Oct 18, 2024  

Music Education MMus

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Students majoring in music education must qualify for a state teaching certificate prior to conferral of degree.

Total Credits: 34+

Music Education Core & One Track: 21+ Credits

Music Education Core - 12 Credits

Practice Oriented Track - 9 Credits

Research Oriented Track - 9 Credits

Admission Requirements

Graduate Programs Admission Requirements and Procedures

  • General requirements for admission to graduate study as stated in the Admissions section of this bulletin.
  • Musicians with various backgrounds often qualify to study music at the graduate level. Normally, a baccalaureate degree with a major in music is required; however, the following categories may also qualify:

1. Students with an earned baccalaureate degree within any major, assuming adequate undergraduate preparation in music. Adequate preparation includes mastery of music theory equivalent to content of MUCT242 Music Theory IV and MUCT153 Ear Training Laboratory III; mastery of music history equivalent to content of MUHL446-448 Music Literature and Style (Antiquity to 20th Century); and mastery of level of performance appropriate to the specific chosen master’s program.
2. Students who have completed programs comparable to the baccalaureate degree from non-United States institutions.

  • The Department of Music requires placement examinations in music history and literature, music theory, piano proficiency, and an audition in the major area of performance for all entering students prior to registration. Admission status is provisional until these examinations are completed and any deficiencies removed. Courses used to make up for a deficiency may be taken for graduate credit but may not count for graduate requirements; a minimum grade of B must be earned.
  • A Graduate Scholarship Tuition Reduction is available to students with a minimum GRE Exam score of 297 (quantitative + verbal) or Music Placement Exam average score of 80.

Double Major Policy for Graduate Music Programs:

  • Two majors may be allowed only within a specific program such as the Master of Arts in Music or the Master of Music. No more than two majors are allowed.
  • Only one degree is granted. The different majors will only be listed in the transcript.
  • Candidates must complete the specific requirements for both majors.
  • Candidates must enroll for Final Project (thesis option, project option, or recital option as it may apply) twice to fulfill final project requirements for each of the two majors.
  • Candidates take comprehensive examinations that cover both concentration areas.
  • Decision on adding a second major must be made before the candidate fills out and submits the Advancement to Candidacy Form.
  • Once a degree is earned, a second major area may not be added to the transcripts.

Ensemble Requirements

  • Participation on a no-credit basis is required for four semesters in one of the following: any Andrews University Department of Music band, choir or orchestra. Keyboard majors: see note below. Students who require more than four semesters to complete their degree must participate in an ensemble during each semester of residence.
  • Keyboard students in the MA and MMus (music education) programs on the Andrews University campus are required to enroll
  • for one semester of MUPF505 Keyboard Accompaniment or one semester of MUPF510 Collaborative Piano. This may apply as one of the minimum four semesters of ensemble.
  • Performance majors in piano and organ are required to enroll for one semester of MUPF510 Collaborative Piano and one semester of MUPF515 Recital Accompaniment and may apply these towards the minimum four semesters of ensemble.

Thesis/Project/Recital Requirement

  • This requirement for an MA in music, MA in music ministry or MMus in music education may be met by one of the following:
  1. A thesis—6 credits of MUHL699 and/or EDRM505.
  2. Two projects—2 credits of MUHL698 for each project.
  3. A credit recital—2 credits plus a minimum of 6 credits of applied music.
  4. One project plus a one-credit recital—2 credits of MUHL698 for the project plus a minimum of 4 credits of applied music.
  • The MMus: Performance degree requires a 2-credit recital. Recitalists must have taken in residence at least one-half of their applied music credit in their major performance area. They must enroll in applied lessons for at least two consecutive semesters prior to the recital date and must audition before a committee of music faculty one month prior to the recital. Students majoring in performance without an undergraduate major in the same performance area (or the equivalent) must offer two recitals, only the second of which is for credit.

Piano Proficiency. Music majors must pass a piano proficiency examination. Graduate students who have not passed this examination on the undergraduate level must take the examination prior to the first registration. Students who do not pass this examination must enroll in applied piano until the examination is passed.

Language Proficiency. For admission to the Master of Music: Performance (voice performance specialization), language proficiency is required in French, German and Italian. Proficiency in these languages can be validated by evidence of coursework in each of these languages equivalent to two semesters of college level study, or by passing a language proficiency exam. Lack of proficiency in these three languages can be addressed by taking additional remedial coursework. Remedial coursework does not count toward completion of the graduate degree.

Electives. Each area of study has appropriate choices of electives.

Practical Training Requirement. All students pursuing master’s programs (MA: Music, MMus: Conducting, MMus: MUSIC 195 Music Education, MMus: Music Ministry; MMus: Performance) are required to take the 0-credit course MUED655 Practical Training to develop professional experience in music. To fulfill this requirement, students are required to meet a minimum of 50 hours of work/service while enrolled in the masters program. This could be done over the summer. Some recommended areas of work/service that may count toward this practical training experience are as follows:

  • Music ministers in church settings
  • Music teachers or instructors for a public or private school
  • Instrumentalists performing in professional or community ensembles
  • Research assistants in approved music research projects
  • Other alternative activities must be approved by the student’s major professor

After completing this requirement students will fill out and submit the form Completion of Practical Training Requirements to their major professor for evaluation and signature. Students who have developed experiences equivalent to this practical training before entering the masters program may fulfill this requirement by submitting appropriate evidence showing sufficient work/ service experience.

Comprehensive Examinations. All graduate students in music take the 0-credit course MUHL670 Comprehensive Exam toward the end of their studies. Students should consult with their advisor concerning the appropriate time to apply for these examinations and for guidance in preparing for them.

Non-degree (PTC) Students. A student who plans to study music under this classification may be admitted to courses as approved by the department chair.

Active Status. After completing all course requirements, all graduate music students must maintain an active status continuous enrollment for both Fall and Spring semesters until the degree is granted.  This is accomplished by enrolling in MUHL665 Comprehensive Exam Preparation (non-repeatable with fee attached), MUHL670 Comprehensive Exam (non-repeatable), or MUHL655 Program Continuation (repeatable with fee attached) until the degree is earned.  A student who fails to maintain continuous enrollment as defined here, will not be allowed to finish their degree requirements until he/she applies to the Department of Music for degree reactivation and pays the established fees for each semester of absence in the program.  The reactivation fee used will be the latest AU Bulletin fee listed for MUHL655 Program Continuation.

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