day Adventists. However, no particular religious affiliation is required for admission; any qualified student who understands and respects the religious, social, and cultural atmosphere of the university may be admitted. The university does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, marital status, or physical challenge.

However, admission to the university is a privilege and not a right, and may be withheld or withdrawn by the university at its discretion and in harmony with its mission and its function.

Admission to one of the schools of Andrews University does not guarantee admission to a specific department or program within a given school. Transfers from one school to another are allowed if the student meets the admission requirements for that school and has the consent of the deans involved.

General admission standards for the university are established by the Undergraduate and Graduate Councils and are published in the annual University Bulletin as well as the Undergraduate and Graduate Handbooks.

Individual degree programs within a school/department may set their own admission standards. These may not be lower than the general admission standards prescribed by the Undergraduate or Graduate Councils. Such specific school/departmental/degree program admission standards are known as specific admission standards and are published in the appropriate sections of the bulletin.

Admission Procedures 2:425:2

Applications are processed on the basis of the general admission standards and the specific admissions policies for the college/school or department to which the applicant seeks admission. Undergraduate admissions are handled by the undergraduate admissions officer; applications requiring special consideration are decided by the Admissions Committee of the Undergraduate Council.

Graduate school applicants are channeled through the office of the graduate dean to the appropriate graduate program for approval.

Eligibility certification and other information required by international students wishing to enter the country is provided by the international student office on the recommendation of the admissions officer and the student finance officer.

Registration 2:425:3

Registration of accepted students depends upon admission to the university and satisfactory financial arrangements as determined by a student financial services officer.

The Registrar determines whether an individual’s registration conforms to established policies, including the policies governing study load, both at the time of regular registration and at each change in registration. Students must be properly registered to receive course instruction, library services, and other academic and technology support services.

Once a student registers in any school of the university, the student may continue to register for courses in that school from term to term as long as the required academic standards are maintained, the financial obligations are met, and the university regulations of student conduct are followed.

Before the beginning of each new term, students who do not meet the academic standards for continued enrollment, are notified by the dean, who also notifies the Registrar. Students who do not qualify financially for registration are notified by the director for student financial services who also notifies the Registrar.

Students may not register who are separated from the university for disciplinary reasons or for other reasons are not eligible to continue their studies. In such cases, notification to the student is issued by the president or vice president for student affairs. The fact of such a decision is communicated in writing to the director of admissions and the Registrar, without explanation as regards the merits of the case.

Course Registration 2:425:4

A student is not a member in any course or class until officially registered for that course or class through the office of records. The registered student remains a class member until the Registrar receives a grade report or until an official drop is processed through the office of records. Exceptions appear below.

Change of Course Registration 2:425:4:1

A course change requires approval through the drop/add process. A student who wishes to change any course or class first obtains the required approval signatures on the Change of Registration form. Completed forms are then submitted to the office of the Registrar within the time published in the schedule for the term.

Auditing Privilege 2:425:4:2

A student may change from credit to audit registration and vice versa for any course within the published time schedule. To change credit status to audit the student must present the Registrar’s office with a Change of Registration form with the appropriate signatures. Undergraduate audit students pay the same tuition as students enrolling for credit except that Honors Scholars may audit one free class per semester if registered for at least twelve (12) credits for that semester.



Most class work at Andrews University is done in English. Applicants whose primary language is other than English are required to submit scores from a standardized English proficiency exam (unless their English proficiency is otherwise satisfactorily documented). The standardized tests accepted are the MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery) and the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Regardless of tests taken elsewhere, students may be retested at Andrews University.

Applicants can present any of the following as evidence of the applicant’s proficiency in the English language:

  1. all studies from at least the seventh grade through the twelfth grade (or equivalent) in English in an English-speaking country
  2. TOEFL scores of 550 or better on the written test with no section score less than 52 OR a score of 213 or better on the computerized TOEFL test with a score of at least 20 on the English section and no score less than 19 on the other sections.
  3. a score of 80 or better on the MELAB with no section score less than 72. Minimum scores may be higher for some programs.

An applicant whose scores are less than the proficiency standard is normally advised to study English on an intensive basis at home or through the Andrews University Intensive English Program.

The Intensive English Program considers MELAB or TOEFL scores and placement test results and adjust the student’s course load accordingly. Some students may be required to take English language studies full time for one or more semester(s) in residence until English language skills are acceptable.



For visa purposes, a full class load is 12 semester credits of undergraduate or 9 semester credits of M.Div. courses or 8 semester credits in other graduate programs. Students whose loads drop below these levels are out of status with U.S. immigration and are ineligible to work.

Undergraduate international students who take less than 9 credits per semester and who work less than 20 hours per week are exempt from FICA taxation. Graduate international students who take less than 6 credits per semester and who work less than 20 hours per week are likewise exempt from FICA taxation.



Progress towards completion of a degree is monitored by the student advisor and the Registrar. When a student applies for graduation, the Registrar informs the department chair and the dean of the school in which the student is registered (and the dean of the school of graduate studies and research where appropriate) whether an applicant for a degree or diploma meets the requirements for candidacy. The dean brings the list of acceptable candidates to the appropriate faculty for approval at least three weeks before graduation.



Until the last two weeks of the semester examinations and tests are given at the discretion of the teacher. No exams are scheduled in the week before final examinations. During the last week of the semester final examinations are scheduled by the provost. All faculty members are required to give examinations or to conduct an equivalent evaluation activity during the time assigned unless excused by the dean of the school. Only the dean may change the schedule for any student or excuse a student from the scheduled examination or activity.

Changes to be entered