Feb 12, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Bulletin 
2023-2024 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Sociology BS

Sociologists study the formation and interaction of human groups and the individual’s relationship to social groups. There is a focus on the role of various groups in socialization of the individual into norms, values and behaviors. There is also a focus on the development of major social institutions and how they interact with each other and impact socialization across time and cultures. Sociologists use a theoretical framework that examines how institutions and groups function for the success of a society, the conflicts that may be inherent in group interaction, and how human beings can change institutions and their relationship.

Total Credits - 120

Major - 41

Electives - 18

Choose 18 credits from SOCI courses in consultation with an advisor.

Additional Information

Additional Requirements

  • Majors are required to take the Major Field Test in Sociology before graduation.


  • Majors are encouraged to attend at least one professional conference before graduation.
  • A reading knowledge of a foreign language is strongly recommended for those planning on graduate work in Sociology. 

General Education (Andrews Core Experience)

Students must fulfill all Bachelor’s Degree requirements listed in the Andrews Core Experience .

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of the program a student will be able to:

  • Think critically about human thought and behavior in individuals, sociocultural and ecological systems
  • Select credible sources of evidence from the behavioral sciences, and specifically in the area of sociology science
  • Conduct effective research projects in sociology from design through data interpretation
  • Apply ethical standards to scholarship and practice in Sociology
  • Apply principles and skills from Sociology to serve their communities
  • Write effectively about theories, data, and practice in Sociology
  • Speak effectively about theories, data, and practice in Sociology
  • Will prepare a professional plan for life after graduation
  • Apply principles from Sociology to understand and influence the development of faith across the life span
  • Know the key themes in relevant areas in Sociology