Sep 26, 2024  
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin 
2019-2020 Academic Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • ENGR 410 - Feedback Control Systems

    Credits: 4
    Fundamentals of control design and analysis of linear feedback systems, their characteristics, performance and stability.  The Routh-Hurwitz stability, root-locus, Bode plots, and Nyquist techniques.  Performance criteria, design, and compensation of feedback control systems.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 3-hour lecture and a 3-hour lab
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 275  ENGR 285  ENGR 310  
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab, Lecture/Lab
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 415 - Virtual Instrumentation

    Credits: 3
    For engineering majors. Introduction to virtual instrumentation with emphasis on the sampling requirements and the signal conditioning requirements. Data logging and control applications.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 275 , CPTR 151 
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 415-002 - Virtual Instrumentation

    Credits: 1
    Introduction to virtual instrumentation with emphasis on the sampling requirements and the signal conditioning requirements. Data logging and control applications.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): CPTR 151 
    Schedule Type: Lab
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 420 - Machine Design

    Credits: 3
    This course emphasizes both failure theory and analysis as well as the synthesis and design aspect of machine elements. It touches on the commonality of the analytical approaches needed to design a wide variety of elements and the need to use computer aided engineering as an approach to the design and analysis of these classes of problems.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 320  ENGR 390  
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 425 - Project Management

    Credits: 3
    Methodology used successfully to carry out a technical project including proposals, planning, work breakdown, scheduling, creativity, monitoring progress, and documentation.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): STAT 285  or STAT 340  
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Odd years
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 430 - Quality Control

    Credits: 3
    Analysis of the factors affecting product quality during manufacturing. Topics include use of basic statistics and probability for measurements, observations, sampling, control charts and reliability.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): STAT 285  or STAT 340  
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 435 - Electromagnetic Fields

    Credits: 4
    Study of static and dynamic electric and magnetic fields. Unbounded and bounded fields, fields in materials, force and torque, energy and potential functions, and Faraday induction. Propagation of electromagnetic energy; plane waves, transmission lines, and waveguides; radiation from dipole antennas; introduction to arrays.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 240 , MATH 286 , PHYS 242  
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 440 - Heat and Mass Transfer

    Credits: 3
    Study of steady-state and transient heat conduction, forced and non-forced convection through ducts and over surfaces, blackbody thermal radiation, solar radiation, heat exchangers, and mass transfer.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 360 , MATH 286  
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 450 - Engineering Economy

    Credits: 2
    Study of engineering decision methodology and criteria used to ievaluate the economic aspects of selection of equipment, structures, methods, and processes.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 145  or MATH 191  
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 455 - Communication Systems

    Credits: 4
    Introduction to the fundamentals of communication systems including signals and spectra, information theory, sampling and quantization, coding, modulation, signal detection and system performance in the presence of noise.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 310 , ENGR 325 , STAT 340  
    Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 464 - Kinetics and Reactor Design

    Credits: 3
    Basic concepts of chemical rate processes as applied to the theory of the design and operation of various types of commercial reactors for both non-catalytic and catalytic reactions; including mole balances, rate laws and stoichiometry, collection and analysis of rate data, multiple reactions, isothermal and non-isothermal reactor design, catalysis and catalytic reactors.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 345 
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 465 - Operations Analysis and Modeling

    Credits: 3
    The methodology of mathematical modeling and its relation to solving problems in industrial and public systems. Linear programming, scheduling, queuing, simulation, optimization, and decision analysis.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 192 , STAT 340 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 470 - Finite Element Methods

    Credits: 3
    Introduction of finite element methods for the solution of problems in solid mechanics and heat transfer. Techniques for obtaining approximate numerical solutions to governing differential equations in the problem areas are covered. Industrial software is applied to the analysis and design of a broad range of engineering problems.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 330 , ENGR 340 , MATH 286  
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Year Offering: Even years
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 475 - Topics in

    Credits: 1–4
    Selected topics of current interest in engineering.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): Dependant on topic
    Repeatable: Repeatable with different topics
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 478 - Study Tour

    Credits: 0
    Travel to destinations relevant to individual programs of study.  Classes will be selected from department offerings.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Noncredit (NC,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Blended Learning
    Year Offering: Odd years
    Term Offering: Summer
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 480 - Process Design

    Credits: 3
    Application of the basic concepts learned in previous courses to the design and analysis of a chemical processing system, primarily through a design project; Computer-Aided Design (process simulation), economic analysis, process safety, flow-sheet synthesis (conceptual design), and decision-making analysis (optimization) are covered.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 464 
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 485 - Community Project in Engineering

    Credits: 2–6
    “Hands-on” involvement in humanitarian and/or service-oriented projects. Work initiated by students requires prior approval of faculty.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory (S,U,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 490 - Research

    Credits: 0–3
    Students will either assist a faculty member in an ongoing research project or develop a project of their own with the help and approval of the faculty member in their areas of interest or study. this course is for students who have a reasonably established knowledge of engineering at the college level. A minimum of 45 hours for each credit earned and a written paper is required.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 3 credits
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Special Approval: Instructor permission required.

    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 491 - Review of Engineering Design

    Credits: 1
    Selection, proposal and planning of capstone project.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 492 - Senior Design Project

    Credits: 3
    A significant design project which culminates in a working system, component, process or a complete description of a proposed design. Both an oral and written presentation of the results of the project are required.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal with DG (A-F,I,W,DG,DN)
    Prerequisite(s): ENGR 385  or ENGR 390  
    Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 495 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1–3
    Individual study, research, or project in some field of engineering under the direction of a member of the engineering faculty.

    Grade Mode: Normal w S (A-F,I,S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Special Approval: Instructor permission required.

    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENGR 496 - Cooperative Work Experience

    Credits: 1–4
    Work experience in industry directed by an engineering faculty member. 120 hours of work is required per credit. A report must be submitted that summarizes the work experience and indicates the value of the experience to the student.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 4 credits
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    Special Approval: Instructor permission required.

    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

Intensive English

  • ENSL 110 - Level 1 Grammar

    Credits: 0,4
    Introduction to English grammar with emphasis on basic grammar usage in communicative contexts, both oral and written.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 111 - Level 1 Reading & Writing

    Credits: 0,4
    Introduction to reading and writing as connected skills with emphasis on reading and producing texts (sentences and paragraphs) in communicative contexts.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 112 - Level 1 Listening & Speaking

    Credits: 0,4
    Introduction to listening and speaking as connected skills with emphasis on effective communication.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 113 - Level 1 Reading

    Credits: 0,4
    Introduction to reading in English with emphasis on strategies for developing reading fluency.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 114 - Level 1 Writing

    Credits: 0,4
    Introduction to writing in English with emphasis on producing texts (sentences and paragraphs) in communicative contexts.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 120 - Level 2 Grammar

    Credits: 0,4
    Development of English grammatical skills necessary for clear communication, both oral and written.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 121 - Level 2 Reading & Writing

    Credits: 0,4
    Development of reading and writing as connected skills with emphasis on reading for critical thinking and producing texts (paragraphs) in communicative contexts.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 122 - Level 2 Listening & Speaking

    Credits: 0,4
    Development of listening and speaking as connected skills with emphasis on effective communication.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 124 - Level 2 TED Talks English

    Credits: 0,4
    Focus on developing English language skills by discussing and responding to issues in a variety of disciplines presented in TED Talks. For students at a lower-intermediate English proficiency levels.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 130 - English for Academic Purposes: Level 1-4

    Credits: 0,4
    Individual and small group study of English as a second language in preparation for undergraduate and graduate study. May include (but not limited to) grammar, writing, reading, listening, and speaking. All international students are required to be in class a minimum of 12 hours per week.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable with different topics
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 131 - Andrews English Experience

    Credits: 0,4
    Intensive study of English for 4-week summer intensive English and cultural immersion program, appropriate to proficiency level. May include (but not limited to) grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 195 - Individualized Study: Level 1-4

    Credits: 0,4
    Individualized study of English as a second language for undergraduate students, appropriate to proficiency level. May include (but not limited to) grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 210 - Level 3 Grammar

    Credits: 0,4
    Development of English grammatical skills necessary for accurate usage in a variety of communicative and academic contexts, both oral and written.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 211 - Level 3 Reading & Writing

    Credits: 0,4
    Development of reading and writing as connected skills with emphasis on reading for critical thinking and producing texts (paragraphs and essays) in a variety of communicative and academic contexts. 

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 212 - Level 3 Listening & Speaking

    Credits: 0,4
    Development of listening and speaking as connected skills with emphasis on effective communication in academic and nonacademic contexts.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 220 - Level 4 Grammar

    Credits: 0,4
    Intensive review of English grammar with emphasis on accurate grammar usage in a variety of communicative and academic contexts, both oral and written.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 221 - Level 4 Reading & Writing

    Credits: 0,4
    Mastery of reading and writing as connected skills with emphasis on reading for critical thinking and producing texts (essays) using research in a variety of communicative and academic contexts. 

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 222 - Level 4 Listening & Speaking

    Credits: 0,4
    Mastery of listening and speaking as connected skills with emphasis on fluency and effective communication in academic and nonacademic contexts.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 223 - Level 3 Pronunciation

    Credits: 0,4
    English pronunciation improvement with emphasis on vowels, consonants, word stress, and intonation patterns. For students at an upper-intermediate level.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 225 - Level 4 American Ways

    Credits: 0,4
    Focus on reading a variety of academic texts about American history and culture for the purpose of critical thinking and discussion and with emphasis on group presentations, interviews, and interaction with native English speakers. For students at an advanced level.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 530 - English for Academic Purposes: Level 1-4

    Credits: 0–16
    Study of English as a second language for graduate students, appropriate to proficiency level. May include (but not limited to) grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable with different topics
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • ENSL 531 - Individualized Study: Level 1-4

    Credits: 0–16
    Individualized study of English as a second language for graduate students, appropriate to proficiency level. May include (but not limited to) grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring, Summer
    College Code: CEIS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.


  • FDNT 118 - The Profession of Dietetics

    Credits: 1
    A discussion of the dietetics profession and the role of the dietitian within the health-care team. Ethical concerns in the practice of dietetics.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 124 - Food Science

    Credits: 3
    Chemical and physical properties of foods that affect food handling, preparation, and preservation. Lab procedures apply the principles studied to the preparation of foods.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 2 lectures and a 3-hour lab
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 230 - Nutrition

    Credits: 3
    A study of the basic principles of nutrition science, the biochemical functions of various nutrients, the changes in physiological needs with age, and the relationship between nutrition and health. Students needing life science general education credit must also register for the lab, FDNT240.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 3 lectures
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online, Self-Paced
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 240 - Nutrition Laboratory

    Credits: 1
    Discovering principles of nutrition science in the laboratory.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 3-hour lab. Lab required for those students needing life science general education credit.
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lab, Interactive Online, Self-Paced
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 310 - Nutrition in the Life Cycle

    Credits: 3
    Study of the nutritional needs of the healthy person throughout the life cycle. The influence of socioeconomic, cultural, and psychological factors on food and nutritional behavior.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 230 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online, Self-Paced
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 351 - Food Service Management I

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to the systems approach and application of the functions of management to foodservice systems. Principles of menu development, food production, service, delivery, procurement, sanitation, safety, and equipment selection in food service organizations.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 2-hour lecture and a 3 to 4 hour practicum
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Corequisite(s): FDNT 124 , BIOL 260 
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 145  or equivalent, and a passing grade of 85% on a departmental math skills test.
    Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab
    Year Offering: Alternate years
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 352 - Food Service Management II

    Credits: 3
    Application of management functions and principles to foodservice organizations. Specific attention to marketing processes, CQI, and integration of foodservice subsystems. Includes the management of human, material, spatial, and financial resources in environmentally responsible ways.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 2-hour lecture and up to 4-hour lab
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 351 ; BSAD 355 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab
    Year Offering: Alternate years
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 415 - Professional Experience

    Credits: 1–4
    A supervised lab experience introducing the student to the role of a professional in the workplace.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 8 credits
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Term Offering: Fall, Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 421 - Community Nutrition I

    Credits: 2
    Principles for presenting nutrition information to individuals and groups. Community assessment and planning a community nutrition program.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 1 lecture and a 3-hour lab
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Course Attribute: Service course

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 310 . FallOffered alternate years
    Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab
    Year Offering: Alternate years
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 422 - Community Nutrition II

    Credits: 2
    Analysis of local and national nutrition programs and services. Impact of nutrition policies on community health. Implementing and evaluating a community nutrition program.

    Lecture/Lab: Weekly: 1 lecture and a 3-hour lab
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Course Attribute: Service course

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 421 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab
    Year Offering: Alternate years
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 440 - Topics in

    Credits: 1–3
    Selected topics in nutrition.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable with different topics
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 441 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to medical nutrition therapy. Medical terminology for healthcare professionals. Assessment of nutritional status by various methods. Development of nutritional care plans. Theory and techniques of counseling in various settings.

    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 310  , FDNT 485  
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 442 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II

    Credits: 3
    Implement medical nutrition therapy through the assessment of nutritional status and development of care plans for a variety of clinical conditions, such as chronic diseases, oncology, nutrition support, and renal disease.

    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 441 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 448 - Nutrition and Wellness

    Credits: 3
    The dietary factors associated with the major chronic diseases of Western society. The use of plant-based diets in health promotion and disease prevention. Discussion of herbal therapies.

    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 230 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 451 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I Lab

    Credits: 1
    Review of care plans and case studies

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Corequisite(s): FDNT 441  
    Schedule Type: Lab
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 452 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II Lab

    Credits: 1
    Analysis of care plans and care studies.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Corequisite(s): FDNT 442  
    Schedule Type: Lab
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 460 - Seminar in Nutrition, Wellness and Ellen White’s Writings

    Credits: 1
    Review of contemporary issues and/or current literature in nutrition. An analysis of the nutrition and health writings of Ellen G. White to determine the meaning and importance of her writings within their cultural context and provide a comparison to modern day literature.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Seminar
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 469 - International Nutrition

    Credits: 2,3
    A study of world food production, supply, storage, and marketing. Causes and symptoms of nutritional deficiencies in the developing world. Diseases of the affluent. Effects of nutritional deprivation on health and productivity. Effects of social and cultural factors in nutrition.

    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 476 - Nutrition and Aging

    Credits: 2
    Physiological changes in aging. Food-selection patterns, nutritional needs, nutritional disorders, and chronic diseases.

    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 230 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 478 - Study Tour:

    Credits: 0
    Travel to destinations relevant to individual programs of study. Classes will be selected from department(s) offerings. Fee may be required.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 4 credits
    Schedule Type: Blended Learning
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 485 - Nutrition and Metabolism

    Credits: 3
    Study of the nutrients and their functions within the living cell and the complex organism. Discussion of the major metabolic pathways.

    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): BCHM 120 , FDNT 230 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 490 - Dietetic Program Review

    Credits: 1
    A comprehensive review of the major elements of the undergraduate dietetics program (DPD). The senior comprehensive exam will be given at the end of the semester.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 495 - Independent Study/Readings

    Credits: 1–3
    Grade Mode: Normal w S (A-F,I,S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 4 credits in independent study and 4 credits in readings on nutrition and dietetics
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Special Approval: Instructor permission required.

    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 497 - Internship

    Credits: 2
    Supervised field experience in an approved health institution or health promotion program for a total of 200 hours. Application of knowledge and competencies learned in the health program.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 498 - Research Methods

    Credits: 2
    A study of research methodology, survey methods, and applied statistics as they relate to dietetics.

    Swing course—Approved 400–499 courses qualify for graduate-level credit for graduate students

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 499 - Research Project in Nutrition Science & Dietetics

    Credits: 1–3
    A research project in Nutrition Science & Dietetics supervised by a faculty member and resulting in a technical report summarizing findings or a submission to a professional conference. Students may repeat or take research project courses up to 6 credits with no more than 3 credits per semester. Recommendation: Consult with faculty before registering.

    Grade Mode: Normal w S/DG (A-F,I,S,U,DG,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    Special Approval: Instructor permission required.

    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 520 - Vegetarian Nutrition and Disease Prevention

    Credits: 3
    *May assist students in achieving competencies needed for preparation to complete the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam. The role of plant-based diets and exercise in health promotion and prevention of major chronic diseases of affluent societies. The impact of complementary nutrition on personal health.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 540 - Maternal and Child Nutrition

    Credits: 2
    Role of nutrition in human growth and development, with emphasis on prenatal period, infancy, childhood, and adolescence.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 545 - Nutrition and Wellness Programs

    Credits: 2–4
    *May assist students in achieving competencies needed for preparation to complete the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)exam. Development of nutrition and wellness programs for community groups emphasizing health promotion. Includes participation in community assessment, program planning, implementation, and evaluation of a program.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 448 .
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 4 credits
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 555 - Advanced Human Nutrition I

    Credits: 3
    Functions and nutritional metabolism of simple and complex carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and proteins. Public health applications.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): A course in biochemistry.
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Fall
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 556 - Advanced Human Nutrition II

    Credits: 3
    Functions and nutritional metabolism and interactions of fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals. Public health applications.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): A course in biochemistry.
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 560 - Health Research Methods

    Credits: 3
    *May assist students in achieving competencies needed for preparation to complete the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)exam. The study of research methodology, statistical analysis, and the evaluation of research papers.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 565 - Current Issues in Nutrition and Wellness

    Credits: 3
    *May assist students in achieving competencies needed for preparation to complete the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)exam. Discussion of current issues in nutrition, food safety, public health, and wellness.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 230 .
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 570 - Maternal and Child Health

    Credits: 3
    Preventive health care and conditions necessary for mother and child well-being in developing countries. Community-based interventions for child survival. Management of maternal and child health programs.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 585 - Topics in _________

    Credits: 1–4
    Selected topics in the areas of nutrition and wellness.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 586 - Professional Experience

    Credits: 1–4
    Opportunities for unique supervised practical experiences in various organizations to introduce the student to the role of a professional. A maximum of 4 credits per semester can be taken.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 8 credits
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 595 - Graduate Certificate Internship I

    Credits: 6
    The Internship Program, during the fall semester, will cover the community and food service rotations. The community rotations will take place in WIC clinics, wellness programs and school lunch programs. Interns will be teaching nutrition classes to members of the community and will learn how to develop wellness activities. During the food service rotations the interns will learn a variety of food service management skills; this rotation will occur in a hospital or university setting. Interns are required to pass 2 online tests in community and food service areas for the completion of the fall semester. This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Normal with DG (A-F,I,W,DG,DN)
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 596 - Graduate Certificate Internship II

    Credits: 6
    The Internship Program, during the spring semester, will be completely dedicated to the Medical Nutrition Therapy rotations. Interns will learn how to assess and counsel patients with a variety of health conditions. Interns are required to pass a clinical online test and a comprehensive test that will cover the 3 major areas: food service, community and MNT for the completion of the spring semester. This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Normal with DG (A-F,I,W,DG,DN)
    Schedule Type: Practicum
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 600 - Research Design

    Credits: 1
    Criteria for the organization, analysis, and reporting of research in nutrition. Preparation of a proposal for a master’s thesis or project.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Prerequisite(s): FDNT 498  or equivalent.
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Term Offering: Spring
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 650 - Project Continuation

    Credits: 0
    Student may register for this title while clearing deferred grade (DG) and/or incomplete (I) courses with advisor approval only. This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/o ‘I’ (S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 655 - Program Continuation

    Credits: 0
    Students may register for this non-credit continuation course to maintain active status. Please refer to Active Status for additional information. Registration does not indicate full-time status.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Noncredit (NC,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 660 - Thesis Continuation

    Credits: 0
    Student may register for this title while clearing deferred grade (DG) and/or incomplete (I) courses with advisor approval only. This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/o ‘I’ (S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 665 - Preparation for Comprehensive Exams

    Credits: 0
    Advisor approval required. This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/o ‘I’ (S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 680 - Research Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Individual reports and discussion of recent research data. (Repeatable)

    Grade Mode: Normal w S (A-F,I,S,U,W)
    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor required.
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 2 credits
    Schedule Type: Seminar, Interactive Online
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 690 - Independent Study

    Credits: 1–6
    Individual study and/or research. Consent of instructor required.

    Grade Mode: Normal w S (A-F,I,S,U,W)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 698 - Research Project

    Credits: 3
    *May assist students in achieving competencies needed for preparation to complete the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)exam. Provides students with guidelines and supervision for data collection, analysis, project preparation and oral presentation.

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FDNT 699 - Master’s Thesis

    Credits: 3–6
    This course qualifies for full-time status, requiring a minimum of 480 hours of work per semester of registration.

    Course Attribute: Full-time status

    Grade Mode: Satisfactory w/DG (S,U,I,W,DG)
    Repeatable: Repeatable up to 6 credits
    Schedule Type: Independent
    College Code: CHHS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.


  • FILM 105 - Intro to Filmmaking

    Credits: 3
    To the generation of digital natives, film has become one of the most dominant forms of visual media and personal expression. This studio course is a broad introduction to the collective elements of film production with a focus on nonfiction storytelling. This class explores both the art and craft of filmmaking, mixing aesthetic understanding with production techniques. Labs and instruction focus on storytelling, basic high-definition video production, and post-production. While designed to be an engaging introduction to filmmaking, students should be prepared to work toward the goal of the class–the creation of a non-fiction short film.

    Lecture/Lab: Lab required
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FILM 210 - Survey of Documentary Film

    Credits: 3
    This course offers a historical and theoretical overview of documentary film.  We will view and examine documentaries from the beginning of cinema through the present, all of film history.  In the process we will discover the infinite forms the documentary can take.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FILM 215 - Language of Cinema

    Credits: 3
    This course examines public attitudes and assumptions about film. Through an exploration of film studies, students will look beyond film’s immediate accessibility and broaden their cinematic vocabulary and analytical abilities. Elements of aesthetics such as mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, and sound will be covered, including different theoretical approaches to understanding cinema.

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FILM 225 - Screenwriting

    Credits: 3
    This course provides a broad foundation to writing for the screen. Storytelling is at the heart of screenwriting, and we will explore the elements of story such as plot structure, narrative arc, and character development. Lectures will deal with these topics and more, but over the course of the semester students will work on writing a screenplay for a short film and also a proposal for a documentary. A major part of class will be devoted to analysis, discussion, and revision of student work, so students should expect to spend a considerable amount of time for creative writing outside of class hours.

    Lecture/Lab: Lab required
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab, Lecture/Lab
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FILM 275 - Post-Production

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to film editing and motion design. This course begins with a primer on digital video codecs and the post-production workflow. Then through the first half of the semester, participants will learn the language and technique of editing and develop a proficiency in professional non-linear editing systems. In the latter half of the semester, students will be introduced to the art and technique of motion design and gain exposure to Adobe After Effects and other professional compositing, 3D, or animation software.

    Lecture/Lab: Lab required
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    Special Approval: Instructor permission required.

    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FILM 315 - Movements in World Cinema

    Credits: 3
    This course will offer an introduction to world cinema and the diversity of film movements and film cultures around the world.  We will examine films outside of Hollywood and the phenomenon of world cinema in terms of movements that appear in different places and different times throughout film history.

    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Course Attribute: Studio Art course

    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.

  • FILM 325 - Advanced Screenwriting

    Credits: 3
    This course builds on the fundamentals of screenwriting and writing for visual media. Students will come to the course with screenplays and documentaries that they would like to develop, including stories that they have already started. They will refine their work in preparation for production or for submission to screenwriting competitions.

    Lecture/Lab: Lab required
    Course/Lab Fee: Yes
    Grade Mode: Normal (A-F,I,W)
    Schedule Type: Lecture, Lab, Lecture/Lab
    College Code: CAS

    Click here for the Schedule of Classes.


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