Dec 21, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Bulletin 
2023-2024 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIOL 521 - Immunology

Credits: 3
This course introduces principles of immunology, including cells and organs comprising the immune system, innate and adaptive immune responses, generation of lymphocyte receptor diversity, antibody structure and function, and cell mediated immunity, as well as clinical applications such as autoimmune disease, tumor immunology and vaccination. Integrated into the course is a laboratory offering practical experience with basic techniques used in immunology. In addition to a broad survey of immunology, students will deeply engage selected topics through original research, or through synthesis and critical analysis of relevant literature.

Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 2 lectures and a 3-hour lab
Course/Lab Fee: Yes
Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab
Year Offering: Alternate years (even)
Term Offering: Fall
College Code: CAS

Click here for the Schedule of Classes.